Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 50 Griffin’s Reward

"Haha, you are indeed a hentai, a classmate with the word "wolf" in the name!" Xu Weiwei pouted and crossed her arms.

"Classmate Lin Tianlang, pervert!" Aniya lowered her head and whispered, but her face was red and she was almost smoking with embarrassment.

Opposite the two women, Lin Sirius sat with a humble look on his face, with two red slap marks on the left and right sides of his face, which were still burning in pain. The three of them were sitting at a table in front of a snack bar on the top of the slope. Xu Weiwei and Aniya were sitting on one side, and Lin Sirius was sitting on the other side.

"It wasn't an emergency situation just now... I really didn't mean it..." Lin Tianlang said in a low voice. However, recalling the soft feel of the two hands just now, and the two completely different feels, Lin Sirius suddenly felt that the two slaps were worth it, but this inner thought was not enough even if his mouth was torn apart. It's possible to say it.

"Hmph! I don't care if you did it on purpose or not. Anyway, did you touch it? How about it, does it feel good?" Xu Weiwei raised her eyebrows and said angrily.

"!!!" Aniya blushed and immediately lowered her gaze under the table.

"Ah, no, no, no, that's not the case!" Lin Tianlang waved his hands quickly.

"Oh? So it just feels bad? I don't know why, but suddenly I feel more angry?" Xu Weiwei said with a non-smiling smile, her eyes penetrating.

"Please, please spare me!" Lin Tianlang wailed. An affirmative answer won't work, and a negative answer won't work either, so what do you want to do?

"Forget it, since you just wanted to push us away, I'm too lazy to argue with you so much." Xu Weiwei shook her head and didn't dwell on it any longer. Mainly because her own face gradually started to turn red, and she might want to end this topic as soon as possible.

Later, the out-of-control tricycle finally crashed into a big tree and broke apart. The entire tricycle was deformed and the ice cream in the carriage was spilled all over the floor. Fortunately, no one was hit or injured. The uncle of the car owner was happy and apologized to the surrounding tourists, and then waited for the staff to come and clean up the scene.

The three of them later ordered a piece of fried rice noodles at the food stall. Of course, Lin Tianlang paid for it. According to Xu Weiwei, Lin Tianlang enjoyed the benefits, so he had to receive compensation. The fried rice noodles in the park are extremely expensive. You can get a portion of fried rice noodles for ten yuan at the food stalls outside, but it costs twenty-five yuan here, and the portion is not as big as others. Lin Tianlang looked helpless at the seventy-five yuan flying out of his electronic account.

In the afternoon, the three of them continued to play in Happy Valley Park until four o'clock before going back. Generally speaking, I had a good time today. Even though I had been my companion for most of the day, Lin Tianlang didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Sunday was spent as usual, and time came to Monday in the blink of an eye, and a new week began again. Monday morning still started with a two-hour magic theory class, and then the second period was a one-hour magical creatures class. At noon, Lin Tianlang found Long Xinyu and told Long Xinyu what he had discovered on Friday, and also told her about Aniya joining the investigation team.

"What? If that guy named Ricky is a demon spy hiding in the school, why don't we tell the principal quickly?" Long Xinyu said in a suppressed voice after hearing Lin Tianlang's words.

"We don't have enough evidence yet. He's not sure yet. We still have to collect more evidence. I've already spoken to Xu Weiwei and Aniya. I also want to ask you for your advice. Wait. After all, Ricky doesn’t know the three of you. You three take turns staring at him, so you won’t be noticed so easily.” Lin Tianlang said.

"Okay." Long Xinyu nodded: "But I don't know that Ricky either."

"It doesn't matter. I'll call Xu Weiwei and Aniya together this afternoon, and I'll point out to the three of you who that Ricky is." Lin Tianlang said.

Long Xinyu agreed. After school in the afternoon, the students went to the sports ground in twos and threes for activities, but Lin Tianlang took Xu Weiwei, Aniya and Long Xinyu and slipped away to the fourth grade area.

"Hey Lin Sirius! Let's play basketball together!" Carlion came over to invite Lin Sirius to play basketball, but as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the back of Lin Sirius leaving with the three girls, and immediately shouted angrily.

"In this BYD, Xu Weiwei is not enough, why are you dragging Aniya and Long Xinyu together!!!"

"What are you doing?" Leia asked curiously when she saw the furious Carion.

"Just now that guy Lin Tianlang sneaked over there with Xu Weiwei, Aniya and Long Xinyu!! I'm so angry!!!" Carlion made a loud noise.

"It's none of your business if someone has other things to do." Leia said nonchalantly.

