hunt hollywood

Page 1032

Simon laughed: "Why should I feel relieved?"

Chen Qing squeezed her eyes, as if the boss asked you knowingly.

After joking around, I turned to business.

The first is South Korea.

Last week, the South Korean government signed an agreement with the IMF and received another US$100 billion in emergency relief funds. Coupled with the lobbying of various South Korean creditors by the Westeros system and Washington authorities, the financial situation in South Korea has stabilized.

This week, the temporary control was lifted and the financial market was reopened. The stock market has rebounded in the past week of trading, and the I index has returned to more than 300 points.

In the bond market, a series of delayed restructuring negotiations were carried out in an orderly manner, and normal order was also restored.

Another key KRW-USD exchange rate, as of the close of the foreign exchange market on Friday local time, the exchange rate has also recovered from below 2000 to 1736 KRW to 1 USD. The industry estimates that the relevant exchange rate will eventually stabilize at around 1500.

At least on the surface, everything is going in a good direction.

Of course it's only on the surface.

For the Korean economy, the 'dinner' has only just begun.

As usual, after getting acquainted with the progress of the South Korean Westeros system team's acquisition negotiations for Hyundai, Samsung and SK, Simon told Chen Qing: "Do you know how to boil frogs in warm water?"

Chen Qing on the opposite side nodded: "I know, but, boss, I think this experiment is probably fake, and the frog will jump out before being burned to death."

"This is just an analogy for reasoning, there is no need to be serious," Simon said: "I want to remind you that although we have the IMF's representative team in South Korea, we can almost control the next economic trend of South Korea, but in the future , until South Korea gets used to the existence of the IMF, you try not to instruct the IMF delegation to take drastic measures that may trigger a strong reaction from all walks of life in South Korea, and boil frogs in warm water, understand?"

Chen Qing nodded seriously: "Boss, I promise."

In fact, I also know why Simon reminded me that she had a criminal record. In China, Chen Qing once crossed the line with regard to the layout of the political circle, but fortunately she was pulled back by her boss.

"No matter what decision you make, notify me at least once a week. And, if something goes wrong, I will deal with you," Simon said at the end. Seeing Chen Qing shrank her neck in fear, she did not continue. Long-winded, I picked out the two China-related documents that Girl A gave me this morning from my desk, and changed the subject: "The United States has been very popular recently, do you know?"

"I know, boss, you are amazing."

Chen Qing is the kind of person who doesn't play games and wastes time, but for such a phenomenal game that is related to her boss, of course she will take the initiative to learn about it.A game, only in the United States, sold more than 100 million sets in the first week, and earned 7800 million US dollars. Converted into RMB, according to the current exchange rate, it is close to 7 million. It is simply a miracle.

Taking a casual and sincere shot, Chen Qing asked: "Boss, are you planning to introduce the game into China? I have already seen the research report on China's video game industry that A forwarded to me?"

Simon shook his head: "Video games should be notorious in China right now?"

Since the release of the Xiaobawang game console, domestic red and white machines have spread rapidly, and this is at the family level.In the market, a large number of game halls have bloomed like video halls in recent years. In addition to causing a large number of teenagers to become addicted to games, they have also spawned a large number of crimes.It can be said that 1997 is indeed the most notorious period for video games in China.

Chen Qing didn't deny it either, and said, "Boss, the general environment is like this. We only need to do our own thing, and don't care about the rest."

"You are wrong, it is very necessary to pay attention to it," Simon said, looking at Nizi opposite, "In the next period of time, I hope you will distract yourself from one thing and push China to issue a ban on game consoles as soon as possible. Is there a problem? ?”

Chen Qing's eyes widened: "Boss, did I hear correctly?"

Chapter 1271 Ban on Game Consoles

"You heard me right, but my understanding may be a little off," Simon said, "Note, what I just said was a ban on game consoles, not a ban on the entire video game industry."

Chen Qing nodded, but said: "Boss, I noticed it, but is there any difference?"

