Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 31 Secrets of Gemstones

Despite ten thousand reluctances, the afternoon exam still came on time. I can only say that you will definitely not be able to avoid what is coming.

Today is Wednesday. The two-hour afternoon class on the schedule was supposed to be a magic theory class, but it was used for exams today. The students who returned to the classroom were rarely noisy as usual in the afternoon, and there was almost no chatting with each other. Everyone was holding textbooks and notebooks in their seats, intending to hug the Buddha's feet again.

"God bless you... Please don't fail my theoretical exam..." Lin Tianlang clasped his hands together and bowed twice to the window. His appearance made Xu Weiwei next to him laugh. The latter covered her mouth and said, "Lin Tianlang, you don't believe these things, do you?"

"I didn't believe it before, but now I do." Lin Tianlang said without looking back.

"Oh? Why?" Xu Weiwei was a little surprised by Lin Tianlang's answer.

"If you think about it, magic exists, so gods and other things may not necessarily not exist." Lin Tianlang said seriously.

"Oh? Then do you know which god you should worship?" Xu Weiwei blinked and asked.

"I don't know." Lin Tianlang replied.

"I don't know if you still want to worship me. If you have this time, you might as well take a look at the textbook. Maybe the content you see will be used for the exam soon?" Xu Weiwei said angrily.

To put it bluntly, Lin Tianlang was actually not the only one who temporarily worshiped the gods. There's no way around it. If you're reading, you won't be able to see much in these two or three minutes. But if you spend two minutes worshiping the gods, maybe a spirit will appear? But no matter what, it's too late to say anything now, because Teacher Nelvi has already entered the classroom.

"Okay everyone, our exam is about to start. Please put your textbooks and notebooks away." Nelvi said in a serious voice. There was a "clatter" sound below. Although they were very reluctant, everyone still put their textbooks and other things into the drawer.

"Very good. The exam lasts for two hours. During this period, you are not allowed to whisper to each other, and you are not allowed to read cheat sheets or secretly read books to cheat! Don't take chances, understand? If I catch you cheating, I will give you a zero score!" Nair After Wei finished speaking, she waved her hand, and then a test paper appeared on everyone's desk. The style was slightly different from what Lin Sirius had seen before, and it should be a characteristic of the magic world.

It is convenient to have magic hair curlers. Lin Tianlang suddenly sighed in his heart. When I was in high school in the human world, the teacher would sometimes hand out exam papers one by one, sometimes in a row, and then the students would pass them out one by one. This leads to sometimes counting the wrong papers, and then some minor problems will occur, especially for exams with more than one paper.

"Okay, the exam has begun, everyone can start writing!" Nelvi said loudly after handing out the papers. The students below all picked up their pens and began to answer questions. However, Lin Tianlang did not do this. Instead, he picked up the paper and started reading it.

As a 12-year exam taker who has gone through nine years of compulsory education and three years of high school, I naturally know that the first step in getting the paper is not to write directly, but to browse the whole paper first and take a rough look at what can be done first. Simple questions, which ones can be put later.

Xu Weiwei next to her also did the same. During this period, their eyes met inadvertently. The girl blinked her left eye at Lin Tianlang, while Lin Tianlang rolled his eyes and stared back.

The full score of the paper is 100 points. Most of the questions are fill-in-the-blank questions and true-false questions. There are also two big questions without multiple choice questions. Fill-in-the-blank questions are basically hollowed out from the memorized content in the textbook. The difficulty of the true-false questions is also not very high, and even if you don't know how to answer one question, there is a half chance of getting it right, which is only a quarter of the correct rate compared to the multiple-choice questions. Be good.

After reading the paper, Lin Tianlang picked up his pen and started writing. You can write as many fill-in-the-blank questions as you can remember. The true-false questions are okay. You do half of them yourself and half of them by guessing. As for the next two big questions, just leave it to fate.

The classroom was quiet, and everyone was writing and answering questions. Lin Tianlang glanced at Xu Weiwei next to him and found that she answered the questions very quickly, almost choosing the true or false questions without even thinking about it. When Lin Tianlang hadn't even finished a quarter of the paper, Xu Weiwei had already finished half of the paper.

Taking another sneak peek at the others, Lin Tianlang breathed a sigh of relief when he discovered that most of the questions were actually done at about the same speed as his own. Fortunately, it seemed that Xu Weiwei's speed in answering questions was just terrifying.

"The magician is the carrier of magic power, not the master of magic power. Is this correct?" Lin Tianlang looked at the question and then slowly put a check mark. Although it was not easy to complete the paper as a whole, it was still within Lin Tianlang's ability, at least it was not the kind of black eye.