"Can it be none of my business? Those are Xu Weiwei and Aniya!!! They are not other girls!!! Although classmate Long Xinyu seems a little inaccessible, her appearance is also quite impressive!!! How can he not go too far if he occupies three people by himself!!!" Carlion shouted loudly.

"Hey, Kalion-san, although Vivi and Aniya are both cute, your remarks are quite rude to other girls, right?" At this moment, Morissa came from Kali Ang walked by and said flatly: "If this continues, you will never find a girlfriend, right?"

Lin Tianlang and the three girls sneaked to the window of Class 2, Grade . Ricky's look is easy to find, with a lanky build and mid-parted hair.

"That guy is Ricky." Lin Sirius lay by the window and whispered to the three women behind him.

"It seems that they really don't look like the scum of the demon clan at all." Xu Weiwei responded. Ricky was chatting with the students in his class at this time. The conversation was very speculative, and he and his classmates burst into laughter from time to time.

"Do you remember what he looks like? We have to leave quickly. It's weird enough for a first grader to appear in the fourth grade area. It would be bad if he found out." Lin Tianlang asked.

The three girls all nodded, and then the four of them quickly left the fourth grade area.

"Hey, those people just now seem to be first-year students, right?" A boy said to his companions strangely.

"It seems so. The badge seems to have only one star. Unfortunately, I didn't see the number, so I don't know which class it is." Another boy said.

"What do first graders want to do when they come to our fourth grade area?"

"Hey, why do you care so much? But to be honest, those girls are very good-looking. I really want to find a chance to get to know them."

"Haha, I'm sure he is in the first grade. If you are brave enough, you can go directly to the first grade area to find him." Several boys nearby encouraged him.

After determining the investigation target, the four-person team's investigation plan officially began. Except for Lin Sirius, the other three went to one person every day and quietly observed Ricky's movements at noon and afternoon. But Ricky seemed to be very honest, and there was no movement at all for a whole week. Every day, whether it is free time at noon or in the afternoon, Ricky is basically with his classmates.

According to Lin Tianlang's speculation, if Ricky is really the demon spy, he must be alone when he acts. Unless he has companions, real demon companions. If that's the case, that's trouble.

Lin Sirius overheard the conversation in the bathroom that night. He was very sure that there were only two people, but he couldn't confirm whether the other person was from outside the school or inside the school.

"Hey Lin Tianlang, is your guess reliable? That senior Ricky looks like a very ordinary senior? He doesn't have any suspicious behavior, right?" In the second week after the investigation plan started, Xu Weiwei said to Lin Tianlang said.

"There is no reliable statement. If it can be confirmed in the end that he is not, it is not a bad thing." Lin Tianlang shook his head and said: "In addition, there is no progress on my side and no new suspects have been discovered. "While the three women were secretly investigating Ricky, Lin Tianlang was looking for other suspicious targets, but also without any results.

On Wednesday, the first big class in the morning was Potions class. The little magicians from Class 1 arrived at the exclusive Potions class early in the morning, waiting for class. Everyone basically arrives at the classroom ten minutes early. The reason is that Griffin sometimes comes to the classroom early, and he never uses the bell as a standard for starting class. He starts class directly when he comes to the classroom. Anyone who arrives later than him Students are considered late even though the bell has not yet rung. The Potions class has been open for more than a month, and everyone has a certain understanding of the temper of Griffin, the Potions teacher. If you are late for his class, the consequences will be quite serious. Carlion was late once and was kicked out of the classroom by Griffin.

"Huh, today is not bad. No one is late. My mood has improved by one percent." Griffin entered the classroom five minutes early today and said with a sneer when he saw that the students were already waiting.

"In that case, let's start the class directly. Today is your first practical class. We don't need to use textbooks for this class. You can put that waste paper binding aside." Griffin He said loudly, then raised his hand, and the classroom door closed automatically with a loud "bang".

"Today, I need you to learn to refine the basic potion. Some idiots will call the basic potion the base soup. Although it can be understood in this way, after all, basically all magic potions must be refined on the basis of the basic potion. But there are also a very small number of potions that don't need a base potion as a base. So I think the person who invented the stupid name of base potion is obviously an idiot, because the base potion itself is a kind of magic potion, but it has no effect, that's all. That's all." Griffin said expressionlessly.

"Also, good words come first. Today I don't expect you fools to successfully refine the basic potion in one go. But correspondingly, if anyone can successfully refine the basic potion in this class, I promise to give you a A reward." Griffin raised his head and said calmly.

Nani, does Griffin actually know the concept of "reward"? Everyone in the class was immediately stunned by Griffin's speech.

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