Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 378 The Unstoppable August

"Drink ah ah ah!!"

The elven guards once again fought against the monsters. Suddenly, the sky was filled with sword lights and sword shadows, and the scene was once very chaotic.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

As the only archer in the audience, Elf Queen Estha looked solemn. Although she is a queen, Esta's fighting ability is not low at all. She shot arrows one after another, each shot taking away the life of a monster. Her arrow skills were precise and sharp.

After the arrows were fired, she activated her magic power to summon all the arrows back. In this way, she would have an endless supply of arrows that would never run out.

"Drink!" Atlas stood among the monsters and waved the sword in his hand again and again. The green sword energy that is slashed out can harvest monsters at a considerable speed. The fighting power of those elf guards is also sharp. Their movements are agile and they can move among the monsters as if there is no one there.

"Haha, they are indeed the elite troops of the elves. They are really strong." Augustus said coldly, with an evil smile on his lips.

"Vito, do you want to meet your old friend?" Augustus glanced at Vito, the orc leader next to him, and said.

"No, no, no, no need." Vito said hurriedly. Although he is good at speaking cruelly, he still knows how much he is capable of. In terms of combat prowess, neither of them could beat one Etras. Atlas is one of those rare rulers who not only has excellent ruling power, but also has excellent fighting ability.

"Hmph, cowardly." Augustus sneered.

"But you can leave that queen to me. Hehehe." Vito looked at Esta and couldn't help but lick his lips.

In terms of appearance, Princess Alana is an absolute beauty. As Alanna's mother, the Elf Queen Esta's beauty is also outstanding, and it is easy for people to covet her, especially the orcs.

"You only know how to bully women." August said calmly: "Don't worry, I only want the life crystal. As for what you want to do with the queen, that's your business, I won't interfere."

"Hehehe, thank you, Mr. August!!" The corners of the orc leader Vito's lips curled up, revealing a wicked smile.

"Let's go, let me see how much this Elf King weighs!"



On the other side, Lin Sirius was wrapped in a windbreaker and a hat on his head to minimize the possibility of being noticed. He was running towards the Holy Bell Tower as fast as possible. Thanks to Sherry's familiarity with the city every day some time ago, he now has a certain understanding of the urban structure of Crescent City, at least the general route is basic. all know.

Along the way, Lin Tianlang saw all kinds of tragic scenes. He knew that the main force of the monster army was attacking the Crescent Temple at this time, while other non-main force monsters and orcs were looting the city. The entire Crescent City has fallen into the flames of war, and the stragglers are shuttled back and forth among the trees, dealing with monsters and orcs.

But there are also some civilians who have no fighting ability and are running around. Especially those female elves, when the orcs saw them, their eyes immediately shone, and the word "greed" was written all over their faces. For them, women seem to be more important than gold.

As for the male elves, most of them were struggling to resist, but facing the large number of orcs and monsters, their resistance was very limited. Most people cannot escape the fate of being brutally killed in the end.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tianlang's heart was filled with anger. After living in Crescent City for nearly half a month, Lin Tianlang had become accustomed to the life here and fell in love with this city.

The elves here are warm and friendly, and no one discriminates against him because of his human status. Even because of the relationship of "the king's guest", many people are polite to Lin Sirius.

Lin Tianlang likes the atmosphere here very much. The people here are very friendly and harmonious to each other. Life here is peaceful but not boring. And such a place was being destroyed by monsters and orcs. How could this make Lin Tianlang not angry?

"Damn..." Gritting his teeth hard, Lin Tianlang tightly held the staff in his hand. Every time he saw orcs and monsters committing atrocities, he had the urge to rush out and kill all those scum. But he had more important things to do, so he had to restrain his impulse.

Just killing one or two monsters is not even a drop in the bucket when it comes to tens of thousands of monsters. Only by activating the Holy Bell Tower and awakening the entire forest can the Crescent City be truly saved.

Weaving between the bushes and trees, Lin Tianlang quickly ran towards the direction of the Holy Bell Tower. Wearing a brown windbreaker and a hat, Lin Sirius was really inconspicuous in this gloomy weather. At least they are much more low-key than those elves with blond hair and green clothes. Whether it was an orc or a monster, their attention was mainly on the elves, and they subconsciously ignored the existence of Lin Sirius.

