Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 39 Punishment Content

"Okay, you don't have a big problem. With Miss Ovelina's skills, your minor injury can be easily cured." Corodor said to Luca.

"Teacher! Do you call this a minor injury? Look at my face! Look at me like this!" Luca said with a miserable face.

"How hypocritical! You haven't broken your arms or legs, which is already pretty good!" Corodor roared. Luca fell silent.

"Others, as you can see, had an accident. I have to send Luka to Ovelina for treatment of his injuries. That's it for today's practical class. It's over. Let's disperse and go back to the classroom. "Colodore said to the other students around him, and then focused on Lin Sirius: "Lin Sirius, you stay and wait for me here."

"I understand, teacher." Lin Tianlang lowered his head and said quietly.

The students left the grass one by one, pushing and shoving. Korodor took Luca with him and disappeared from the spot in a flash.

It's over, how could things develop like this? Lin Tianlang's heart was extremely complicated. Although he felt very happy just now, he also knew that he had gone too far.

Xu Weiwei and Aniya walked at the back of the student team. Both of them looked at Lin Sirius with worry, but in the end they said nothing.

Finally, Lin Tianlang was the only one left on the grass. At this time, his mind was a little blank, and he didn't know what he would face next. In high school, fighting was a serious disciplinary violation. Those who seriously injured others were likely to be suspended or even dropped out of school. And the nature of what I just said was probably similar to beating someone seriously, right? Shouldn't he be expelled from school?

Lin Tianlang felt uneasy in his heart. During the two months at Shenglun Academy, after he gradually accepted magic, he gradually fell in love with this school. In this school, although his human identity is still not very popular, the situation is gradually improving. In this school, the extracurricular life is very rich, and there is a lot of free time for activities. The pressure of academic work is not great, and the whole life is very relaxed. Magic is also very interesting, not as boring as Chinese, Mathematics, and English. Except for magic theory, which is indeed a bit boring, other subjects are interesting to varying degrees.

If he was going to be kicked out of school because of this incident, he would be extremely reluctant to give up. After two months at Saint-Lun College, he has already developed a sense of belonging here.

Just when Lin Tianlang was thinking about something, a black figure suddenly appeared in the air. Teacher Corodor came back. He looked down at Lin Tianlang, his tone was a little cold, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you make your classmates look like that?" Korodor said, while the corners of his mouth raised, his bloody teeth became more obvious, adding a bit of evil to him.

"I don't know..." Lin Sirius lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Corodor's eyes. There was nothing to resent about the mistakes he had made, but he was indeed in a mess inside now.

"Huh, I don't know? In Teacher Dumela's class, was your magic control so bad? Did you lose control so easily?" Korodor asked.

"No, it's not! I usually control my magic power very well, but just now I don't know why, suddenly..." Lin Tianlang wanted to explain, but found that his explanation was so feeble.

Yes, losing control of magic power is the result that Korodor sees, and today is the first practical class, Mr. Korodor’s first lesson. The first lesson left such an impression on the teacher, I’m afraid it’s useless to say anything, right?

"Is it because of anger?" Corodor said suddenly.

"Huh?" Lin Tianlang raised his head.

"Oh, it's normal for a kid of your age to be impulsive. That student named Luca really has a bad mouth. If he said that to me at your age, I might just rush up and pull out all his teeth. "Ms. Corodore said, his tone didn't sound like there was much blame.

"I know that your situation is special. Your name, Lin Sirius, is actually very famous among our teachers because the principal emphasized it to us repeatedly. Your unprecedented S-level magic talent, coupled with extremely high natural magic power, And you are from the human race, and with so many blessings, it is probably difficult for others not to remember your name." Corodor said in a relaxed tone.

"Teacher, I thought you would scold me." Lin Tianlang scratched the back of his head and said.

"Scolding you? There is no need. Rather than scolding you, I would rather scold that Luca. We are all in the same class, and talking like this is simply infuriating." Corodor smiled slightly. He stood up and said: "What you said, I know you didn't mean it. The excessive magic talent is now more restrictive than beneficial to you. In the process of magic, it is more difficult to control magic than to increase magic."

"If releasing magic power regardless of the consequences can mean everything, then silver-level and gold-level magicians will be ruined. There are generally only two ways to increase the magic power in our magicians' bodies, one is to take magic potions, and the other is to It just relies on time to accumulate. Of course, if you are in a place with strong magic power, the accumulation speed may be faster, but not much faster. Therefore, many people's magic power capacity and intensity are actually about the same, and the difference between magicians and magicians The difference is more reflected in control." Corodor slowly explained.

