HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 72 Thrilling Adventure

"Qiu, I didn't expect you to look forward to it more than us!"

George looked down at Qiu Zhang who was falling on him, rubbed Qiu Zhang's head and chuckled.

The resonance vibration of George's chest reached Qiu Zhang's ears. Qiu Zhang felt his ears itching. He immediately stretched out his hands to get off George, and then pulled George up.

"Hey! You guys gotta see this!"

Fred's slightly shocked voice came slowly with a faint echo. Qiu Zhang and George looked around, and then realized that they had come to a place that they didn't know what kind of cave it was.

And when he looked back in the direction he came from, the magical magic door had disappeared.

"Merlin! I just told you to be careful and not be in such a hurry..."

Qiu Zhang was so angry that he stamped his feet, frowned and looked anxiously at the unfamiliar environment around him, and couldn't help but stand nervously close to George.

George noticed Qiu Zhang's nervousness, and took the initiative to reach out and hold Qiu Zhang's hand, pulling her close to him and silently comforting her.

"But we really can't blame us. We seemed to have lost our minds at that time. We came in blankly, and even when we realized what we were doing, we were already in the door..."

Fred hit his head hard in self-reproach, his expression twisted into a ball, and he turned around to observe the unfamiliar cave environment.

"Indeed, looking at it this way, it is definitely a deliberate plan by the boss..."

George also sighed, worried about the situation in front of him. But Fred soon became full of emotions again, staring at George and Qiu Zhang with a hint of excitement and excitement in his eyes.

"We can brag about this adventure for a lifetime!"

"Shut up! Fred! This is not Hogwarts!"

Qiu Zhang felt anxious that Fred could maintain an optimistic attitude now. He glared at Fred and tried to look for a way to escape.

George saw Qiu Zhang's brows furrowed, his eyes staring straight, and he clenched his hands tightly, feeling nervous and scared. He couldn't help but grab Qiu Zhang's shoulders and shake them hard.

"Hey! Qiu Zhang, you have to calm down. You are the smartest one among us. If your mentality is broken, how can we get out!"

Listening to George's comforting words, Qiu Zhang was not that moved, and just stared at the two of them blankly.

"You are talking nonsense. All I know is book knowledge. On the contrary, you have enough practical experience and your mentality is so good..."

"That can't happen without you, Qiu!"

George suddenly interrupted Qiu Zhang's self-pity, took Qiu Zhang's face with his hands and pinched it. Qiu Zhang's face suddenly puffed up like a goldfish, looking extremely cute.

"Yes, even if George and I stay in the cave all day and night without any clues or ideas, we still can't get out! You are our little bag of wisdom!"

George also stepped forward and poked Qiu Zhang's head with his finger, seeming to accuse Qiu Zhang of his inappropriate inferiority and fear.

With the back-and-forth encouragement from the two of them, Qiu Zhang finally calmed down a bit. He took a deep breath and looked firmly in his eyes.

"You're right! I want to calm down!"

Qiu Zhang slowly stretched out his hand and felt a breeze blowing inexplicably.

Got it!

"Feel it carefully, do you feel like the wind is blowing by?"

The Weasley twins raised their hands in the air and felt a bit of cool wind passing through the gaps between their fingers.

I followed the direction of the wind and walked cautiously, and what I saw was a huge lake. The water was green and black, and the silence was scary.

Qiu Zhang slowly squatted down, turned around and looked at the two of them nervously, exhaled after receiving the comfort in their eyes, and cautiously reached out to approach the water.

Sure enough, there is a hole out of the lake!

Qiu Zhang's eyes were bright and he stood up with excitement to tell the good news to the two of them.

"But the lake is bottomless. Who knows how far we have to swim to reach the entrance of the cave. We will be suffocated by then!"

As Fred spoke, he made an exaggerated gesture of strangling his neck and suffocating his breathing. At the same time, George was also amused and laughed. He followed Fred's example and strangled his own neck, shaking it and making strange noises.

"help~help~" (husky, artificial version)

"Shit up! Don't we have any other options?"

