HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 92.1 Greengrass (POV Suelyn Marion Greengrass.)

POV Suelyn Marion Greengrass.

— Do you think, darling, he can really do this? — The woman didn't even think to hide the tremor in her voice.

— I don't know. — The man answers somberly, looking out the window at the night garden. — If he had backed up his words with an oath....

— But the boy has offered us a meeting with someone who has a functioning prosthetic arm...

— Yes, — the man nodded. — I'll make an appointment with this Hilyard tomorrow. — Henry Oliver Greengrass wanted to believe in the best, but he didn't want to see his beloved wife's tears of disappointment again, so he didn't want to be too enthusiastic. — But even if everything was confirmed, it didn't mean that the guy was capable of creating what he was talking about. I've never heard of anything like this being done with plants!

— But we don't know anything about magic in Japan, so maybe it's common there?

— I don't think so. — Henry continued to frown. — It's more likely to be some kind of secret or forbidden magic, or some kind of unusual ancestral gift. If that's the case, then we have an heir to an ancient and powerful bloodline before us. Then why is he alone? What happened to his relatives? Why didn't he stay in his homeland?

— Your questions, my dear, can only be answered by Sora. — The woman had already pulled herself together and started to think without unnecessary emotions. — But if you put it all together: what we learned today, what we read in the newspapers, what we saw, you get an interesting picture. — The woman smiled as she looked at the pictures of herself and her husband in unexpected roles.

— What do you think? — The man in the chair looked at his wife and smiled mysteriously.

— In order. — Suely did not take her eyes off the pictures. — The newspapers wrote that the boy, saving fans, actively used unusual magic, in the form of paper talismans. Almost by force of thought the papers were controlled. — The man nodded at the wording, for he had personally read some of the testimonies. — Next. Personally made the magician an iron hand...

— Aluminum... — mechanically corrected his wife's husband, also thinking, to which Suely just waved away.

— ...and also gave him some wonderful musical artifacts that he had designed himself and would start selling in a few days, in his personal shop with his own potion shop and workshop. — Short pause. — In a matter of dozens of minutes, he paints amazing pictures, not hesitating to change the shades and amount of colors without even touching the canvas with a brush. And in the end, he offers to grow my leg out of some vines and algae. — The woman slowly turned her head toward her husband and met his gaze. — Do you see where I'm going with this?

There was no need to answer, after all we were raised in the old traditions. The man twirled a transparent, polished crystal in his hands, the color of lush grass, with an inscription of printed Latin letters in the center. A narrow box of similar crystals sat on a table nearby. The head ofFamily Greengrass continued to frown — he had no idea how it was possible to create even this colored glass in his hands, let alone a living plant leg.

Obviously, a man with such knowledge would be enriched. It's also obvious that a lot of people will try to take control of him, and when ALL the information gets out, it's going to be a VERY tough game. Question: Is it worth it to get involved? The man looks at his wife, who already knows his decision. Is there anything more important than family?

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