HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 44 Storyline Russia: Interrogation (Part 1)

— Explain the purpose of your trip. — A completely unsmiling woman, about forty years old, with a stern look, pierced, pierced, with major's epaulettes, looked at me unblinkingly.

— You could say tourism: I want to see the life of the magical settlements, see the goods, buy something, maybe sell something... — I'm not lying, but there was no clear definition of arrival.

I want to see how life in the former Soviet Union differs between ordinary and magical life. If it's not as bad as my parents told me, and if there's nothing I can grab, then maybe I'll look for a place to live. But the outright banditry and the thirst to crap everywhere, as it was there, I will not stand any longer. After living in the civilized world, I can't take any more shit.

— Are you a private merchant? A representative of a trading company? — asks the major of the border troops in a dry tone.

— No. — I shake my head negatively. — I am an Omyoji, and I can create various amulets and talismans. I can also collect some artifacts up to the mid-level.

— Do you carry substances, materials, or other magical items in bulk?

— What does that mean?

— Small quantities are considered as of ten units of the same items of not high price category, medium and higher price category samples are considered as of seven, five and three units. Bulk goods and other substances are treated differently according to the tables. — She never broke eye contact the whole time.

— In that case, yes, I do, but it's for personal use. Since I'm traveling, I always carry materials for experiments and work of my focus. — I nod at an expensive leather briefcase, slim and stylish.

I bought it in Tokyo. I spent four days in the city. While they were preparing the documents for me, I ordered them in a special institution — the International Magical Commonwealth of Lawyers, who undertook to collect a complete package of all documents, so that I could go to any country without any problems, by any transport.

So, while waiting for the documents, I walked around the city, visited Akiba, Shinjuku, the Tokyo TV Tower, and a dozen other places. In general, all the things (that I had time for) that I didn't see on the first trip. I also didn't forget to buy this briefcase.

I've had the idea to create something like Newt Salamander's suitcase for a long time, especially since I've done a lot of work on my trunk, and even more since I've had time to learn, so my new work is better.

The main purpose of creating an artifact diplomat is distraction. That is, the most important and expensive or dangerous things are hidden in the bracelet on your arm, and the diplomat is something that can be shown if someone from the authorities is interested.

At the first airport, immediately after entering the terminal, I was approached by two men in civilian clothes who introduced themselves as members of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and took me aside.

They took me to a separate room where seven other wizards were waiting on comfortable chairs and gave me a simple, but truth-seeking, questionnaire to fill out. While I was waiting, I talked to a Latvian who had come to visit his relatives.

From him I learned that Russia was now conducting large-scale hostilities in the Caucasus. And if it were just Muggles, we wouldn't have to spend so much time crossing the border, and sometimes some of us are turned back. The fact is that the Caucasian wizards have decided to redistribute power in Russia.

The Caucasians gathered all their forces and, under the noise of the war in Chechnya, began to transfer fighters to move the Slavs from their seats. But the Russian wizards turned out to be not as corrupt as the ordinary government and organized faster, so the mountaineers were quickly localized and destroyed.

The Caucasians did not like this, especially since they were rumored to have foreign advisors as well as powerful cash infusions. In short, now there is a hot war in the mountains, but the situation is broken in favor of the Slavs.

That is why stricter measures have been taken on the borders, as various mercenaries have arrived and immediately joined the ranks of the fighters. And as for the cooperation of magicians and simpletons — so it's been in the Slavs for a hundred years, if not more.

As a result, I was advised not to get wise and tell the truth, unless of course I was a mercenary. I'd rather just go back than be investigated and arrested. That's why I'm speaking frankly — what kind of specialists and artifacts do you have working here?

— Will you allow our specialists to examine your artifact? — The woman narrowed her eyes, trying to scare me?

— Of course, — I nod. — But I want to make it clear right away: no more than two people at a time, and I will accompany them.

— The inspection team consists of five people.

— I don't want to offend you or your state, but there are bad rumors in the world about your law enforcement agencies, so I'm afraid that nothing will be missing or unnecessary. If you insist on a group of five, I will be forced to deny you access.

— That sounds like an attempt to hide forbidden material or contraband.... — the Major almost hissed, and I just shrugged.

Do I need an asshole to steal something, or vice versa? No. Everything costs money and I'm not going to waste it for nothing.

— Your insistence gives me a bad feeling and sounds like a threat. My interest is private. This is my first trip to Russia, and I'm not smuggling anything. I'm just carrying personal items. If any magicians are interested in what I can do, I'll do it to order. That's it. — She was starting to annoy me.

— For your information, in order to work in the magical community, one needs a certificate and a ring of mastery, as well as an official permit to trade in certified goods, approved by the Ministry of Magical Affairs. Do you have such credentials?

— What is your name? — I asked, barely containing myself.

— You may call me Mrs. Major.

— Very well, Major. I'll request a waiver from your country, and I'll leave on the first flight out of the country.

— We have yet to learn who you are and your true purpose in coming here. You may be a threat to our state, and I can detain you for up to thirty calendar days on that basis.

I looked up at the young mages, a boy and a girl, who had been standing at the door the whole time. Judging by their stunned faces, they were also shocked. I feel like I'm already in the Lubyanka, somewhere in its cellars, and I've been caught with secret microfilms on my hands.

