Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Heartache

The coach sped towards the house in the western suburbs. It was cleaned frequently, so it seemed especially pristine. When Lie Huo stopped, Di Qing’s face was already pale. It could be that his wounds had opened again. Xu Linghe could only carry him off the coach.

When they entered the courtyard, a black speck flew over their heads. Little Lingchong saw that it was a stranger and it spat out a ray of spirit light. Xu Linghe flicked his spiritual finger lightly and Little Lingchong was sent onto the rooftop. Xu Linghe was just thinking that Lingchong knew no bounds when a figure appeared at the entrance. “Is it Junior Brother? Could it be that the little woman has returned?” A rare smile appeared on Xu Linghe’s face when he thought of that.

“Chengyi, where is your sister-in-law?”

“Something happened to her, Senior Brother…”

Xu Linghe rushed up, wanting to grab his Junior Brother’s collar. However, he was still carrying Di Qing and Chengyi was following him. His Junior Brother did not know how to answer. He was afraid that his Senior Brother would be upset if he told him the truth but was also worried that he could not hide it. He was caught between a rock and a hard place.

“Senior Brother, settle the King of Jiangdu first, and then, listen to me talk in detail.”

Chengyi stood at the room’s entrance and sent his Senior Brother away. He only hoped that his Senior Brother would feel less upset. Little Lingchong called out to him. Chengyi knew that it was worried about its mistress. But he had no choice. Little Lingchong’s mistress had been in a coma for months. In order to hide this from others, he had brought his sister-in-law, the Golden Qilin, and the naga, Ming Zhu, with him. He had suffered plenty in hopes that his Senior Brother would not punish him heavily.

“Senior Brother, I did not dare to find you at Jiangnan because of sister-in-law…”

Chengyi’s voice trailed off.

“What happened to her?” Chengyi tugged on his collar, afraid that his Senior Brother would go mad and kill him.

“Senior Brother, she’s gone.”

“Who’s gone. Speak quickly.”

Xu Linghe growled.

“Sister-in-law is gone. I was still too late. She went to Wind City alone, and when I saw her, she had already become an empty vessel without a soul. She’s been in a coma for days. I was afraid that you’d berate me then, so I could only wait for you in this courtyard. Senior Brother, sister-in-law has become a living corpse.”

Chengyi hugged Xu Linghe, sobbing.

“Where’s your sister-in-law? Quick, take me there.”

“She’s at where you practice martial arts.”

Chengyi’s heart hurt, but he did not want others to know. He followed from afar. Xu Linghe felt afraid when he opened the door. He did not dare to step forward and his body trembled violently. He was afraid that he would not be able to restrain himself when he saw his lady. Even though it was just a few steps away, Xu Linghe used all his strength. When he saw the little woman lying on the jade bed, a chill ran down his spine. His woman was lying there, sleeping soundly. He wanted to touch the little woman’s face, but his hands lifted up and fell down again. He was afraid that the woman on the bed would be cold. The little woman looked as if she was in a deep sleep. Her face was like jade and her eyelashes like butterflies. Her lips, however, were white.

Xu Linghe’s eyes grew dim. Salty tears rolled down his cheeks.

A wound tore through his heart and blood flowed out incessantly. It truly hurt. He could not let her die. Xu Linghe pulled the little woman up, sending Spirit Power into her body.

Chengyi knew that his Senior Brother felt aggrieved. But what could he do? Spirit Power enveloped Jiang Wuyou. The Spirit Power gathered endlessly. Xu Linghe wanted the little woman to wake up and hug him, calling him husband. However, it was all a dream. When he thought of that, Xu Linghe could not hold on any longer. Mouthfuls of blood surged up, and his body felt a pain as if it was being emptied. He could not support himself and fell heavily to the ground.

In the Fairy City, Wuyou woke up blearily. She just had a nightmare, and in her dream, she had died. A man cried very sadly. When Wuyou wanted to recall the man’s face, she forgot it.

The Holy Mother Empress’s birthday was approaching. Xu Linghe woke up early. Di Qing sat on the stone steps blew the eaves of the house. His complexion looked pinker. Xu Linghe had been focused completely on the little woman and had neglected his friend. Di Qing looked thoughtful. Xu Linghe felt that Di Qing was slightly different ever since he had been abducted. Who had Di Qing encountered that night? Then, Di Qing had looked pathetic. He was the King of Jiangdu, yet he was barefooted, and his clothes were in a mess as he laid on the dark streets, losing all his dignity. Xu Linghe went up and patted his brother’s shoulders. Di Qing turned around and glanced at Xu Linghe. He did not wish to speak. He stared at the chessboard on the stone table. Xu Linghe enjoyed watching chess matches, with regards to tactical chess. Such games enlightened his wits. However, Di Qing was not at all interested in sitting by the side and playing with pawns. In order not to disturb Xu Linghe, he walked off. Xu Linghe followed.

