Humanity's Great Sage

Chapter 375: Not Long To Live

Chapter 375: Not Long To Live

Lu Ye and Ju Jia broke many tree branches as they crashed toward the forest floor. They just barely avoided a hard fall when Yi Yi hurriedly emerged from Amber and caught them with her Spiritual Power.

Even so, Lu Ye was seeing double, and stars filled his vision. The aftereffects of using Glyph: Fire Phoenix had shown themselves a while ago. Though he was gradually regenerating his Spiritual Power thanks to the Mystic Fruit cider, the damage he did to himself after casting such a powerful Glyph wasnt nearly as easy to remove. As if that wasnt bad enough, he hadnt had a moment of rest until he finally met up with Ju Jia. There wasnt a patch of skin that wasnt cracked, and he was covered from head to toe in blood. He looked horrible to put it mildly.

Are you okay, Lu Ye? Yi Yi asked with an uncontrollable sob. The last time he looked this bad was when she carried him to Hua Ci at Mount Ying. She hadnt seen him in such a terrible condition for a very long time.

Lu Ye waved off her concern and sucked in a deep breath. He then took out the bottle of royal jelly and passed it to Yi Yi, saying, Give this to Ju Jia.

Ju Jia was poisoned quite heavily and required treatment as soon as possible. Since Yi Yi had told him that the ordinary honey they collected from the Misty Mountains possessed some poison neutralizing qualities, he was certain that the royal jelly would only do better.

While Yi Yi was feeding Ju Jia the royal jelly, Lu Ye forced himself to stay awake and began setting up the wards.

They were in the depths of Myriad Poison Forest, and the poisonous fog was deadlier than ever before. Although the Tree of Glyphs could, theoretically speaking, protect him from all poison so long as it did not run out of fuel, Ju Jia and Yi Yi were a different story. Without the wards, they were going to die very soon.

He quickly took out his ward flags and constructed the frame of a simple protection ward. He then instructed Yi Yi to place a sufficient amount of Spirit Stones in certain locations. Finally, he placed the ward flag responsible for controlling the ward at the center of the ward.

The ward came active, and screens of light manifested into existence. A half-globe of energy around thirty meters in radius took form around them.

That wasnt all. Lu Ye proceeded to construct Gathering Spirits in his Spiritual Points. It wasnt to restore his own Spiritual Power, but to consume the poisonous fog inside the ward. Only then would their environment be harmlessrelatively speaking anyway.

At his current cultivation level, it was all too easy for him to construct the Glyphs even in his current state.

The aquamarine fog in the ward began thinning at a visible rate as Lu Ye sucked it into his body. Soon, the air inside the ward had become almost completely clear.

Lu Ye checked out Ju Jia again. As expected, the royal jelly contained excellent poison neutralizing effects. The unnatural green covering his skin had thinned considerably.

Finally, he passed the Storage Bag containing the royal jelly and the superior quality honey to Yi Yi and said, Feed Amber the remaining royal jelly and use the honey in this Storage Bag as antidotes if necessary. Keep watch over us, okay? Im going to catch some rest now.

Mm. Yi Yi hurriedly nodded as she accepted the Storage Bag. When she looked up, Lu Ye had already fallen into a dreamless slumber. He was so tired he didnt even lie on the ground before losing consciousness.

Yi Yi walked forward and carefully laid him on the ground. Her heart ached when she saw the wounds covering his body and his blood-soaked clothes.

Meanwhile, the news that Lu Yi Ye had been driven into the Myriad Poison Forest, and that he would soon perish had spread throughout the Spirit Creek Battlefield and the Jiu Zhou almost immediately after the ascension to the thirty-third place on the Scroll of Supremacy. The entire Thousand Demon Ridge was celebrating his inevitable demise.

The times had undoubtedly been difficult, but the walking calamity was finallyFINALLYgoing to cease existing. The sonuvabitch had been a thorn in their side since the day he was exposed as a Crimson Blood Sect disciple, and since then he just would not stop making waves every few months or so. 

The Battle of Goldentip had resulted in some serious consequences, but at the time Lu Yi Ye and the people he fought were all pretty weak. In the eyes of the true elites, the threat he posed at the time was insignificant at best and childs play at worst.

However, the threat Lu Yi Ye posed to the Thousand Demon Ridge grew exponentially every time his cultivation level increased. At the Outer Circle, he had ruined his neighbors so badly that their cultivators did not dare to venture out of their Outpost all year long, and the two Thousand Demon Ridge sects located next to their Outpost hadnt rebuilt their Outposts to this day. As a result, the Crimson Blood Sect practically ruled everything within several hundred kilometers of their Outpost with an iron fist. It was all thanks to Lu Yi Ye.

It was even worse after he entered the Inner Circle. From the start, he had displayed the uncanny ability to breach grand wards, even though the techniques he revealed at the time were still easily countered. Then, he studied under the Heavenly Derivative Sect and actually became proficient at breaching grand wards in just a short time. As if that wasnt bad enough, he decided to capitalize on his skill and created an ever-growing invasion army, conquering at least a hundred Outposts before the Divine Ocean Realm cultivators finally put an end to his conquest. At least millions of Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators were affected by his activities. It was also the first time the Divine Ocean Realm cultivators had to step up and intervene in the matters of the Spirit Creek Battlefield.

So, Lu Yi Ye had mucked up both the Outer Circle and the Inner Circle for the Thousand Demon Ridge. Faces turned green every time they recalled the amount of people and resources they had lost to the one man. Naturally, they all dreamed of the day when Lu Yi Ye finally entered the Core Circle. They were going to teach him a lesson he would never forget and then some!

