Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 65 Return to campus life

"Okay, it's getting late, so I won't disturb you. Oh, by the way, your two friends should already be outside the door. They care about you very much." Vincent said with a smile, standing up from the chair Stand up.

"Ger, let's go."

"Yes, principal." Geer nodded and followed Vincent and left.

"Hey, hey, the principal actually gave you the rainbow gem!" Xu Weiwei said to Lin Sirius immediately after Vincent and Geer left.

"Yes." Lin Tianlang looked down at the gem in his hand and responded.

"What do you mean by 'um'? Can't you have some other reaction?" Xu Weiwei shouted.

"What kind of reaction do you want me to have?" Lin Tianlang asked.

"This is a rainbow gem! A rainbow gem! A supreme existence that represents power! Although it is only one-sixth of a fragment, it also has one-sixth of the energy!" Xu Weiwei said loudly.

"I understand." Lin Sirius nodded, then held the gem with both hands: "Do you actually recognize me as your master? It's really strange. Mr. Principal, you don't recognize such a powerful magician. Come and recognize me." What do I do as a human?"

"Bang!" The door to the infirmary suddenly opened. This time, two girls came in, one tall and one short. The tall one had long red ponytail hair, and the short one had medium-length brown hair.

"Lin Tianlang! Xu Weiwei!" The two women ran towards them: "Are you two awake?"

"Yeah!" Xu Weiwei smiled and nodded.

Aniya went over and gave Xu Weiwei a big hug. In response, Xu Weiwei hugged Aniya tightly and patted the latter's back. Long Xinyu was nearby and seemed to be embarrassed so he didn't make such a direct move. Speaking of which, this guy seems to be quite afraid of physical contact. He is easily shy about actions such as hugging, even if the other person is a girl.

"That's great..." Lin Tianlang looked at the three women next door, smiled and shook his head. Before this, the relationship between the three girls in the class was not very familiar. Xu Weiwei and Aniya had a better relationship because they played hide and seek at the beginning of school.

But Long Xinyu really had nothing to do with the two of them. Long Xinyu didn't have many friends in the class. Although she was very good-looking, few boys dared to approach her because of her personality. As a result, her popularity in the class was much lower than that of Xu Weiwei and Aniya. Except for the purple-haired girl named Li Xixi, there were only a few girls who had fun with Long Xinyu.

However, through the life and death experience of the gem incident, the relationship between the three of them must be much closer now. Hum hum, you three can play together, thanks to me as the bridge builder, please thank me quickly!

Just as Lin Tianlang was thinking this, unexpectedly Aniya suddenly hugged him. The girl's soft body suddenly bumped into his arms, and Lin Sirius' brain was suddenly overloaded.

W-what's going on? ? ? And this feeling is so soft and elastic...

"Ania!" Long Xinyu screamed when he saw Ania's bold move. Xu Weiwei was also a little stunned. She didn't expect Aniya to behave like this.

Lin Tianlang's hands were at a loss and he didn't know where to put them.

"Hey, people are hugging you. Why don't you give me some response? Are you so stupid?" Xu Weiwei said angrily, but she didn't know why, but she felt strange in her heart.

"Oh, oh..." After Xu Weiwei's reminder, Lin Tianlang gently put his hand on Aniya's back, and then patted her: "Okay, okay..."

Aniya let go of Lin Sirius, her pretty face turned red, and she seemed to be a little surprised by her bold move.

The four people fell into silence, and the atmosphere was a bit delicate. However, the silence was soon broken by the sound from outside the door. Two very familiar voices suddenly came from outside the infirmary door:

"Hey Leia, do you think Sirius Lin is awake? Could it be that he's dead inside because he's not awake?" Carlion's iconic voice rang out.

"Oh no, can you think about the bright side?" Leia's voice sounded.

"Oh, that guy is really talented. He did such a big thing without saying a word. 'Assisted the principal and teachers to catch the demon spies hiding in the college.' The story went viral in the school! If I could do such a big thing, I would be able to brag about it for the rest of my life!" Carlion said loudly.

The sound got closer and closer, and finally, the door to the school doctor's office was pushed open, and Carion and Leia walked in from the door.

"Hey Lin Tianlang, are you alive? We're here to see you..." Carlion was talking, but he suddenly became dumbfounded. He saw Xu Weiwei Ainiya and Long Xinyu surrounding Lin Tianlang. From his perspective as a passerby, it was like one person monopolized the three women.

