HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 88.2 Headmaster (Part 2) (POV Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)

POV Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

After waiting for a signal from the castle's magic, the Headmaster of Hogwarts summoned his hand analyst and one of the best at finding information.

— Come in, Severus, sit down. Tea, sweets?

— Just tea. — The Potions Master replied as glumly as ever.

— As you wish. — After the tea was poured and tasted, the headmaster spoke again. — This year we have a new student, Sora Hoshino, a Japanese who will be entering the fourth year.

— I've heard of him and his Potions Store. — Snape nodded. — And I'm not the only one.

— Good. — Nodded approvingly to the 'elder'. — As you know, the boy is quite famous for his exploits... ....

— Another brat who thinks he's a hero. — The potions master's face twisted, almost spitting from the 'warm' feelings he had for such individuals.

— We were all impetuous in our youth.... — the older man said philosophically. — Remus told me that the boy had bought a lot of land and spent a lot of money on building. I also know that he spent some time in France, under the roof of the pure-blooded Dunois family. He is a talented artist, a strong fighter as it turns out, and a master of Japanese ritualism. — The wizard even whistled at what he heard, his eyebrows almost hidden under his fringe in surprise. — Severus, it is important to understand the boy's motives, who is behind him, where he gets the money, what political forces he is in contact with. Do you understand me?

— Of course. — Snape nodded importantly, already thinking through his actions. — Anything else?

— Yes, — the Headmaster sighed heavily for the first time today. — Remus wasn't trying very hard in this case; he had only reluctantly responded to the invitation, not to mention his silence regarding the boy's employment. Keep an eye on this, will you? Is there a possibility that Remus was recruited by someone outside of Hoshino, if possible, identify them.

— Good. — Thoughtfully, the potionist nodded again. — What resources do I have in this matter?

— This is a matter of the utmost importance, so you have full discretion.

— I understand, Headmaster. May I go now?

— Of course...

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