Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 91 Basketball Class Game

As the afternoon progressed, the second round of competition began. The class in the afternoon was a magic literature class. Lin Tianlang's level in this subject was average, slightly better than his theoretical studies, but not much better.

After class, other students ran outside the classroom excitedly, preparing to go to the activity field. Lin Tianlang was about to leave, but before he even got up from his seat, Xu Weiwei was already pestering him.

"Um, classmate Lin Tianlang, wait a minute!"

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Lin Tianlang felt a chill all over his body. He didn't know what tricks the silver-haired girl was going to play. At least there weren't many acquaintances around me at lunch in the restaurant, but now we were in a classroom.

"Come on, Weiwei!"

"Get him!"

The two girls, AB, were cheering for Xu Weiwei, just worried that the world would not be in chaos.

"Um, classmate Lin Tianlang, I don't quite understand the topic of Youdao Demon Literature. Can you teach me?" Xu Weiwei said with a shy smile.

Interesting, let me teach someone who is not in the top 20 in Magic Literature in the class to teach someone who is in the top 5?

"Ha, just say it!" Lin Tianlang sneered. Anyway, he would just answer "no" to all of them later. This would definitely make Xu Weiwei quit.

However, he thought so, but a certain silver-haired girl didn't play according to the routine at all. She directly pulled up a chair and sat down next to Lin Tianlang, and then leaned her soft body boldly against Lin Tianlang.

Hey, this way of playing is too much! I'm going to call the police!

Lin Sirius felt his breathing stagnate, and a pleasant aroma penetrated the tip of his nose, making his heart beat faster again.

Such a soft body... No, this is a trap, wake up quickly! Lin Tianlang mentally slapped himself and tried to calm down, but he still couldn't control his breathing and became a little rapid.

"Well, if you have any questions, just ask them quickly. Don't worry about them." Lin Tianlang said.

"That's it. Can you help me look at this question in the book..." Xu Weiwei smiled sheepishly and deliberately raised her hair.

Sherry, who was reading quietly next to her, saw the scene next to her and cast a curious look.

"Well, what are you doing?" Sherry asked.

Sherry, help me! Lin Tianlang cast a look at Sherry asking for help, but unfortunately, the blonde girl didn't seem to understand.

"Ah... I have a question that I don't understand. I would like to ask Lin Tianlang for help. I won't disturb you, right?" Xu Weiwei said apologetically.

"It's okay, don't bother me." Sherry continued reading.

Don't believe it so easily! Lin Tianlang wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Where did we talk just now?" Xu Weiwei looked at Lin Tianlang's face.

"It's you who wants to ask a question, not me. How would I know!" Lin Tianlang said angrily.

Oh, I beg you, don't torture me like this anymore! Lin Tianlang shouted in his heart.

"Ah... I remembered. I just talked about it, talked about... talked about..." Xu Weiwei spread out her magical literature textbook full of notes on Lin Sirius's desktop, and the latter's blank Comparing the textbooks, they are simply not on the same level.

Xu Weiwei frowned and spent a long time without choosing a suitable question to ask. First of all, there is basically nothing in the textbook that she does not know. If there is, then it is estimated that Lin Tianlang will not be able to answer it. You can know it by looking at his notes.

"To ask you such a low-level question, and to use this posture, I feel like an idiot who throws myself into my arms." Xu Weiwei gave up and shook her head.

"Ha, so you know that this kind of behavior is idiotic?" Lin Tianlang rolled his eyes at Xu Weiwei and complained.

"Forget it, forget it." Xu Weiwei pouted, stood up with a slightly blushing face, and then returned to her seat.

The second round of the confrontation was very short. It was obvious that Xu Weiwei still had not made any progress, and Lin Tianlang's defense was still relatively good.

The first day passed without any danger, but then the exciting third round kicked off the next day on Thursday morning.

After getting up in the morning, washing and dressing up, Lin Tianlang put on his schoolbag and prepared to go to the restaurant for breakfast. He originally went downstairs with Carion and Leia, but as soon as he arrived downstairs, he saw a silver-white figure already waiting on the first floor.

"Hello, classmate Lin Sirius, good morning~~~~" The silver-haired girl showed a bright and bright smile and waved to Lin Sirius.

"Are you still coming?" Lin Tianlang's mouth twitched, but he didn't expect Xu Weiwei to be so persistent. He thought that Xu Weiwei's heat was only for three minutes and would stop after one night. But he was obviously wrong.

"Oops, what are you talking about~~~" Xu Weiwei walked up with a smile, took Lin Tianlang's arm naturally, and then winked at the two people behind Lin Tianlang: "Sorry, Lin Tianlang I’ll borrow Mr. Lang first~~~”

The two men left together, leaving Leia and Carion looking at each other.

