Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 85 Hands-on guidance


In the principal's office, Vincent was sitting at his desk, drinking coffee leisurely and looking at a report in his hand.

"La la la~~~ la la la~~~~hehehehehe~~~~" On the bird stand next to the desk, a red and yellow parrot was singing happily, and it seemed that he was in a very happy mood. good.

"Ciri, has anything interesting happened recently?" Vincent looked sideways at the parrot and asked with a smile.

"Oh, there's been a lot of gossip lately, Gary, what do you want to hear?" Xili combed the feathers on her wings and said.

"Let's talk about what happened in St. Lent City." Vincent said with a smile.

"Oh, as for the city of St. Lunt... Well, let me think about it. I heard that a guy tried to steal bread from Keli Bakery yesterday. He thought he was not discovered, but he was bumped into by the clerk who came back to pick up the items. He was caught on the spot. Hahahaha, I was laughing so hard, how could there be such a stupid thief!" Xili said while laughing.

"Maybe they just want to try the bread from Keli Bakery...the bread from that store really tastes great," Vincent said.

"Oh, other than that, I only know that something seems to have happened in Egeland Town. I heard that a cave collapsed next to the town, and the ruins of an underground palace were buried inside. It is said to be an ancient city that has been there for many years. What’s the history of it?” Xili continued.

"Huh?" Vincent was obviously interested in this and raised his eyebrows: "Is there any more detailed information?"

"Not yet, but that place is quite popular now. I heard that it is going to be turned into a tourist attraction for tourists to visit. The ancient city is said to be very big, and I don't know if there are any dust-covered treasures in it." Xili was very happy. I wanted to shrug my shoulders, but unfortunately it was a bird, not a human, so I could only shrug its wings.

"Are the ruins of the underground palace...well, I can go there to see it another day." Vincent thought for a moment and said meaningfully.


At noon, Lin Tianlang returned to the alchemy room according to Griffin's instructions. Yes, it was a medicine refining room, not an office. Lin Sirius also felt a little strange about this, wondering what kind of medicine Griffin bought.

The second period after the Potions class was the Magical Creatures class, and the class representative of this class was given to Aniya. So far, whether it was a coincidence or not, Lin Tianlang found that the class representatives of all courses seemed to be the group of people who were most familiar with him. In other words, they are all their own people.

Arriving at the alchemy room, Lin Tianlang couldn't help but sigh. At this point, other students had already gone to the restaurant in pairs to eat, but I had to come here to work for Griffin, which was really unbearable.

Rubbing his growling belly, it seemed to be expressing its dissatisfaction in its own way.

Lin Tianlang could no longer count on lunch. If he was called over at this hour, there would probably be no chance of lunch or anything else.

There was no one in the alchemy room, Griffin wasn't there. Lin Sirius fiddled with the crucible on the table with some boredom, and then looked at the spiritual materials in the medicine cabinet.

Speaking of which, after taking Potions class for so long, he had never really looked at this alchemy room, and he didn't know exactly what was in it. Today, I've come here and let's explore the map.

Opening the door of the medicine cabinet closest to you, the medicine shelves inside were filled with glass jars. Inside the jar, there were some strange and indescribable objects. Lin Sirius could only barely tell that they looked like toads or frogs. In short, they were quite disgusting.

"Wow, can these things be used as spiritual materials for refining medicine?" Lin Tianlang stroked his chest, suppressed the nausea, and then closed the cabinet door. When I think about the possibility of using these things to make potions in future classes, taking those creatures out of the glass jars with their sticky mucus, and then throwing them into the crucible to cook them together, it makes me unbearable. Just shudder.

"Let me Kangkang, what else is there..." Lin Tianlang opened a cabinet under the door and found that it was filled with branches that looked like claws. Lin Tianlang swallowed his saliva, but couldn't restrain his curiosity and picked up a "twig" and looked at it.

"!!!" However, at this moment, the "branch" suddenly moved, like a biological hand, and suddenly started grabbing everywhere.

"Fuck!" Lin Tianlang was startled, and the "branch" in his hand fell to the ground. The "branch", or rather a branch-like hand, fell to the ground and started crawling around. The scene was very scary.

"This B thing can move." But after all, Lin Tianlang was not a girl. After exhaling, he bravely stretched out his hand and picked up the "branch". The branch struggled in his hand, but he was too weak to break free.

"It's amazing..." Lin Tianlang looked at the branches, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the alchemy room.

"That...teacher?" A blond girl poked her head in. Lin Sirius was startled again, threw the "branches" into the cabinet, and then closed the cabinet in a hurry. After discovering that the visitor was Sherry, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why is it you?" Lin Tianlang asked curiously. He didn't expect Sherry to come here. Is it a coincidence?

