Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 11

"Hey - actually I really don't want to be like this..." Lin Tianlang lay on the table and turned his face slightly. He saw a light red mark between Xu Weiwei's eyebrows. It was not conspicuous, but if you look carefully, it would be obvious. Can see it.

"I really didn't expect that after knowing you for twelve years, you are not a human being." Lin Tianlang whispered.

"Ahaha...well...actually, the difference between the gods and humans is a divine seal." Xu Weiwei laughed dryly. Then, Grote read her name, she winked at Sirius, and then went to the podium.

As expected by Lin Tianlang, Xu Weiwei's talent level is A level. It seems that there is no talent lower than A level among the gods.

"Hey - I suddenly feel envious. Where do you come from? Why do you have S-level magic affinity? And you are born with such strong magic power!" Xu Weiwei pouted after returning to her seat, her cheeks bulging.

"What is my background...? I'm just an ordinary person." Lin Tianlang said listlessly: "According to them, I'm just a humble human race."

"Ah... Actually, there is no need for you to belittle yourself like this... A person who has tested an S-level talent has nothing to do with being humble..." Xu Weiwei said with a complicated expression.

"No, no, no, I'm not belittling myself, it's just identity recognition. As long as I identify with my own identity, and others use my identity to attack me in the future, I won't be angry because of it!" Lin Sirius's tone became lively: "Yes, that's it! When the time comes, show off your S-level talent to others, and then say in a mocking tone, 'Oh, I am a human who has S-level talent, you can't even show me If not, then what level of fun do you have? You will definitely make others vomit blood! Thinking about this scene, I can’t help but feel happy!" Lin Tianlang snickered as he spoke. The laughter grew louder and louder, so much so that several students sitting in front of him couldn't help but glance at him.

"You are really..." Xu Weiwei's expression became weird, as if she wanted to express "I don't know this person."

Half an hour later, everyone finally completed the magic affinity talent test. During a class meeting, half of the class was used by Grott to talk nonsense, and the other half was used to test everyone's magic affinity talents. The whole morning passed like this.

After Grote announced that get out of class was over, the students immediately became noisy. Some people were discussing loudly, and some were sighing. In the classroom, there was a sight that Lin Sirius had never seen before: elves with pointed ears and blond hair, dragons with dragon horns on their heads, short dwarves, vampires with fangs in their mouths, and those who looked similar to ordinary people. But among the gods with the divine mark between their eyebrows... in short, there is no normal person.

"What a sin... Why are you throwing me into a place like this... I just wanted to go to college normally..." Lin Sirius sighed as he lay on the table. It's good now that no one is bothering him...for now.

Xu Weiwei was chatting with a few girls nearby. This guy has a very cheerful personality, he enjoys eating no matter where he is, and he can get along with other people quickly.

However, just after enjoying a moment of peace, trouble came to the door.

"Hey, human race!" A voice shouted in Lin Tianlang's ears. Lin Tianlang looked up and found the red-haired girl Long Xinyu. Now it seems that he is indeed not a "human", he has two dragon horns on his head.

"Uh, what's the matter?"

"I admit that your magic talent is indeed very powerful, much stronger than the average human waste. But if you are stronger than the physical body, you will never be our dragon's opponent! I was careless this morning. If we have the ability, we Let’s fight again! This is a letter of challenge!” Long Xinyu slapped a letter of challenge on Lin Tianlang’s desk with a straight face.

Long Xinyu's declaration of war undoubtedly attracted the attention of almost everyone else in the class. Everyone focused their attention in this direction, ready to watch the show.

"If you can win, I will promise you a condition!" Long Xinyu turned up his nose, looking quite confident. During the magic talent test just now, this woman's talent level was B level, which was considered excellent, but compared with the protoss students with A level talents, it was slightly inferior.

Lin Tianlang looked at the interested eyes of the people around him and narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't want to fight with this Long Xinyu again, it was a good opportunity to establish his authority, and it wouldn't be a bad thing if he accepted it.

"Okay!" Thinking of this, Lin Tianlang readily agreed to Long Xinyu's challenge: "Where? Time?"

"Okay! It's refreshing enough! The place is in the open space on the first floor, and the time is now!" Long Xinyu snorted, then turned and left. His red ponytail hair shook Lin Tianlang's face: "I'll wait below. you!!"