But this is definitely a good thing for Lin Tianlang. He needs to keep a low profile now and minimize encounters with enemies. At this time, he was also very glad that Sherrys didn't come with him, because the blond girl attracted attention easily. She was both an elf and a girl, but she was so beautiful. The original positive buffs were now debuffs.

But despite this, even though Lin Tianlang has kept a low profile as much as possible, because there are so many monsters breaking into Crescent City, it is inevitable that he will encounter one or two.

"Drink!!" Lin Tianlang raised the staff in his hand and swung it towards a monster in front of him like a fire stick. Using powerful magic rashly will make too much noise and may attract the attention of more monsters. Therefore, Lin Tianlang wanted to deal with these monsters as quietly as possible.

Fortunately, the monsters I encountered were all small monsters. The individual strength of these monsters is very weak. They are short in height and stooped in stature. They are far inferior to Lin Tianlang in terms of strength, speed and agility. Facing the staff that was swung at him, the monster was knocked unconscious with just one blow from the stick.


At the same time, in front of the Crescent Temple, Etras and his guard soldiers were fighting fiercely against the monsters. Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky like lightning and appeared in front of Etras. When the black shadow landed, the energy storm rolled up created a strong wind, knocking over several guards nearby.

Atlas turned his face sideways, and the wind of energy blew his hair into a mess. Clenching the Elf Blade in his hand, Atras looked at the opponent in front of him with great solemnity.

"Augus." Atlas gritted his teeth.

"Haha, let me test your level! Drink!!" Augustus smiled arrogantly, then pulled out the magic blade and slashed at Atras. Two figures, one golden and one black, were fighting together, and powerful magic power burst out from both of them, but one had a sacred aura, and the other had an evil aura.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of gold and iron colliding sounded in the air. Each of August's blows was powerful and heavy, but at the same time, his speed was not slow, making it difficult for Atras to parry. In a direct collision, Atlas was no match for August and quickly fell into a disadvantage.

"Your Majesty, we are here to help you!!" Seeing this, Nacle and Xue Naiwen rushed over and joined the battle against August. Since they can serve as the personal bodyguards of the Elf King, Naklei and Xue Naiwen are also very strong. The joining of the two people immediately relieved the pressure on Atras, and the three formed a three-hero versus Lu Bu force.

However, August's strength is simply too powerful. The momentum formed by the demonic energy on his body is almost overwhelming, even if it is one to three, it will not be affected at all. The battle even ignited the crazy blood in his body. The more August fought, the braver he became, and his combat effectiveness increased instead of falling.

"Bang!!!" Finally, with a heavy blow of the knife, Aitras was chopped and flew out. He flew far away and fell all the way to the stairs of the temple.


"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!!!"

Seeing Etras being beaten away, everyone panicked, and the formation became chaotic. Several guards were distracted and one of them was unable to dodge and was killed by the monster that rushed up.

"So...ahem, everyone, retreat to the protective circle!" Atras coughed twice and then shouted. After saying that, he coughed twice more and coughed up a mouthful of blood. August's violent blow just now caused a certain degree of internal injury to him.

"Honey, are you okay!" Esta was frightened and hurriedly came over to check on her husband. The other guards and escorts also withdrew to the protective circle. After a round of fierce fighting, the guards and escorts were also dead and injured. Only about thirty of the more than three hundred people who retreated back to the magic circle remained.

"Augus's strength... is indeed too strong... I am no match for him..." With Esta's help, Etras gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, clutched his chest, and his breathing was disordered.

"Ouch!!!!" the monsters shouted and continued to attack the Crescent Temple.

At this time, with the Crescent Temple as the center, a thin light curtain enveloped the entire temple, creating a boundary. The protective circle has begun to work, but those monsters don't care so much and continue to rush forward. They collided directly with the light curtain, trying to rush through it.

However, the next moment, at the moment when the monster hit, the light curtain suddenly lit up. In just an instant, those monsters were instantly wiped out.

"What? The Crescent Temple actually has a magic circle of this level?" Vito said in surprise. He was glad that he didn't move forward stupidly, otherwise he would be the one who turned to ashes.

"Ha, that's interesting. When did you elves like to be shy?" Augustus sneered arrogantly: "It's useless. Do you want to stop me just with this magic circle? You are so naive!"

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