hunt hollywood

Page 1018

Feeling that the private jet is gradually stabilizing, Chen Qing, with a triumphant smile, reopened the "Cultural Nation" plan that was concocted by the staff team of the Westeros family when she left her boss's office. .To put it simply, in the next few years, we will promote South Korea's overall relaxation of film, television, music, game and other industries, and vigorously stimulate the development of South Korea's cultural industry.

On the surface, this is to revitalize the cultural industry, but in fact, it is just a variant of the '80S policy' used by the Chun Doo-hwan government in the 3s to paralyze the people.

In the 80s, in order to maintain his own rule, Chun Doo-hwan, who came to power through a coup d'état, implemented policies in South Korea and diverted too much attention from his own regime by letting the people spend a lot of energy in the 3S field.

It was against this backdrop that South Korea hosted the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

South Korean chaebols also showed unprecedented emphasis on sports in that era. Many chaebol leaders have various titles in the sports industry. Samsung's Lee Kun-hee has been the president of the Korean Wrestling Association since 1982, and through the Samsung Group's generous investment, Korean wrestling won as many as 7 Olympic gold medals by the end of the year.

Of course, due to well-known reasons, Chun Doo-hwan's 3S policy actually only succeeded with two 'S's, while Screen completely failed.

Simon is not interested in continuing to support the sports industry in South Korea. Sex is not something that can be put on the table. Therefore, Chen Qing got this "cultural country" plan, and the next focus of operation is Screen, which completely failed during the military government.Moreover, considering the future development trend of Korean film and television entertainment, Simon will still focus on the localization of related fields.

You must know that in the future, South Korea will have 4 million moviegoers in a year at its peak, compared to only about 13 billion in the United States, the world's largest movie market, during the same period.

However, due to the rise of local Korean films, it is different from the lowest box office share of 1993% in South Korea in 16. Later, even if the 1996-day movie quota period started in South Korea in 146 became shorter and shorter, Korean local films accounted for the entire year. The proportion of box office share also continued to increase after successfully regaining half of the market.

Therefore, even from a purely commercial point of view, a localized operation strategy is inevitable.

After reading the information in her hand, Chen Qing raised her head again, and found that Cheng Taixi on the opposite side was still looking sleepy, curled her lips, and said: "It seems that your liking for the boss is also fake, and you are not religious at all."

Sung Tae Hee looked up.

I am just a cat, how can I be devout?

Chen Qing said contemptuously: "You don't even want to be the boss's cat, how dare you say you love him?"

Sung Tae Hee blinked.


It seems quite logical.

Chen Qing continued to brainwash her: "Do you know how many women in this world want to be cats for my boss but can't ask for it?"

Cheng Tae Hee immediately thought of that wonderful night drifting at sea.

At that time, the woman was like a tool, she was not even qualified to sleep on the bed after the work was done, she was directly driven to the carpet, but she could be hugged lovingly by the man.

That feeling is really nostalgic.


What's wrong?

Chen Qing watched the eyes of the woman on the opposite side gradually brighten up, she didn't say any more, she lowered her head and began to read the second document.

There are also some small emotions.


Another crazy one.

Chapter 1251 and the slime

Alabama, a small town in Kannadia on the border of the Southwest and the Mississippi.

Whether it is the dire financial turmoil in Asia, or the gradual start of a strong Thanksgiving atmosphere, it has nothing to do with the crew of "The Blair Witch".

Everyone is busy working on their own little projects.

The filming started on November 11rd, two weeks, and the progress was much faster than planned. The witch expedition team came to the small town of Kannadia to conduct interviews, and the relaxing period just after entering the dense forest has been completed.

This is the result of the crew's continuous improvement from top to bottom.

In the interview part at the beginning, only four or five materials are planned to be used. In order to find the best materials, not only the actors invited by the crew, but also all the behind-the-scenes, as well as the townspeople in the small town of Kannadia who actively participated in the filming, all conducted In addition to recording and fixing the script, the crew also gave a variety of free play space, and finally collected more than [-] materials in total.