Qiu Zhang covered up the screams that the two of them deliberately made, frowning and looking worried.

"Uh huh... uh..."

George kept gesturing to Qiu Zhang with his eyes, but said nothing. Qiu Zhang immediately let go of George and Fred's mouths, hoping to hear a good answer.

"We brought mother's bag!"

"This bag is a good thing, it can connect you to your old home!"

"It has everything you want!"

Qiu Zhang was not reassured, but he could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. I saw Qiu Zhang putting his hand into the bag, thinking silently in his heart.

"Here comes the gill grass!"

No movement...

"Anything that allows us to breathe underwater please!"

Suddenly, there was movement in the bag, it kept shaking and bumping, and finally three things like masks popped out.

"what is this?"

Qiu Zhang poked at the black mask with tubes and looked at George and Fred with doubts. The two men also looked confused and shook their heads.

"I don't know, maybe it's a Muggle thing that my father found..."

"That's right, that's right. Only my father is so obsessed with them!"

Qiu Zhang had no choice but to study this thing and quickly figured out how to use it.

"I see!"

Qiu Zhang hooked his hand to signal Fred to lower his head. Fred immediately obediently squatted down slightly and lowered his head to look level with Qiu Zhang. Qiu Zhang put the mask on Fred's face and fastened the buckle on the back of his head firmly to Fred's head.

Then he and George held oxygen masks and fixed them on their heads, preparing to go into the water.

The three of them looked at each other, encouraged each other, and jumped into the water together holding hands.

"Plop! Plop! Plop!"

Three compact sounds of falling water came, and the next thing Qiu Zhang could feel was the trembling and sound of the whistling water and wind entering his ears.

His whole body was surrounded by the freezing cold lake water, and his clothes clung tightly to his body, suffocating his breathing.

Qiu Zhang carefully opened his eyes, and what he saw was the deep green rocks and mayfly creatures, as well as two laughing and joking George and Fred waving to Qiu Zhang.

"Qiu Gulu Gua La..."

As soon as Fred was about to talk to Qiu Zhang, his mouth was filled with water. He immediately held the breathing port of his mask and kept silent.

Qiu Zhang and George were so amused by Fred's funny behavior that they couldn't help but want to laugh, but in the case of a few people, they still tried hard to hold back their laughter.

Qiu Zhang pointed downward to indicate that he and Fred George would explore downstream together.

The two nodded slowly, then followed Qiu Zhang's movements and swung their arms downstream.

Soon, the three of them came to the place where the wind vent passed through. It was a long arc-shaped hole, about two or three times the size of a human being. Fred and George couldn't hide their excited eyes. The people high-fived each other tacitly, and then swam toward the cave.

【Wait! 】

Qiu Zhang sensed something was wrong and immediately stretched out his hand to grab their feet and pulled them back.

【What's wrong? 】

Fred shrugged and tilted his head in confusion.

Qiu Zhang folded his arms and shivered, pretending to be cold, and pointed at the entrance of the cave where the wind was blowing at them regularly.

【What do you mean? 】

Fred looked at Qiu Chang who was swinging wildly in confusion and shook his head in confusion.

Qiu Zhang helplessly held his forehead, and sighed a long breath in his heart. Then he pointed at the hole again, swaying his hands in waves, and mustered up the courage to open his mouth and make a breath.


Qiu Zhang was choked immediately, but George and Fred also understood what Qiu Zhang meant.

But the main reason was not that they understood the expression of Qiu Zhang's movements, but that the hot air exhaled from the "hole" was getting louder and louder, which made George and Fred clearly feel something abnormal.

After all, how could the wind blowing in the bitingly cold ice water be hot?

Seeing Qiu Zhang's eyes seemed to be staring straight, staring closely behind them without daring to take a breath, George and Fred felt an inexplicable chill on their spines, and turned around stiffly, only to find the top of the "hole" He opened a huge, amber-like dark brown pupil.


Several people didn't care whether they could speak underwater. Fear filled their hearts. The hairs on their hair stood on end. They screamed and turned around and swam quickly to the lake.

