HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 30: End to the First Adventure

Standing at the entrance of the library, I look around in search of a place where I can read the books I grabbed in peace. It didn’t take too long, as everywhere I walked, students would actively avoid me. Reaching an isolated corner of the library, I sit down and place all the books I was carrying on the desk. Looking at all the books before me, I picked them all at random and the topics they cover show. Among them are books about Runes, Potions and Charms, however, I could not find any books relating specifically to magic itself.

Slowly, I flipped through the first book, occasionally taking notes in Dororthy. I started reading knowledge about magical runes, as I am slowly running into a problem with Dororthy. I am running out of space to write in it, and translating English into my cipher text slows down my note-taking significantly. What I want to do is have a master page somewhere at the end of the book, where all the other pages In the book will be produced by using duplication runes. Along the spine of the book and the two covers will be more advanced spatial runes to contain all of the extra pages. To accomplish this, I need to gain some proficiency in Runes and design a rune diagram that is stable enough for my use.

Time passed as I made my way through the many books about Runes. Every so often I would draw a rune from the books on Dororthy and inject my magic into it to test its effects. Since it wasn’t from my wand, the librarian shouldn’t get mad at me.  I tore a page out of Dororthy and drew up an absorption rune on it. I didn’t need to stimulate it with my magic since the moment I finished the last line, it slowly started to absorb the surrounding magic. However, it didn’t take too long for the piece of paper to violently combust, turning into a small pile of ash in front of me. The loud bang drew the attention of other students, but I pretended as if nothing happened and continued reading my books in silence. Unknown to me, the explosion had made my hair stand up on its ends, somewhat resembling getting shocked by electricity.

Finishing up the first book about runes, I look at Dororthy, who has numerous notes about Runes and questions that I need to ask someone. What I found particularly interesting were the runes that could make a sound.  Maybe with enough manipulation of the rune itself, I can try to play a song.

Moving onto the next few books, I took notes on some basic charms and potion knowledge. I also decided to fully commit to learning some sort of cleaning spell, as I can still feel the mess on my hands from this morning. The spell itself required no wand movements, and simply requires you to recite ‘Per-fec-tus Mund-it-ia.’ Pointing my wand towards myself, I try my spell out.

“Perfectus Munditia,” I chanted slowly.

It was then I felt my wand shoot out a refreshing breeze, as I watched the accumulated grime of today's adventures simply vanish from my robes, hands, and other less noticeable areas. Looking around for the librarian to come up and interrogate me, I look towards her desk only to see her giving me a death stare, but doing nothing about it. I also notice that Luna and Meowser had disappeared long ago, and I was unsure when they had left.

(A/N: I am aware of the scrougify charm.)

It wasn’t long before I finished the rest of the books on my desk, and got up to get some more that caught my interest, this is what I wanted to happen until I saw a shoe-less Luna walk towards me.

“Where did your shoes go? Was it Nargles?” I asked.

“Yes, why is your hair like that?” She asked.

“I was born with it,” I replied.

It was a long time before she replied.

“Has anyone told you, you are quite strange?”

“I think you’re the first, let’s go find your shoes,” I replied.

“No need, I have spare shoes in my room,”

“Oh ok, do you know what time it is?” I asked

“You’ve missed dinner,”

“Guess im going to the kitchen then,”

I started to walk in the direction of the Kitchen, and Luna joined me.

“Don’t you want to get your shoes?” I asked.

“It's not urgent,” She replied.

Glancing at her, I notice Meowser is missing.

“Where is Meowser?”

“Oh, she ran away,”

‘I don’t know how you managed it Meowser, but good job!’


We walk down the changing staircases and make our way towards the painting leading to the kitchen.  We open the painting to see Julis standing in front of the entrance as if waiting for us.

“The young sirs have come to eat?” He asked.

“Yes, we missed dinner,” I explained to Julis.

With a literal snap of his fingers, two plates of steak curry flew towards us and landed at the table next to us.

“Eat up!” Julis said, before disappearing again.

“I think he is expecting us to eat at random times given our recent eating schedules,” I thought out aloud to Luna.

Since food directly from the source hasn’t had any Nargle influence, I ate up without worry. Thinking about the Nargles, I decide to get a better definition of them from Luna.

“Hey, Luna, what are Nargles exactly?”

“… They are little creatures who evade the physical touch. People or items can be infected by their influence, and they have varying degrees of presence. Nargles don’t have any specific effects, and are usually up to whoever gets infected whims, as they only amplify the want to do harm or mischief.”

 ‘Would this be something you can detect with a spell?’ I thought to myself. Making a mental note of what Nargles are specifically, making a spell to detect them shouldn’t be impossible.

We finished up eating at the same time and got up to leave without saying goodbye to Julis, as he is nowhere to be seen again.

Walking up the stairs towards the Ravenclaw Common room, I start to think about how I can get answers to my questions, and what books to read in the common room. It is well known there is a library in it, and my need for knowledge triumphs over my need for sleep any day.

I was walking through a random hallway silently thinking to myself when I saw two projectiles heading towards me and Luna. Quickly pulling out my wand in an attempt to deflect them, I realized I knew very few defence spells, in fact, I knew none. Silently accepting my fate, I let the projectile hit me and waited.

