Huayu: I can enter the dream world to pick up attributes

Chapter 373 Chapter 373: Wu Yusen's troubles (for subscription)

Chapter 373 Chapter 373: Wu Yusen's troubles (for subscription)
After half an hour.

Xiao Wang returned to Manager Qin's office again.

"Uncle Qin, I asked my dad, and he said that on top of the 23% you promised, we can add 7 points to make a total of looks good."

"Huh? Add another 7 points?"

"Yes, he even told me to add 10 points...I refused. After thinking about it, I might as well give some space to other movies."

"Then let me confirm with President Wang."

Lao Qin didn't quite believe it.

How could Mr. Wang be so impulsive in doing things?All of a sudden, the screening rate of "Ip Man" was raised to 30%...

What about other movies? !
Seeing Lao Qin wanting to call for verification... Wang Sicong panicked.

He immediately stopped him: "No, uncle, hehe...I'm just kidding. Actually, my dad said I'd add 5 points. I really didn't lie to you this time."

Seeing Xiao Wang's sincere appearance, Manager Lao Qin asked again worriedly: "Really, Mr. Wang really said 5 points? That's 28!!"

Xiao Wang nodded very seriously, and no one could see the trace of fraud: "It's absolutely true, more real than real money."

Manager Qin was moved by this sincere look, so he stopped asking for proof. In that case, it would be too embarrassing for Xiao Wang: "Alright, I will inform you later."

"Thank you, Uncle Qin, you are busy, Uncle Qin, I'll go back first." Xiao Wang, who had just walked out of the office, waved his hands excitedly.

"28% of the filming, who else?! Hahaha, I want to tell Brother Ning the good news."


In President Qin's office at this time.

He is on the phone with Lao Wang.

On the phone... Lao Wang scolded Xiao Wang, "Bastard, I clearly told him to add 21 points to 4 to make up 25%."

Manager Qin: "Haha, I knew Si Cong didn't tell the truth. Let's just say 28. He finally returned to China. We can't let him down..."

Lao Wang nodded: "Okay, I'll listen to you."


Xu Ning was in Xiangjiang when he received the news.

on the phone.

He praised Xiao Wang a few words, making this kid happy for a long time.



a few days later.

Wu Yusen, Feng Xiaogang and other directors and producers who have Lunar New Year movies have received the results of the film schedule from the major theaters.

Xiangjiang Hotel.

Private room between heaven and earth.

Wu Yusen nodded in satisfaction after watching the filming rates of cinemas such as China Film, Shanghai Film, Dadi, Universal, Happy Blue Ocean, and Xiangjiang:
"Well, not bad. The filming rate is on par with Xu Ning's "Ip Man". Haha, I am confident that I can surpass him in the box office."

Sitting at the dinner table were Zhou Runfa, Xu Kehe, who were invited to Wu Yusen's dinner today.

Xu Ke said with a smile: "The investment in your "Red Cliff" is close to 7 million, which should surpass Xu Ning's "Ip Man"."

Zhou Runfa also said: "I also think that Director Xu's "Ip Man" only invested more than 3000 million, so it should not be able to compare with "Red Cliff"."

Everyone else at the table followed suit.

Wu Yusen was very happy.

He smiled wrinkled all over his face: "I am full of confidence now. Although Xu Ning is very good, he will definitely not be able to beat me this time, let alone other movies."

Xu Ke: "What do you think of Feng Xiaogang's comedy?"

Wu Yusen: "No interest, vulgar."

Zhou Runfa: "..."

After a while, Wu Yusen's cell phone rang again, and the assistant forwarded him the film schedule of Wanda Cinema.

Xu Ke ate his food and joked, "Which theater announced the good news again?"

Everyone else followed suit.


Director Wu's face seemed to be distorted, and he slapped the table with gritted teeth: "Asshole, what does Wan Da mean, you actually made my movie such a low ranking."

Xu Ning hurriedly leaned over to look at his mobile phone screen. The one ranked first was not "Red Cliff", but "Ip Man".

Take a closer look,
It was found that the shooting rate of "Ip Man" was as high as 28%.

Before Mr. Xu watched "Red Cliff", he heard Wu Yusen boast: "Fuck, what are you doing, I invested 6.8 million yuan in a movie, why are you arranging 21% of the movie?"

"Director Wu, didn't you say 24% of the film schedule a few days ago? Why didn't it increase but decrease?" A producer asked doubtfully.

The room suddenly fell into an awkward atmosphere.

Zhou Runfa looked at the nose and the heart, and didn't want to make any comments on this matter, after all, he could not easily offend both parties.

Mr. Xu looked at the phone repeatedly: ""Red Cliff" is only 21% now, a drop of three points."

Wu Yusen couldn't hold back his breath, and boasted again: "Damn, if I'm easy to bully, it must be Xu Ning's fault..."

This time.

The room was quieter.

Some people can't help but want to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Are you scolding Xu Ning here? Don't you want to be part of the circle?" Zhou Runfa thought to himself, but he didn't dare to say it.

Including Xu Ke,

They all felt that if this matter came to Xu Ning's ears, Wu Yusen would definitely not be able to take advantage of it once they started to care about it.

and so.

Everyone unanimously chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Wu Yusen picked up the phone and called China Film Han Sanping, one of the investors. After the call was connected, Director Wu explained the matter vividly.

That is a grievance.


But he didn't get the result he wanted.

Han Sanping heard that "Ip Man" "stealed" the filming of "Red Cliff", he laughed and didn't answer directly, and hung up the phone within 2 minutes.

