Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 34: Three ultimate questions

Chapter 34 Three Ultimate Questions

Zhu Zhengwei followed his gaze, “This is the real generation of emperors, and many historical emperors in the past are far inferior to you.”

“Yeah, I think so too.” The old man turned around and smiled brightly.

After speaking, the surroundings are quiet.

The two drink tea again, enjoying the tranquility of this moment of sunset.

“What a wonderful line, the sentence just now has been directly sublimated!”

“What do you mean? This sentence: Lead by example and accept the saddest thing like your own death? I just feel compelled.”

“You don’t read history! Throughout the history of mankind, most of the heroic emperors feared death in their later years. They were all seeking longevity, alchemy, ruined government, all kinds of absurd things, and the late festival is not guaranteed. The emperor Shi Guangzhizheng is in front of him. , We must set an example for the emperor of the future and prevent them from embarking on that kind of crooked path.”

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized.

As the first human emperor in the history of civilization, he will surely become an example for all “human beings”. He must carry out his life as a human being, birth, old age, sickness, and death, and frankly accept his own death in his twilight years, instead of looking for it. Other evil methods “eat qi” to prolong life, do evil for evil, and be a tyrant to cause riots in the world. This is to tell the latecomers that this is the integrity that the emperor should have!

And is this really just a game?

If it’s just a game, it’s awesome!

In every person’s standpoint, they show their character and plan heartily and perfectly.

I have to say that every word of the dialogue and monologue of this terrifying imposing saint emperor is enough to shock people.

The whole scene and atmosphere are staggering, as if facing the torrent of history, the sad sigh of the great master of the era before his death.

What kind of great man is this?

is simply looking forward to and yearning.

A plant swaying its branches,

“I’m getting goose bumps all over, Shi Guangzhi Zhengzheng, everything this man has done for humans makes me cry. This is a truly honest human hero! He chose to live a short life, completely similar to the previous generation of Shi Guang Changshou Emperor. Those who are greedy for life and fear of death are judged like two people!”

“Is this kind of personality charm, this kind of domineering feeling really acting? Before my eyes, this seems to be a real person, domineering, fierce, but loves to show off his country in front of God, and feel complacent.”

“Call up slaves and build huge walls to defend against barbarians! Cast saint classics and open a peaceful and prosperous world for future generations! This reminds me of an eternal emperor in China.”

“My blood is rolling!”

“The torrent of history is rolling, how many heroes are scoured by waves!”

Their own blood is about to boil.

I just feel that history is repeating itself. This is a new and historic human epic myth. The most beautiful “World” is nothing but a civilizational epic written by humans with blood and tears.


“Don’t make any noise, this is a landscape game. We listen to the wind, watch the sunset, and witness the end of the king of a great era.”

Someone said.

Suddenly quieted down.

The fairy grass bloomed with colorful rays of sunlight, swaying, and it was a tea shed for two people to drink tea from a distance as a beautiful scene.

For a long time, Emperor Shi Guangzhi Zhengzheng spoke again:

“To be honest, to this day, I have laid the foundation for the civilization of the world, and I have done everything that I can do. I die without regrets, but I can think about it. There is one more thing, and I always hesitate.”

“what’s up?”

“The “Ethical Sutras of Survival” made by Zhen, although the world calls it perfect, includes an overview of all species, and can be called Taoism, but I know that there is still a gap in it. This book is incomplete, and I want to complete it before my death.”

As soon as these words fell, not only Zhu Zhengwei understood what he meant, but some clever fairy grass also reacted.

This classic, the general outline, introduces the general outline of all things in the world.

Water-eaters, soil-eaters, wood-eaters, herb-eaters, carnivores. Breath-eaters, and year-eaters include all natural categories, but one category is missing.


God, what kind of eater is it?

The   general outline describes the types of all things, but lacks the “god” category. It is not recorded in the classics, so it is no wonder that we have to ask.

Thinking of this, some people have already screamed and admired this terrible saint more and more.

“As expected of you, Shi Guangzhi, Emperor Shi Guangzhi, in order to perfect his saint writings, I would like to ask what kind of **** is the species? I have to arrange it inside!”

“It’s so beautiful!”

“I’m afraid that the previous request for the advent of God was when I was stuck when I was writing a book. At that time, I wanted to ask God to come, solve my doubts, and continue to write the book!”

“He still wants to make some last attempts for mankind, so he is eager to see the gods who live long and immortal.”

The surrounding fairy grass was whispering again, talking some evil indescribable babble, but Zhu Zhengwei looked at this emperor.

What does God eat?

What kind of creature is God?

How do I know.

This world has just begun, and there has been an era of witchcraft since you laid the foundation, but there is no real super existence that can be called a “god”. It is still in the embryonic stage, and you are just getting started.

He is a creation god, but he is obviously not of this kind, because he is a mortal in a certain sense.

Obviously, I can’t answer this question myself.

Zhu Zhengwei asked: “Is this your problem?”

“This is only the first question.”

Shi Guangzhi Zhengzheng was very indifferent and calm, “I have three questions in total. I want to question the gods on behalf of this short and weak human race.”

having three?

Zhu Zhengwei felt a little confused.

