HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 73.1 Artifact

Next, I took over the flow of things. First, since it would take some time, the orb was started up again with a new set of wands in the room set up in my chambers. Only this time I "tweaked" the settings a bit, which made the wands very limited in power. I believe in keeping your word, and if you can't, don't give it.

Lucy Charlotte Dunois sent a report about the wand to her boss and later shared her memories of the potion. It wasn't too dangerous, but it was a problem because people tend to think and make up shit like I have a recipe.

In short, once again I had received a lesson, but something that was not in the horse's feed. With these thoughts in my head, I sent the spirits to follow the wands from the first batch. Each of my crystal wands has a few unhealthy mechanisms.

First, I should mention the self-destruct system, which can be activated manually by a signal code through the astral, or it will start automatically if another mechanism is triggered. Attempts at tampering/disassembly will turn the wand into an infantry mine, which means explosion and shrapnel.

The third mechanism is an astral beacon through which I can track each wand and send a signal command if necessary. Generally, the spirits watched the users, and when the need arose — the wizards decided to perform an energy-intensive ritual — they signaled me, and I signaled the wands, turning them into fine sand. The other dozen soon followed.

The wands had been tested and performed well at "medium speed," but once they exceeded a certain threshold, the concentrators began to crack, "puffing" smoke and sparks before disintegrating into sand.

No one demanded the ten thousand galleons back, but through the astral I saw reports where the experts, while assuming my guilt, were inclined to believe that the wands were underpowered. But I made the seals to the best of my ability and there were no complaints about them, all users were more than satisfied and demanded "more gold". I have accepted more orders for my products and have already filled them.

The second item will follow as the crystals grow. Protective artifact, which I still thought about in the clan, but did not go further than the technical task and the general concept. After reading the books given to me by Master Boisselier, I realized that I wouldn't be able to do this on my own for a long time, so I needed help. And who else could I turn to but a teacher?

That's what I thought while I was doing research on the artifact, writing down the questions on the study material while I was studying the books. On Tuesday, at one o'clock in the afternoon, I entered my teacher's workshop.

— ...well, not bad. — The master was leaning back in his high-backed leather chair, still going over my tests and essays. — You missed a few things, of course, but that's not critical — you'll figure it out from here. I think we can call it a day...

It took more than four hours to analyze my progress in the difficult matter of artifacting. Moreover, the lessons began with arithmetic, numerology and runes, and that — the basics, but without this knowledge to create an artifact in the "European" style will not work. It is worth noting that the runes used belong to the Scandinavian Futhark, as the original source, the ancient Germans and others of their own similar science was not, and they just adapted the existing analog.

Master Boisselier, the master of artifacts, is a specialist in working with European standards, so to speak, even the alphabet of the most ancient Aryans, which was used even before the Cyrillic alphabet and is now used by the Slavs in artifacts, is not available to him.

What to say about the cuneiform writing of ancient Sumer or the pictography of Egypt — it is in general quite rare and especially valuable knowledge. I didn't even think about my secret library, and with the help of a special meditation technique, I put a block filter on these memories, so that if anything happened, it would be impossible to spill it under potions and charms.

— Master, I have some questions. May I ask them?

— Of course. — The man put the papers aside and turned his attention to me.

— For a while now, I've been thinking about the idea of a defensive artifact... .....

— Wait, wait, wait, stop. — the man suddenly became serious. — Hear me out first. In case you didn't know, there are a lot of conditions in the standard apprenticeship contract, you should have read them before signing. — I nodded and agreed. — Well, there's this rather vague clause about developing a new one. It basically says that if a student develops something new under the guidance and with the help of the teacher, the teacher has full rights to that development. The student's reward is made according to the teacher's understanding, i.e. even a simple "well done" is sufficient as a praiseworthy evaluation of the work. That's it. So I tell you right now, I have accepted your teaching, but I will not participate in your development. Why not? Think about it yourself.

In general, the honest explanation of this point was enough for me to respect this man. He could keep quiet, help, and then lay his hands on my work, which he had every right to do.

Next, we talked with the couple about the rituals to prepare for the curse removal. So far, they had been able to perform four simple rituals of turning to the world. Such rituals are preparatory, they bring the magician's energy into a kind of resonance with the natural background. In the future, this will greatly facilitate various rituals of "cleansing", "healing" and "strengthening".

On Friday it was decided to do a big cleansing ritual. Looking ahead, I will say that it was attended by over sixty people, most of whom paid handsomely for their participation and later spread the rumor of my competence in ritualistics, which caused great interest among the masses. After that, I conducted two more such rituals with no less attendance, which seriously affected my bank balance, as all payments were made exclusively through Gringotts.

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