Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 89 Xu Weiwei was confessed?

The short weekend has passed and a new week has begun.

The content of Monday's course was very ordinary, with basically no new changes. Nothing interesting happened except that Caerleon was scolded by Grot for not turning in his homework for History of Magic.

"Carion, you won't hand in your homework, right? Okay, then I have to ask you to copy the book twice more to improve your memory." After the history of magic class, Grotepi said to Carleon with a smile. .

"Yes, it's teacher." Carlion nodded in agreement.

"You must hand it in before tomorrow, otherwise we will increase the cost." Grote left a message and then left the classroom.

After Grote left, instead of being anxious, Carlion looked relaxed. This made Lin Tianlang even more curious, and he couldn't help but ask: "Hey, you were punished to copy books again, why do you look so relaxed?"

"Hehehe, because I found a trick to cheat." Carlion said to Lin Sirius with a wicked smile.

"You want to use magic to replace your handwriting? It's not possible. There will be traces of spell casting and it will be discovered." Lin Tianlang frowned and said.

"No, no, no." Carlion raised his eyebrows arrogantly: "I don't use magic, I want to use the power of technology. Don't you know that there is a printing operation?"

"Ah?" Lin Tianlang was quite surprised, and then slapped the back of his head: "You plan to copy one copy by hand, and then print the other two copies?"

"Yes! That's it!" Carlion crossed his arms and nodded.

"It's really yours." Lin Tianlang gave a thumbs up. He really hadn't thought about this. If this loophole could be exploited, there might be some explanation.


However, before it was afternoon, Lin Sirius saw Karion alone in the dormitory, copying books hard, and while copying, he was still muttering in his mouth, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Hey? Didn't you say you were going back to the human world to find a printing shop to print? Why did you come back and copy it by yourself?" Lin Tianlang asked.

"Don't mention it!" Carlion said with a sad face: "I was stopped by two guards as soon as I left the north gate. They said that unless there is a special notice or application, you are not allowed to leave the school at will from Monday to Friday, especially you are not allowed to enter the human world at will. boundary!"

After saying that, Carlion turned his energy back to copying books. For the sake of speed, what he wrote was called a flurry of writing.

Sirius laughed, Carleon's plan was ruined, and he didn't know why he felt a sense of schadenfreude.

The afternoon class was the usual Charms class. Now that the students have learned many simple first-level spells, it is time to move on. Therefore, as soon as the class started, Dumela announced a big news: starting from this class, students will start to be exposed to the second-level magic spell.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I really don't know what the second level magic spell is like!" a student said excitedly.

Speaking of the second level magic spell, Lin Tianlang couldn't help but glance at Xu Weiwei secretly. This guy is very talented in spells. He remembered that Xu Weiwei had learned the second-level spell "Blitz Curse" through self-study as early as the first semester of the first grade. This spell was used when they were fighting Ricky. Great effect.

Now more than half a year has passed. I don't know how far Xu Weiwei has reached. Maybe she has secretly figured out the third-level magic spell.

Although Lin Tianlang's natural magic power is much stronger than other students, he has no special talent in learning magic spells and is about the same as ordinary students.

The new spell everyone learns in this spells class is the "Radiant Curse". This is a very practical spell that can summon a ball of light to illuminate the darkness around you.

As Lin Tianlang expected, Xu Weiwei should have mastered this spell in advance. While other students were still immersed in practicing, Xu Weiwei easily conjured a ball of light. For this reason, Xu Weiwei received high praise from Teacher Du Meila, and the silver-haired girl's face turned red from the praise.

Time came to Tuesday again. Just as Griffin said last week, the first Potions class on Tuesday was a retest. Everyone needs to refine the basic potion again. According to Griffin, this basic potion must be thoroughly mastered and cannot be avoided.

This day is also a day to test Lin Tianlang's teaching results. Facts have proved that he was very successful in teaching. Sherry successfully refined the potion without making any mistakes, at most there were a few innocuous flaws.

"Heh, you're lucky." Griffin said with a cold snort, as if he was unwilling to acknowledge Lin Tianlang's teaching credit, so he could only leave this sentence in the end.

From then on, life in school gradually got on the right track. Every day basically consists of going to class step by step, then to the end of get out of class, resting, eating, and repeating.

Life in the second grade is nothing special except that the pace of life is more compact than that in the first grade.

In this way, in ordinary life, time passed quickly for a month.



This day is Wednesday. Last week, the little magicians from Class 1, Grade , took a magic theory exam. Some got very high marks, while others failed. In the second grade, with the deepening of study, the performance gap among students in the class will gradually widen, especially in theoretical subjects that require a very solid foundation.