Instead, the fairy grass began to communicate.

“This plot is simply wonderful, it is simply a logical fate! If there is such a history, and God really exists, mortals will definitely try to find God and take the opportunity to ask God some questions.”

“What’s so wonderful? What fate dictates?” Someone puzzled, “What do you know?”

“If you don’t understand, I just studied history and theology! In the five thousand years of human history on earth, people have always had all kinds of unknowns and confusions about nature, fearful, and finally people will feel uneasy and fearful about the unknown. , Hoping on the non-existent’god’.”

“So, people built temples and altars to worship the ‘gods’, yearning for the blessings of the gods, for the answers of the gods, and yearning for the ‘god loves the world’. This is the origin of the feudal superstition of mankind.”

“You know, the people around you pray for the safety of your child’s exam, and you will be pregnant with a boy, and tomorrow will be safe, and the emperor of the country will bow to the gods, longing for the drought to disappear, the floods to recede, and all kinds of useless rituals that are extravagant and costly. .”

“In the 5,000-year history of the earth’s feudal civilization, when there were no real gods, people in the East and the West were all keen to kneel in front of the gods and ask various questions about the gods, but is there really a **** in front of them?”

Everyone was suddenly stunned.

They just feel that there is indeed a fateful smell in this.

Zhu Zhengwei was sitting and drinking tea, listening to the whispers in the distance, feeling peaceful. He didn’t think that these players were quite a lot of people and learned very well in history. There is even this kind of law. Brainstorming is still useful.

Zhu Zhengwei couldn’t help thinking, “Are you eager to get God’s answer again? Throughout the long history of the past and the future, human beings always aspire to obtain enlightenment from the gods and rely on beliefs that cannot be expected. It is the original origin of human superstition in “gods”.”

Shi Guangzhi Zhengzheng’s heart was shocked, as if he had also sensed the meaning of this sentence and the inevitable historical law in it.

He couldn’t help but be surprised: “It turns out. That’s true! Worthy of being a god. In past times, there must be mortals praying to gods. This is a historical inevitability. I am not the first or the last.”

Zhu Zhengwei didn’t care, “You can ask.”

Shi Guangzhi Zhengdi directly said: “The first question is to ask the spirit of the soul. I cast the “Survival of the World”, which covers all kinds of the world, but lacks the category of’gods’. Dare to ask what kind of gods are and how longevity is? Things? I hope they can be recorded in ancient books and worshipped by the world.”

“The second question is about the flesh and blood body. Qi does not flow through the body. Is the qi we studied through the flesh and blood body the right way? The ultimate in flesh and blood can reach immortality, and can there be a future?”

“The third question is about the world. I built a wall of ten thousand stones to resist foreign enemies, and set up internal affairs with various regimes. After my death, will my country be passed on from generation to generation, and mankind will be eternal? If it is eternal prosperity, it will be Is the old world of gods?”

Zhu Zhengwei was suddenly startled.

These three questions.

Seems to have known each other before.

I saw it when I searched for dream information before.

Of course, many fairy grasses also reacted.

“These three questions are very profound. I personally think that they are an inevitable stage in the history of mankind’s exploration of the world, and they have a certain relationship with the three books of our modern earth human beings.”

“What do you mean? Seek Xueba to explain!”

“The Analysis of Dreams” is a book that led to the three major ideological revolutions of mankind at that time, and symbolized the first step for mankind to enter modern society. .”

“These three can be embodied as human species from a certain angle, and it is precisely to start to explore the three directions of exploration of the world, soul, flesh and blood, and environment.”

“And of the three questions that Shi Guangzhi Zhengzheng in front of him actually asked, the first question is “The Book of Survival”, the masterpiece of the spirit and soul. The second question is about the flesh and blood of the body, and the third question is about Exploration of the external world environment.”

Everyone was shocked.

This emperor of feudal civilization directly asked the three major issues that the earth human beings were constantly exploring during the ideological revolution during the Renaissance to the end of the nineteenth century.

“Shi Guangzhi Zhengdi, how dare to ask the old **** like this! Is he not afraid of death? But I feel that this dialogue, one question and one answer, is simply wonderful, I have goose bumps all over my body!”

“This game is so unimaginable! It seems to be true historical creatures, scientists, and knowledge seekers, constantly exploring the world! And the humans in front of them are asking God, the soul consciousness and flesh and blood that humans have been pursuing. Body, the three ultimate topics of the external environment!”

“This is not a game at all!!! I seem to have seen another time and space, a dialogue between the real emperor of the world and the true **** of the world!”

“This idea is too exaggerated. If the answer is correct, it will definitely be the work of God, and it will even open up some doubts about the way for modern mankind.”

“The cow is going to explode!”

“Q&A between the gods in the sky and the tyrants on earth! At this moment, I feel the joys and sorrows of the world, the continuation of civilization, and I am composing historical songs with blood and tears!”

Everyone can’t help but discuss it. This is amazing.

“I also have my own opinions on these three questions. I want to answer them. Let’s see how they are. Maybe they can match the answers of the gods.”

“Don’t! What can you do to answer! Everyone, stop making trouble, let’s see how the gods answer.”

(End of this chapter)

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