“You’ve just been pranked by the Weasly patrol!” I heard a shout at the end of the corridor, coming from two redheads.

“Oh, im not dead,” I muttered aloud.

“Wha- no, but you smell like dung now. Why would you think you die from that?” One of the redheads asked.

“Wasn’t I meant to?” I asked

“No?” The other redhead replied.

“Oh, ok,” I said, before starting to walk away again. I look towards Luna who reacted similarly and started to walk away with me. It wasn’t long before we ran into the next set of people.

“Oh, it's you two- EUGH, what is that smell??” The redhead of the group said.

“They have been hit with dungbombs, Ron,” Said the bushy brown-haired one.

“Oh, they are called dungbombs?” I asked.

“Yes, what are you two doing out so late,” she asked.

“Walking?” I replied, very confused.

“Remember what we waited here for Hermione, we need to ask them something,” said the black-haired boy.

“Hermione…?” I muttered.

“Ok Harry, I’ll keep quiet,” Hermione replied.

“Harry…?” I muttered again.

“How did you see us this morning?” He asked, but before he could get a reply, I remembered why these names were somewhat familiar to me.

‘Harry… Potter, where have I heard that before…’

Closing my eyes to focus on remembering why his name is so familiar, I started tuning out the background noise. After focusing for a while, it hits me like an isekai truck.

‘Harry Potter, the series from my past life. That’s why his name is so familiar.’

I don’t remember much about the series itself, but I know that just by existing I can't rely on the plotlines even if I remember them. Instead, I can give a vague warning about his future and be done with it. As long as he gets more powerful enough to deal with what's coming, I don’t have to care too much about it. I opened my eyes with intent and stared at Harry’s eyes. I didn’t even think of something to say, and just opened my mouth and let my magic speak for me.

“Now is the time for you to get stronger to face your destiny. Fate is watching, and so am I, for I am the one who knows, yet I know not. Your future can only be decided by your actions now, ha-”

Before I could continue, I felt a wave of drowsiness flood my brain. Calming down from my previous state, I manage to mutter one final thing.

“Good… luck…”


[POV: Harry]

“Hermione, do we really need to do this?” Harry asked.

“Yes, Harry, what if he snitches to us on Dumbledore that you have the cloak?” Hermione responded.

“I don’t see what the big fuss is, he hasn’t said anything yet.” Ron chimed in.

“Not yet, but he will eventually. We at least need to know how he can see us underneath it,” Hermione said.

“So we are waiting for them to go past us on their way to the Ravenclaw common room?” Ron asked.

“I don’t know where else to find them,” Hermione responded.

The three of them waited until they saw their targets walking past them. They didn’t have to wait too long, as shortly after Ron complained about how bored he was for the Nth time, the two of them were spotted.

“Harry! There they are!” Hermione almost screamed.

“I can see that, Hermione,” Harry responded.

It wasn’t until they were directly in front of Ron that he noticed their presence.

“Oh, it's you two- EUGH, what is that smell??” Ron said.

“They were hit by dungbombs, Ron,” Hermione said.

“Remember what we waited here for Hermione, we need to ask them something,” Said Harry.

“Ok Harry, I’ll keep quiet,” Hermione replied.

“How did you see us this morning?” Harry asked.

Harry then watched Zane close his eyes and scrunch his face as if focusing on something significant.

“…Hello?” Harry probed Zane.

“Don’t disturb him,” Luna spoke up.

“Why not?” Hermione asked.

“Because… you will see,” Luna replied.

Everyone then watched Zane for around 5 minutes, before his face started to relax. Before Harry re-ask his question from before, Zane opened his eyes which were now shining with silver electricity and opened his mouth.

“Now is the time for you to get stronger to face your destiny. Fate is watching, and so am I. Your future can only be decided by your actions now, ha-”

Harry watched as Zane’s hair started to wildly flail around, despite there being no wind passing through the corridor. Zane was talking despite not moving his mouth, and his voice carried throughout the entire corridor. As Zane was on his third sentence, he abruptly stopped talking before the phenomena around him started to calm down. It looked as though Zane was about to pass out, but before he does so, he said one last thing to Harry.

“…Good… Luck…”

Everyone watched as Zane fell to the floor with a heavy thump. Luna then tried to pick him up to no avail, with everyone else still shell-shocked at what just happened.

“Harry!” A wisened old voice broke Harry out of his stupor.

“Harry! Are you alright?” Dumbledore asked.

“Uh… yea, just confused at what just happened,” Harry said.

“That was a prophecy, Harry. I only noticed when I heard his voice in my office. It was after that, that I quickly put him to sleep to prevent him from saying anything else. Tell me, Harry, what did he say?”


Author Corner:

This chapter was… a pain to write, because I kept having a lot of ideas and none at the same time. It also took quite awhile aswell.

Im going to stop promising chapters soon because so far ive failed to deliver ‘soon’ afew times now. Im working on the next one now and itll be up whenever it is.

The story has also progressed a lot more in this one chapter than in the past 3.

I also tried to incorporate a POV change I this chapter, tell me how I did *cough* Maple *cough*.

Thank you all for reading, have any suggestions just join my discord and talk to me there.

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