HP: The Queen of Slytherin (𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 × 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝)

Ch 8 – Who are my Parents?

Narcissa gently ran a brush through her niece's dark, shiny hair.

It was time to go to Hogwarts, a place where she would stay for a long time and would only be able to see her again until Christmas.

The girl didn't know it, but the woman was afraid of what would happen to Kaguya and Draco at school.

She knew that when she left them on the train she would cry, because at Hogwarts you usually meet people who will accompany you throughout your life and you will begin to forge your future.

But one person would enter Kaguya's life that year, and Narcissa feared what would happen next.


[img- Female MC]

"If I don't get into Slytherin, will you stop loving me?" Kaguya grew up hearing about Hogwarts.

Her uncle wanted him to study there and Draco sent to Durmstrang, a school far away from her.

Draco managed to convince him to study at the same school as his cousin, but he knew that condition was that both belonged to Slytherin.

Slytherin was the best option, only purebloods get in there, people with great intelligence and better than others in every way.

That was what her uncle kept telling her, it didn't seem like such a bad option, but what would happen if she ended up in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw?

She would be a disgrace to her family, a useless, inept, just as Lucius says.

Kaguya would be separated from Draco even if she didn't want to, and she was afraid that her aunt would think the same as Lucius and would not accept her being in any other house than that of snakes.

"Of course, I'll still love you, no matter where you end up," The blonde finished decorating the girl's hair with her red ribbon, "Your mother and father were Gryffindor, but Blacks always tend to belong to Slytherin."

Kaguya's head asked another question very unrelated to the conversation.

"What were my parents like?" The curiosity she had about who those people were, who were her immediate family, too much to bear.

Know where she comes from.

Know the reason for your name.

Knowing what your mother was like.

Knowing how her father thought.

Narcissa was aware of Kaguya's forbidden entrances to Lucius' office, and knew that she was looking for information about Sirius.

She knew that one day the girl would want to know where she came from, but still, was not prepared to answer.

'And how do you tell a girl that she arrived at the house in middle of a magical war? How do you tell her that her mother was killed by the Dark Lord? How do you respond to something that I myself wasn't sure of? Kaguya might be very brave, or a very good actress, but she was still a child.....'

"Your mother was the best woman I ever met, and your father is a good man at heart," Narcissa simplified it as much as she could.

She wouldn't be so bad as to tell her bad things about her parents, no one should turn a child against her own parents no matter how bad they are.

"And why is dad in jail?"

But Kaguya and Draco learned to deal very quickly with the reality of life, and they were not ignorant, knew more than they let on.

"He just made a mistake..."

Sirius Black was a mystery to his family. He was never like them, he was the black sheep of the house, the rebel, but if there was one thing Narcissa was sure of, it was that Sirius Black was completely against Voldemort.

"Me...." the girl whispered, lowering her gaze.

Lucius's words had power over her, a selfish, manipulative power.

But he was right, if it was a mistake for her father, it must not be a mistake for the rest.

She had to prove that it was more than Sirius Black's mistake. Because she was not. 'Am I?'

"It's about time, darling," Narcissa looked through mirror at the girl who was also looking at her.

To get to Hogwarts, you had to take the Express, which you had to go to platform 9 3/4 and to get to that you had to go through a wall at King's Cross station.

It sounds complicated, but it was fun.

Kaguya and Draco learned to communicate with their eyes.

They knew when other was feeling bad, or when they were feeling really good.

Or when they wanted to race to see who would reach the platform first.

Each one held on tightly to the cart, where trunks with their stuff were, and with a small smile they gave each other the starting flag to start running.

Draco was a little faster so he went through the wall before Kaguya, she stopped for a second thinking she would crash, but still went through with her eyes closed.

The station was full of girls and boys with their suitcases and animals.

Some boys already had their robes on, Kaguya could make out some girls from Ravenclaw and others from Gryffindor who were talking happily among themselves.

The little ones like her were excitedly waiting for the train with their pets.

She looked around for Ron, but there was no sign of the clumsy red-headed boy who had talked to her in the bookstore.

"I forgot how unpleasant it was to be among Muggles," Lucius also crossed the wall with Narcissa, "I would kill every one of them if I could."

"Lucius," Narcissa scolded him, pointing at the children.

The blond looked at Draco who stood beside him pretending not to hear anything, then looked at Kaguya who was kneeling in front of her trunk, "What are you doing, Odette?"

"I am making sure everything is in order," The girl looked at her uncle before closing her trunk, "That nothing is out of place."

"It seems that now that you're entering school, you'll start to behave better," Lucius looked at her with a raised eyebrow, he looked her up and down and took a few steps towards her, "Who are you?"

Kaguya gulped nervously.

Her uncle used to ask her questions that she had to answer perfectly or, well, you know what happens.

She stared at a fixed spot on the man's clothes so as not to look him in the eyes and began to answer.

"Kaguya Odette Black."

"What are you?"

"A pureblood witch."

"What should you do?"

"Be the best witch."

"What shouldn't you do?"

"Feel empathy for Muggle-borns..."

That answer was completed by naming blood traitors, but she had already felt empathy for a Weasley.

Besides, Kaguya liked him, so she couldn't continue with that sentence.

Lucius darkened his gaze, waiting for the girl to respond correctly.

But when she didn't continue speaking, he stood firm.

"Not even with blood traitors."

"Yes, Uncle Lucius," Kaguya replied, trying to cross her fingers and not raise her head.

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