HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 31.1 Conversations

The gray world of the astral again, sparks, lights, colored lines, fog and clouds. Only this time, a black-haired girl in a dark maroon kimono is standing next to me. For some reason, she acted as if it was dark and gloomy all around, and she only moved confidently when she held my hand. When I let go, she immediately began to behave like a person in a dark cave with no light and an uneven floor.

If I thought about the vague explanation for the request to enter the astral together, the suspicions would appear, and if I observed Vakana here, some of them could be eliminated. Okay, now is not the time to think... who am I telling? Distractions, reflections, hang-ups, I'm always welcome, hehe! It's easy to move on this spiritual plane and it's easy to move on to the next one, so I've gotten used to being distracted.

Sometimes you accidentally find something interesting or not interesting at all. Once I was thinking so much that I came across a strange bright red cloud, and that is here, in the astral part of the spiritual world!

I was suspicious of everything here, especially that there were no shades of gray! In short, before I could think of anything, I found myself in the imprint of reality from somewhere in South America — I realized it from the faces and figures of the girls. By the way, when working with the astral, there is such a nuance: the longer and more attentively you look at the imprint, the clearer it becomes. And so.

In that imprint was a memory of a magician's honeymoon, where he married three girls at once! And no, he didn't smell of dirt, vice, weakness, or anything like that. He was a really sturdy man, about forty years old, with a strong will and serious strength.

 As I watched their games (I just couldn't tear myself away from watching), I envied the man. Of the three girls, only one had really big breasts, but they all had beautiful legs and butts, shapely waists, and amazing grace.

The things they did, the way they moved, the way they curved, are still impossible to forget! Since then I have had a dream to visit South America and fall in love with a local dark-skinned beauty! Dreams, dreams, dreams...

And I'm off again, dragging Wakana with me! What will we see this time? Dark gray clouds gathered into the image of a traditional Japanese room, with tatami, low furniture, a mighty ladder cabinet with many drawers.

In the room was a teenage girl, not paying attention to anything, reading a book, a servant nodding at the words of her hostess, trying to quiet a screaming child in her arms, and a man, the owner, with two children in his arms and a stupid happy smile on his face.

The whole picture was so warm and cozy that I even felt a little uncomfortable. I couldn't help but recognize these people. Also, I could not help but admit that at that distant moment, my head was simply "short-circuited," "short-circuited," and I was offended, almost by accident.

Now, through the astral, I analyzed the sensations of them in the full spectrum, and they turned out not to be the same people, not as I had imagined. Almost normal, adjusted to their position of responsibility and duty to their subordinates. They don't have the filth and stench of Miyazaki.

Well, I'm just glad I decided to take revenge on them this way — my brain really stopped working. Let them live, good for them and the family's happiness, because the triplets were born strong and healthy, without any abnormalities in the daughter. And the Miyazakis are busy now, and there's a little less worry from them — it's time forFamily Mori to do his own thing. I leave this impression, taking a thoughtful Wakana with me.

And then came what we had come for. Four more times we crossed the boundaries of the spiritual plane. Each time it became harder and harder for me, but the spider became more and more confident, and the last time it moved on its own, even though it was squinting.

By the fifth time I was, as they say, "covered". As I learned later, Vakana was dragging me somewhere else, where prophets, oracles, and high priests of the gods "hang out" — into the Plan Border, with worlds, realms, and even separate offshoots of hellish plans that are no longer accessible to a mortal.

A whirl of bright colors, lights, silhouettes, and lines of light and shadow swirled before my eyes, and my mind was swept away. Sounds became an eerie cacophony, and my other senses were in utter chaos.

 I don't know how long I was boiling in this infernal cauldron, but I came to my senses when I felt a warm hand on my cheek, the warmth of the gentle sun spreading through my spiritual body. Literally within seconds, I was back to normal, and my soul was filled with a sense of homeliness that I had only known in the past world.

The last touch, a light caress, and a warm breeze blew into my face. When he opened his eyes, he could only catch the ghost of a smile of red lips, which vanished without a trace. When he returned, he found that the spider had been pulled to the right place by someone, and he had followed.

Well, whatever it was, the Spiderwoman had seen and learned everything she wanted, and even more — I could tell by the fact that the local mistress spent three whole days in council with her wards and various elders and specialists.

 I wanted to eavesdrop, but the astral was somehow blocked (I didn't know that was possible), the shikigami were always destroyed, and I was wary of risking spiders. On the fourth day, we were invited to see Tenno-sama.

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