HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 33 – Chaotic Fate?

It wasn’t long that I was left to my thoughts, staring at the moon before the hospital nurse had noticed that I was sitting up. This, however, seemed to have been a bad idea as what followed was hysterical screaming.

“Why are you sitting up!” The Nurse shouted.

“Uhh…” I started.

“Lay back down and don’t talk! Don’t you know how injured you are?”

 ‘How am I meant to respond if you don’t want me to talk…’

I stare at the Nurse who starts flicking her wand at me, muttering spells. After a round of flashy lighting, the Nurse stares at me with wide eyes.

“How…” She muttered.

‘Well somethings gone wrong, but I can’t ask what…’

“I’ll be back soon, don’t go anywhere,” she said.

I look down at my body and try to see where the problem is, if it is even visible. Taking stock, nothing seems to be completely wrong, aside from some scarring on my limbs that hasn’t disappeared yet. I’m not sure if that’s on purpose, and I can’t feel any pain internally either, this was short lived, however. From the ceiling, something falls and lands directly on the foot of the bed.

“Huh? Luna? From the ceiling?” I blurted out, surprised, for what landed on the bed was Luna.

I look up at the ceiling, and only see the brick ceilings that are standard throughout the rest of Hogwarts, and specifically nothing to grab onto or hang from.

“How-“ I tried to ask before she cut me off.

“Hogwarts let me,” she said.

“…” I can’t even think of anything else to ask. Yes, a magical castle let her drop from the ceiling seemingly out of nowhere, somehow that makes sense.

“Are you ok?” She asked while I was debating with myself.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I think so. Aside from the scarring on my arms and legs, I don’t even feel any pain,” I started to explain.

“So, what happened?” she asked.

“Honestly, I’m not even sure. I’ll have to try it again-“

“No!” she shouted at me.


“… Not so soon, recover first,”

Somehow, I felt that this was weird behavior, at least comparing it to what I was used to.

“Whats wrong?” I asked

“Follow me,” She got up and opened the window, then jumped out of it.

“Wait!“ I jump out of bed and run towards the window, only to see Luna standing fine at the bottom.

“Not so nice, is it?” She spoke.


“Come on, this way,” she started to walk off towards the forest.


I was honestly a little bit scared at what I had seen and assumed the worst. However the drop down was about a floor and if you know how to land, it can be safely done. My actual problem with jumping down however was with the fact that I am in a hospital gown and not wearing much underneath. My robes from earlier seem to have been completely shredded and burnt. Looking back into the room, I see nothing resembling a set of clothes and silently complain about the lack of consideration.

I look out the window again and Luna didn’t stop walking during this period. I hastily grab onto the ledge and try to lower myself as much as possible, before letting go and landing on the balls of my feet. The shock of landing was more intense than I thought, and I fell onto my backside. I quickly get up ignoring the dull pain in my feet and make my way towards Luna.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Somewhere,” she replied.

“Somehow, I was expecting that,”

We walked in silence until we reached the boundary of the Forbidden Forest. Looking at my hospital robe, I can’t help but feel woefully unequipped to handle the forest right now.

“We aren’t going in, right?” I asked


Before I could continue to ask some more questions, I heard some foliage in the distance shake. Turning my attention to the forest, I see a massive shadow approach me and Luna.

“Firenze!” Luna shouted.

I looked at her happily shouting for the shadows attention and back towards the forest, where the shadow seems to have found its target.

‘Oh crap,’

The shadow approached fast and gained in size the closer it got, I quickly stood in front of Luna and turned towards her.

“Run and get help!” I said, before turning my attention towards the shadow.

What came out of the forest was a massive Centaur, whose eyes were filled with stars and bow drawn directly at me.

“Firenze! This is Zane!” Luna shouted.

The centaur stowed his bow and looked at Luna.

“Why have you brought him to me?” Firenze asked.

“Please check him,”

“Check him?” I asked.

Firenze turned his attention back to me, and his eyes started glowing. Just as fast as his eyes started glowing, they stopped.

“You…” Firenze tried to speak.

“What is it you want to do in the future?” He asked.

Such a question stumped me, as I genuinely hadn’t thought about it, I am only 11 after all.

“I don’t know, I haven’t planned my future and take each day as it goes,” I replied.

Firenze just stared at me, before turning to Luna.

“I must go,”

Saying this, he galloped back into the forest. Apparently this shocked Luna, who watched him leave with widened eyes.

“Well, that was weird,” I said.

She just stared at me before walking back towards Hogwarts.

‘What a weird night…’



Author Corner:

Hey Guys, its been awhile.

Honestly the job was a lot more time consuming than I thought. I don’t have much of an explanation of what happened during December and why I failed to update the novel, December was just an impressively busy time for me.

I’m still updating the novel, and wont be dropping it.

Re-reading the book im somewhat maddened at some decisions ive made regarding the plot. I shouldn’t have introduced Luna and Zane so early. I wanted to build up a reputation that both of them individually are pretty strange but in their own worlds in Hogwarts and would be like  year two before they really talked but I also wanted to use the chamber of secrets plot for some developments.

Oh well.

See you when I see you.

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