Huayu: I can enter the dream world to pick up attributes

Chapter 396 Chapter 396: "Nanjing!"Nanjing! 》, Ni Ni (4K)

In the previous life, "Nanjing!"Nanjing! "This movie has been criticized by people, and many people said that there was something wrong with the filming of the film by director Lu Mou.

that's the truth.

The movie looks very jarring.

Now Lu has disappeared...

This time the movie was shot by Xu Ning, and it absolutely nakedly exposed the crimes of childhood, making it impossible for them to wash away.

After combing through the script from beginning to end in his study, he picked up the phone and called the company's film production department.

In less than half a day, the film project was approved, and the approximate start time was announced at the same time.

The preliminary preparation process takes about a month, because the movie has a large scene and requires the use of weapons and armor, so it takes a little time to prepare.

the other side.

Looking at the rising sun.

The construction of Ningde Building is coming to an end.

Soon the company will move to a new location.

The employees have been impatient for a long time. Now the company has more than 200 people, crowded into a two-story office building.

After informing the company's general manager about the relocation, Xu Ning devoted himself to the production of "Inception".


11 month 24 day.

"Guinea Pigs" is released. This is a family animated film produced by Disney, which is very suitable for the whole family to watch.

However, Xu Ning has no children for the time being and is past the age of watching cartoons, so he did not go to the cinema to watch them.

The film has a good reputation. The protagonist is voiced by Nicolas Cage. It has earned more than 2600 million box office in the mainland.

Immediately afterwards, the Hollywood science fiction movie "District 1500" was released. It was a hit in China, with a cumulative box office of only 3700 million US dollars, but it topped the list with US$[-] million in its first week in North America.


"Nanjing!Nanjing! "The news of the project was released through Sina, causing thousands of waves. After all, the subject matter of this movie is too sensitive.

"Director Xu has just finished shooting "The Founding of the People's Republic of China", and then he will shoot "Nanjing! Nanjing!". His patriotism is a lesson to be learned from all over the world."

"Do you still remember what Director Xu posted on Weibo before? The road is full of obstacles, and we are determined to forge ahead. Our country needs such warriors."

"I have been to Xiaoli, and I have visited some of their bird societies. They are full of distortions of historical facts. Our Chinese movies should be filmed so that future generations will remember them."

"I support Director Xu and I will definitely support it when it is released."


By the end of 2009, many of Xu Ning's loyal fans had switched from Tieba to Weibo.

It only takes less than half a day.

His filming of "Nanjing" became the No. 1 hot search on Weibo.

【1#Xu Ning’s new movie "Nanjing!"Nanjing! 》】

Faced with the enthusiasm of fans, Xu Ning also responded. He posted a Weibo post. In just 2 hours, it received 10 retweets and 15 comments, which is quite scary.

Among them, the number one.

It's not about the movie, it's about the "concert"!
Hot comment No. 1: "Director Xu, if you don't hold a concert, the money I have saved for eight years will be handed over to my wife."

"Haha, died laughing."

"The host is married?"

"Congratulations on entering the grave of love."


Almost every time he posts on Weibo, there are comments about the concert. Xu Ning likes to read everyone's comments every time.

Very talented and funny.


He liked the first comment and replied with a few words: "Happy wedding, may you have a baby soon."

Unexpectedly, what came out was more replies. The Weibo backend was almost filled with replies and private messages.

Other Weibo influencers, such as Yao Chen, Liu Shishi, Damimi and Liu Yifei, all retweeted Xu Ning's new film on Weibo.

Yao Chen even added: "If Director Xu never gives up, I would like to play the role of Xiao Baga who was killed."

Xu Ning liked it: "Consider it."

Unconsciously, half a day passed while scrolling through Weibo. Xu Ning checked the time, turned off the computer, and took Xiuyan downstairs.

The Wang brothers of Huayi also wanted to participate in this film, and Xu Ning did not refuse. It would also be good to have other companies involved.

eleven o'clock noon.

A group of people met in a small restaurant.

Li Bing'er, a popular star of Huayi, is also here. It seems that Wang Zhonglei wants Li Bing'er to enter the movie.


If I had told you earlier, the relationship between him and Li Bing'er is just one sentence.

Li Bing'er was wearing slim-fitting denim trousers, a tight sweater and Martin boots today. She took off her coat and sat next to him as soon as she entered the door.

The plump and round... fragrant shoulders... instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the room, except Xiuyan.

Xu Ning turned around and took a look and found that Xiao Li had taken good care of his skin during this period. He probably went to the beauty salon frequently.

"Director Xu, let me pour you tea." Li Bing'er stood up and leaned over to get the cup on the other side of Xu Ning.