Paul Greengrass spent three days learning his Alabama accent for his cameo.

Hard work pays off.

Among the more than 60 materials, there are indeed many "interviews" that make people shine.

A local old lady with a kind face participated in the filming under the introduction of her young grandchildren. After simple preparation of the materials given by the crew, the old man spoke vividly with a natural affinity in her old age. Everyone who heard the live recording They almost believed it to be true, so much so that it took more than five minutes to shoot before everyone realized what they were doing.

Afterwards, I learned that the nearly eighty-year-old lady has been helping several children take care of grandchildren since 20 years ago. To pass the time, one of her favorite things to do is to tell the children all kinds of weird local legends. Most of them are scattered by the old people themselves. 'Old Jenna who can tell stories' is well-known in this large area.

Because the old man spoke so well, the crew specially paid for it and recorded an extra half an hour of material.

Paul Greengrass has been racking his brains for this material that he will definitely use recently, and he feels like he has a choice difficulty.

The prelude is done, and the next is the critical and painful second half of the filming, so that, on the afternoon of November 11th, Jerry Bruckheimer, the nominal executive producer, came to visit the set and brought the film that was intended to comfort the crew members. The gifts were confiscated immediately by Paul Greengrass.

The crew members, mainly the key five young people, what they need next is confusion, loneliness, anxiety, fear... There must be no comfort at all.

Jerry Bruckheimer certainly has no objection.

He doesn't get any remuneration for this project, it's considered voluntary labor, but if he can do it well, he, the executive producer, will definitely gain a reputation.

And experience.

Even if it is impossible for pseudo-documentary films to become mainstream, it is only a "Ghost Story", which is destined to be continuously tried by people on this subject. Bruckheimer also intends to produce some similar projects. If "The Blair Witch" can Success, the experience and reputation gained from this, can make many of his next things work better.

In order to arouse the emotions of the five actors, although the crew had plenty of time, they continued filming until it was dark before announcing the end of work.

Just yesterday, the main scene of stepping into the witch's curse formation has been filmed. The last day of comfort, starting today, the five young people will each rest alone in a tent, and the crew will stay in the forest with them throughout the process. , will not go to the hotel in town again.

Jerry Bruckheimer and Tony Gilroy, a Hollywood screenwriter who came with him, accompanied the whole process.

Tony Gilroy, who wrote the original Bourne series, was appointed by Simon to revise the script for Public Enemy.This time, in addition to visiting the set together, I also discussed some things about this project with Paul Greengrass, the director of "Public Enemy".

Although Jerry Bruckheimer is named as the executive producer of "The Blair Witch", he has indeed contributed a lot in the preparation process of the project, but the focus of work during this period is also Daenerys leading the listing of MGM And the blockbuster project "Public Enemy" participated by CBS Pictures, a subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric.

It wasn't until after dinner that the two were able to mingle with Paul Greengrass, Lena Kane, Annika Settle, Oliver Wood and others.

The crew used a marquee for meetings.

Everyone gathered around the simple desk, and after a few conversations, Paul Greengrass showed Jerry Bruckheimer a stack of sketches and said: "I have some new ideas about the end, Jerry. Rui, the overall style of "The Blair Witch" tends to be realistic. The last shot, about the naked witch floating in the air, is too weird and too fantasy, which will affect the overall style of the film and appear abrupt. I still think that the most Well, to keep it realistic, the witches just need to step on the ground and dance or pray around the witch."

Jerry Bruckheimer took the drawing, flipped through the pages, and asked, "Have you discussed it with Simon?"

"Not yet," Paul Greengrass shook his head: "Simon is very interested in the original version, and recently he sent someone an oil painting of a flying witch as a reference, but..."

Paul Greenglass didn't continue, but Jerry Bruckheimer understood.

Hollywood is a patriarchal structure, and those who have the right to speak decide everything. Paul Greengrass is just a newcomer who has just broken into Hollywood. How dare he change the mind of the big boss?

