HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 70 The antidote was successfully developed

The second half of the semester was not easy. There were more and more victims of petrification. Professors and students were all on alert and even the Quidditch match was canceled.

Qiu Zhang no longer knew how many times Wood complained in his ears, saying that his new broomstick had no chance to show off, and that the Gryffindor team had been training in vain for so long...

Sometimes, Qiu Zhang had to admire Wood's persistence and enthusiasm for Quidditch, even though Hogwarts was already so dangerous, he still wanted to play the game...

However, a cancellation is a cancellation, and even if Wood whispers cocoons in Qiu Zhang's ears, it cannot change this fact.


—Inside the auditorium—

Professor McGonagall gathered everyone together very seriously and announced an extremely important news.

"Dear students, thanks to the discovery of our classmate Hermione Granger and an unknown classmate, we found out that the monster hiding in the castle is a basilisk. Therefore, we hereby warn everyone not to go in cold, damp places and with people. Wandering around the sewer pipes. And you have to go back to your dormitory before six o'clock every night, no one is exempt!"

Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment in her hand, with a serious and cold expression, adjusted her glasses and sighed.

"I have to tell you, unless the culprit or the basilisk behind this is caught, we will most likely force the school to close!"

Everyone in the auditorium was suddenly in an uproar, chattering about the current serious situation at Hogwarts.

Some students don't want Hogwarts to close, while others are afraid of the monster behind it and want to go home early...

Qiu Zhang just sighed and shook his head helplessly, wondering when Hogwarts would be able to regain peace.

Cedric Xu noticed the complicated emotions on Qiu Zhang's face and took the initiative to reach out and gently hold Qiu Zhang's hand, squeezing it and expressing comfort and companionship with his own small movements.


Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout were busy going back and forth between the hospital wing and the greenhouse, developing an antidote to petrification.

Cho Chang and Cedric would also visit their petrified classmates in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff from time to time with their juniors to pray for their speedy recovery.

Fortunately, these days finally came to an end soon...

The news of the successful development of the antidote spread throughout Hogwarts, and everyone in the castle, including students and professors from various colleges, as well as Mr. Filch, who had the worst temper and always had a bad look on his face, also smiled.

However, it is most likely because his Mrs. Loris was finally able to be revived...


The medical wing was surrounded by students and professors, all of whom came to care for the injured, and Qiu Zhang was no exception.

Cho Chang and Cedric squeezed into the hospital wing, and from a distance they saw Justin Finlay sitting on the bed in the corner, surrounded by a few second-year Hufflepuff classmates who were lively asking Justin about the monster's appearance and The condition of his body.

Justin couldn't answer the flood of questions at all. Cedric shook his head helplessly, lowered his head and chuckled, then stepped forward and sent several junior students away.

"Okay, I know everyone is very concerned about Justin, but let him rest well!"

The juniors and juniors hesitated for a while, waved goodbye to Cedric Qiu Zhang, and left first.

"Justin, take good care of yourself, we will miss you!"

Qiu Zhang smiled softly, waved goodbye to several classmates, then turned around and gave Justin the gift he had brought.

"Thank you, Senior Aiuchang and Senior Cedric!"

Justin scratched his head sheepishly, took the gift from Qiu Zhang, and smiled shyly.

"It doesn't matter, you have to have a good rest and recover soon before you can go back to play with your friends..."

After visiting several classmates, Qiu Zhang and Cedric left the hospital wing.

However, it is always good...

Although unknown dangers always occur at Hogwarts, it is the safest place in the world.

Because we have friends, professors, and all the powerful forces of unity and resistance, which will lead everyone to the final victory...

.................................................................................................................................... ..............................

After the antidote was developed, the incident with the monster in the secret room somehow disappeared. No more accidents happened to any classmates, and everyone gradually entered a peaceful and normal academic life at Hogwarts.

During the familiar final exam week, Qiu Zhang dragged George and Fred and directed them towards the library with two stacks of thick books in their arms.

From time to time, he turned his head and looked at George Fred holding a heavy book without complaining at all and even maintaining his cheerful look. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.


It’s perfect to have these two hard-working book movers. You can take whatever books you want to read, and you don’t have to carry heavy loads like before...

I believe that this year is also a wonderful and promising year, and every year after that, there will be such expectations, friends, and adventures...

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