"Ugh... I failed in this exam." Xu Weiwei sat in her seat, holding her cheek in one hand, looking a little sad.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" This scene happened to be seen by Lin Tianlang who was passing by, and he couldn't help but ask. It is rare to see Xu Weiwei showing such a sad expression.

"It's nothing, I just made a very stupid mistake." Xu Weiwei glanced listlessly at Lin Tianlang next to her and said slowly.

"What's going on?" Lin Tianlang laughed.

"It's nothing. I checked the wrong question on the last question in the exam. As a result, all the points for the big question were lost. I was torn." Xu Weiwei lay on the table and said slowly.

"Ah?" Lin Tianlang touched the back of his head: "Then what's your score?"

"87, I have never dropped below 90 in the theory test. This time is simply a shame." Xu Weiwei gritted her teeth bitterly, looking very unwilling.

Lin Sirius twitched his lips. He only had 70 points, and he was already extremely happy (Carleon scored 59 points). As expected, people cannot be generalized.

"87 points...I don't even know what you have to be sad about..." Lin Tianlang said angrily.

"It's nothing to be sad about. It's just because it was a stupid mistake, so I don't want to forgive myself." Xu Weiwei sighed: "Teacher Nelvi just scolded me and said that my mistakes in this exam were very inappropriate. "Xu Weiwei said as she took out a mirror from under the desk and looked at her face.

"Haha." Xu Weiwei's behavior amused Lin Sirius: "Come on, you don't have acne on your face. It's very clean. There's no need to look in the mirror."

"What do you know?" Xu Weiwei rolled her eyes at him. After hearing the conversation between the two, two female students next to them suddenly intervened.

"That's right, classmate Lin Tianlang, it's rude for a girl to make such remarks when she looks in the mirror, isn't it?" said female student A.

"Hey, I'm telling the truth...forget it, it's my fault, my fault." Lin Tianlang originally wanted to explain, but gave up. Indeed, things like mirrors have really different meanings in the hands of men and women.

"Hey, by the way, Weiwei, how was your confession yesterday?" Girl B suddenly rubbed her palms and asked.

Nani? Lin Tianlang's ears perked up, as if he heard something extraordinary.

"Does that need to be said? Of course I refuse." Xu Weiwei glanced at girl B, shook her head and said.

"Hey - is this so? In fact, that boy's conditions are pretty good, his grades are very good and so on." Girl B said, covering her mouth.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Do you feel like I have a big melon?" Lin Tianlang interrupted. In just two sentences, his curiosity was completely aroused.

"You don't know? Yesterday, a boy from Class 2 came to our Weiwei to confess his love!" Girl B said, looking very excited.

"But, that guy's conditions are indeed too reluctant, and I think Weiwei will definitely not agree." Girl A agreed.

"So that's it...hahaha." Lin Tianlang laughed. This kind of thing happened several times before when I was classmates with Xu Weiwei in high school. This guy is really popular.

"You're actually smiling!!" Girl B called.

"Ah? Can't you laugh?" Lin Tianlang scratched his head.

"You can still laugh! The person being confessed is Weiwei! She's not just any other ordinary girl!" Girl A also shouted, and the attention of many people around the class was suddenly attracted here. .

"What's the point? It's just because of this, so it's normal." Lin Tianlang shrugged.

"Aren't you afraid that Weiwei will agree to someone else?" Girl B crossed her arms and looked very dissatisfied.

"That..." Xu Weiwei wanted to interrupt, but found that she didn't seem to know what to say.

"It's her freedom to agree or not, does it have anything to do with me...?" Lin Tianlang really felt a little confused and scratched his head.

"You mean, you don't care?" Girl B sneered.

"Why should I care? It's not my turn to care about her affairs!" Lin Tianlang couldn't laugh or cry.

"You guy..." Girl A held her forehead speechlessly: "Our Weiwei is so cute and beautiful, don't you feel anything at all? I dare say that if one day Weiwei suddenly has a boyfriend, At least half of the boys in our class will definitely feel disappointed."

"Really..." Lin Tianlang thought for a moment, and he did not deny this. Given Xu Weiwei's popularity among the boys in the class, if one day she really marries a famous woman, many people will indeed feel disappointed. For example, if you know that you can't get your goddess, but suddenly one day you know that the goddess has been obtained by someone else, your mood will definitely be somewhat affected.

"Don't tell me that you really have no feelings for Weiwei at all, otherwise I will really doubt your aesthetics." Girl A looked at Lin Sirius with suspicion and said.

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