“好你个林天狼!!老子这么担心你,你倒好,在这里把妹!!!!啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!”卡利昂冲过去,抓住林天狼的肩膀就He began to shake vigorously: "Give me back all my care and worry, you bastard!!!"

"Leia! Save me!!" Lin Sirius looked at Leia for help.

"Sorry, I didn't really want to save you." Leia said with a smile as it was rare for him to unite with Caerleon.

"Hahahahaha" The three girls next to them laughed when they saw this scene, and the school doctor's room was filled with joy.



In the afternoon, Lin Tianlang and Xu Weiwei were successfully discharged from the hospital, and then quickly returned to normal campus life. After the rainbow gem incident, Lin Tianlang officially became a man of the hour in the class. Helping the teacher catch the demon spies is definitely a great achievement.

Now no one dares to underestimate Lin Sirius. Even Luka has become much more at ease and no longer troubles Lin Sirius as easily as before. Although he still occasionally looked at Lin Tianlang with that resentful look, he was limited to eye attacks. Lin Tianlang's status in the class is now quite stable, and everyone admires him. If Luka shows hostility to Lin Tianlang at will, even other students will probably not agree without Lin Tianlang taking action.

The first benefit that comes with increased popularity and status is friends. Many people came to Lin Tianlang to make friends, and Lin Tianlang was naturally willing to accept them. Don’t be afraid of having too many friends. Many friends lead to many paths. There must be some truth in this saying.

At the end of the month, the first-year magicians of Shenglun Magic Academy ushered in their final exams. The examination subjects include magic theory, history of magic, potion refining, spells, magic biology and magic practice, a total of six subjects. Since Magical Literature and Magical Applications are not major subjects, they are only tested once a year, so there is no need to test them in the first half of the semester.

Magic theory is the first subject to be tested, and it is the subject that freshmen are most afraid of.

"Teacher Morissa! Please! Help me with compassion!" One week before the exam, Lin Tianlang found Morissa and bowed down to her. After one semester, Morissa was officially recognized as the top student in the class, even more powerful than Xu Weiwei. Xu Weiwei would also ask Morissa for help when she had some questions she didn't understand. Of course, many girls would go to Morisa for help.

"Oh? Why? What's the benefit to me of helping you review?" Morissa asked calmly.

"Uh... benefits, benefits..." Morissa stunned Lin Tianlang with just one sentence. Yes, although she and he were friends, they were only ordinary friends. The other party seemed to have no special reason to help him.

"Teacher Al! Please save the child!!" At this moment, Momo also ran over, begging. Aniya's best friend Momo is a girl who is usually very active, but unfortunately her academic performance is very average. She can only be said to be about the same as Lin Sirius.

"Ah, it's Momo, why don't you go find Aniya?" Morissa felt a little strange. Aniya's academic performance is also very good, and she is fully qualified to be Momo's teacher.

"Al, stop talking! My little Aini was snatched away by those idiots!!!" Momo said with a sad face. Lin Tianlang looked over there and realized that Aniya's seat had been surrounded by five or six girls and was being bombarded with a lot of questions.

"Hey, forget it. I happen to be free right now, so I'll help you." Morissa shrugged.

"That's great, great! Thank you, Teacher Al!!!" Momo said movedly.

"What about me?" Lin Tianlang asked flatteringly.

"You... forget it, for Weiwei's sake, you can come too." Morissa shook her head.

"Hey, Al, why do you want it for my sake?" Xu Weiwei happened to come in from outside the classroom and heard this sentence.

"You know it yourself, so I won't say more." Morissa shook her head and said with a smile.


It was exam week, and Lin Tianlang spent the whole week in fear. Fortunately, when he finally sat in the examination room, he found that the content of the examination questions was not much beyond his ability, and Lin Sirius breathed a sigh of relief. History of Magic Sirius is not worried, he has been doing well in this subject. The Potions exam requires students to refine basic potions on their own without any prompts. Because Lin Sirius had been targeted by Griffin, his level of refining medicine was quite good despite being forced out, and the process of refining medicine went smoothly.

The Curses and Magic Practice subjects are both practical and not difficult. As long as you follow the classes well, there will be no problem. Magical Biology is similar to History of Magic, and both are generally easier than Theory of Magic.

After the exams were over, the students ushered in the winter vacation. After the dismissal ceremony, everyone left the school in twos and threes, and the bustling school immediately became quiet.

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