After Zhou Runfa's reminder, Wu Yusen suddenly realized: "It turns out... Director Xu and Mr. Han have been friends for many years... Hahaha, it's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

Suddenly relieved.Xu Ke was contemptuous in his heart, but on his face he said, "Oh, it doesn't matter what time the film is scheduled, your director Wu's film will definitely kill people randomly, hahaha."

Others followed suit.

This is the way of the world...

Everyone knew in their hearts that Wu Yusen had nothing to do with Xu Ning, rather than suddenly becoming broad-minded and magnanimous.

At this time, no one will dismantle the stage.

In Vanity Fair, it's mutual fulfillment... If you take down his platform today, then tomorrow, he will take down your platform.


Don't worry about one situation, like Xu Ning. Although he and Wu Yusen are well-known directors, Xu Ning's more powerful identity is "capital".

It can't be said that it is completely crushed.
It can only be said that Wu Yusen has no chance of winning in front of him.

I can only suffer from this dumb loss.

In 2008, Wanda Pictures, because of Xu Ning's shareholding, has accelerated its layout in advance.

Compared with the strength of more than 2008 movie screens across the country at the end of 300 in the previous life, the Wanda Cinemas has grown to the level of 2009 in the previous life.

There are 52 movie theaters across the country with 470 screens.

Such a volume has already ranked among the top ten in the country.


Most of Wanda's businesses are located in first- and second-tier cities, and the number of moviegoers in these cities is unmatched by third- and fourth-tier cities.


If it fails at Wanda Cinemas, the box office of "Red Cliff" will lose a lot, and Wu Yusen will lose tens of thousands of underwear.


the other side.

Xu Ning received a call from Han Sanping. Old Han was very happy on the phone because he got the gossip.

"Director Xu, you still have the foresight to lay out the theaters early, and now it's paying off." Han Sanping said.

Xu Ning: "Mr. Han, "Red Cliff" is also invested by your China Film Group. Are you happy to come out after being squeezed out by me?"

Han Sanping: "It was voted by the company, not by me personally..."


Rough words are not rough.


a few days later.

Entered December.

Under Sanbao's hard work day and night, the album has completed the production of all song accompaniments according to his requirements.

Later, he spent ten days recording all the songs.

Next, the copy was handed over to the company's publicity department and "Feile Records", and Yu Zhengxiang was responsible for distribution.

Lao Yu has worked with him for so many years, and he has already understood the process, so Xu Ning doesn't need to worry about it at all. The news that the album will be released the next day will be spread all over the Internet.

For a time,

Fans all over the Internet cheered.

That night, fans posted nearly a million messages on Tieba, Weibo, Tianya and other places, which can be called terrifying.

Even the music channel of China Central Radio sent extra news that Xu Ning was about to release a new album during prime time at night.


The six princesses of CCTV all mentioned it on the evening news.

Such "not doing business properly", but has won the support of fans: "Princess Six is ​​also a fan of my brother Ning, this is called card face."

This December,
No singer in the entertainment industry dares to release an album.

Wang Leehom was supposed to release his new album "Heartbeat" on December 12, but he suddenly announced the postponement. Numerous fans speculated that he wanted to avoid Xu Ning.

In addition,

There are also singers such as Huang Stanley, Chen Sheng, etc., who also suddenly announced the postponement.

This made him very puzzled, "My album sales are average, why do everyone choose to avoid me? I don't have any competitors, it's quite boring."

Zeng Li, who was standing opposite him, said with a smile: "The delay may not necessarily affect sales, but publishing it together with you, Mr. Xu, will definitely affect sales."

Xu Ning: "Oh? Why?"

Zeng Li: "Because this month is all your news, the album will be released, the movie will be released, and the media's attention will be on your side, so naturally they will not get good publicity."

After hearing this, Xu Ning walked up to her with a smile: "Bingxue is smart... Haha, let's not talk about this, let's learn Peking Opera singing quickly, I can't wait."

She smiled slightly, and tugged on the short white tight-fitting short sweater on her body with both hands, which made the lines of her upper body unusually curved.

Under Zeng Li's slender neck, there is a flat collarbone, but as Xu Ning's gaze extends down, it suddenly becomes taller and rounder.

If she was wearing a thick down jacket to cover her proud place, maybe she wouldn't feel anything.

But in this kind of scene where there is almost a frank meeting, it is estimated that few men can "sit still".

"Brother Ning? Brother Ning? We are practicing singing in the recording studio..." Zeng Li waved her little hand in front of him.

Xu Ning laughed and said, "Okay, let's start."

Because the single "Wujiapo" needs to use Peking Opera singing, but his Peking Opera singing is only half-baked, so Zeng Li, who grew up in Peking Opera in elementary school, taught him.

In fact, you can learn it in your dreams.

But Xu Ning didn't think it was necessary, and it was more comfortable in reality.

Zeng Li sang for a while and asked Xu Ning to sing along, but his vocalization was still not good.

Miss Zeng rolled her eyes suddenly, stretched out her fair and slender hand to grab Xu Ning's right hand, "Brother Ning, put your hand on my chest and feel my voice."

Xu Ning: "Is this okay??"

Zeng Li: "Of course, hehe."

Looking at her playful smile, Xu Ning nodded, slowly raised his hand, and put it between Zeng Li's flat vertical bone and tall twin peaks.

As the distance gets closer,

He could clearly feel that Zeng Li's breathing began to become short of breath.

 Thank you for your support, ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month!

(End of this chapter)

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