"Oh, there's really nothing we can do. Let's get rid of the trouble quickly." Lin Tianlang sighed, got up and followed Long Xinyu slowly.

"Hey, there's something good to watch!" The fight between the two immediately attracted a wave of people.

"Let's go and watch the show!"

Long Xinyu had already gone downstairs in a hurry, but Lin Tianlang was not in a hurry at all and followed slowly. When he reached the corner of the corridor, a petite figure suddenly rushed out from the side and pulled Lin Tianlang aside.

"Are you willing to die in a fight with the Dragon Clan?" The visitor said anxiously. Because he was too short, he could only grab the hem of Lin Sirius' clothes.

It's Aniya.

"Is it you? Why, are you worried about me?" Lin Tianlang laughed. Apart from Xu Weiwei, an acquaintance, there were other students in the school who were not hostile to him.

"I..." Aniya's pretty face suddenly turned red, "I, I, I" couldn't say the next sentence for a long time.

"Okay, it's not like you haven't seen me beat up three gangsters that day. My martial arts is very powerful, so don't worry." Lin Tianlang said with a smile.

"But she is a dragon, very strong, and she is different from those ordinary people!" Aniya shook her head like a rattle, looking too cute.

"Don't worry, I'm very measured. Moreover, there is a saying that 'hit with one punch to avoid a hundred punches'. If you don't face some troubles, there will only be endless troubles coming to your door in the future. And I hate it the most. It's a troublesome thing." Lin Tianlang said, and then he turned around and went downstairs neatly, leaving a wave behind Aniya.

When he got downstairs, Lin Tianlang saw Long Xinyu waiting in the open space in the distance, looking like he couldn't wait to beat him up.

"You're so lazy!" Long Xinyu crossed his arms and said dissatisfiedly. Lin Tianlang laughed, but did not respond.

"What are these two people going to do?" Next to them, seeing the two people preparing to fight, other students gathered around them curiously.

"They are two freshmen from Class 1, Grade , and they are planning a duel!"

"Duel? Can a first-year student be able to cast a duel so soon?"

"It's not a fight, it's a hand-to-hand fight!"

"Ge, fight? I'm a good boy, that girl is a dragon? Is this guy's brain caught in the door? Or is he under the ecstasy spell?"

"I don't know. Don't ask me. I've just arrived."


There were gradually more people watching around. Lin Tianlang saw Aniya's petite figure in the crowd and gave her a reassuring look.

"Xu Weiwei! Come on, come on, there's something good to watch!" Behind the crowd, Xu Weiwei was also pulled over by several girls to watch the battle.

"Ah...that..." Xu Weiwei's expression was a little complicated. She didn't know whether she should worry about that guy. After all, Lin Tianlang had already subdued Long Xinyu once in the morning, and he would subdue him again... It shouldn't be a big problem. Bar?

"That human race, I don't know where he came from, actually tested out S-level talent! How arrogant, I really want to see him beaten to the ground begging for mercy!" said a girl with blue hair next to Xu Weiwei.

Are you just jealous that others are more talented than you? Xu Weiwei complained in her heart but did not say it out loud. This blue-haired girl is also a god and has A-level talent. The girls who pulled her over were all from the Protoss race, and they all got acquainted with each other after just chatting for a few words.

"It's almost done, can we have a fight?" Lin Tianlang yawned when he saw people surrounding him.

"Hmph! Don't be proud! I was just careless this morning and let you win by chance!" Long Xinyu snorted, but he did not make an expression of contempt for Lin Tianlang. Instead, his expression became serious. stand up.

"bring it on!"

"I know, let's do this. I'll give you three moves to prevent others from saying I bully girls." Lin Tianlang twisted his neck, stretched his muscles, and became a little more serious.

"Huh? That man dared to say that he would give his opponent three moves? Doesn't he know that with the dragon's strength and speed, he can be disabled with just one move?"

"Haha, someone, please go and inform the school nurse, Ms. Ovelina, that a patient has been booked in advance."

Hearing Lin Tianlang's arrogant words, the crowd immediately exploded.

"Okay..." Long Xinyu gritted his teeth: "This is what you said!! Don't blame me for being rude!!"

After the words fell, Long Xinyu pointed his toes, and then his whole body shot out like bullets, rushing straight towards Lin Tianlang. At the same time, there was a strong wind.

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