"Well, the two of them...could it be true..." This time, it was Leia who spoke first.

"Leia, stop talking. If that's the case, we'd better start mourning for Sirius now." Carion said stiffly.

"Huh? Why? If they become successful, shouldn't we bless them?" Leia asked a little confused.

"No, you don't understand, Leia." Carlion shook his head: "Lin Sirius will be played to death by that guy. That guy is a witch who eats people without spitting out bones!"

"Is it such an exaggeration..." Leia laughed dryly.

"Hey you two, why are you still standing there? If you don't leave, you won't have breakfast?" At this moment, a clear voice sounded behind the two of them - it was Morissa.

"Hey, Morissa, let me ask you something." When Carion saw Morissa, he immediately approached her mysteriously: "Do you know... Xu Weiwei and Lin Tianlang are the same? What kind of plane are you doing?"

"With all due respect, I don't know." Morissa shook her head: "But if I were to guess, could it be that Weiwei figured it out and organized the offensive directly?"

"It's impossible, right? It's impossible no matter how you look at it, right?" Carlion put his hands on his hips, his face full of doubt.

"Believe it or not, I'm just explaining my point of view." Morissa shrugged and said indifferently: "I'm leaving first and going to have breakfast... Oh, before that I have to drink a tube of sheep blood. , I didn’t drink blood all day yesterday, and my nerves have become dull.” Morissa smoothed her neat black short hair and walked in front.

On the other side, just like yesterday, the two of them finished breakfast together and then walked to the classroom together. Xu Weiwei kept looking for something to talk about on the way, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. Lin Tianlang found that his immunity to Xu Weiwei's temptation seemed to have improved. Even if his heartbeat accelerated, the frequency was not so fast. This was really good news.

After the two classes in the morning, it was time for lunch again. Xu Weiwei still held Lin Tianlang's hand and dragged him to the restaurant in front of many people.

"Oh my god... Weiwei's offensive is so fierce... It's over. I feel like I'm about to fall. That guy should be almost there too, right?" In the restaurant, girls AB happened to be there, so they simply sat at the next table to watch. play.

"Weiwei, come on! Get him!" Girl A made a cheering gesture to Xu Weiwei.

Lin Tianlang was speechless. These two people started to fan the flames again, including the fact that they were the ones who instigated this entire seduction operation.

"Um, Brother Tianlang...can you share some of the food on the plate with me? I'll give you some of mine too..." Xu Weiwei said with a blushing face, looking shy.

"Ah...I'm going to die!" Girl B looked like she had been hit by an arrow.

"Why?" Lin Tianlang said angrily. The food on both people's plates is obviously the same, so what's the difference?

"Because...because..." Xu Weiwei was thinking about the reasons. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Tianlang patted Xu Weiwei on the shoulder and said: "To tell the truth, Xu Weiwei, your temptation has no effect on me. I really don't lie. You, besides, you really don’t have any seduction skills. These behaviors are so obvious that others will know it’s a trap at a glance.”

"Ah?" After hearing Lin Tianlang's words, Xu Weiwei was obviously stunned.

"Come on, Weiwei! Don't give up!" Girl A wanted to continue to cheer Xu Weiwei up.

"You two, stop arguing!" Xu Weiwei turned to look at the girl AB and said angrily: "It was you who encouraged me in the beginning, but now I'm being pitied."

"Wow... I was so cruel by Weiwei..." Girl B looked aggrieved.

"Forget it, I brought this all on myself." Xu Weiwei shook her head: "I will share half of the potatoes and beef on your plate." Xu Weiwei said to Lin Tianlang in a commanding tone.

"Why? Don't you have one yourself?" Lin Tianlang said angrily. However, it could be heard from the tone that the normal Xu Weiwei he knew was back online, which should be considered good news.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense!" Xu Weiwei immediately grabbed it. In the end, her unhappiness turned into appetite, and she and Lin Tianlang wiped out all the food on their plates, causing Lin Tianlang to have to get a new one.

The so-called seduction operation ended like this. The final result should be regarded as Lin Tianlang's victory. He controlled himself and did not fall under Xu Weiwei's offensive.

In the afternoon, after the class ended, the classroom was noisy. The grade seems to be planning to organize a large-scale event, and a lot of rumors have been leaked about it, so everyone is very excited.

It was at this time that Grote walked into the classroom and scolded, and the noisy students immediately quieted down.

"Everyone, please pay attention, there is something important to announce!" Grot said seriously.

"The grade is planning to organize a basketball class competition. Each class needs two teams to compete. Do any of you want to sign up? There is no limit to men and women. If you want to sign up, raise your hands now!"

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