Huayu: I can enter the dream world to pick up attributes

Chapter 380 Chapter 380: "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" started fil

Chapter 380 Chapter 380: "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" started filming, Aunt Liu said that there was no more filming for Sissi (please support and subscribe)

"From 1949 to 2009, 60 years of ups and downs... Today, we are honored to participate in the tribute blockbuster "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" directed and produced by Director Xu and Mr. Han. I feel extremely honored. I would like to represent the entire crew here. Actor's statement..."

Chen Daoming, director of the Film Association, delivered a passionate speech on behalf of all the actors, and received thunderous applause from both the stage and the audience.

Careful media will find that when Chen Daoming introduced Xu Ning and Han Sanping, he actually put Xu Ning in the front.

The media reporters quickly took out their notebooks to record this highlight. Before 2009, everyone would put Han Sanping in front of them when speaking.

But now.

Everything has changed.

There are senior entertainment reporters who know Xu Ning well, and they are already showing off to the young reporters around who are new to the industry.

"Don't you know? I have been filming Director Xu for eight years... At that time, he was very poor and could not even see Mr. Han. Now guess what? Director Xu is worth almost 300 billion, and Mr. Han is also worried... "

"Huh? Director Xu is so rich? Why should he make movies? If I were to just find a few female stars to retire and enjoy life."

"This is the reason why you can't make money. Director Xu makes movies just for fun, and it is said that Director Xu wants to create a blueprint for the industrialization of Chinese films."

"Wocao, learn from Hollywood?"

"Maybe, maybe it's better than Hollywood? After all, there are a lot of Chinese audiences. Moreover, I heard that Director Xu has already arranged the copyright. The novels on Qidian Chinese website are all Director Xu's."


A few reporters here have finished bragging.

Chen Daoming on the stage also finished speaking, and celebrities such as Han Sanping, Zhou Runfa, Liu Dehua, Zhou Xingchi, Fang Long, etc. began to speak.

Everyone is short, after all, there are too many people.

Among the female actors, Xu Qing, Jiang Qinqin, Li Xiaoran and Gao Yuanyuan gave speeches. In their words, they all vaguely expressed their gratitude to Xu Ning.

This circle is over,
Almost half an hour passed.

The host Dong Qing handed him the microphone with both hands. After Xu Ning took it, he cleared his throat and began to summarize.

Meetings were held every day during the Olympic Opening Ceremony, and these speeches were already mastered. The speeches were both emotional and inspiring. More than 100 celebrities and hundreds of reporters shouted and applauded excitedly.

"I announce that "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" will start filming!" Following Xu Ning's order, the red cloth covering the camera was untied.

Firecrackers crackled.

After the show.

Everyone walked to a nearby hotel, attracting the attention of many people on the way.

This banquet was both a launch banquet and a time to make friends with the big guys in the industry. Even Damimi begged Xu Ning to bring her over.

Normal banquet,

Everyone toasted him one by one.

But there were too many people, so he could only drink table by table.

It was particularly exciting when he arrived at the table where Gao Yuanyuan, Xu Qing and Jiang Qinqin were drinking. Several women were chattering and holding him back.

It ended after drinking three glasses of red wine.

Before leaving.

Jiang Qinqin ran over and whispered: "Director Xu, are you free these days? I have a lot of things I don't understand and I want to ask you."

Xu Ning nodded calmly: "Call me."


Feng Xiaogang, Xu Fan and his wife, Chen Shu, Li Lianjie, Deng Chao, Tong Dawei... came over one by one to toast him.

Even Zhu Yawen, Zhang Songwen and Luo Jing wanted to drink with him, but he scolded him and said, "It's okay if you don't help the boss to stop drinking, but you still want to drink with me? Half a month will be deducted." bonus."

"Haha, boss, we will punish ourselves with three drinks." Zhu Yawen said with a playful smile.

"It deserves..."

One p.m.

At the end of the banquet, many people drank too much and had to be held up before they could go out, but Xu Ning felt refreshed and didn't drink much.

After returning to the company, he stayed in the office all afternoon and sorted out all the plots of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China".

In the previous film "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", the story was a bit scattered due to the large number of characters and scenes, but it was still an excellent movie.

It is by no means a bad movie as some "1450" people said. Xu Ning remembers that before the movie "The Founding of a Republic" was released, there were a lot of slanderous voices on Douban and Tianya.

It's so fucking outrageous.

How much money did those people outside the wall pay them to let them become sailors without hesitation?
this kind of thing,

Until the year Xu Ning was reborn, you could still see a lot of them online.

This time, there is no chance of getting hacked.

Therefore, Xu Ning has already notified the company's publicity department early to launch a publicity campaign. It is possible that 1450 will be caught along the network cable.

the next day.

