HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 102.1 Detractors

It took me two hours to see the completed work and talk to the person in charge of the site, the director of the canal and the ponds. I was also informed that representatives of the local community visited the site and asked questions, but they were reassured by the geological and ecological conclusions about the safety of the site.

They did not inform me because such questions are clarified in advance by the developer, who carries out these procedures and keeps the necessary package of papers so that there would be no problems.

 That's what European concepts mean — a mosquito does not poke its nose! By the way, I have already received a letter with a request from the locals about the meeting, but there was no time to plan it. The seedlings were ordered the same day I received the letter. After discussing everything and clarifying the details of the security work, I was already thinking of returning to London when I felt something.

My companion did not immediately pay attention to it or simply did not feel anything. I didn't even realize what it was. All the time I had an obsessive thought, but I could not catch it, but now I felt a growing anxiety, as if the cats were scratching at my soul. Without explaining or saying anything, I sat down on the nearest dislocated boulder, put my hands palms up on my knees, closed my eyes and listened.

At first I found nothing, but after a few seconds I realized that the silence surrounding me was not calm, but frozen in anticipation of something....something bad. Like the silence before the storm. Where is it coming from? Where is the threat coming from? Who is it for? I think of my mother. No. There's nothing wrong with her... heh, she felt her power boiling. Then who? Kiriko? No. The girl baking cookies at home, she felt it too. No, it's okay, don't worry. Me? It's strange, why does the threat feel different than usual, but somehow... different. I don't understand. How? Yes, I see. What are those two lights?

I open my eyes and see two big birds circling above our heads. Oh, come on! The blue-blue and red-yellow birds made a sharp descent and landed on the same rock. Bah! It's the Brothers! Where the hell were they? But that's for later, we don't have much time.

— Stay out of it, we'll talk later. — I throw to the birds, who have already become something else than before. — Can you call for help? — I ask Megan.

— What's wrong? — I look at the others, they have the same story.

— Someone is going to attack. Who — I cannot understand, it seems to be hiding either under amulets or with the help of spells. Your task is to gather the people in one place, where you will raise the protective dome. Here, — I hand Megan a pile of seals. — All you have to do is use the magic and the dome will lift itself. It's ten meters in diameter and will work for thirty minutes without power. "Hellfire" will not hold, of course, nor will "Unforgivable," but the latter will cover you in garbage, so no one can get in. Questions?

— How do you feed the dome in an emergency? — Nick asks.

— A talisman will float in the center, touch it with your wand and transfer magic. That's it. Any more questions? No? Then let's do it.

The wizards dispersed and I turned to the birds. I never gave them names. Why bother?

— Kajie! Hino! — I looked at the brothers one by one. — You'll talk about threats from above and keep watch. Do you understand?

— Yes! — A coherent answer from slightly rough voices.

— Good! Execute.

Half an hour later, when Hino spotted a strange movement behind one of the hills, all the people were gathered in one place. Nick stayed in charge and the girls decided to come to the meeting with me. I hope to negotiate, maybe I can convince this group not to attack.

— Girls, why don't you stay back? Just in case.

— Just in case, we'll come with you. — A focused, tense Megan kept her eyes on the hill in question.

— Okay, but just in case, get under the dome. I'm not kidding. I don't want to have to heal and worry about you? Anything goes under the dome, and you can shoot from under it. We'll be there in 20 minutes, so no need to be heroic. Do you understand? I can't hear you!

— Understood.

— Good.

— Don't worry, I'll turn my back on the hill. — Gringotts already has a bill for twenty-five thousand galleons in Megan Wright's name. That's enough for everything we talked about.

— You're… — Don't worry, I'll turn my back on the hill. — Gringotts already has a bill for twenty-five thousand galleons in Megan Wright's name. That's enough for everything we talked about.

— You're.... — the girl puffed up with indignation and resentment. Why should I?

— They're coming. — I cut her off.

 the girl puffed up with indignation and resentment. Why should I?

— They're coming. — I cut her off.

The air trembled on the hill and the figures of men began to appear. The closer they came, the less hope I had of making peace.

— Werewolves. — Lizzie said when they were about forty paces away.

— Go away! — I yelled at the man in front of me. — I don't want to bleed tonight! If you leave in peace, no one will come after you!

— But we want blood! — The leader, a stocky, red-haired, stocky man in a sturdy cloak, growled back. — My pack is well paid for this hunt!

— You will die. — I looked into the yellow animal eyes. — Your family will not appreciate your ignominious death!

— What can you do, puppy?! I'll rip your heart out myself, and those bitches, he pointed at the girls behind me. — We'll take them with us! Gah-gah-gah-gah! — The strange coughing laughter was echoed by the rest of the werewolves.

— Do you have any silver bullets? — I asked the girls without breaking eye contact with the leader.

— No. — Megan spat under her feet in frustration.

— Then under the dome as soon as I have a sword in my hand. Understood?

I could only feel the barely perceptible nods, already in a battle trance. Twenty-four adult werewolves and three young ones, about sixteen years old.

— I warn you for the last time: those who don't leave now will die. — There was a general roar of laughter. — You have chosen your own fate. — I speak softly, under my breath.

The spirits are my witnesses. I don't want this blood. But I have no choice. I close my eyes and hear the leader's roar of victory. He believes his will is stronger. One smooth movement and I'm holding the ghost blade, the trophy I took from Savigny.  —The Will of the Burning Intestines. — is the name of this blade, whose essence is fire and the destruction of the earth. I was aware of a few shots that knocked two of the werewolves to the ground, and then two more. I thought about growling at the girls, but they ran away. Well done. Leap forward. Step. With a wide swing, I crushed the left arm with the shoulder and head of the largest werewolf, who was a head taller than me. Step.

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