Humanity's Great Sage

Chapter 388: Where Is He?

Chapter 388: Where Is He?

The second the Heaven Nine cultivator said this, Lu Ye turned around and attacked them once more.

The exact same scene replayed in front of them. Their attacks couldnt do any harm to Lu Ye because most of them were dodged, and the few that hit were blocked by his Protection. As if that wasnt enough, his fiery red saber and flying weapons had claimed a couple more lives.

In the sky, Lu Ye paused what he was doing and looked down on his Spirit Boat. One of the attacks had nearly hit his Spirit Boat, and there was a dent on the side of the Spirit Artifact to prove it. Thankfully, it did not affect the Spirit Boats overall function.

Small flying Spirit Artifacts generally had lousy defenses, and the Spirit Boat was no exception. If it took too many hits and broke, he wouldnt die, but he would certainly be trapped with little to no way to escape.

His enemies had clearly noticed this as well, whispering among themselves and plotting to attack his flying Spirit Artifact if he got close again. Lu Yi Yes chances of escape would nosedive if they could destroy his flying Spirit Artifact.

It was at this moment Lu Ye pointed his hand in their direction and fired what looked like a Fire Phoenix. The spell crossed dozens of meters in an instant and threatened to engulf the group.

The group was able to block the spell in time, but a second, third and many more followed in short order. It was as if the barrage of spells would never end!

It was one thing if the spells were weak, but they were big enough to cover a lot of space, and hot enough to distort space itself!

The Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators blanched at the sudden turn of events. For a time, they even wondered if Lu Yi Ye was really a spell cultivator all along. It still wouldnt explain why his spell casting speed was off the charts though. After all, not even a Heaven Nine spell cultivator could fire such a powerful spell so frequently.

As if that wasnt bad enough, Lu Ye wasnt only shooting his Fire Phoenix Technique at them. His flying weapons were using the distraction created by the spell technique to kill them one by one! The second their defense line was blown apart, people immediately started screaming and dropping like flies!

In just a moment, a dozen people were dead just like that. Now, it was no longer even possible for them to defend against Lu Yes attacks. When Lu Ye charged them once more, the Heaven Nine cultivator finally lost his composure and yelled, Run!

He was the first to take off after saying that.

The rest of the group scattered in every direction as well.

Lu Ye was about to give chase when a massive amount of auras abruptly emerged from the horizon. They were clearly Thousand Demon Ridge reinforcements. He had no choice but to abandon his plan and leave.

Meanwhile, the slumbering monster that was the Yi Ye Elimination Front had finally awoken. Countless messages were sent to every corner of the Core Circle. As soon as someone had located Lu Yi Ye, the nearest Yi Ye Elimination Front cultivators would immediately rush over to stop him. They werent going to give him even a moment to breathe.

For the next few days, Lu Ye would fight against the cultivators of the Yi Ye Elimination Front at least dozens of times. On average, he had to fight at least seven or eight battles per day.

If the enemy group was smaller than he expected, then Lu Ye would do his best to kill as many of them as possible. Otherwise, he would fly away without looking back.

The Yi Ye Elimination Front lost a lot of good people because of this. A good amount of them were Heaven Nine cultivators.

In a mountain forest, an army of Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators were searching the sky and the ground for Lu Ye.

Due to the sheer amount of people who were involved in the pursuit, Lu Ye was unable to stay hidden for long even if he managed to shake off his tail for a time.

Without exaggeration, every Thousand Demon Ridge cultivator in the Core Circle had placed killing Lu Yi Ye as their top priority. Everything else could be set aside for the moment.

An hour ago, a group of Yi Ye Elimination Front cultivators encountered Lu Yi Ye in this forest and fought a great battle against him. It had ended with the young man escaping. They didnt know where he disappeared to, but they were certain that he was still in the area.

Frankly, Lu Yi Yes performance for the past few days had stunned them all. For starters, he was strong enough to kill a Heaven Nine cultivator as a Heaven Seven cultivator. After he ascended to Heaven Eight, not even a normal Heaven Nine cultivator could present a challenge to him anymore.

What really confounded them, however, was his endurance! 

Lu Yi Ye had only ascended to the Heaven-Grade Eighth-Order Realm a while ago, meaning that he had over three hundred Spiritual Points of Spiritual Power. However, they had been hunting him for days and giving him almost no time to recover. Just how was he still able to keep going? Even a Cloud River Realm cultivator shouldve been on their last legs in his position.

In reality, Lu Ye only looked a little fatigued during the latest battle. His strength appeared to be as dominant as ever.

One thing was certain though. No matter what the young man had done to recover his Spiritual Power, there was no way he could keep this up forever. He had to be nearing his physical limit already.

In other words, today would be the day they kill Lu Yi Ye!

In a hidden cave inside the forest, Lu Ye was setting up a Teleportation Ward.

The Thousand Demon Ridges strategy was correct. Lu Ye had nearly reached his limits. His body felt heavy, and his mind was shrouded by a fog that refused to clear unless he consumed a drop of Soul Cleansing Water, which he wasnt about to do. Despite his ability to consume Spirit Pills and replenish his Spiritual Power without limit, he was still losing more Spiritual Power than he was putting into his body.