However, Jerry Bruckheimer then looked at Lena Kane, who had a different identity: "Lena, what do you mean?"

Lena said: "I still agree with Simon's suggestion. It should be bolder. It is precisely because most of the film is very realistic, and the weird fantasy at the end can bring greater impact to the audience."

Jerry Bruckheimer understood immediately.

This is a difference.

After thinking for a while, Jerry Bruckheimer said: "In this case, why not try both ideas and let Simon decide."

After saying this, Jerry Bruckheimer looked at the people around him, Lena Kane was noncommittal, Paul Greengrass nodded slightly, and suddenly understood that this was Paul Greengrass seeking support from himself, and going deeper Some analysis shows that this little girl with two maids from Viagra, who are obviously Simon's women, is unknowingly controlling the crew, so much so that Paul Greengrass has to seek support from himself.

After fully understanding it, Jerry Bruckheimer suddenly felt that it was best not to offend women. After thinking about it for a while, he gestured to the drawing in front of him and said, "Or, as a compromise, the witch lands and the flames rise, which is also weird enough." , and at the same time not so fantasy. In short, according to my so many years of experience, as long as there are good ideas and the budget allows, any idea is worth trying.”

Well, it was changed to He Si Mui again.

Paul Greengrass smiled wryly, and turned to look at Lena. Lena tilted her head slightly as if thinking, but Annika next to Lena, after listening to Brooke finish, quickly took a pen to draw on a piece of draft paper, and after a while The one-page sub-camera has been done, and I held it up to show everyone: "I suddenly felt that this is really good. The witch worships the will-o'-the-wisp. By the way, when the time comes, the color of the flame, maybe you can try something like blue."

Bruckheimer smiled and nodded: "Yes, you have to dare to try."

"Okay, that's it, try it all," Lina saw that everyone was looking at her gradually, so she had to compromise. She also knew that after all, her name was not right, and it was impossible for her to be completely controlled by the project authority. And asked: "By the way, Jerry, have you found the substitute for Rachel that Simon mentioned last time?"

Bruckheimer said: "Linda Vargas has taken over this matter, you can call her tomorrow."

Linda Vargas?

The men at the scene immediately understood.

Lena pursed her lips indiscriminately, a playful guy.

Simon was wronged this time.

This matter was originally handed over to Jerry Bruckheimer in Los Angeles. After all, everyone is shooting here, and it is impossible to do it separately.Then Bruckheimer took the initiative to figure out someone's mind, and handed it over to Linda Vargas, Simon's Queen's casting director. After all, it's a matter of choosing an actress. Hollywood men... well, their sexual orientation is normal. The men are very interested.

Then they talked about some trivial things about "The Blair Witch" before the topic turned to "Public Enemy".

Lina continued to listen with great interest, and Annika also took advantage of Lina's relationship and followed suit.

A veteran Hollywood producer like Jerry Bruckheimer, who is a little more motivated, can gain experience from various exchanges, which is what the two rookie girls urgently need.

They chatted like this until eleven o'clock in the middle of the night before everyone dispersed.

Jerry Bruckheimer, Paul Greengrass and others finally left the tent, and saw two girls walking towards a caravan arm in arm, looking at Greengrass with a man's characteristic gossip, and asked: " Are Lena and Annie stuck together?"

Paul Greenglass nodded.

However, although Bruckheimer was quite interested, she did not say much.

After getting along during this period of time, Paul Greengrass had to admit that he couldn't afford to provoke a certain girl, she had strong personal abilities and a stronger desire to control, although he tried to restrain himself because he was just a group agent, but because There is another identity, and everyone has to obey it to a certain extent.

Just like that RV, it is also the only one for the crew, and a certain big shot specially provides it for his little lover, so it doesn't take up the crew's budget.

In fact, Lena Kane doesn't do too many special things in the crew. She eats and uses the same food as everyone else. She doesn't get paid and works hard every day.

The only exception is this RV.

Smart people therefore understand that this is a tool for Lena to show her identity.Otherwise, it would not be easy for the crew to be obedient to a 23-year-old girl.