Obviously you can turn the glass disk on the table, but if you have to rub it, you are very gentle and sensible.

As the eldest sister, Xu Xiuyan couldn't stand this kind of thing. She coughed twice and signaled Li Bing'er to be careful not to seduce her younger brother.

"Ah haha, come and sit down, everyone. Today's dishes are all Xiuyan's favorites. Eat more later." Wang Zhonglei came out to smooth things over.

After sitting down, everyone started talking about movies.

"Nanjing!Nanjing! 》The investment is about 1 million, of which the publicity cost is more than 2000 million.

In other words, 8000 million can be used to make movies, which can be said to be more than enough.

Although Xu Ning is rich, he will not spend 1 million to invest in a movie because the rate of return is too low.

He found two partners, one was Huayi, who was having a meal now, and the other was Jiangsu Broadcasting and Television Company.

Among them, Ningde Capital invested 4000 million, and Huayi and Suzhou Radio and Television each received 3000 million.

Suzhou Radio and Television has a lot of money, and the funds have been transferred to the account...Xu Ning's face accounts for 80% of the credit for being able to talk so readily.

In addition, Director Zhou of the film purchasing department of Suzhou TV had a very pleasant late-night chat experience with Xu Ning before. This time, she also spent many days in it.

"Mr. Wang, happy cooperation."

"Pleasant to work with."

"Thank you, Director Xu, I will definitely act well." Li Binger said happily, pretending to be a little daughter.

Wang Zhonglei nodded and smiled knowingly: "Director Xu drank, Bingbing, you drive Director Xu home."

Li Bing'er grinned happily and replied: "Okay, Mr. Wang, Director Xu, Sister Xiuyan, I will drive you there."


In this case, Xu Ning did not go home. He found a reason to send his eldest sister home, and he took Li Bing'er back to Dongshan Villa.

This time Fan Bing'er was filming outside.

There were only two people, Li Bing'er and Xu Ning. Li Bing'er was a little embarrassed at first: "Suddenly there is no Xiao Fan. I feel like I can't handle it alone."

"Are you so unsure?"

"Hehe, yes, Brother Ning, you are so cool."

"Then you call Xiao Fan and ask her to encourage you."

"Hahaha, is this okay?"

Although she asked like this, she dialed the number very quickly. Within a few seconds, Xiao Fan's call was connected.

When she found out that Li Bing'er and Xu Ning were together, she was very envious and strongly requested to live broadcast the whole process.

But Xu Ning ignored him, took the phone over and hung up... You can't let anyone leave evidence for this kind of thing.



"Nanjing!Nanjing! "The lead role has been decided, and Xu Ning is preparing Zhu Yawen to star. Regardless of his temperament or acting skills, he has no problem playing a soldier.The male supporting role, Tang Tianxiang, is still Fan Wei.

Xu Ning had already contacted him. Teacher Fan received Xu Ning's call and agreed without saying a word.

At this moment, he had received the script given by Xu Ning and was trying to figure out the psychology of the character at home, almost memorizing the lines.

There are three main actresses in total.

The heroine Jiang Shuyun will still be played by Gao Yuanyuan, the second female lead, Mrs. Tang, will be played by Li Bing'er, and the remaining third female lead has not yet been determined.

Before he had time to think about the third female, he took his staff to Nanjing and drove around the remaining sections of the city wall to collect photos.

Then we went to Guanghuamen, Hanzhongmen, Yuhuatai Martyrs Cemetery and other places where the fighting was fierce.

At the last stop, accompanied by Director Zhou of Jiangsu Province Satellite TV, we went to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall.

The words "300000" engraved on the monument can be seen from a distance, and everyone's mood becomes heavy.

Two hours later, everyone left the memorial hall and took a bus to a small alley near Xinjiekou for dinner.

Far away, Xu Ning saw a familiar figure, who looked a bit like Ni Ni in the future.

Don't wait for him to ask.

Girls and classmates who looked like Ni Ni ran over excitedly, "Ah, Director Xu, it's really you."

"I'm so happy!"

"Director Xu, you are so handsome."


There were a lot of young students near Xinjiekou. When everyone heard that Xu Ning was here, they all rushed over like something.

After more than ten minutes, he and a group of people escaped and entered an intimate private restaurant.

Before leaving, he asked the girl's name - Ni Ni, a junior student at Nanguang College of Communication University.

Just a few days ago, she signed up for the audition for another war drama "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" by Zhang Yimou.

But now, she probably won't go.

Before leaving, Xu Ning left her assistant Zhang Xuan's phone number and told her to come for an interview tomorrow morning.

Being photographed by great directors even when walking on the street is a more magical plot than pie in the sky.

