Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Chapter 1078 1078 Free To GO

Chapter 1078 1078 Free To GO

Max waited patiently in the interrogation room as the two senior officers urgently discussed what was going on, and how they were going to make it go away without starting an even bigger issue.

"Why don't we just tell him that it was an attempted political power play and plead for understanding? He seemed pretty reasonable and amused by the situation. He even handed the arresting officer his storage device because it was easier than giving him all the weapons inside individually." The Supervisor suggested.

"Alright, we can try talking to him directly, but if this blows up in our face, understand that I will be holding you personally responsible." The Government Official agreed.

"What's new." The supervisor grumbled as he got to his feet and worked on his speech to try to get Max to forgive and forget this whole incident.

But how was he supposed to even start?

[Hey, sorry we called you a murderer in public, can you just let this one slide?]

While that was likely to make the muscular human laugh, it probably wouldn't work out all that well.

But how else could he even put it? This was not his area of expertise, he had become supervisor because he was outstanding at collecting evidence, not because of his skills in the interview room. Technically, that wasn't even supposed to be part of his job, but the only certified interrogator in their office was off today.

Reluctantly, he stepped back into the interrogation office and prepared for the worst.

"Mister Keres, I would like to extend our most sincere apologies for today's incident." He began.

"Max. My given name is Keres, Max is my family name, so it's formal to call me Max, or Commander Max." Max explained, just messing with the man a little, since watching him lose his shape when he got nervous was so amusing.

"Yes, very sorry, Commander Max. As I was hoping to say, I apologize for the incident today, there was an attempt to leverage the incident in the lower city today for political gain, and we discovered too late that they were attempting to use you, and your Terminus Trading Company, as leverage to try to destroy business agreements between their political opponents." The Metallos police supervisor stammered.

"So, they sent in the police report and framed me for the incident? That is understandable, your men can't just let a suspected murderer run around the city." Max agreed with a nod.

"So, we were hoping that with a formal apology, and a reimbursement of visitor and landing fees, that perhaps this incident might be forgiven?" He asked hopefully.

"You are too high-strung. I knew from the start that they weren't going to be able to pin a murder charge on me. Relax a little, and I'm certain that we can clear up the misunderstanding." Max replied.

The man's liquid metal form reshaped happily for a second and then froze.

"You have no intention of clearing up any misunderstandings, do you?" He asked.

"That's not really my job. But what I can do is go out there and assure the crowd that is still gathered at your doors with news cameras that all the residents of the brothel are alive and well, and that there was no murder committed there today."

"You know that doesn't make us look any better, but if that's your condition, I will agree." The police supervisor sighed.

"You know, picking on you is no fun if you make it this easy. You're supposed to make a counteroffer."

The morphable shape collapsed again in shock and Max chuckled.

"Tell you what, I will inform the crowd that it was all a mistake and that it's under investigation by the authorities, so I can't talk about it. How is that? That covers my reputation, it covers your department, and it allows you a chance to come up with an actual decent explanation." Max offered.

Once he had recovered his form, the supervisor nodded happily. "Yes, that will work. I think it might even be enough to keep my job. Your people really aren't going to retaliate, right?"

Max smiled and patted him on the head. "Don't be silly. Of course, we are. But not against you. I'm sure they're at least halfway to finding out what faction tried to set me up, and then they will deal with them directly."

The supervisor waved his hands, which were turning to tentacles in his panic. "No, the Government Official wanted me to get your agreement not to retaliate against the planet. They're afraid that you'll start a trade war." 

[Nico, how is the search for whoever provided today's entertainment going?] Max asked before he responded.

[Pretty good. As suspected, it's the leadership group of the failed coup attempt. They're pretty pissed off that we informed the old boss about their plans in advance. They took pretty heavy casualties, and the politicians who backed them are in a tight spot.] Nico replied.

[Put the politicians on blast on the news. Leak everything from the corruption charges to affairs on their wives and the kids they bullied in elementary school. Then pin the murder of the cops on them and call it good.] Max ordered.

[Give me ten minutes, I've got everything but their school records. Oh, there's some good stuff in here. Did you know that the top official backing this one had to have his parents pay off his grammar school to not fail him?]

[That sounds like a lot. Get the important stuff out now. Then ruin his family later.] Max informed her, while the supervisor got extremely nervous about the smile spreading across his face.

"Sorry about that, private message. But my people assure me that things are just about taken care of already, so if you're ready to return my belongings, we can head out. I've lost my guide, I believe, so if you wouldn't mind escorting me back to the resort, I would appreciate it."

"Of course. Was your escort from the Cherry Resort?" He asked.

"Yes, one of the supervisor's daughters or something. We met up with her friend as well, a very sweet girl. That's how I learned that there are actual coffee shops in this world. We were just finishing up a deal when your men came in." Max agreed.

They stepped out of the room, and the Government Official met them in the hallway with an expectant look.

Max patted him on the shoulder with a smile. "Don't worry, the supervisor explained the situation to me quite well, and I don't hold it against the police department at all, they were just doing their jobs. I will give a nice speech about how it's all a misunderstanding and still under investigation as I leave, and we will go back to the resort for the evening."

"Oh, that is better news than I had dared to hope for. Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience, and I will make sure that your guests here on the planet are treated to the finest of experiences." The official replied.

"Excellent, thank you. I am certain that they will appreciate your hospitality."

A bit of entertainment for the afternoon and a package upgrade for the guests. All in all, being arrested wasn't that bad.

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