Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Attack the Fire Tribe (2)

Su Chenyang barged into the Commander’s camp and stared at his Commander in Chief nervously. Wuyou was also shocked at the news. If Xiao Linggong died in the war, how could she explain to Xiao Yan?

“Chengyang, where is Commander Xiao now?”

“In Li’s village, Tao Xian Town.”

“Where is Military Colonel Leng now?”

“He is heading to the Tao Xian Town.”

“Chengyang, the Fairy Kingdom must win this war.”

“Commander in Chief, you are right. If we lose the war, there will be no days of peace in the Fairy Kingdom. Small countries in the neighborhood will nibble our country little by little.”

“Chenyang, let’s attack them surprisingly tonight.”

“Commander in Chief, you meant we will press our main forces on and attack them by surprise.”

“That’s right. The Fire Tribe will not expect that we will carry out sneak-attacks twice.”

“Commander in Chief, the Fire-Tribe King colluded with the countries around to encroach on a number of towns and cities of our country. As a citizen of the Fairy Kingdom, I will be in the service of our country. Tonight, we will hit the Fire Tribe heavily. Otherwise, the Fairy Kingdom will suffer more in the future.”

“Commander Assistant Shen!”


“Aggregate the forces now!”


Jiang Wuyou stepped out of the Commander’s camp to the encampment, followed by Su Chenyang. The battle tonight was too dangerous to predict. Watching Commander in Chief’s confident figure, Su Chenyang was convinced that the Commander in Chief was able to lead the soldiers to win the battle.

Jiang Wuyou gazed at the young and vigorous faces. These warm-blooded soldiers left parents, wives or children to the nation’s interest. At that moment, Jiang Wuyou vowed to herself that no matter how cruel the war would be, she would take them home.

“Commander in Chief, aggregation finished!”

Shen Chuya stared at the Commander in Chief, waiting for her order. Jiang Wuyou jumped onto the high platform and looked around. She performed her Spirit Power out to lift the soldiers up with pouring strength from her hands. The soldiers ascended into the sky like divine troops and flew to the Tao Xian Town.

“Commander in Chief, we’ve arrived at the Tao Xian Town.”

Su Chenyang scanned the camps in the distance, which was the closest place near the Fire Tribe. Night added some mystery to the Tao Xian Town.

Jiang Wuyou dissipated her Spirit Power and moved to the Military camp while Shen Chuya kept his position. Xiao Nai came up to Jiang Wuyou at the sight of her arrival. Wuyou entered the camp’s tent.

Inside the spacious tent lay the wounded everywhere. Xiao Linggong’s body appeared purple. Wuyou conjured some tiny silver needles to seal Xiao Linggong’s acupuncture points and transfused Spirit Power from her fingers to his heart meridian. Then, Haunting Ptomaine was gathering gradually. When the black blood bulged under the skin, Wuyou stabbed it gently with a silver needle. The blood spurted out. At the sight, Xiao Nai was about to cover the wound.

“Military Staff Officer Xiao, back off. Haunting Ptomaine is catching once affected. The Haunting Ptomaine in Commander Xiao has been cleared away, and he will wake up within several hours. As for the other soldiers, someone used Spirit Power to protect their heart meridians. So their Haunting Ptomaine will be detoxicated automatically in two days.”

“The one must be Commander Xiao. To save the soldiers, he chose to sacrifice himself. Well, here are a military map and a confidential letter that Commander Xiao got by risking his life.”

Xiao Nai took them out from his chest. Jiang Wuyou opened the confidential letter with great care. With a few sentences, Jiang Wuyou had seen the light.

How could the spy in the Fairy Kingdom be him? Wuyou did not expect that the spy was Xiao Yan, Xiao Linggong’s father. Looking at pale-faced Xiao Linggong, Wuyou had some pity for him. If one day he knew his father was the collaborationist, how heartbroken he would be! He defended the country with his life, but it meant nothing to his father.

“Chenyang, it should be the weakest point of the Fire-Tribe force. Near the west. We can make a breach here.”

Seeing the Commander in Chief’s opinion coincided with his, Su Chenyang thought the Commander in Chief was also a resourceful person. The first step was to unclench the enemy’s weakest point, then eat up them little by little, and finally take them with one bash through collaboration from inside and outside.