"The reason why a gold-level mage is a gold-level mage not only means that he can use that level of magical power, but more importantly, he can control that level of power. Being able to stretch and contract, advance and retreat, this is what a person A truly outstanding magician. One who only knows how to release power without being able to control it can only be said to be a demon with rampant magic power, and cannot be called a magician at all."

" you understand me?" Lin Sirius was surprised by Corodor's words. Instead of scolding himself, the latter kept encouraging himself.

"There is no way. Who asked the principal to call us to pay more attention to you, saying that you are very important, and so on." Korodor spread his hands and said.

"The strength of your peers' natural magic power is much lower than yours, so they can use magic very smoothly. They don't need much control and rarely get out of control. This is because their current magic power capacity is only so much. , I can’t even run away violently even if I want to.”

"But you are different. Strictly speaking, the power you have now is far beyond what you can control at your current level. This is your advantage, but it is also very dangerous. Therefore, you must learn to control it well. But now and It’s useless if you talk too much about these things. After all, you can only understand them by slowly experiencing them in practice in the future.”

Lin Tianlang nodded and glanced at Teacher Corodor gratefully.

"But just because I've told you so much doesn't mean you can be exempted from punishment. It's a fact that you hurt your classmate, and it's a serious violation of school rules, so you must be punished. Do you understand this?" Dole said.

"Teacher, I understand, I am not trying to escape punishment. As long as I am not expelled from school, I am willing to accept any punishment. For example, cleaning the toilet for a month, etc., I have no problem." Lin Sirius stood up , said with a serious expression.

"Hahaha, are your expectations so low? Don't worry, I won't expel you. Even if you don't give in, your behavior is not bad enough to be expelled." Korodor smiled and patted Lin Sirius. Shoulder.

"The specific content of the punishment is usually determined by the administrator. Let me take you to Geer's office first."

Korodor took Lin Sirius to the teachers' office building. The administrator's office is on the second floor. There is a very conspicuous sign that can be seen at a glance. Due to an accident, the practical class ended early. At this point, it was not the actual end time, and other students were still in class. Therefore, Mr. Geer will not patrol the school at this time for no other reason, and will basically stay in the office.

"Please come in." Korodor knocked on the door, then opened the door and walked in when the voice of the owner of the house rang.

"Mr. Corodore, what's the matter?" In the office, Mr. Geer was cleaning the shelves on the wall and asked when he saw Corodore and Sirius coming in.

"It's this kid, here to collect the ticket." Corodor said in a lazy voice.

"Oh? What trouble did this little guy get into?" Geer smiled and asked.

"I accidentally lost control of my magic power and injured a classmate, which violated Article 17 of Article 3 of the school rules." Korodor said: "I will leave the prisoner to you, Geer. How to punish him and what to punish him is up to you. It’s up to the administrator to decide.”

"By the way, this kid said that he is willing to clean the toilet for a month as long as he is not kicked out of school." Korodor left a sentence and then left the administrator's office neatly. Ever since, Lin Tianlang and Geer were the only two people left in the office.

"The magic power went out of control and accidentally hurt people, right?" Geer asked.

"Well, yes. In the magic practice class, the teacher asked us to practice dueling in pairs, and then..." Lin Tianlang nodded and answered truthfully.

"Well, let me think about the content of the punishment. You said you were willing to clean the toilet, is that true?" Geer asked again.

Lin Tianlang nodded again.

"Okay, that's not a big deal for you. Accidental injury, as long as it's not a very serious accidental injury, I won't impose too embarrassing a punishment on you. As long as you don't intentionally use magic to hurt people, it won't be a big problem. In this case, punishment As for the content, I will arrange for you to clean the toilet." Geer said.

"Ah?" Lin Tianlang's eyes widened. He was just making a metaphor, but who knew he would actually be punished by cleaning the toilet.

"what happened?"

"No, no, I don't have any problem. I just feel that the punishment is not very severe." Lin Tianlang scratched his head and said.

"Oh, don't overestimate this job. You need to be responsible for all the men's toilets in the teaching building. You cannot use magic and must clean them manually. In addition, the time to complete this work is your afternoon activity time, so your activities are basically It's all over." Geer raised his eyebrows.

"You just have to work hard these two weeks, young man!"

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