HP: The Queen of Slytherin (𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 × 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝)

Ch 2 – Malfoy Manor

Earth 934

The Malfoy Manor was on high alert.

Narcissa Malfoy was looking out of her little son's bedroom window, watching as her husband protected the house with spells.

The war had broken out, Death Eaters would soon take over the mansion as a refuge, but Narcissa and her husband were not willing to risk the safety of their little son at that time.

The little blond boy named Draco slept without understanding anything that was going on around him.

His mother was in charge of taking care of him while his father tried to keep them safe.

Lucius Malfoy walked around the manor to make sure there were no unwanted guests nearby.

He was very surprised when he saw his sister-in-law appear in front of the entrance in the middle of the lawn.

The woman in black dress and with disheveled hair was carrying something in her arms, a small bundle that wouldn't stop crying and making her nervous.

"Take care of her until My Lord decides what to do with her."

Without any care, the woman pushed baby against the blond before disappearing again.

A child's cry alerted Narcissa who looked out the window to see her son, Draco was asleep but that crying didn't stop.

It was a cry a little higher and louder than her son's, but she could distinguish it as one of pain.

Lucius arrived in the room with the baby in his arms, looking at Narcissa in astonishment.

"Bellatrix brought her," For a moment Narcissa froze, she knew perfectly well that her sister was not a mother but that thought passed through her head like lightning.

Between her shock and fear, Narcissa carefully took the baby in her arms.

She rocked her a little to calm her down, and once the crying stopped she carefully examined the child.


A few black locks were sticking out of her little head and the pale skin revealed some handprints on her arms, probably Bella's.

She had seen her before, recognized this baby as part of her family. She was the daughter of cousin, Sirius.

"It's Kaguya..." She informed her husband with a growing concern in her chest.

'Why did Bellatrix bring her? Why her, why not Sirius' best friend? Where was the girl's godfather and why didn't she give her to him?' Narcissa, seeing that the little girl was closing her eyes, held her a little better to place her next to Draco in her crib.

But when she touched the back of her shoulder, the little girl cried again in pain.

She calmed her again with some toys that were on Draco's play shelf and taking advantage of the distraction, she checked the little girl's shoulder.

She pulled back the fabric of the little pink shirt, and saw a rather deep wound protruding from her white skin, it looked like a bite of something.

An animal with small teeth and a lot of strength.

Both adults looked at each other with great concern at girl's condition, and still full of doubts about why she was with them at that time, but decided to take care of her for now.

Later that night, word came that Dark Lord had died.

This sparked many different reactions.

Narcissa didn't feel like it would affect her at all, and she was even relieved that her son wouldn't have to live through the war.

Lucius refused to believe that Voldemort was really dead, but for now he wouldn't do anything since his allies were locked away.

Among them Bellatrix, and without her they had no idea why Sirius Black's daughter was in their house.

But for Narcissa that doubt would disappear when next day, capture of Sirius Black on charges of murder and for being an ally of Voldemort was announced.

The blonde woman learned of the girl's mother's death a little later, she was said to have been found in her home in Godric's Hollow, lifeless on the floor.

No clues had been found as to where the family's daughter could be, some thought she was dead, others said she was stolen.

Only Narcissa and Lucius knew where the little Black baby was.

That could have been a problem, until someone else found out where the girl was.

A very powerful and knowing person.

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