HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 38: DADA

The homework assigned to me was interesting, but nothing new. It seems reading ahead at the library had given me a basic understanding of the classes so far. However, I should still attend the classes just to avoid having my time spent in Professor Flitwick’s office. While I was brooding, I had subconsciously finished the homework, but noticed a certain class was missing.

“Professor, did the Defense Against the Dark Arts class not give any homework?”

“His class is today, Young Ravenclaw. It would do you well to memorize your schedule,” He started to lecture me on the importance of being punctual. I instinctively started to tune him out, as he reminded me a bit of my own mother.

“… Anyways, that’s all for today. Don’t let me hear that you have been skipping lessons again,” He gave me a stern look.

“Thanks Professor,” I got up from the spare student desk he has and saw myself out.


“Guess it’s time to eat,” I mumbled to myself.

Nothing eventful happened on the way to the kitchens, as it was a rather short trip. I ate breakfast, which was a weird request at midday, but the house elves didn’t seem to be bothered with it and instead were rather happy. Strange little things.

Afterwards, I fumbled around my robe’s pockets for the first year’s schedule.

“Let’s see…” I traced the column for Friday. “12:40, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hmm, I guess I can use that time charm now,”

I took my wand out, and casually waved it, reciting the time charm.


Grey fog had been emitted from the top of my wand, and in the same fashion as before, morphed into a somewhat legible time.


“Tremendous,” My timing could not have been better, or worse. Not wasting any more time, I shove the schedule back into one of my pockets and run towards the DADA classroom. As I turned some corners, I ended up getting disorientated.  It appears the castle was guiding me to where I needed to go, which had confused my sense of direction. I can guess this because I now stand before presumably the DADA classroom.

“Thanks, I guess?” I patted the castle walls.

No harm in thanking the magical castle for helping you fast travel, without the annoying chatter to boot. [1]

I stepped through the open door and entered the silent classroom, finding myself a seat. I am impressed with the discipline of the students, as they wait quietly for the Professor to arrive. I close my eyes and wait for the Professor to arrive.

It didn’t take long either. Shortly after I had closed my eyes, I heard the sound of what I can only guess are tap dancing shoes hitting the stone floor of Hogwarts, as they approached the classroom. I opened my eyes just in time to see a man flamboyantly jump through the classroom’s doors.

“Heyooo, First Years!” He shouted with vigor, which was strange for a Professor that is supposed to be well versed in curses and hexes.

“You can call me Professor Handsome, but I will accept Professor Stunning as well,” Was that some sort of subtle joke to the stunning charm?

I let out an awkward laugh to make sure he knows someone got his joke, although it was somewhat strained.


“And what is so funny?” He immediately askes.

I just smile, knowing this is a test to see if I will explain it to the rest of the class. Call me selfish, I don’t mind.

Seeing that I wasn’t answering, he continues.

“Cough… Anyways, I am Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class…”

I zoned out again. By the time I started paying attention again, he was past his self-introduction.

“Today, you will all be dealing with the most troublesome of creatures…”

I got a bad feeling.

“Gnomes! Troublesome things. They can cause massive damage to your gardens, ruining months of cultivation efforts. Of course, this isn’t a problem for someone like myself. Back when I was roaming in Romania, I encountered a Gnome city. I knew then and there it was my Moral duty to prevent them from causing more damage to the surroundings…”

The Professor started to go off on a tangent, talking about things that had no real relevance to the class or the material in general. While this was happening, I heard a voice from the left of me.

“You know, I was bitten by a Gnome once,” Luna said in a very relaxed tone, but it still caused me to jump in fright. [2]

“How do you keep doing that?” I asked while calming down. She always seems to just appear next to me. Of course, I just get a smile in response.

“Did the Gnome bite hurt?” I then asked my follow up question.

“Not really, my father said it was a fortunate thing, as it increases your creativity. He has done a lot of research on things like this, so I trust him,” She said in an unusually long sentence for her.

I nodded and processed the information, it seemed as though her father was a great researcher. I would love to ask him some questions.

“Can I meet your father?” She gave me a weird smile and nodded.

“Come for Christmas, he will be happy to have you,”

“I’ll have to ask my parents first,”


With that conversation over, I noticed the Professor was still carrying on about his time in the Netherlands.


[2 hours later]


“I think that was the first time I’ve been glad a class is over…” I muttered to myself. Luna, who was walking next to me, nodded.

“Oh yea, check this out,” I held up Pinky to Luna. “I enchanted it myself!” I was oddly excited.

“Oh…” She stared at Pinky blankly.

Well, it’s not the reaction I wanted, but I’ll take it. I put Pinky back into my robes and turned my attention back to Luna.

“I will send a letter out to my parents tonight, for now I am going to take a nap.” I took off towards the Ravenclaw dorms, not hearing Luna’s reply.

Reaching my bed, I collapse on it and fall into a deep sleep.



Author’s Pit:

Nice of you to join me here.

Since tomorrow is a public holiday, I’m planning… hoping to release another chapter then. Otherwise, sorry for the relatively short chapter in this one. I wanted to mainly get the first DADA lesson out of the way.

With this, the story should quicken in pace. Going day by day is honestly exhausting. So many small things can tweak your perception of Zane that I fear writing the wrong thing will ruin the character for you. Regardless I’ll still write what I want.


[1] Yep, this is a subtle reference to the new Hogwarts game. Unfortunately, my computer couldn’t run it that well. A shame because I wanted to steal some ideas from it for this FF.

[2] Found this bit of information while I was balls deep in the HP Wiki for this chapter. Thought it was interesting enough to write around.

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