“Brother Di, Linghe has something to ask, but I don’t know if I should.”

“Ask ahead,” Di Qing stopped.

“The person who abducted you was…”

“That person wore a mask. I saw his appearance and he is a spirit cultivator. He has a scent that is rare in the Human Realm.”

“What did he say? And what were his intentions?”

“Linghe, that person is like a hunter, secretly observing at his prey at all times. His aim was not to kill, but to… I can’t say.”

“What was Ni Shang doing before you were abducted?”

“We were having sex together. Then, Ni Shang said we should drink to boost the atmosphere.”

“Did Ni Shang make you drunk, or…”

“No, I was still clear headed. Only Ni Shang felt uncomfortable and that she wanted to shower.”

“What happened after that?”

“I fell asleep while I waited. I was already in the prison cell when I woke up.”

“Brother di, don’t you think that Ni Shang is suspicious.”

“I have also thought of this. But I don’t know who is behind Ni Shang.”

“So Brother Di already has plans.”

“Brother Linghe. I came to the capital city to test the waters. But I had not expected someone to have already set up a plot before you and I both.”

“Indeed! We had just left and were followed shortly after. I still do not know who is behind all this.”

A home should be warm, but his home was a place of deceit. Xu Manor was well known in the capital city. It was located in the most prosperous area. Xu Linghe had just dismounted from his horse when a servant wearing a cloth shirt led Lie Huo away. The whip that Xu Linghe tossed at him was caught deftly by the servant.

Steward Liu welcomed him the moment he entered. Xu Linghe saw that it was the chief steward, Liu Hou, and smiled. He greeted him, calling him Uncle Liu.

“Young Master, you’re back. I haven’t seen you in three years.”

“Thank you, Uncle Liu. You’re still as energetic as before.”

“Master is waiting for you. He instructed me when he woke up to prepare dishes that you loved as a child. Young Master, Master has been missing you.”

“Is my father in?”

“Yes yes yes. He’s been waiting for you for a few hours now.”

“Alright. You may leave, Uncle Liu. I’m going to see my father.”

“Young Master, Master has his own difficulties. Don’t be angry with him. You cannot blame your father completely for your mother’s death. It was the Emperor who forced him.”

“Uncle Liu, I have a sense of propriety. He is still my father. I will not detest him. I have long forgotten all these old matters.”

“Then that’s good, that’s good.”

Liu Hou looked at the child who had been sensible since he was a child. He wiped the tears on the corners of his eyes. He loved this child and also this home. No matter what bad things the people out there said about his Master, he would not believe them. He only remembered a bowl of hot porridge sent to him in the middle of a snowstorm.

Xu Linghe stood outside the door. He retracted the hand he wanted to push the door with, wanting to turn and leave. The death of his mother was a thorn in his heart that would remain there forever.

“Is it Linghe?”

Xu Linghe’s heart felt even more bitter. His father’s voice had aged plenty. His father must not have been feeling well all these years!

The door creaked open. His father stood at the doorway, tears running down his aged eyes. Xu Linghe turned and entered the study.

It still looked the same as it did three years ago. Except, there was his mother’s portrait hung on the wall, and the inscription on it was from three months ago. It looked like his father had not been doing well! He had thought of his mother again. Xu Linghe knew that his father had made use of their relationship again. It seemed that his father had a favor to ask from him.

“Father, please get to the point.”

“Linghe, you are a good child. Father is not, which is why the situation ended up like that.”

“Father, your wits are comparable to none, how would that be.”

“Linghe, I was responsible for your mother’s death. If I had not set my sights on power, your mother would not have been involved.”

“Linghe remembers that clearly. Father swallowed Mother’s spiritual bead. I saw it with my own eyes. Could this be fake?”

“That is because the Emperor cannot accept our family. He said that your mother was the princess of the Fairy Kingdom and was a spy. He said that the Fairy Kingdom would take over his empire sooner or later.

“Father, if you wish to reminisce tonight, Linghe had better leave. Please take care of yourself.”

“He’er, are you really not going to forgive me? I only know how to get benefits and power all these years and have forgotten to be a good father. He’er, Father has wronged you, I let you grew up without a mother.”

“Please, speak your mind. Father, do not mention Mother again. Power is mightier than everything else to you. You said that the Emperor threated you for the stability of his own power. Is that true? You are still alive, and yet my mother is not. She died right before Linghe’s eyes. She held on to my hand, and in the end, she could not even speak Linghe’s name. Her blood stained her son’s entire body. Where were you then, father?”

Xu Linghe yelled.

“You were still little then, and you did not know the full story. The Emperor had long grown wary of your mother, which was why he wanted to kill her. Your mother made a transaction with the Emperor in order to save your life. But the Emperor went back on his words and would not let you go. He took your mother’s life with a cup of poisoned wine. Your mother knew that she would not be able to escape her fate and gave her Spiritual Bead to me. Your mother gave up her life because she loved you.”

