Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 423 Meeting to choose a partner again

The students immediately started talking.

Derry does look like a heavily armed knight, very mighty. He has dragon horns on his head and looks like a dragon. Seeing the performance of the students, Delhi seemed very satisfied.

"real or fake……"

"The deputy leader of the Knights... How big of an official does this have to be?"

"What kind of strength do we have...that we can actually allow such a big shot to come over and teach us a lesson?"

"Is it possible that it's just the principal's prestige?"


"Wow... that guy looks so awesome..." Long Xinyu couldn't help but say next to Lin Tianlang.

The red-haired girl's eyes were staring straight at Delhi, but that gaze didn't seem to be sizing up a man, but more like sizing up an opponent.

Lin Tianlang knew the girl's bellicosity, but was this a bit too much? Lin Tianlang had no idea how strong the man named Derry, the deputy leader of the Knights, was in combat, but he was definitely not just an idle person.

"Ahem, okay, I know you are all very excited. I am indeed entrusted by your principal to come here to teach you. I am usually very busy at work, so unless it is class time on Friday, I will not teach you. I will come here. In other words, you should not be able to find me normally." Deli cleared his throat and said.

"I know you have students from other grades, and they will have some other outstanding knights under me to train them. But you are in charge of me."

At this time, Deli's face became slightly more serious and serious.

Deli was wearing thick and shiny armor, with a cape on his back and a huge heavy sword hanging on his waist. He looked very majestic. In addition, his overall figure is also very tall and strong, so he gives people a very strong sense of oppression.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense here. Now let's start calling the names according to the list." Deli coughed, and then said seriously: "I don't know what your class discipline is in other classrooms, but here, You have to follow my rules. First of all, you are not allowed to be absent at any time. Anyone who is absent will be expelled immediately. "

"In our knights, if anyone skips training, he will be immediately deprived of his knighthood and reassigned as an ordinary soldier. However, my men are all very good people, and they stick to the honor of their knights. No one will skip training. Although you are not knights, I hope you can also be strict with yourself."

As he spoke, Deli summoned a piece of parchment. The names on it should be all the students participating in the martial arts class.






Derry read the names one by one. When he read the last name, he paused slightly.

"Lin Tianlang!"

"Arrived!!" Lin Tianlang responded very loudly.

"Lin Sirius?"

"Uh... arriving?" Seeing Deli call his name again, Lin Sirius felt a little strange, so he answered again.

But... shouldn't it? My voice just now was pretty loud, didn't he hear it?

Just when Lin Tianlang was thinking about this, Deli put away the parchment list and walked directly to Lin Tianlang. The students all made way for him, and no one knew what he wanted to do.

"So you are Lin Tianlang?" Deli looked at Lin Tianlang condescendingly and asked.

"Uh...yes." Lin Tianlang raised his head with difficulty, and then nodded.

When facing Griffin before, Griffin's height of 1.9 meters was already uncomfortable enough, but now a strong man of 2 meters comes...

"Well, I know you, your principal mentioned you to me." Dery nodded and patted Sirius on the shoulder. His strength was so strong that Lin Tianlang felt as if his shoulder had been hit twice with a hammer. Moreover, Derry's hands were almost twice as big as Lin Sirius's. Lin Sirius felt like a little rabbit, and Derry could crush him to death with just a little force.

Swallowing hard again, I have to say that this feeling of vulnerability is really not good.

"Practice hard, it will definitely help you in the future." Deli grinned at Lin Tianlang, then let go of Lin Tianlang's shoulders and returned to the students. The students were all shocked by Lin Tianlang's treatment, and none of them said a word.

"Okay, very good, no one is absent, this is a good start." Deli cleared his throat and said.

"Next, let me give you a brief introduction to the content of our course. Although our course is called martial arts class, the name does not fully summarize it. In fact, the purpose of this course is to hope that you It can combine martial arts and magic to exert stronger abilities."

"This is especially true for students from the dragon race. Your powerful bodies have given you this ability. For students from other races, learning martial arts can help you master more combat skills."

