HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 63 The Magic Wand (Part 4)


The wizard returned a few minutes later with several boxes in his hands, breaking the silence that had fallen. Madame Dunois looked at the boy, studying his reactions.

The sudden discovery surprised her greatly and made her take the young talent more seriously: a wizard with a strong heritage of pure elements could not be a Muggleborn, only rare descendants of ancient families could boast such a treasure.

Now, looking at the boy with a new eye, the woman noticed everything that had not interested her before. The posture, the movements, the hands, the features. No, he's not just an artist, not at all. We're talking about an old type of fighter here, maybe even a battle mage with weapons. It's too bad you can't see the musculature behind the clothes — it's easier to see the focus of the training.

Meanwhile, Master Boisselier placed the boxes of wands on the worktable, opened the lids and gestured for Sora to come over. Lucy herself approached — the wand says even more about the wizard than the ritual performed. The first was a wand of a uniform red color with a laconic shape. The guy came up, looked at it for a few seconds, reached out his hand, touched it with his fingertips, and took his hand away, shaking his head negatively.

— What's the matter? — Master asked, his eyes burning with interest. — Is something wrong?

— She's too... perky, restless. Yes.

— How curious! — said the Master, almost dancing. — Continue, please!

The boy nodded and continued. The next wand had a slightly curved "wave" shape, made of white wood with orange runes on the handle. Touching it with his fingers, the boy immediately jerked his hand away, frowning and looking the wizard in the eye.

— Not funny. — Sora said annoyed.

— Excuse me, but I do not understand what we are talking about? — Sora looked at his face for a while and then replied.

— This wand is scalding ice.

When he heard the boy's words, the wizard shuddered, reached for the wand, pulled his hand away, put on thick leather gloves, and only then took the wand. He looked at it for a moment, then sighed heavily and looked at the boy and spoke.

— It was made by my apprentice. Instead of the combinations of "Hot Wind" and "Sea Calm", balanced with the runes of Balance and Equilibrium, there was a distortion of meaning. The result was "Scalding Icestream". That's what it means to trust an apprentice. .... — The Master shook his head in frustration and put the unique wand away.

But Lucy Charlotte Dunois did not share the master's annoyance. As the Deputy Chief of the French DMLE's Combat Wing, she clearly recognized the power of a fighter with this wand and the corresponding affinity. Moreover, she had in mind such a wizard whose magic was accompanied by the imprint of cold and ice. This wand will serve the cause of law and order well!

Sora continued. He didn't even look at the pink wand, he spent a minute on the dark brown wand and moved on, another white wand interested him briefly, he even waved it a few times, causing red-red and blue sparks, but he still put it back to its place.

The yellowish wand with a spiral of red runes, the penultimate one on the table, remained in his hands for a few minutes. Again, multicolored sparks were summoned, Sora looked at it, closed his eyes, listened, waved it again, which made the sparks crackle and shine even more.

Amazing! Even the previous wand could be recognized as "his" wand, and there was nothing to say about this one, but for some reason, the boy doubted it. Eventually, this wand returned to its place as well. The last one was another dark brown one, which was no better than the white one. Well, the choice seemed obvious, but why did Sora frown?

— Master, are there any more "options"?

— Unfortunately, of the finished ones, these are the best option for you, the others have too much of a tilt, and you have a balance. — The Master waved his hands. — I do not understand why you need others when the Baobab Staff with Sea Serpent Fangs suits you so well?

— If everyone here gives their word to be silent, I will answer.

— Of course, of course...

The Master was the first to promise silence, assuring that the characteristics of the staffs were a secret that only the Master could reveal. Lucy and Victoria promised as well. But a promise and a magical oath or vow are two different things. Nodding, Sora went to his briefcase and soon pulled out a strange wand that looked like it was made of glass with a dark purple color. Twirling it a bit in his hands, he hands the strange object to the wizard.

— What do you think?

The Master looked at the pointed glass "pointer" with interest, then waved it around, and we all froze in shock. Following the now obvious wand, the air thickened and swirled, and green sparks were scattered in it. The man moved his hand with the concentrator, and the air currents followed obediently, as if bound. Yes, a nonverbal 'gust of wind' of this level is powerful.

— You can't possibly know my affinity...'' — Frowning, the master looked at the boy.

— Right... — Sora nodded calmly. — I wanted to make myself a perfect concentrator, and I got 'this' — a universal wand, not above average... — The boy sighed heavily and Lucy's head exploded!

A Universal Concentrator?! Oh, Holy Mary!

— If you'll excuse me for a moment. — Madame Dunois said quietly, in a calm and even tone, and walked away through one of the doors.

No one present asked questions or made comments. As soon as the door closed behind her, Lucy was already holding her wand and making clever manipulations in the air.

Then she stood still for a few seconds and closed her eyes. A tense wrinkle formed between her eyebrows. The wand touched her temple and "pulled" a silver thread from the woman's head, which was immediately sealed in an indestructible vial. A few more seconds of concentration and the second vial containing the thread of memory was corked.

A complex movement of the wand, a few words of wisdom, and the snow-white embroidered handkerchief turns into an inconspicuous gray bird. "Imperio" is spoken quickly, clearly and confidently. A few seconds later, a nimble little bird flies out of the window of Boisselier's workshop, carrying two important violets.


Fascinated by this amazing new invention, the two magicians did not notice the silver sparks in the young Japanese man's eyes. He turned his head slightly and glanced intently in the direction where the energetic Madame Dunois had disappeared. She did not notice or feel the disturbance in the surrounding astral, and at the very spot where the boy had been standing, a red, pulsating sphere formed.

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