Two torturous hours passed, and after Nelvi shouted the "stop writing" command, Lin Tianlang handed in his test paper anxiously, and then let out a sigh of relief. Regardless of the outcome, at least it's finally over.

Nelvi waved her hand, used magic to retrieve everyone's test papers, and then left the classroom. After Nelvi left, the students in the classroom immediately started a lively discussion, chattering, and the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became extremely lively.

"It's over, it's over. I can't remember the blank in the fifth fill-in-the-blank question just now."

"It doesn't matter. My last big question was completely blank, and the points will be deducted from 90 points. That's great."

"Both and each other, I don't know the last big question at all, so I just wrote it randomly..."


The content of the discussion among the people around was naturally about the exam just now. Some were happy and some were frustrated. Luka was bragging loudly, while several of his younger brothers were flattering him.

"It's really annoying. That guy just did well in the exam. What's so great about it?" Carlion said disdainfully next to Lin Sirius. He obviously didn't do well in the exam, so he came to Lin Tianlang to show sympathy. At the same table, Xu Weiwei on the other side was glowing and in high spirits. It didn't take much to think that she would do well in the exam.

Lin Tianlang saw Long Xinyu lying listlessly on the table. It seemed that the exam had taken away all her energy. A purple-haired girl next to her was chattering around her like a little bird, but Long Xinyu seemed to have no energy to pay attention to her.

"Hey, hey, how did you do on the exam?" Leia ran over with a smile on her face.

"Leia, this is the loser's zone. If you do well in the exam, please don't come over and participate in our loser's group conversation." Carlion crossed his hands on his chest and said.

"Ah haha, is this an exaggeration?" Leia laughed: "I'm actually pretty good, maybe seventy points?"

"Huh? Are you so happy at seventy?" Carlion seemed to be shocked by Leia's casualness and big-heartedness. With the bright smile on Leia's face, those who didn't know it thought he could get 90% on the test.

"Hahaha, it's over, why are you worrying so much? There's no point worrying, just be happy!" Leia said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh, but that's right. Seventy points is at least above the passing line. It's different for me. I guess it would be good if I could get fifty points." Carlion shook his head and said mockingly.

"Brother, it's not that bad, is it? I think I can be sixty." Lin Sirius patted Carion on the shoulder, his face full of sympathy. As Nelvi explained, if she fails this exam, half an hour will be taken away from the activity class every afternoon to make up for it before the next exam.

"Ah?" Carlion's mouth suddenly opened wide: "I'm sorry! I thought you and I were the same kind of people, but it seems I misjudged you, Sirius Lin! Get out of here!!"

After the exam, I went to the sports ground for a good workout in the afternoon. I worked up a sweat and felt quite refreshed. After returning to the dormitory and taking a shower, we went to the restaurant to eat. This arrangement was indeed the best. The exam consumes mental energy, and the physical exercise consumes physical strength. Lin Sirius now feels that his chest is pressed against his back from hunger. He must have a good meal in the restaurant today to reward himself.

"Hey, the new issue of the newspaper? See if there is anything interesting." There is a row of shelves at the door of the restaurant, which is used to store newspapers for those who are interested. The name of this newspaper is "Magic Weekly". As its name suggests, this newspaper will only be published once a week. This is a good way for Lin Sirius to understand the magical world, so he will basically read every issue. It just happens to enrich your after-school life.

There are quite a lot of interesting news in the magical world. There are front pages for major events, front pages for entertainment, and front pages for cities. The style is similar to the style of newspapers that Sirius has seen before. It's just that in the human world, except for some older people who still have the habit of reading newspapers, the younger ones already use mobile phones, and few people read newspapers anymore.

The food served in the restaurant seemed particularly good today. Lin Tianlang took a mushroom cream spaghetti and two bright red grilled chicken legs. After finding a seat and sitting down, he opened the newspaper and read it with relish. The front page of the first page had already attracted his attention, and he couldn't help but read out the title: "The mysterious rainbow gem reappears...Rainbow gem? What is it?"

Below the title is a large section of eloquent text, which basically revolves around this thing called "Rainbow Gem", which occupies the entire page. The content includes research on the history of this rainbow gem, as well as speculation on where it may appear. wait.

"If the rainbow gem really appears, I don't want anyone to get it. The reason is simple. The energy contained in this gem is really terrible." Someone in the interview column said.

"Hey, the rainbow gem reappears? Is this today's newspaper?" At this moment, Xu Weiwei's voice sounded from behind Lin Sirius. The silver-haired girl was holding a plate of macaroni in her hand, with curiosity on her face.

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