The film officially started.

It will take a week to shoot some scenes in Beijing. The first day of filming will be to shoot the scenes where the national anthem and flag are decided.

Xu Ning plays the composer Mr. Tian Han in it. He doesn't have many scenes, but among more than 170 stars, he is still pretty good.

In a quaint conference room.

Great Man (Liu Jin) "Dear representatives, the yellow bar in the middle of pattern No. [-] represents the Yellow River. It has a clear intention. Please raise your hands if you agree."

The lens is given to everyone in the conference room.

Many people agree.

But Tian Han (Xu Ning) objected.

What he approved of was the five-star red flag.

Great man: "Mr. Tian Han is an artist. He has a special liking for the five-star red flag."

Tian Han stood up, walked to the five-star red flag and began to tell the origin of this plan: "The contributor of this plan is an ordinary employee in Shanghai. He was eliminated in the first round. I brought him up again because this design is full of emotion."

after that.

After more than an hour of filming, the scene was over.

Then we went outside to shoot some exterior scenes.

At night.

The conference room began to discuss the choice of national anthem again, and the famous painter Xu Beihong recommended "March of the Volunteers".

Everyone agrees.

But I think the lyrics need to be changed.

In this way, after another long discussion, the chairman finally made the decision and decided that none of the lyrics of "March of the Volunteers" should be changed.

The next day.

The chairman, played by Tang Guoqiang, took a photo with the women representatives and then asked them about their opinions on the national flag.

Jiang Qinqin: "Chairman, I also think that adding a horizontal bar in the middle of the national flag is a bit bad... I don't know if this is correct."

The great Gong Peng, played by Gao Yuanyuan, said with a smile: "Chairman, we all like the compound number 32, with five stars placed in the left corner of the flag, surrounded by four small stars..."

This great man rushed from Shanghai to Yan'an to persist in the war of resistance in 1938 at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War. Her husband was the famous Mr. Qiao Guanhua.

The last person to speak was Mr. Song, Sun Yat-sen’s wife, played by Xu Qing. She also affirmed the Five-Star Red Flag plan.
Seven days passed.

All the scenes in Beijing have been filmed.That night, Xu Ning personally hosted a meal at a five-star hotel for those who had participated in filming in the past few days.

Dozens of people came to the scene.
It is divided into three large tables to accommodate seating.

Han Sanping held the wine glass, stood up and said, "Let us all raise our glasses to pay tribute to Director Xu. Director Xu has worked hard these days."

Tang Guoqiang was shocked: "What happened to Han Sanping? He was so polite to Director Xu? It's really rare."

Deng Chao stared at Xu Ning with a very longing look, and subconsciously licked his lips: "This is a man, it is good to have money."

Guo Degang's eyes turned into slits when he smiled. Although he has become very famous in the art world recently, he could not have appeared in "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" without a word from Xu Ning.

Gao Yuanyuan was secretly happy. She never thought that Xu Ning would become such an awesome man in just a few years.

I remember that when I met him in 2001, he was still a little-known actor, "Brother Ning is awesome, and his physical strength is even better!"

And Jiang Qinqin was the first woman Xu Ning had after his rebirth. She knew this too, so she was very proud of it. She often shared with her best friends what she had done with Xu Ning in the park, in the hotel, in the car, on the dining table, and on the sofa. thing.

Another woman, Li Xiaoran, stared at Xu Ning longingly. If he hadn't said a word, she would have had no chance to act in this movie.

"Brother Ning likes me to be white, so I will keep my skin color like this in the future. Hehe, I must make sure that my whole body is white."

The two girls next to him, Liu Yifei and Liu Shishi, didn't know what they were thinking. They probably also admired him.

After all, people like Han Sanping respect their men. As a woman of the king, she must feel very happy.

Xu Ning also picked up his glass and stood up: "I would also like to thank everyone for supporting me. Although the shooting time was short, it was very pleasant to cooperate with everyone."

"Cheers! Next stop, the mountain city of Chongqing!"


The Spring Festival stalls have come to an end.

The performance of major movies has been calculated by the media, and CCTV's Six Princesses made a special report on it.

[The film market got off to a good start in 2009. The cumulative box office for the Lunar New Year and Spring Festival stalls exceeded [-] billion, with Xu Ning accounting for half of it. 】

The title Sixth Princess is used...

For those who didn’t know, they thought Xu Ning was his biological son.

When the beautiful reporter from the Sixth Princess interviewed Xu Ning, she was full of love: "Director Xu, why are you so handsome and talented?"


early this year.

Xu Ning grossed 5.15 million yuan with "Ip Man" and "Crazy Racing", and "Ip Man" became the highest box office in 3 with 2009 million yuan.