Right now, he had less than twenty percent Spiritual Power left. He could still fight, but even the idea of fighting made him feel like throwing up. This was before considering he was moderately injured even with Protection, and his Spirit Boat could break down at any moment. Several days of high-intensity battles with almost no pause in between would do that.

Any other Spirit Creek Realm cultivator in his position would be dead a hundred times over already.

That was why it was time to return to Myriad Poison Forest and rest up.

The cave he had chosen to hide himself in was less than twenty five kilometers away from the edge of Myriad Poison Forest, and less than fifty kilometers away from his Central Ward. Assuming that nothing went wrong, he should be able to teleport back to the wooden building without a hitch.

Of course, Lu Ye could have fought his way back to the Myriad Poison Forest. He had broken out when the Thousand Demon Ridge was at their strongest. Naturally, he could break in since most of them had left the forest. However, the Thousand Demon Ridge would also know that he was hiding there. If they decided to surround the forest once more, he would have to waste his time and energy plowing through them a second time.

That was why he was going to teleport back to the Myriad Poison Forest. Even if they somehow found out about the ward, they still wouldnt know where he had teleported to. It would be perfect.

While he was resting in Myriad Poison Forest, the Thousand Demon Ridge would be searching the entire Core Circle like headless chickens.

It felt good to toy with thousands and thousands of enemies.

As usual, he planted the ward flags first and constructed the Teleportation Wards frame. He then constructed the inner structure with his Spiritual Power. Finally, he created Void at the center of the ward and made the necessary adjustments.

He stood in the middle of the Teleportation Ward and activated it with his Spiritual Power. He immediately sensed the ward resonating with another ward somewhere in the distance.

Everything had gone perfectly. The Sub Ward beneath his feet had linked up with the Central Ward in the Myriad Poison Forest.

He recalled the sensation of teleportation and grimaced a bit. Still, he gritted his teeth and fully activated the ward.

His heart lurched, and the ground abruptly vanished from beneath his feet. As he fell through what felt like an infinite abyss, he felt himself being compressed by an omnipresent pressure. It was like an invisible hand was pulling and pushing, squeezing and stretching him from every direction. The worst part was that he was completely helpless to resist it. He could only channel his protective Spiritual Power and hope that it would end soon

He did not think he would ever get used to it.

Almost the second Lu Ye had fully activated the Sub Ward, a squad patrolling in the air had sensed the energy disturbance. It wasnt long before a message was sent, and countless cultivators had converged at this location.

Just a moment later, the cave entrance was blocked, and even the sky was crawling with cultivators. Now, they just needed Lu Yi Ye to show up so they could kill him once and for all!

Are you sure hes here? A Heaven Nine cultivator asked suddenly.

The person who discovered the disturbance first reported, Our men had never explored this cave, and yet we had felt a spike of Spiritual Power from within. Im pretty sure its Lu Yi Ye.

I couldnt sense any life force inside though

I can go in and take a look, A brawny body-tempering cultivator offered.

What if its a trap? The Heaven Nine cultivator shook his head immediately. Lu Yi Ye is an expert in the Way of Wards. I wouldnt be surprised if hes booby-trapped the place. Is there anyone here whos a Golem Master or a Beast Tamer?

I am a Golem Master, an ordinary-looking cultivator stepped out.

Can you please scope out the cave with your Golems?

The Golem Master nodded and pulled out a Golem that looked like a cat. After the mechanical object was activated, the cat darted lithely into the cave. Just a few seconds later

Boom! They all felt a massive spike of Spiritual Power right before jets of flame shot out of the cave entrance. The cultivators were both stunned at the strength of the explosion and glad that they had decided to send in a Golem instead of a cultivator. Only the toughest of them mightve survived an explosion of this magnitude.

We need a ward cultivator! The Heaven Nine cultivator called out again.

This time, a lot more people stepped into the open.

He randomly picked a couple of people before waving for them to follow him. Were heading inside.

The small group quickly entered the cave. A few minutes later, they walked out with nothing to show.

They werent able to find any useful information. The explosion had destroyed everything. All they knew for certain was that Lu Yi Ye had definitely set up an Explosion Ward. 

An hour ago, the Thousand Demon Ridge had lost Lu Yi Ye in this area. The Explosion Ward basically proved that he had stayed in the cave before. So, the question was

Where the hell was Lu Yi Ye?

They had the sky and the ground surrounded. Lu Yi Ye should not be able to escape without a trace even if he was twice as powerful as he was. And yet he had.

No one was able to come up with a sure answer. In the end, they could only assume that Lu Yi Ye had somehow eluded their search using some sort of concealment ability.

They sincerely hoped that their theory was wrong. If it was true, how on earth were they going to find him?

Meanwhile, in the inner depths of the Myriad Poison Forest, Lu Ye had suddenly appeared in mid-air. As expected, he had not appeared on top of the Central Ward, though he reckoned that he couldnt be too far away.

The problem was that he had appeared in the sky. He began falling the second he realized he was back in reality.

Thankfully, the ground was only thirty or so meters away from him. It was well within his endurance limit.

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