A huge breathing sound came from behind, accompanied by an earthquake-like tremor and roar as the huge creature stood up.

Qiu Zhang was exhausted and felt the heat behind him getting closer and closer. Fred and George immediately turned around and each held Qiu Zhang's hand and swam upwards.

Almost as soon as the three of them surfaced, a huge dragon head rushed out of the lake behind them.

Qiu Zhang and the Weasley twins immediately stumbled out of the lake and ran to the corner of the cave.

Peeking out from the corner, I saw a huge giant creature with several identical heads and a big head in the middle, which was probably the mastermind.

The heads look like dragons and snakes, and the necks are long but orderly and not entangled. Shaking off the seaweed, mud and dust all over him, the golden skin was revealed.


Fred exclaimed softly, and Cho Chang patted Fred on the head accusingly.

“Nonsense, whose Guinness monster has five heads?!”

At this moment, the monster in the lake suddenly turned its head, its five huge heads motionless and tacitly staring in the direction of Cho Chang and the Weasley twins.

The breathing of the three people almost stopped, and their gazes closely looking at the monster carefully moved to the side and further corners, but the monster's gaze also obviously moved with their steps and closely followed the three figures.

"Is it still exciting now?"

Qiu Zhang was on the verge of crying but fearfully grabbed George's arm and squeezed it tightly, his heart beating uncontrollably.

"Huh... exciting! It's so exciting!"

Fred's expression wasn't much better, but he still spoke stubbornly.

The monster seemed to have found its target. Several heads around it were staring in the direction of Qiu Zhang and the others, stretching their necks and rushing towards them with their mouths open.

"Holy shit! Is this monster's neck a spring?"

Fred was so frightened that he immediately ducked aside, and Qiu Zhang was also hugged by George and threw him down to avoid the attack.

He quickly got up and subconsciously took out the wand from his pocket and pointed it at the monster, but his head was empty for a while and he couldn't think of anything.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

George was the first to react and immediately raised his wand to cast a spell on the monster that was about to attack them. The head immediately became stiff and motionless.

"Wait! Serious? Only works on one head?!"

Fred looked at the remaining free-moving monster body and heads in surprise, expressing confusion about the magic of the spell.

"George! Are you slacking off in practice again?"

Fred didn't forget to tease George about his magic ability at this time, Qiu Zhang sighed helplessly and interrupted the two of them.

"Hey, are you serious? Are you kidding now?"

The two of them stopped smiling, shrugged awkwardly to Qiu Zhang and apologized in unison.


But the monster didn't wait for a few people to play around. Seeing that one of its heads was fixed, it slapped the water angrily, swung the necks of several heads in the direction of Qiu Zhang and opened its mouth to attack angrily.

Qiu Zhang immediately raised his wand and chanted a spell at the mastermind.

"Stupefy!" (passed out)

The mastermind was naturally not as dull and clumsy as the other heads. He dodged quickly and vigilantly, and then glared at Qiu Zhang angrily with cold eyes.

The other heads were about to attack, and George and Fred immediately pulled Qiu Zhang back until they could no longer escape.

"I have a solution!"

Fred suddenly spoke slowly, and George and Qiu Zhang immediately looked at Fred, hoping that he was not joking.

Staring at the monster's head that was getting closer and closer, Fred and Qiu Zhang George hid in a stone gap and whispered the plan in their ears.

"Not bad! Brother!"

George patted Fred's shoulder in confirmation, and Qiu Zhang nodded solemnly.

"Okay, three, two, one, move!"

The three of them came out of the corner together, and the troops divided into three groups and ran towards three places.

The monster's heads also split up and chased after the three of them. Qiu Zhang ran to the end first, then turned back and ran back again, high-fiving Fred who was running towards him.

In addition, George swam in and out of the middle, several heads of the monster chased after him, and their necks were tightly entangled together, unable to move. In the end, the main brain could no longer bear the weight and fell straight down, causing a huge splash.


"Sometimes I have to say that magic isn't that easy to use!"

"It's because you haven't learned enough!"

