HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 97.2 Pleasant Trouble

As I was leaving the Great Hall, thinking about what I wanted to do that night, a blonde woman with a cold mask caught up with me.

— Mr. Hoshino, can we talk? — Standing next to Daphne was a pretty girl of the same age, with red hair that turned to gold with a slight curl.

— Uh, sure. — An inviting nod to the blonde herself. — And your friend?

— Tracy Davis, nice to meet you. — the girl said with a friendly smile and a twinkle in her eye.

— Nice to meet you. — I replied with a smile and a nod, then turned my attention to Daphne.

— I won't take up much of your time. — The girl walked forward, forcing me to follow her leisurely pace, her friend at her side. — The thing is, my father contacted me today. He asked me to convey his full agreement with your proposal to wait six months. — I nodded, realizing what he meant. — Also, if you need any help from the head of the Greengrass Clan or his daughters, you are welcome to contact him. — I nodded as well, already having thoughts on the matter. — One last thing for now. The head of Family Greengrass is interested in purchasing the artifact known in Britain as the 'Pensieve'. — The head of the Greengrass family spoke in a slow, measured, unemotional manner, not even looking at me, but her friend looked at me with interested brown eyes.

— I don't know why, but ever since I started selling the Goblet of Memories artifact, many people have sent me letters asking me to make this artifact. — It's true, the Ministry has sent more than one letter, not even asking, but demanding that I just "give" them the artifact they want, not to mention many others. When I was inundated with these requests, I searched the Hogwarts library specifically for the Pensieve, but found only mentions, no instructions or drawings. Yes, and for other artifacts, the result is similar.

I did not look through so many books, but I found exact "blueprints" only for the simplest things, like the Amulet of Concealment, the Eye Deflector, the Muggle Repellent, and so on. — After those requests, I read the description of this artifact and realized that they are very similar.

But I assure you, I have no idea how the Pensieve is made, so I cannot make it. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true. — I'm not lying, although the principles are similar, my artifact is called something else, and the technology of the Pensieve is truly unknown to me.

We walked in silence for a while. As far as I could tell from the descriptions, the Slytherin common room wasn't far away.

— Well, — Daphne broke the silence. — I'll tell my father what you said, Mr. Hoshino. Unless you have something to tell my father, I think we can end this conversation. — with a neutral tone.

— There is a way to speed up the process, which will shorten the waiting time considerably. — I said in the same neutral tone, noting the girl's barely perceptible flinch as she gave me a much more animated look. — But I'm going to need your help, Ms. Greengrass. — Seeing the interest, I explain. — The algae can be fed with magic to make it grow faster.

— How would that work? — I'm back on track.

— Every other day after class, I go to Professor Sprout's private greenhouses to feed the algae. You're welcome to join me, because there's protection. — I take a quick look around, scan my surroundings with my senses, and move on. — By the way, have you noticed that Professor Snape has fresh, strange burns on his left arm and face? It's as if thin filaments have been burned? — I continued, receiving cautious nods and a greedy glare from the redhead. — So, my security circle at the growing algae is called "Nest of Fire Spiders". You know what I mean? — I give you a mischievous chuckle. — Ms. Greengrass, if you think you can help, let me know. Good day, lady. — A slight half-bow, and I leave the two girls.

Or did that bastard in black think I'd keep quiet and play their game according to their rules? Or did I not notice the distinctive marks that the security systems use to specifically identify the thief? I wonder how the girls will use this information.

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