 Where did they find this paranoid creature? I wanted to say something scathing, something angry, but then the door opened and a short, stocky man came in. He wore a border guard uniform, with the epaulettes of a colonel. He had a clean-shaven round face, a slightly hovering figure, gray hair in his temples, but very clear movements and a quiet gait. The man waved his hand at the tense guards, sat down next to the Major, and placed a leather folder on the table.

— Major, if you behave like this with all the guests of the country, they will stop coming to us in a month. — said the newcomer cheerfully.

— Comrade Colonel, this subject arouses suspicion. — As if she hadn't heard, the aunt began to report. — There are reasons to believe that this person is involved in smuggling, what exactly we do not know yet, but as soon as our experts open the protection of the artifact, we will immediately conduct an inspection.

— As well as looting everything that looks good and planting what's left, right? — I smirk. — If you deface my artifact or try to break in without my permission, I'll sue you.

— Guards, take the suspect to a holding cell until we figure out what's going on. — Ignoring me, the aunt turned to the young mages at the door.

But they were in no hurry to react and looked at the newly arrived colonel. The man watched the proceedings with strange interest. He studied the Major for a few seconds, hummed to himself, and took a shiny plate from his inner pocket.

Clenching it in his fist, the man stared silently at the ceiling for a few seconds, then hid the plate and waited. The young mages obviously felt out of place and did not know what to do, since there was no order from the Colonel, but they did not cancel the Major's order either.

— Mr. Hoshino, I would like to apologize for the behavior of my subordinate. — The Colonel spoke suddenly. — Obviously, the lonely life and the nervous work had finally gotten to her. I think, — the man paused, thinking. — A transfer to another city, where there is plenty of fresh air and good ecology, will help to restore her health. What do you think, Major, Sakhalin or Kolyma? Or maybe Solovki?

If I haven't spoken Russian for a long time, and now I have to speak slowly because my diction is not the same, it doesn't mean that I don't understand what I'm talking about. However, even to those who do not know these impressive names, it is clear that they obviously do not want to send the aunt to the resort. She turned pale almost immediately, her eyes became anxious and depressed, she clenched her hands into fists and put them under the table.

What can I say? It happens in a job like this. But I don't think she'll be treated like that. I'm not such a big bird that I'd send a major to the edge of geography just for me. Then the door opened and a couple of burly men in uniforms entered.

— Escort Comrade Major to my office and make sure she waits for me. Are your orders clear? All right, carry them out. — When the aunt was taken out, the colonel spoke again. — Now, Mr. Hoshino, according to your words, — the man opened the folder and began to look through the top sheet, which was covered with small typewritten text. — Your visit is strictly private and you have never visited us before. It was also said that you are not opposed to offering your professional services. Is that true? — the man raised his eyes from the paper to me.

— Yes, I said that, but if it's like your major said, I don't think I'll be staying for the scheduled week or more.

— Our major is a squib who has spent her entire life in special agencies and is extremely unfamiliar with the laws of magic. The magical part of the world is very different from the mundane world, and the issues you have raised are much freer, limited only by healthy competition. I hope this is enough to keep you here for at least as long as you had planned?

— To be honest, if it is, I don't see any obstacles. I'm interested in visiting here, and other business can be conducted here if it's allowed. ....

— If your business does not interfere with the law, no one will stop you. — There is a question in the colonel's eyes, and it is better to answer it right away.

— I am interested in literature on magic in a wide range, as well as a complete set of laws of magic.

— No problem with that. Anything else?

— Yes. I would like to perform an energy-intensive ritual to complete the artifact. — I nod at the briefcase. — It's a mediocre piece of craftsmanship right now, and I want to bring it up to the level I intended.


— Sacrifices? Prayers to the gods? — The man's face expressed simple interest, and his eyes remained the same, but I sensed that the question was important, even if I didn't fully understand why.

— No. Nothing of the sort. The ritual is needed to control multiple streams of magic, to fine-tune the circuits.

— In that case, it shouldn't be a problem. — I clearly felt some relief this time, and a cautious interest as well. — Alright, now that that's taken care of, I'd like to move on to another matter. — With these words, he waved his hand over a folder, which suddenly became twice as thick and had two compartments for documents with a zipper.

Opening the new compartment, the Colonel flipped through several sheets of paper until he reached several stapled together. — As far as I know, — the man said, looking into my eyes again. — Omyoji are ritualistic magicians, with spiritualism, shamanism and cleansing magic as their main specialties. They can also combine other specialties. I'm not wrong, am I? — I shook my head negatively. — In this case, the state, in my person, is ready to offer you several work contracts, as well as to buy all the talismans and amulets that you will have time to make during your stay in Russia. Are you interested?

— Of course I am. — I didn't even hesitate because I came here openly and I have no secret plans. Besides, if I want to stay here, good relations with the government won't hurt me. — But we'll talk about the payment of the contracts when I see the front of the work. — The colonel nodded. — As for the talismans and amulets, you can order the ones you want and tell me which ones you're not interested in.

— That's good. — The colonel smiled contentedly. — The list of the necessary amulets and talismans will be delivered to you in the evening. Here, — the man handed over several stapled sheets. — A description of the treaties. I should also mention that the country is now in a difficult situation, and possible terrorist attacks by militants. Therefore, you, as an important magician to us, will have a guard assigned to you for the entire duration of your stay in the country. I hope you understand this necessity. We will stay in contact through your guard. If you have no questions or requests, the guards will escort you to the portals.

I shook my head negatively, we said goodbye, and the guards, a guy and a girl, helped us get to the hotel.

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