Ni Ni's three college roommates were extremely envious and asked her to treat her to dinner. Ni Ni waved her hand and said, "You can eat hot pot and barbecue as you go."

That night, after coming out of the hotel, Xu Ning and Director Zhou, a young woman whom she hadn't seen for many days, had sex until early in the morning before falling asleep.

Early the next morning.

Nanguang College.

Ni Ni got up before six o'clock to wash up, put on makeup, put on a very cool black windbreaker, put on sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and went to the hotel where Xu Ning was staying.

When he arrived at the hotel, Xu Ning had not gotten up yet, and he waited for almost half an hour before being allowed in.

inside the room.

He was sitting on the couch by the window, script in hand.

Ni Ni was a little nervous. At 170cm tall, she stood there like a primary school student who had made a mistake, clasping her little hands nervously.

"Don't be nervous, sit down."

"Thank you Director Xu."


There were just the two of them in the room, and the atmosphere was a bit charming. Before Ni Ni came, she had been fantasizing about whether Xu Ning would treat her in the hotel...

This kind of thing is often broadcast on the news.

Which actress was unspoken... which actor was taken away by the rich woman... Ni Ni had heard about it for a long time.

"If Director Xu attacks me...should I resist or should I hold back and not scream?" After sitting down, Ni Ni suddenly thought of this and her face turned red.

"Is it hot? If it's hot, take off your windbreaker." Seeing her hot face, Xu Ning said with a smile.

"Ah good!"

Ni Ni took off her clothes obediently.

Xu Ning looked if he wanted to do something to her, and smiled: "Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you."

"Yeah, I understand Director Xu."

"Okay, let's talk about the script and your role."


10 minute later.

"Your role is a dancer in the red light district, which requires a certain temperament. Do you have dancing skills?"

"Well, a little bit."

"You make a charming move and I'll see."

"it is good……"

Then, Ni Ni stood opposite him and made a concave look.

It almost made Xu Ning laugh.

In the end, he went into battle himself and taught her step by step how to pose in an enchanting but not unassuming way.

With such an intimate hand-to-hand interaction, the atmosphere in the room quickly became heated. Ni Ni looked at the handsome guy in front of him and wished he could be pressed on the sofa right now.

However, Xu Ning did nothing.

"Director Xu, I'm leaving first." Ni Ni opened the door and looked back at him reluctantly.

"Go ahead and join the group at any time."

"Yeah, I'll go get ready right now."


A week later.

"Nanjing!Nanjing! "Started filming at the Ningde Film and Television Base, the crew spent huge sums of money to build a dilapidated Nanjing city covering an area of ​​500 acres.

Ni Ni joined the team a week after filming started. Xu Ning was very happy to see this young and energetic girl again.

That night he entered her dreamland.

Last time in the hotel, he could see that Ni Ni really wanted to have further development with him.

After all, there are only a handful of girls who don't like him when he looks like him.

It's like you are interviewing in the same room with a beautiful director. Female directors are very popular at the box office. Have you never thought about being unspoken?
I guess many people will think so.


When the female director takes action, there will be no resistance at all, and she will even turn against the guest.


Ni Ni put on a cheongsam and performed a very beautiful dance, which made Xu Ning have to be interested.

Afterwards things will be logical.

When he came out of the dream, it was already 11:30 in the evening, and Ni Ni suddenly woke up from the hotel bed.

Recalling the plot just now, her cheeks became hot. Suddenly, she felt something Nianhuhu on the sheets, and she immediately ran out of bed in shame.

After working for an hour, I fell asleep.

The next morning.

When he saw Director Xu again, Ni Ni's eyes had a different kind of emotion, like that of a newly married young daughter-in-law.

Gao Yuanyuan walked up to Xu Ning, pinched Xu Ning's waist while no one was paying attention, and said, "Did you also mess with that little girl?"

Xu Ning grabbed Gao Yuanyuan's soft wrist and pulled him towards the cafeteria: "Nonsense, we're going to have lunch soon."

Other actors were used to it when they saw Xu Ning and Gao Yuanyuan fighting. These days, Gao Yuanyuan often walked around him.

Xu Ning didn't admit this kind of thing, and no one dared to talk about it, unless they didn't want to be in the circle in the future.

When Ni Ni saw Xu Ning holding Gao Yuanyuan's wrist, he was a little jealous, and he felt like he was competing for favor.

She immediately shook her head to get rid of this thought, "What age is this? He is not the emperor, so why should he fight for favor..."

"Ni Ni, come in to eat, what are you doing standing there?" As Xu Ning shouted, Miss Ni picked up her skirt and ran towards the cafeteria. (End of chapter)

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