“Military Staff Officer Xiao, take care of the soldiers here.”

“Even at the risk of death, I will protect them!”

“Chenyang, let’s go!”


Wuyou walked out of the tent with Su Chenyang in tow. Xiao Nai followed up hurriedly. When noticing the dark mass of soldier, Xiao Nai realized Wuyou’s intention at once—to conduct a night raid to the Fire Tribe.

“Commander in Chief, take care of yourself.”

Watching Jiang Wuyou disappear far away, Xiao Nai entered the tent. It would be bound to be an unusual night. Perhaps after tonight, it would be another different scene.

Standing above the Fire Tribe, Wuyou strengthened her Spirit Power and condensed the Spirit Power to jack up the soldiers to the Fire-Tribe barrack.

“Commander Assistant Shen, take orders!”


“Lead 50,000 picked soldiers to ambush in the surroundings. When the barrack is captured, taking the little spirit flame as the signal, you must attack the city as soon as possible. So we can collaborate from within with forces from outside. You mustn’t bungle the opportunity for combat!”

Wuyou seeded a spirit flame into Shen Chuya’s palm, turned around and flew to the Fire Tribe. Su Chenyang led the soldiers to the Commander in Chief while Jiang Wuyou flew in the direction of the military-weakest Western Front.

Viewed from afar, the gate tower seemed obscure where only several pawns were patrolling, their long spears giving off murderous feeling under the light. Wuyou brushed her Spirit Power and leaped onto the top of the gate tower, and then those pawns were conjured to fall asleep immediately. Then, the soldiers behind her flew onto the gate tower as well. Wuyou chased down the stairs along the stone steps, only to find that there was no one in the West Gate.

“Commander in Chief, we are trapped here.”

Su Chenyang said in a trembling voice. Looking at the high city walls and the vast West City encircled tightly by iron nets, Su Chenyang feared that if hundreds of thousands of people were caught in such a pokey place, they would be nothing but the fish on the chopping board—be trampled by others at will.

“Commander in Chief, only by attacking by force can we reverse the passive to the active.”

Su Chenyang’s fear subsided a bit. The more critical it was, the less distracted he should become. How he felt just now was a major taboo in the military.

Jiang Wuyou cast a glance at the silent roadway which had also been blocked by arrays of iron nets. Her indiscretion caused her soldiers to fall into an impasse. The military map in her hands was only an enemy’s bait. She was the one to blame for her craving after greatness and success, which placed her and the soldiers unreservedly in others’ power.

Seeing the tower covered with a strange atmosphere, Wuyou remained surprisingly calm. For a young Commander in Chief, it was a test, and she would go all out.

“Chenyang, someone intended to catch turtles in the jar. It will be fierce combat tonight. Are you scared of death?”

No heroic utterance sounded but only the word “trust”. These soldiers who were going to go through fire and water with Wuyou marched along shoulder to shoulder at the most critical moment and entrusted their lives to Wuyou. How selfless they were! How could Wuyou let them down?

“Commander in Chief, if we can come back alive, I will treat you the peach wine, which is made by myself. At that time, let’s get drunk together!”

“Unexpectedly, Chenyang has such aesthetic mood.”

“Yes, Commander in Chief, you don’t know man. Wine, in men’s heart, is as important as women.”

Jiang Wuyou thought of Xu Linghe. Perhaps they could not meet each other again this life. The battle tonight was more ominous than propitious. But she still could not put him down. “Linghe, if I am dead, you should take good care of yourself.”

Wuyou assembled her Spirit Power, and a purple little fox jade appeared on her hand. Wuyou clenched the little fox jade, unwilling to give it to others. The jade in her hands was their tokens, a mauve jade concealed in the souls, which witnessed their love. Her heart ached with great regret. If Wuyou was killed in the battle, she only hoped the person would be less heartbroken.

“Chenyang, this is a little fox of mauve jade. If I die, please send it to a man named Xu Linghe in the human world.”

Su Chenyang was stressed out, realizing that the man that he had met in the restaurant was really an old friend of Commander in Chief’s. Su Chenyang still kept the little bell, so he shook it secretly with the hope that the man would come. Perhaps it would be last time they could see each other.