“Is it? Father, you said it so touchingly. Linghe almost believed you. But Linghe remembers that Father, it was you who handed me over to the Emperor. Linghe and Mother kneeled before the throne. Where were you then, Father? You said that you were threatened by the Emperor, but have you ever considered Mother? She gave up her life to save her child, and yet you not only did not save my mother, you even disavowed your relationship with her. Did you know what Mother said before she died? She regretted it. She should not have abandoned the Fairy Kingdom and stayed in the Human Realm for love. In the end, she made her Linghe be all alone. Father, is this what you wanted?”

“It is the Emperor who would not allow you and your mother to live. He said that you were different and he wanted to eliminate you all from the root. If I do not hand you over, he would destroy the Xu family. What could I do? I could only save you if your mother died. Your Mother gave that Spiritual Bead to me. No matter how heartless I am, I would not kill your mother for the bead.”

“Father, since you have explained yourself, then Linghe shall leave.”

“He’er, Father has a favor to ask of you.”

Xu Linghe smiled bitterly. This was his father! He had allowed his pawn to live. He had talked about all his difficulties, all his helplessness. In the end, it was to make use of their father-son relationship.

“The You family and the Xu family have known each other for years. However, Old You has gotten closer with my political enemies and is threatening the Xu family. The miss of the You family likes He’er. Go visit the You family often. As long as the You family’s miss marries into the Xu family, we would be on the same boat. Right, He’er?”

“I say! Seems like Father has already set up the chessboard, waiting for your son, the pawn.”

Xu Linghe laughed aloud, shaking the study. Xu Linghe knew that his heart was bleeding.

“Master prepared this especially for you. Young Master, eat before you leave.”

“Uncle Liu, Linghe will eat next time. Take care of yourself.”

“Elder Brother, the chap left soon after returning. Seems like he’s fought with the old man again. I walked by the study earlier and saw the chap yelling at the old man. The old man was not angry and even talked to him about his mother. Elder Brother, why do you think the old man is in such a hurry to find our third younger brother? Aren’t we here? Why won’t he let us settle the matter? I like the look of the little miss of the You family, but the old man insists on calling our third younger brother home. If I become the You family’s son-in-law, with the backing of a father-in-law who is the assistant minister of the Ministry of War, I would definitely experience a meteoric rise. Furthermore, the old man is so biased. He gave our third younger brother all the good things. Elder Brother, we are also his sons, right?”

“Second younger brother, it is not necessarily a good thing to have the old man remember you. You might die if you’re not careful. We should just wait to watch the show now. Don’t let our third younger brother’s young age blind you. He is very capable. How old was he when his mother died?”

“About five. I was eight and elder brother was 11, right?”

“Yup! He was five, and yet, he managed to survive in the dangerous manor. Do you remember when we caused him to fall into the water when he was little? We were the ones who pushed him in, but he said that he fell in himself. Back then, I thought that he was too stupid. Why did he not speak the truth? I only understood when I grew a little older. He pretended to be weak so we would not be wary of him. He was also afraid that we would seek revenge. He went to Mount Kunlun to study when he was very young. He not only avoided us, but he also had time to grow up.”

“Elder brother, his return does not benefit us at all. There can only be us brothers in this home. We have to find a way to make the old man hate him. We can’t let the chap gain any benefits.”

“You say it so easily. Now that the old man has encountered a political crisis, only the lad can help him. Don’t fight with him. There’s no use. The little miss of the You family does not like you. She likes our third younger brother.”

“Elder brother, how am I any weaker than the lad? Even the You family is snobbish. One day, when I strike it rich, I’ll have the lad carry my shoes.”

“Second younger brother, I have another plan.”

“Tell me about it. I will do anything as long as I can marry the little miss of the You family.”

“On the 15th of this month, the old madam of the You family will head up the mountain and practice abstinence from meat. This is an opportunity. I heard that little miss will also stay on the mountain. You see what you’re going to do. You have to grasp the opportunity yourself.”

“You mean, you want me to rape her? If I do that, Miss You will hate me. Elder Brother, this is not right. I love the little miss of the You family and cannot hurt her.”

“Do you have a better idea?”

There were two shadowed figures in the dark. They plotted as they watched Xu Linghe leave.

Xu Linghe paused for a moment after leaving the front doors. In the dark, the Xu Manor looked like a beast about to swallow Xu Linghe.

A servant wearing a cloth shirt brought Lie Huo over. Lie Huo was very proud, and Xu Linghe only jumped onto the horse’s back after a few turns. He raised the horsewhip and Lie Huo ran stubbornly. Xu Linghe sat on the horseback, allowing the cold winds to blow over him. On the wide streets, Lie Huo extended his wings and flew toward southwest with Xu Linghe on its back.

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