HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 20 – A Scientists Way

Recently, I was introduced to the world of magic and am loving every second of it. For starters, I stole a pen that writes itself from my dad's study, which has made documenting my experiments with magic much easier. Using this magical, self-writing pen, I have started to experiment with magic based on my intent.

"Attempt number 5,

Using less magic and more focus."

Holding my wand, I start to focus my intent on making my wand light up. Moving a small amount of magic into my wand, I stare at the wand to observe any changes. Seeing a small, dim light form, I stop the attempt.


Small, dim light formed, however, it is notably stable than previous attempts."

Consolidating the results, I prepare attempt 6.

"Zane! Dinners ready!"

Snapping back to reality, I hear my mother calling me for dinner. Looking at the time, I can't help but feel like I time-travelled.

'It's already 8 pm? Didn't I start at midday?'

Cleaning up my desk of all the random notes I've made and throwing them into Dororthy, I leave the Nest to go have dinner.

"So Zane, you excited to go to Hogwarts tomorrow?" My Father asked.

"What's Hogwarts?"

Seeing him freeze, I think back to what he asked and realized I completely forgot about the school.

"Oh! Err... I am excited to learn more about magic." I forced out.

"Im sure you are! Do you have everything prepared?" My mother asked.

"Uh... maybe?"

"That's no good Zane, you've had an entire month to prepare. Send me an owl if you have forgotten anything." My mother scolds me.

Thinking to myself, I wonder if it really has been a month since we went to Diagon Alley. I don't exactly remember the time passing.

"Zane! No zoning out at the table again." My mother says as if used to saying it.


She gives me a look, before going back to eating. Not understanding what just happened, I finish up the rest of my plate. Finishing my plate, I am about to get up before my mother stops me.

"As a little celebration for tomorrow, we have your favourite thing for dessert."

She gets up and goes into the kitchen, returning with my favourite food, Shlorshlank Bread. Eating it with delight, my mother speaks up again.

"We know you might be nervous going to a new school by yourself, but you shouldn't worry about that. You can take Meowser with you."

'They were worried for me.'

Forming a smile, I thank them for their genius insight. Now I will have two things that accompany me to Hogwarts. Magic and Meowser. Thinking about magic, I remember I need to ask my father something.

"Dad, can I have my own self-writing pen?"

"Ah, so that's where that went. I already got a new one after my previous one suddenly disappeared so you can keep it."


Seeing him nod, I finish up my Shlorshlank before giving them both big hugs.

"Go to bed early today, you have a big day prepared tomorrow. Have you packed your things into the trunk?" My mother asked.

"No, I will go do it now."

"Ok, Ill say goodnight now in case you go to bed after packing your trunk."

"Goodnight mum, and dad."

"So I'm the second thought, huh?"

Letting out a laugh, I run to my room avoiding his judgemental gaze.

Closing my door, I look around my room, spotting the trunk pushed away into the corner with the rest of my Hogwarts items. Opening the trunk, I start putting the random books into it, starting with Lockheart's books. I have read them all, and if I had to summarize them, it would be fantastic fiction.

I didn't learn anything reading them, and instead enjoyed them as works of fiction. Maybe the teacher wanted to show us how to spot fake books on our journey as wizards. It's certainly a dark thing to disguise disgusting forms of magic as reputable ones. Putting them into the trunk, the books start to shrink down to 1/5th of it's original size. Picking it back out of the trunk, the book returns to its original size.

'How fascinating.'

The magical world never ceases to amaze me. Packing in the rest of my items, I crawl into bed in anticipation for tomorrow.


Author Corner:

a lot to say so I wont say it, only 800? words this chapter. most of the length is just talking.

I woke up today to 100k views and 500 collections on webnovel. thank you very much!

sorry for the delay today, I had a lot of things to do today. here's a summarized list

1. figured out how to replace headlight globe on my car

2. ended up driving for a bit (2 ish hours)

3. came home to a lot of uni work to do

4. coming down from a coffee high.

i want to get on the train today, which means I want another chapter out today. Guess we will find out how well reality lines up.

I saw a review on scribblehub that thought this novel was a lovecraftian horror. That sounds awesome and you should write it, because I would read it. I cant reply because scribblehub doesn't like my VPN.

Cars are insanely complex but also stupidly simple. It's interesting to think about.

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