This is also Lena's cleverness.

After all, who would dare to deny the caravan and the two servants of the Wei family.

As for the lace tendency of a certain girl, I naturally pretended not to notice it.

Speaking of it, Paul Greengrass thinks that this is probably a way to avoid suspicion. After all, it is better for a beautiful girl to stay in the wild with a group of men and women and actively find a woman than to have a relationship with a man.

I have to say that Paul Greengrass is also a smart guy.

Lina really thought so.

As for lace and the like, she was not interested, so she even kicked out Rachel McAdams, who had been "getting close" to her quietly. Besides, Annika invited this friend to live together. Lena only felt that she was at a disadvantage. In addition to congenial personality, Annika's biggest feature is that she is too good at driving, whether it is real driving or fake driving.

Even in the past two weeks, several times the fakes have become real.


To add a 'be' word.

So did it again last night.

Waking up in the morning, she found that Annika was still hugging her body tiredly. Lena unceremoniously tickled this dirty and slutty best friend until Annika almost burst out laughing before letting her go .

After washing up and doing morning exercises, she returned to the caravan again, and Annika was already flipping through the newspapers that were delivered from the urban area every day.

In Hollywood, you don’t have to care about current affairs and politics, but if you want to do well, you must take both Variety and The Hollywood Reporter. Lena wants to do better, so in addition to these two newspapers, there are also Main streams such as the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times are additionally prepared.

Today is February 11.


Lina was most concerned about the North American box office data of the past box office week. Seeing that Annika was already flipping through a copy of "The Hollywood Reporter", she took the breakfast from the waitress and asked directly, "How much?"

Annika didn't give a shit either, and said, "The next week's drop was 43%, which is a bit deep. There is no hope for the local 628 million. Oh, "Ghost Story" broke 2 million. Last week, the box office was 326 million US dollars, with a total of [-] [-] million, [-] million, our "The Blair Witch" only needs to be half of "Ghost Story"."

"Aren't you too ambitious?"

"I want to be ambitious, but I'm not Simon Westeros."

"The Blair Witch is Simon's idea."

"Yeah, but I don't have the tacit understanding that you and Simon have communicated at a negative distance. It's hard to say."

Lina just sat down at the table, brought the coffee to her mouth, heard the words and almost spit it out, turned her head and slowed down, and then glared at Annika, "I'll let you taste what is negative tonight." distance."

Annika was happy and unafraid, and even cast a wink over her.

Lena retreated, grabbed the "Hollywood Reporter" in her hand, and quickly read it.

Probably because the box office was too strong in the first week, "The Conjuring 3: Blood Moon", which has caused widespread heated discussions, set a box office record of more than 6000 million US dollars in the first film, and then fell by 43% in the second week, directly from the 6397 in the first week. However, in just two weeks, this horror film successfully broke through 3646 million, with a total of 1 million US dollars.

According to the ladder sharing rules, under the high proportion of accounts in the first two weeks, the box office exceeded 7500 million, and the total production and publicity budget of [-] million US dollars was basically recovered, and the next step is to make profits.

Therefore, even if there is no hope of breaking 3 million, "The Conjuring [-]" will be a complete victory.

In stark contrast to "The Conjuring 3", Sony invested 1 million US dollars in the sci-fi blockbuster "Starship Troopers", which wanted to avoid the fierce competition of the Thanksgiving file and landed on the beach, but was crushed by "The Conjuring 3", winning the box office for one week in a row. Neither got it.

With 2971 opening screens, the first week of the large-scale opening, the box office of "Starship Troopers" was only a pitiful 2541 million US dollars.

Now it’s not ten years ago, more than 2000 million in the first week, and it can break through 4000 million in the long run, not to mention, there will be a lot of blockbusters crushing. "Starship Troopers" started like this, and the final local box office may only be 5000 million to [-] million US dollars. Even if the world can break through [-] million, considering Sony's high costs, losses are a foregone conclusion.

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