Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Chapter 1082 1082 Relaxation

Chapter 1082 1082 Relaxation

Max contacted Nico as soon as the talk with their new Dryad was over, and arranged for her to eliminate the footage of the girl coming to the Resort, as well as the upcoming footage of her taking the girl to the yacht.

Someone might remember if it were him, since he already had one questionable incident on his visit to the planet, but if it was Nico, that was just a tour of the yacht, and nobody would think anything of it.

[No problem, I'll take care of this right away. I just need to make a good excuse before we go so that it doesn't make anyone think we're doing something shady. Do you have a spare outfit? She's kind of tall and slender, but if we change her clothing to look like a Reaver, that should let everyone know that she's one of us. It will look much more natural than having someone in local clothes go aboard.] Nico suggested.

[Alright, I should have something handy in storage.] Max agreed, then looked over their new hire to determine what in his wardrobe might actually stay on her frame.

Like trees, Dryads were extremely tall and slender, and despite being taller than Nico to the top of her head, and taller than Max to the top of her branch-like hair, Max could nearly wrap both hands around the girl's torso.

Her hands were long and spindly as well, but he didn't need to get her gloves, they weren't trying to pretend that she wasn't a Dryad, just make it clear that she was a Reaver employee.

There weren't all that many options that would work, due to her narrow shoulders, but Max did find one option. There was a tunic shirt in his inventory that Nico liked to wear as nightwear, and it hung to her knees. On the Dryad, it would be a fashionable dress if he paired it with a belt and the pants she was already wearing.

Being bright red linen, with gold embroidery, it wouldn't be mistaken for something that a local would wear, so it should be a good enough disguise to get her to the yacht.

"I need you to put this on so that you look more like one of our people, and then we will get you to our ship without anyone saying anything." Max explained as he handed her the shirt.

"Am I going to a party? Or is it just because we're at a resort and there was a party last night? Oh, you're good, like the walk of shame that I've heard about." She giggled.

"Oh, that's a good cover. I'll pass that along." Max laughed.

[Hey Nico, she is thinking of a walk of shame cover. Should we send some androids here to bring us stuff, and then she can go back with them? A little tweak to the plan, but it will get her aboard without too many questions.] Max suggested.

[That works too. I will make sure that she's hiding in our cabin, so that the other guests don't notice her too early. All the rooms were full when we descended.] Nico agreed.

A member of the android staff from the ship showed up only a few minutes later, carrying an armload of boxes, which they set on the bed and promptly opened.

"Subcommander Nico ordered a coat and some ribbons for our new crew member. Will you allow me to help you dress, Miss?" The android asked.

The Dryad girl looked at the android with great confusion. "What are you? Even the Metallos and the other slime species show signs of life, but I can't sense any from you."

The android smiled at her. "I am a sentient artificial construct, Miss. I am not alive in the sense that you think, but I am an adaptive intelligence."

Her eyes lit up with excitement, and the android took that as permission to dress her in the coat that Nico had ordered, black with red embroidery to contrast with the shirt, and then tied bright ribbons in the branches above her head, braiding and weaving them to make streamers and give her a festive party look.

"There you go, Miss. Look in the mirror and let me know what you think." The android informed her.

"I'm so pretty. Look at my branches. Oh, that is lovely, who taught you to do that?" She asked.

"There are other Dryads aboard Terminus, Miss. It is a popular accessory when they are going to a festival or party."

Max laughed as the young dryad peppered the android with questions, and waved his hand toward the door.

"Take her back to the yacht, and make sure that she's safely in my cabin before any of the guests board at the end of our trip. Other than that, she just needs to stay out of sight." Max informed the synthetic crewman.

"Understood Commander. We will be waiting."

The two of them left the room and rejoined the other three that were outside the room, helping the staff of the resort organize the mass of plates left over after the breakfast service. In the chaos of the cleanup, Max was reasonably sure that nobody had noticed that they had sent one extra dryad back to the ship along with the androids.

[Mission accomplished. Thanks for the assistance. Care to join me at the pool? I think I will swim a few laps then relax for a while.] Max messaged Nico.

[I will join you in an hour or two. I found an interesting thing, and I want to convince its owner to part with it.] She replied happily.

The thing in question was a crystal decanter with a small cooling device set into it that would keep drinks at a perfect temperature. There were other versions of the technology available, but something about the way that this particular one was made had caught Nico's attention, and she had already started her mission to obtain one.

So, Max stepped out of the room in his swimwear and dove into the deeper of the hotel pools to leisurely swim a few laps, keeping up a bit of exercise even on lazy days, and then called for one of the Resort's signature fruit smoothies and some snacks while he relaxed in the shade.

This was precisely the sort of relaxing day that he needed.

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