The most important thing is that the total investment in the two movies is less than 5000 million, which is crazy money.

Xu Ning said frankly: "This is really my test film after the Olympic opening ceremony, because the time was too short and I didn't have time to prepare a big investment to shoot."

A group of big shots: "You are awesome, everything you said is right, MMP, there is nothing to refute."

No. 2 is John Woo’s epic blockbuster "Red Cliff", which earned a total of 2.6 million yuan and suffered a huge loss.

Followed closely by Feng Xiaogang, whose "If You Are the One" scored 2.4 million yuan, firmly ranking second.

Because the investment is small, you still make money.

No. 4 is "Crazy Racing", which took in 2.15 million yuan and made a lot of money.

As for the subsequent movies, they are basically all within 1 million yuan, especially Andy Lau's "The Dragon and the Phoenix" which is not even [-] million yuan, and was ridiculed by the media.

Years passed.

There are basically no big movies released, and major directors are busy working on new movies this year, preparing to hit the movie market in the second half of the year.

If I remember correctly, the domestic film market in 2009 was around 62 billion yuan, an increase of 42.96%.

This year, the highest-grossing films will be "The Founding of a Republic" and "Transformers 2," both of which have grossed more than 4 million.

By 2010, there will be a blowout, and the total national movie box office will exceed 100 billion for the first time, and movies will usher in an era of rapid development.

This year, "Avatar" will sweep the world, ushering in the era of 3D special effects movies, and grossing US$29 billion globally.

Xu Ning must enter the center of the storm before this wind arrives, otherwise, he will fall behind step by step.

There is really no movie that can compete with the box office of "Avatar". However, Xu Ning feels that making a 3D movie with a strong story is also a good choice.

When "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is finished, "Inception" will soon be on the schedule. Let those little guys see that Xu Ning can also make blockbusters.

Moreover, he is confident that the pictures will be better than those in his previous life.

This time, he will adapt "Inception" with Chinese elements, making it more suitable for Chinese people to watch the movie, while also winning over foreign markets.

As for whether he can win awards internationally again?
He really doesn't care about that.


About to leave for Chongqing.

There are many actors this time,

There are more than 30 cafes.

Among them is Aunt Liu.

Before departure, Aunt Liu took the opportunity to play mahjong and sneak out from home to date him. In her words, she was afraid that she would not have the opportunity to have close contact there.

Beside a quiet lake, Aunt Liu's cheeks flushed, and after a long time she breathed a sigh of relief, "Ning Ning, do you want to give Sissy a brother?"

Xu Ning almost choked after taking a mouthful of Red Bull, and asked in confusion: "Xiao Li, what are you talking about? Want a younger brother for Sissi?"

Aunt Liu rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "What's the matter? You think I'm old, don't you? I know, hey, you men like young people."

"That's not what I meant. I like them all."

"What? Sure enough, brat, you must have many women out there. How many are there? Where do I rank in your heart?"

"Tell me the truth?"

Seeing the serious face of the man holding her, Aunt Liu's heart skipped a beat. Although she was older, her heart was the same as that of a woman in her 30s or [-]s.

She was also afraid that Xu Ning wouldn't like her.

"Do you think I'm too old?" Aunt Liu asked very lonely, "Oh, I'm really not as good-looking as before."

"Haha, I'm just teasing you. You will always come first in my heart, old baby." Xu Ning pinched her chin and smiled.

"Huh, who believes you? Who do you like between me and Liu Shishi?" Before Xu Ning could speak, Aunt Liu rushed to answer, "It must be Master Liu, he is young and beautiful."

in fact.

At this age, Aunt Liu is well taken care of. Regardless of her age, she is almost like a young woman in her thirties.

Xu Ning sat up from the car and did not answer her question directly: "I like to eat both beef and seafood. I can't tell the difference."


The two of them were fooling around until after eleven o'clock in the evening and drove to the city. They arrived at Dongshan Villa before twelve o'clock.

After taking a shower.

The two of them were lying together. Aunt Liu turned over and looked at him with blinking eyes: "Sissi, there are no scenes to be filmed during this period. Have you..."

Xu Ning also turned over to face her, "Yes, it's still a blockbuster film, starring Tony Leung, Nicholas Tse, Wang Xuexi and others. We can give Sissy a role."

Aunt Liu's beautiful eyes rolled, she smiled slightly, and understood what he meant, so she rustled in the bed for a while, then turned over and pressed on Xu Ning.

"Aunt Liu, tomorrow morning, I will call Chen Kexin. Sissi's role can definitely be increased." Xu Ning said intermittently.

 Thanks to Rebami for the 100-point reward, and thanks to everyone for your monthly votes.

(End of this chapter)

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