The three of them fell to the ground, panting from exhaustion, chatting to each other. Looking at the black top of the cave, I suddenly felt sad and inexplicable.

"Then how are we going to get out now?"

Qiu Zhang started to cry a little unconsciously. He had been trapped in this sealed cave for nearly a day. His stomach was growling with hunger. His body was covered with wet clothes. He felt extremely uncomfortable. In short, he was there. Not going well anywhere...

Turning his head to look at the tears that were constantly flowing out of Qiu Zhang's eyes like broken beads, his face wrinkled up with aggrieved expression. George and Fred looked at each other, and immediately didn't know how to comfort Qiu Zhang and sighed.

Suddenly thinking of something, Fred sat up suddenly and shook Qiu Zhang's shoulders crazily.

"I know! We still have this signal firework!"

Qiu Zhang and George stared at the signal fireworks hesitantly, scratching their heads and doubting this method.

"Can this firework be discovered by Mr. Weasley?"

Qiu Zhang raised his head and looked at the airtight cave roof. It was blocked tightly by rocks, leaving no cracks.

"Dad actually swore to us that it would be useful!"

"Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

George and Fred looked serious as if they were about to die, stretched out their hands to pull the fireworks away, and made a pong~ sound~

A beautiful arc flew up to the top of the cave, and colorful flower clusters bloomed in the dark and lightless cave.

Qiu Zhang couldn't help but be attracted by this dazzling sight. He looked up at the gorgeous fireworks on the top of the cave with his eyes wide open. It was so dazzling and beautiful...

George and Fred also stared at this beautiful and dazzling scene and were intoxicated.

His eyes were fixed on Qiu Zhang, whose smile was relaxed and bright under the colorful lights. His heart skipped a beat, and his heart beat faster and faster...

"George! Fred!"


After several anxious calls, Mrs. Weasley and Qiu Zhang's mother appeared out of thin air in the cave, running over and hugging Qiu Zhang and the Weasley twins tightly.

Qiu Zhang's eyes were blank, looking at the fireworks that had not yet been set off, and he was surprised at how fast Mr. Weasley moved.

"Fortunately, the Ministry of Magic has traces of your magic, so we found you!"

Mrs. Weasley breathed a sigh of relief, took Fred and George's cheeks in her hands, and kissed them.

"Ministry of Magic?"


Cho Chang and the Weasley twins couldn't help but be shocked. Are the three of them so capable? Can you use people from the Ministry of Magic?


Under a burst of light, several serious-looking people in formal attire appeared, obviously people from the Ministry of Magic. Inside, Cho Chang noticed with sharp eyes that Mr. Diggory was also inside.

"Are the kids okay?"

The director in charge of the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures looked seriously as he stared at Qiu Chang and George Fred and asked.

Qiu Zhang and Weasley shook their heads nervously, their expressions stiff.

The director felt relieved, reached out and hooked his hand, and directed several professional members of the Department of Magical Creatures to go into the lake, lock the monster up, shrink it, and put it in a box.

"Wow! Cool!"

Fred and George looked at the shrunken monster, and could not see the arrogance and terror it had just now. He laughed triumphantly and tried to tease the miniature monster, but the members of the Department of Fantastic Beasts ducked away and glared at the Weasley twins with warning eyes.

Soon, without saying anything more, the people from the Ministry of Magic left inexplicably.

Qiu Zhang and the Weasley twins were also taken away from the cave and back to the hotel by their family using magic to apparate.


Later, with the explanations from Mrs. Weasley and their mother, Qiu Zhang and the Weasley twins understood the whole story.

The monster in the cave is a magical creature that can produce gold and is almost extinct.

The creature in this cave was maliciously imprisoned by the owner of an Indian magic shop. Due to the interference of evil magic, the villain felt that if humans were sacrificed to the magical creature, more gold wealth would be generated...

Therefore, Cho Chang and the Weasley twins became his first guinea pigs.

And that magical creature did not want to eat Qiu Zhang and the others, but wanted to try its best to seek help from Qiu Zhang and the others...

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