HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 65.2 Borrowing

Literally a second, a chorus of the formula, and the room fills with a friendly warmth, a feeling of safety. Spiritual guardians froze near each person. A big owl, a horse and a raccoon.

Patronuses hung in the air, making a circle around the room and dissipating with silvery smoke. The Potter movie showed this spell and even talked about one aspect of the Patronus — banishing dark half-spirit creatures. But they didn't specify that the Patronus can detect possessed, undead, and lurking dark spirits, forcing them to manifest, exposing their evil essence, burned by the purity of the Patronus' light.

— Are you convinced?

— What do you want? — Master.

— First, I want you to calm down. — The irritation in my voice is harsh. — I damn well gave in to my feelings, decided to do a good deed by taking a risk, and you? "Demon," "What do you want..." I didn't give you permission to address me as "you"! — I almost growl, because really, one mention of the Chinese potion will cause me so much trouble that I'll have to go somewhere to the pole of the planet.

I wanted to spit with frustration and disappointment, because I felt that these people could be trusted, so I decided to help them with their problems. Yes, those who work with the astral, spiritual planes live differently, we always FEEL it, but when it is almost not felt at first and pops up sharply, as it did today, then other astral magicians and shamans are always "on their wave".

I go to the other couch where my briefcase is. A bottle of dark beer is the best at the moment. My actions were silently observed with eager interest. When I'd finished half the bottle, Lucy finally spoke.

— I think we should all calm down and start again. Sora, how about some tea?

— Cognac would be better. — My words made the woman frown sternly.

— I can give you a whole list of reasons why there won't be any cognac, but we'll have tea.

I just waved my hand, finished my beer and put the empty bottle back in my briefcase for transfiguration practice. Victoria called the house elf, who made me feel uncomfortable, made her wishes, and in a few minutes we were sitting at a table with tea and lots of goodies.

 It was just like an English tea party — they also serve a dozen cakes, pies, buns and other things with a cup of tea. The tea was openly and calmly checked for additives, and only after that I tasted it. It was just for show, of course, because Baa-san was the one who did the main testing, and I was nowhere near her level.

Besides, I can only do glass and metal transformations with my wand, and without my wand, I don't know how to control eating and drinking.

— I think we have a lot to talk about. — Madame Dunois has spoken again. — And we'll start with questions...

— Where the potion came from, who prepared it, and so on, I won't tell you.

— Too bad, it would have been interesting... — Lucy sighs pretentiously, but I can feel the lie, it seems she didn't even expect to get answers to these questions. What is she interested in? — Then why don't you tell me how many cans of the potion you have?

— Two. One for the man, one for the woman, and then the process, hehehe, takes care of itself. — I was understood and smiled, especially Lucy's big smile.

— I think the potion should be studied. — Victoria spoke. — As a master, I can't miss the chance to bring such a development back to the world. This potion will do a lot of good, save a lot of lives. .....

— You think so? — I grinned wryly, noticing Lucy's slight tension.

— Yes. — The woman nodded confidently. — Such a thing cannot be hidden from people!

— In that case, madam, publish all the achievements of your husband's family and give them away for free — because they are important, too. No? What makes you think I'll let you do this research? The fact that I told you about his existence has caused me problems. I even wish I had a Time-Turner so I could correct my mistake of compassion. And you still want to get your hands on the "Second Philosopher's Stone" to kill not only yourself, but me as well? — By the way, I've already released more than three dozen shikigami seals, and twenty-four barrier-type seals have been placed on the ceiling, floor, and walls, so if we don't come to an amicable agreement, I'll have to erase their memories.

— You're exaggerating, Monsieur. — Dunois commented calmly. — There will be an uproar, no doubt, but it will not come to that, you can be sure of that.

— I don't think so. — I grinned, remembering the game of hide-and-seek in America. — I'm not going to prove it to you. I can see it's pointless. — It's really pointless, because the woman lies gracefully and effortlessly, I have the feeling that she herself doesn't mind 'playing' and has a lot of experience in this case. — I offered to help you, — I look at the master. — Do you refuse?

— No, — the man twitches. — But I need to know the price.

— I understand the price and the value of this potion. — I replied, feeling three intense stares. — Many would give their lives and souls for such a thing, for the continuation of the family is the most important duty. — I looked around and smiled. — But I am no monster, and the price is fair. Training. — I pause and notice the confusion of the sorceresses and the wizard. — Yes, you heard right. I would like to repay your kindness with a potion, Master Boisselier. You have selflessly offered me an apprenticeship, and I accept, albeit with a few adjustments. I also want your wife's attention. I have a potion and herb tutor, but she won't teach me the local techniques, nor will she teach me the potion part for artifacting.

— That seems cheap... — the master said doubtfully. — I guess if we add some gold to the calculation, you won't refuse?

— Children are expensive. — I answer. — You'll need the money, and I can earn it myself, it's no problem.

— The Boisselier clan has never been poor, masters of artifacts, especially magic wands, are always honored, so we make good money. Do not insult my art with such thoughts. A poor master is no master at all. A good craftsman always has a wealthy clientele.

— Well, I won't insult you. — I smile, since they insist on offering money, I won't refuse, I'll find a place to put it. — Since we have agreed, I propose to draw up a contract, and Madame Dunois will act as an independent witness.

I do not allow the possibility of refusal, because in such contracts many things can be prescribed, including silence about the fact of the transaction. And no one was stubborn, we discussed everything together, we worked out the terms. Part of the clauses, the smaller part, was written by me, the rest was added by Boisselier and Dunois, and they were so clever that I didn't even think of such a thing.

 For example, there was a clause in which the only mandatory condition for revealing the secret was general consent without any coercion, otherwise the secret would be kept by the magic of the contract itself.

That means you can't even talk to each other, because eavesdropping is possible, not to mention potions and magic. Compared to this clause, my "not to inform anyone in any way" seemed pathetic and I felt ashamed.

Victoria tried to talk about her research, but when she mentioned that she could use her dosage for her own experiments if she wanted to, but that she wouldn't have children (whether her research would work or not) and that her husband would have children with some witch, she shut up.

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