The city wall soared skyward, and the iron nets were crammed with flying swords. These Spirit-Power flying swords would penetrate Su Chenyang himself next second. But the soldiers behind did not flinch at all. How could he be fearful?

Looking at the Commander in Chief’s firm eyes that had left life and death out, Su Chengyang touched the bell in his chest, hoping that Xu Linghe could give a hand this time. “Commander in Chief, do not blame Chenyang.”

The red-haired man stood on the high wall and gave out howls of berserk laughter at the sight of the west gate some kilometers away. What a brilliant scheme to catch them as easy as blowing off! Even the Commander in Chief in Fairy Kingdom was entrapped as well.

“Young brother, you are so clever!”

The man wearing a mask threw a cold stare at the soldiers under the city. These men should have been his citizens. Blame on the alluring power!

“Young brother, officers and soldiers in your Fairy Kingdom are a bunch of idiots! They court death just in that way.”

“Leader, but for my setting the trap, don’t you think the Fire Tribe would be stronger than the Fairy Kingdom?”

“You can say that again! Young brother, you are much smarter! In order not to let your son sense anything odd, you would rather he was poisoned by Haunting Ptomaine than that give him a helping hand.

Looking at the man before him, the red-haired man could not but show admiration to him. 50,000 soldiers under the city meant nonentity to this ruthless lord. So the red-haired man thought he’d better remain alert to him.

“Young Brother, in your opinion, fire attack or arrows bomb?”

“Your Majesty, it depends. If kind enough, choose arrows. I don’t want to see the battle on char.”

“Arrow! Release!”

The moment the red-haired man roared out the order, an overwhelmingly countless number of Spirit-Power arrows struck through the iron net and flung to the crowd under the city wall.

“The heavy task to catch the red-haired man is entrusted to you.”

“Chenyang will live up to the trust and surely catch the Fire-Tribe leader.”

Wuyou looked at the officers and soldiers behind, and each of them was an unyielding man, not scared of the Fire-Tribe assault.

The sword thrummed in the Spirit Power. Arrows blotted out the sky, and the splash of the fire lit up the night sky. Roars and trickles of blood composed a heroic song for the men bathed in the bloody fight.

Wuyou released her Spirit Power, and the Ancient Spirit seethed inside her. Her silver armor gleamed with moonlight in the Spirit Power. The offensive arrows were finished off confronted with the Ancient Spirit. After a sweep of long sleeves, the arrows bounced back with thundering power.

Su Chenyang turned into a water dragon and flew to the city wall. Above the high wall, the red-haired man suspended in the mid-air with a blazing saber under his feet. He opened his sleeves and retracted all the arrows bouncing back.

Xiao Yan beside ducked the Water Dragon’s attack, and his eyes under the mask began conjuring with red light rings dazzling in all directions. Su Chenyang felt dizzy, and his body losing the Spirit Power plummeted from the mid-air. Wuyou managed to catch Su Chenyang at lightning speed.

The red-haired man split toward Wuyou with the blazing saber in his hands. With the protection of the Ancient Spirit, Wuyou was able to dodge the attack. The man opened his sleeves, and then a skyful of arrows thrust to Wuyou. Ancient Spirit blocked arrows like a transparent shield. Wuyou held Su Chenyang up and flew down to the city wall where officers and soldiers were brandishing their Spiritual Swords.

The red-haired man on the high wall had run out of his patience, so he launched another offensive. Burning beads descended on the ground and then caused billows of smoke. Spiritual Sword was unable to ward off the power of the burning beads any more. Blood reddened the officers and soldiers’ clothes. Su Chenyang conjured out rain in order to extinguish the blaze. However, it was originated from the Fire-Tribe Holy Fire, so rainwater was unable to put it out.

Fire spread exceedingly fast. Officers and soldiers were struggling in the blaze, whose desperate faces tore up Wuyou’s heart. At the moment, all Wuyou wanted was to save their lives, even at the expense of her own life. The surging Ancient Spirit split the flames. Wuyou was calling Jiangyu. Only by unlocking the seal on Jiangyu could she save herself and her soldiers fighting in the bloody battle.

Wuyou in the blaze got her souls out of her flesh little by little in the search for the little spirit flame.

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