HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 76 Borrowing the Marauder's Map

The greenhouse was shrouded in dense fog, and the closed doors and windows made the students inside feel stuffy. They couldn't help but pull at their outer robes, wiped their sleeves, and focused their attention on Sprout, who was explaining plants in front of the stage. On the professor.

"OK, today's classes are probably scheduled here. Please submit your papers on time before Friday!"

After class ended on time, Qiu Zhang packed up his textbooks and things and walked out of the greenhouse. When he saw the sneaky Weasley twins, he suddenly thought of something and immediately stepped forward and grabbed the collars of their necks.

"What are you doing?"


George and Fred put their index fingers to their mouths at the same time and looked at Qiu Zhang in warning with serious expressions.

Qiu Zhang immediately pursed his lips in shock, covered his mouth with his hands and nodded to show his support for the Weasley twins. Then the two nodded with satisfaction and raised their chins to indicate to Qiu Zhang.

Qiu Zhang carefully poked his head between George and Fred's shoulders and looked around, and saw a strong man dressed as Slytherin walking slowly.

From his conspicuous buck teeth and his arrogant expression, you can tell that he is Marcus Flint, the foul-loving captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team that everyone at Hogwarts hates. .


Fred's somewhat excited voice came from Qiu Zhang's ears. Qiu Zhang's attention was suddenly attracted to Fred again. When George saw that she was not looking at Flint, he reached out his hand and pulled Qiu Zhang's head off. His eyes moved to the scene in front of him.

"so what?"

Qiu Zhang was a little confused and asked doubtfully. Flint, who was standing in front of him, was suddenly enveloped in shit-yellow smoke that exploded inexplicably under his feet while he was walking. The buck-toothed Flint was so smoked that he kept retching and scratching his throat uncomfortably.

Qiu Zhang and the Weasley twins who were watching on the side all showed cheerful and funny smiles, especially George and Fred's smiles that were the most exaggerated, which made Flint find it difficult not to help even Flint in the stinking smoke. Pay attention to this arrogant laughter.


Along with the rough roar coming from inside, the rancid smell in the smoke also spread and spread into the noses of Qiu Zhang and Weasley. The three of them immediately felt as if they had swallowed shit and turned around to run away. Drive away from smoke.


"Do you think you have killed one thousand enemies and suffered eight hundred losses?"

Qiu Zhang finally swallowed the sour water, and stared helplessly at the Weasley twins who were retching with a bruised face.


"At least we had fun!"

The two of them straightened up, showing no signs of discomfort on their expressions, and even high-fived each other in tacit agreement and jumped up happily.


Qiu Zhang helplessly held his forehead and chuckled, feeling inexplicably pleased and envious of the childish yet simple happy emotions of the two of them.

"By the way, Qiu, why did you come to see us just now?"

George suddenly remembered that just now Qiu Zhang patted the two of them on the shoulders and looked hesitant as if he wanted to ask something.

"Oh, yes! I want to borrow the Marauder's Map from you! It may take a long time, so I owe you a favor!"

Qiu Zhang patted his head, remembering his own business, and looked at George and Fred intently, please.

After listening to Qiu Zhang's plea, George and Fred looked at each other, waved and smiled in understanding. Fred reached out and took out the ordinary-looking piece of kraft paper from his pocket and handed it to Qiu Zhang.

"This is our common property, we can borrow it or not."

"Besides, we've been playing for two or three years, and it's your turn to take care of it from now on!"

George and Fred softened Qiu Zhang's embarrassed expression with each other's words, and put the Marauder's Map into Qiu Zhang's hands.

Seeing that Qiu Zhang was still staring at the map in his hand with a dazed expression, George raised his hand and rubbed Qiu Zhang's head, messing up her originally smooth black hair.

"But if you want to repay our dedication, help us try out new products!"

Fred took out a red candy that looked like a strange-flavored bean and handed it to Qiu Zhang in the palm of his hand.

Perhaps because there were other important things on his mind, or because he was really grateful to the Weasley twins, Qiu Zhang actually nodded in agreement, took the candy and put it into his mouth, even before Fred could There was no time to react.

"What?! You really ate it!"

"Well, thank you for lending me..."

Suddenly, Qiu Zhang felt something was wrong, and touched his throat and tried to speak again.

"thank you all……"


"Thank you~"

The voice was sharp and thin, poking the back of people's ears, and she looked like an old witch.

Looking at the two George and Fred beside him who were almost falling down with laughter, Qiu Zhang was so angry that he grabbed one ear with one hand and twisted it hard.

"Still laughing~Still laughing~Still laughing~" (The voice is still high-pitched and hoarse)

The two people who were originally begging for mercy by Qiu Zhang pinched their ears, but seeing that Qiu Zhang's voice was still so funny and naughty, they couldn't help but suppress their laughter and beg for mercy with trembling voices.

"Wrong hahaha..."

"Sorry, haha!"


At night, hiding under the quilt, Qiu Zhang carefully took out the ordinary piece of "parchment", tapped it with his wand, and spoke slowly in a very small voice.

"I solemnly swear that I have done nothing wrong..."

Immediately, ink-colored handwriting on the map and buildings slowly appeared on the blank parchment, and a comprehensive map of Hogwarts appeared vividly before his eyes.

Qiu Zhang slowly grasped the Marauder's Map with force in his hand, closed his eyes tightly, and silently recited the words "Peter Peddy" in his heart, and tried to picture the shrinking figure of Peter Pettigrew in his mind.

But ……

Slowly opening his eyes, the map did not provide a clear answer. Qiu Zhang sighed slowly, closed the map, and tapped it with the wand.

"The prank is over!"

Immediately, the Marauder's Map turned into that ordinary piece of parchment.

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