HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 34.2 Bar

Vampires, werewolves, ghouls and ghouls, and others, others — the right seal and the creature is a statue. But the funny thing is that even though their bodies are paralyzed, their minds are aware of everything. On the other hand, many omyoji forget this, which can lead to various accidents.

One more thing about the talisman. I think I've already mentioned that such seals are a commodity, universal, and the magician adapts it to the function he needs in the course of the case. Therefore, it is always worth considering that in magical practices there are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of different rituals, mini-rituals, conspiracies, spells, and so on, which are actually embodied in such talisman seals.

Subtleties! If you make a paper talisman with a pre-specialized seal, then it will work DIRECTLY longer, and consumer goods — is consumer goods, that is, a few minutes, depending on a number of factors. That's why, without hesitation, I put the hexed beads, which I bought on the way from a visiting Latino, on both animals. Now they can't go anywhere, they can't turn around, they can't use any magic and they can only talk (depending on my wishes) and roll their eyes. Noticing the rustling, I remembered another fall.

A kick in the ribs, the puppy decided to run away, and a seal on the forehead. To unlock the memory. Son of a big shot in parliament, but daddy stopped giving money when the kid was thrown out of university for failing grades, and then — quickly slid to the bottom. Drug-addicted friends introduced him to "influential" people, who — with another, and so on, until Tamiya Saito himself was addicted, and began dealing, and looking for applicants for prostitutes.

Eight girls have gone through him, two of them have already disappeared, one is asleep on the table, and five more are hard at work in the sweat of... well, you know what. I rise to my feet and begin to think, swaying from heel to toe. My hands itch to bleed the underdog, and I could, but that would leave a lot of guilty people untouched, and that's not good.

Hmm-hmm. Right, cell phones! Japan already has cell phones with cameras, and they're being actively used! I saw something in this worm's memory... yep, there it is! Pictures of its fucking exploits! I won't list all the filth that this guy and his cronies have done, but the main thing is that the phone has pictures of them. Every one of them.

Does anyone know why African magicians, and not just African magicians, don't like to be photographed? No? Or do you? Well, I'll tell you anyway. It's all about being able to cast curses, real, strong, terrible curses. But I'm interested in another way to use them.

Seventeen shikigami with a purpose. Seventeen modified seals with a program. And now the problem with the underdog's friends will be solved in a few hours: the shikigami will find each of them and place on them seals with a similar program as the installed gang, only harder.

In the new modification, I've woven the curse of "Black Debt" — after five days, the cursed begins to give his life to those he has wronged, to those he has brought evil, the amount of evil depending on the percentage of the debt in each case and, accordingly, the rate of aging of the cursed. It happened that a person died of old age in one day when he was at the beginning of his strength.

 By the way, the curse was developed by the Christians at the beginning of the Inquisition. Oh well. I look at the departing bastard. I wonder how long the curse will take him? My sensitive ears detect the click of the lock. We're ready for the beasts.

A word about the Ommyoji. As ritualist mages, and to some extent temple mages, we are very much intertwined with the world and all that inhabits it. We can serve or cooperate with the gods, depending on a number of things, or we can fight some misguided chaotic or dark deity that brings evil.

But one of the main purposes of being in the world of omyojis, druids, wizards, and other natural magicians is to maintain balance in the world, as pathetic as that sounds. There's one lousy sheep in every flock... I'm talking about Miyazaki more than anything else, because their clan's main focus is ritualism and shamanism, a little bit of spiritualism, omyoji. Well, here's the thing.

Our weakness is the lack of direct means of destruction, which is why most of us prefer to seal rather than destroy. To destroy a creature or an evil spirit, you have to weaken it to a great extent, to cut off its channel of communication with the world. However, if you put your mind to it... or get into the ancient works of this field, you can find VERY interesting details. Historically, omyoji did not need to possess great strength and power.

They needed great will, endurance, faith in their own strength, and a good memory. Therefore, most of the ancient rituals of the "standard" omyouji are not possible, and their limit is various seals, though, and this is not a small amount, because you can seal some part of the power during battle, such as regeneration or instant movement.

So that's what I'm getting at. I already have enough power to use powerful combat magic, and as you know, there are two more major leaps in power development to come — at seventeen and twenty-one years of age. In short, I can already perform some of the old rituals, but I haven't had the right opportunity, and here I am!

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