"Well, Teacher Griffin asked me to come here." Sherry opened the door and walked into the alchemy room, then answered in her normal tone.

"Why is classmate Lin Tianlang here?"

"What a coincidence, I had the same reason as you, it was just Griffin's request." Lin Tianlang smiled and said. It seemed that he was not the only one who was called to the alchemy room, which made the bitterness in his heart disappear. A lot.

"Are you all here?" Lin Tianlang was about to continue saying something, but then Griffin's tall figure appeared in the alchemy room, and he and Sherry were on the same foot.

"Teacher, what are your instructions?" Lin Sirius immediately stood at attention, just shy of giving Griffin a salute. Over the past year, he has already understood that when dealing with Griffin, you just need to obey his orders. As long as you do what he asks, he will not make things difficult for you.

"Oh, very good." Griffin narrowed his eyes: "I won't talk nonsense. I asked you to come because I have a task for you to do."

It seemed that because Sherry was beside him, Lin Sirius found that Griffin's tone of voice seemed to be much calmer, and the oppressive aura was not released.

Lin Sirius had never breathed so smoothly next to Griffin. For a moment, he wanted to wonder if this was the Griffin he knew.

"Sheris didn't learn how to make basic potions in her previous school. As the class representative now, I think you can teach her how to make this kind of potion," Griffin said calmly.

"No problem, promise... Huh?" Lin Tianlang choked for a moment, then pointed at himself: "Huh? Me?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Griffin snorted coldly: "The task content is very simple. Before next Tuesday, I need Sherry to master the refining of basic potions. You decide when you want to teach it. However, if Sherry’s potion refining fails to pass next Tuesday’s weekly test, I will cause trouble for you. Do you understand?”

"Ah, this, this, I...I'll try my best..." The corners of Lin Tianlang's mouth twitched wildly. He himself is only a half-dabbler, he just ranked first in the class in the final exam of Potions last semester. It is really too difficult to teach others! And the reason why you can’t learn well is because you can’t teach well. How can this be the case? While the teacher is important, isn’t the talent of the learner important? We can’t let the instructor take all the blame!

Lin Tianlang secretly complained in his heart, but he did not dare to show it. There was no room for rejection in front of Griffin.

"I have other things to deal with. You can use the alchemy room on your own." Griffin said calmly, then brushed his sleeves and turned to leave.

ah? Leaving now? Lin Tianlang felt a little incredible. All in all, he and Sherry were the only two people left in the alchemy room now, and the atmosphere felt a little subtle.

"Classmate Lin Tianlang, please give me more advice." Sherry bowed to Lin Tianlang very humbly, as if she really regarded him as a teacher.

"Don't dare, don't dare, I'll try my best to teach, I'll try my best..." Lin Tianlang waved his hands quickly: "Let's boil the water first."

There were a lot of crucibles in the alchemy room. I randomly found a pot, lit a fire, and poured water into it. After a few minutes, the water in the crucible began to boil gurglingly.

"Then let's get started. Classmate Shiris, you don't know that at all, do you?" Lin Tianlang confirmed.

Sherry nodded, then stood in front of the crucible and gave Lin Sirius an "I'm ready" look.

"Okay, then next, I say, you can operate it, is it okay?" Lin Tianlang said.

"No problem." Shirley nodded.

"Okay, now the water is boiling. Have you seen this purple spirit root grass? Throw it in, wait for five seconds, and immediately add zeolite powder. It is this white round thing."

"Okay." Sheris didn't hesitate. She picked up the spirit root grass and threw it into the crucible. She suddenly felt like she was making soup. After secretly counting for five seconds, she immediately threw the zeolite powder in again.

This step was completed well and there was no frying. The timing of adding zeolite powder is very important. If you add it early, it will fry the pot. If you add it late, the medicinal power of the spirit root grass will evaporate too much and the color will become lighter.

"Okay, next we need to boil the potion for ten minutes. During the waiting time, we can use it to cut these five spirit roots into particles. They are particles, not powder, and not lumps." Lin Sirius Next instructions were given.

Sherry picked up the knife and cut it, but the shape was a little wrong.

"No, this is still lumpy and not thin enough. Let me cut it into pieces and show it to you." Lin Tianlang said, and then naturally took the knife in Sherry's hand, and inadvertently touched the girl's knife. Jade-like little hands.

Without paying too much attention, Lin Tianlang began to cut the five spirit roots. But after a while, I realized something was wrong. Sheris was right next to him, almost touching him. At such a close distance, the girl's unique fragrance also drifted into the tip of his nose, making Lin Sirius' heart beat faster for a while.

Is this considered a step-by-step tutorial? It's a bit exciting.

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