To be fair, their wish came sooner than expected. The bastard had ascended to the Heaven-Grade Seventh-Order Realm in just a short time. The outcome was different from what they had predicted, however. First, they had tried to hunt him down in the Misty Mountains only to lose several hundred people with nothing to show. Then, he had executed a never-before-seen technique that annihilated not just two hundred cultivators in one go, but also five Scroll of Supremacy champions. It even included the third-third ranker, Wu Beihan. As a result, Lu Yi Ye made history by ascending to the Scroll of Supremacy as a Heaven Seven cultivator.

At this point, the guy wasnt just a walking calamity anymore. He was practically the bane of the Thousand Demon Ridge! Absolutely nothing the guy was involved in had ever worked out for them!

Thankfully, their misery was finally over. The man had been driven into the inner depths of the Myriad Poison Forest, one of the most infamous forbidden areas in the Spirit Creek Battlefield. It did not matter how powerful he was, there was no way he could possibly survive this.

Naturally, the Thousand Demon Ridge was overjoyed by this news. They even forgot the massive casualties they had sustained for the moment. After all, no amount of loss was too much so long as Lu Yi Ye was dead.

The guy was just growing too fast and too powerful in just a short time. It would be disastrous if they did not eliminate him when they still could.

On a related note, the Scroll of Supremacy hanging in the sky earlier had vanished a long time ago. However, cultivators could still check the rank list through their Battlefield Imprint. This made checking Lu Yi Yes status very simple. All they needed to do was to check the list and see if his name had disappeared.

During Lu Yi Yes time at the Heavenly Derivative Sect, the sonuvabitch had pulled the wool all over them by faking his death. They had believed it and even celebrated for a time. Two months later, he returned to the Spirit Creek Battlefield, created the Grand Sky Coalition invasion force, and wrecked them so hard their own mothers couldnt recognize them.

Well, there was no faking his death this time. Unless he dropped off the Scroll of Supremacy, they could check his status every second of the day if they wanted to.

There were also rumors that many Grand Sky Coalition cultivators were attempting to contact Lu Yi Ye to no avail. This only affirmed their belief that Lu Yi Ye did not have long to live. The fact that he hadnt responded to his allies messages meant that he must have fallen unconscious. It shouldnt take more than a few days before the poison got to him and killed him.

Just in case, they summoned reinforcements and surrounded the entire Myriad Poison Forest so that not even a fly could escape. Both the sky and the ground were completely secured.

The Grand Sky Coalition was doing their utmost to save Lu Ye, of course. The sects in Bingzhou had taken up leadership of the rescue force and attempted to break through the Thousand Demon Ridge defense line a couple of times. Unfortunately, the disparity between their numbers was just too huge, and they were unable to make much headway. In the end, they had to wait for their numbers to grow some more.

However, they all knew that Lu Ye wouldnt live until then. Myriad Poison Forest became increasingly toxic the deeper one traveled. Lu Ye was already not responding to their messages right now, and who knew how much time he had left before he finally perished. It could be two days. It could be one. It could even be hours. In any case, the moment his name disappeared from the Scroll of Supremacy was the moment he died.

Meanwhile, a woman with a wholesome figure was swiftly approaching the Core Circle from the Inner Circle. It was none other than Hua Ci.

Although she had promised Lu Ye not to go to the Myriad Poison Forest earlier, how could she not when she was fully aware of his plight?

She wouldnt have gone if she hadnt claimed the rest of her inheritance as she would only be making things worse for him. But she had reclaimed her inheritance, and her friends happened to be trapped in the Myriad Poison Forest right now. It was practically the perfect battleground for her.

Right now, her face was covered in worry and urgency. She had been trying to contact Lu Ye non-stop through their Battlefield Imprint for a while now, but the man hadnt responded to any of her messages.

She had heard of the situation in the Myriad Poison Forest. It was why she was traveling at max speed regardless of the drain on her Spiritual Power. It was all just to get to Myriad Poison Forest even a second sooner. However, she was just an ordinary Ninth-Order cultivator, not to mention she was a medicine cultivator. She was deeply worried that she wouldnt make it to Lu Ye and the others in time.

It was at this moment a couple of auras appeared in the distance. They did not hesitate to approach her.

Hua Ci stopped in her tracks and watched the strangers warily. She was technically on the border between the Inner Circle and the Core Circle. It was why the cultivators she encountered in the area were all overwhelmingly stronger than her. 

As for these strangers, their aura was thick, and their flight speed was incredibly impressive. It was clear they had cultivated a Heaven Grade cultivation technique.

The leader of the group was a Heaven Eight cultivator. He shot her a cold look before showing off the Battlefield Imprint at the back of his hand. It glowed red.

Normally, cultivators would avoid getting close to each other while flying, much less reveal their affiliation right from the get go. This meant that the cultivators before her didnt plan on wasting any time on her. If they belonged to the same cultivation faction, then all was well. If not, then they were going to kill her without mercy.

They could see that Hua Ci was just a Ninth-Order cultivator. Half of them wouldve been enough to kill her.

Instead of raising her own hand in response, Hua Ci replied calmly, I am a medicine cultivator!

Medicine cultivators enjoyed special privileges in the Spirit Creek Battlefield due to their rarity and incredibly important power. One such privilege was the right to be taken alive by the enemy. It was the main reason Lu Ye had chosen to capture Feng Yue instead of killing her outright the day he attacked Clan Fengs Outpost. Otherwise, she could kowtow on the floor until her skull had split open, and she still wouldnt live to see tomorrows sun.

The young man who showed his Battlefield Imprint raised his eyebrows before declaring, Words are cheap!

He then shot a flying weapon straight at her.

Hua Ci did not attempt to dodge the attack. Right before it would hit her solar plexus, it abruptly changed directions and left a deep cut on her arm. Blood splattered out of the three-inch long wound, and it was almost deep enough to reveal the bone underneath.

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