Deli said every word, very sonorous and powerful.

"I know that many of you have learned spells, but magicians must not only be able to cast spells. Because spells always have limitations, you must recite the spells before you can use magic. In In the future, if you encounter some very agile enemies whose speed greatly exceeds the speed of your chanting, it will be very dangerous."

As Derry said this, he pulled out the heavy sword from his waist. The sword was also extremely huge. Lin Tianlang estimated that it was one and a half meters long with the hilt attached, and its width was as wide as one and a half palms. The whole sword looks very heavy, weighing at least forty or fifty pounds, but Deli holds it extremely easily.

"Let me open your eyes first." Derry said, and then moved his fingers. Not far from the grass, a huge stone suddenly appeared - the stone that Delhi had just temporarily summoned.

"Generally speaking, there are many ways to break this stone. You can use the explosion spell, or simply use the thunder spell to break it into pieces - for the thunder spell, one time may not be enough, you need to do it several times. But, You can do the same—"

As Deli said, his eyes suddenly became sharp. Magic power circulated throughout his body, and the powerful magic power formed a pressure. Those magic powers were injected into the heavy sword along his arm, causing the blade of the heavy sword to glow with a bright red light.

"Drink!!" Deli shouted, raising his heavy sword and slashing it down. With a "pop!", the stone was chopped into powder.

The students immediately started clapping.

"No need to applaud, this is just a very basic ability as a knight." Deli waved his hand and said.

"The point is, you should have seen that in addition to releasing magic spells, magic power can also be directly injected into your weapons, so that your weapons can exert infinite power. In this way, when facing enemies from long distances, You can use spells; when faced with enemies rushing in your face, you can use magic-infused weapons to fight, both offensively and defensively, so that your shortcomings can be greatly compensated."

"And this is the content of this course, which is to teach you how to combine magic power with martial arts."

After saying that, Deli put his heavy sword back into its scabbard. His face was covered with stubble, and he showed a rough smile: "Of course, this is not something that is easy to learn. If you want to achieve the level I just did, you will have to practice for a year at least. So in Before that, I need to teach you martial arts first, and you must first learn how to use weapons."

"Generally speaking, the most common weapon used by our knights is the sword. This weapon is heavy enough, powerful, and can be used both offensively and defensively. Generally speaking, if you want to use its full power, you need to hold it with both hands. "

"But since you are beginners, we won't let you use a real big sword. You start with a wooden sword. The size of the weapons is the same, but the wooden sword is much lighter and easier to control. And There is no edge, so it is not easy to cause accidental damage.”

As he spoke, Derry summoned a large sack from the air. Although this big guy named Delhi looks like a proper tank, his magic is not bad at all.

This is slightly different from the knights in Lin Tianlang's impression. Normally, these guys in the knight profession are all powerful and reckless men. They are the ones who rush into the crowd and use unparalleled power. But Lin Tianlang felt that it wouldn't be too surprising if a "fireball technique" suddenly appeared in Delhi.

Derry threw the sack to the ground and untied the rope that tied the mouth of the sack. The contents of the sack immediately poured out. When everyone took a closer look, it turned out to be a bag of wooden swords.

"Come on, everyone, take a sword back. Don't pick. There's no need to pick. All swords are the same." Deli said.

The students stepped forward to receive their wooden training swords. Lin Tianlang followed behind and also picked up a handful from the ground. The texture of the wooden sword is not light, and it is still a little strenuous to dance.

But for those dragon students, this didn't seem to be a problem, and some even thought it was too light.

"Okay, now this sword will be your companion for the whole semester. Don't lose it, bring it with you every time you go to class." Deli warned.

"Next, let's move on to the second item, grouping. In the process of practicing martial arts, partners are essential. Each of you must find a partner for yourself, working in pairs. It just so happens that the number of you is also an even number. , so it’s just enough points. From now on, every class must be taught in groups, and no one is allowed to work alone.”

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