Simon didn't mean to hide from Chen Qing, and said: "Recently around "Counter-Strike OL", there is a statement in North America that online games will become the mainstream of electronic games in the future. The general idea is that online games will replace stand-alone games in the future. I think this will be the case in Europe and the United States, but in China, in short, industrial trends can be artificially promoted."

Chen Qingruo realized something.

Simon noticed Chen Qing's expression, and continued: "In China, the electronic game industry is basically dominated by pirated versions, and it is difficult for genuine games to have much room to play. To get China's game industry back on track, to a large extent Being able to put an end to pirated online games is a way out. Therefore, my plan, first of all, is to push China to issue a ban on game consoles. Again, it is not a complete ban on electronic games, but only for the production and sales of stand-alone game devices and a large number of illegal game halls. The ban on venues clears the way for us to promote online games in China and artificially create industrial trends, understand?"

Chen Qing only noticed the recent hit "Counter-Strike OL", and just browsed through the research report on the domestic game industry. As for the more detailed industry situation, after all, she doesn't know much about it.However, Simon's words were very simple, and she immediately understood. After a little consideration, she said, "Boss, I understand what you mean, but it's not easy to issue a ban on an entire industry. There are too many involved."

"I know that too," Simon nodded, and continued: "However, I have analyzed this matter in advance. As long as it works properly, it is actually not difficult. First of all, video games are notorious in China and have caused a lot of social problems. , countless parents with children hope that the government can forcefully intervene and rectify this. Crime, I believe there will be many related cases, and then push the media to make large-scale reports and create momentum."

Chen Qing heard her boss talk about the specific operation, quickly wrote down a few notes on the memo in front of her, and asked: "Boss, what else?"

"Also, there is the benefit, which is the most direct and effective," Simon said again: "China's game industry, because of the rampant piracy and unlicensed game halls blooming everywhere, although it seems to be very prosperous, but because most of them are wandering in the gray The zone does not provide much tax revenue for the government. Even if the ban will hurt some host manufacturers, the scale is not too large. Therefore, in terms of interests, there is not much resistance to promoting the ban. This gray industrial chain is banned, and then It is online games, because related companies will conduct regular operations, which can not only provide a large amount of tax revenue, but also, after being included in the regulatory system, can also avoid social problems such as minors’ addiction to games to the greatest extent. What you have to do is to give these to some It is not difficult for people to understand how to choose.”

Chen Qing quickly wrote down again, and related lobbying plans had already begun to brew in her mind.

Simon waited for Chen Qing to write it down, and then showed her the draft agreement on the Ypay payment tool under Igret and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China: "Finally, there is this. I have read the draft, and the only thing is the name, Yifutong, Apparently the team over there put their heart into it, and wanted to use the word "Yi" to link this Chinese localized payment tool with Igret, which seems to be a good idea, but I think it is still not enough image, and it is not friendly enough. Change it, let’s call it Yifubao, easy’Yi’, baby’s’Bao’. This cooperation is full of expectations, and they do not lack influence in the upper echelons of China, you can unite and work together.”

There is no need for Simon to explain more this time, Chen Qing already understands.

China's major banks are inextricably linked with high-level executives, and even have their own corresponding influence, which is beyond doubt.

ICBC is really looking forward to this cooperation of online payment tools.

Now that the company has been established, the biggest problem is how to open up the situation.

Online games that require online payment are undoubtedly a good entry point.As long as the online game industry develops, a large number of players will definitely subscribe to the Yifubao service for convenient online payment.

On the other hand, there is a reason why ICBC was designated as Ypay's cooperation with China this time.

Therefore, as long as the conflict of interests is clearly explained with ICBC, they will definitely help promote the ban on game consoles.

All in all, it must be right to pull the other party in.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing wrote down in her memo notebook again, and said to Simon: "Boss, this idea is great. By the way, can you give us some other ideas?"

Simon said: "It's very simple, e-commerce."

Due to the lag in the development of China's Internet industry, Eaglet's business in China is currently mainly portals, e-mail and other aspects, which belong to the basic standard configuration of the Internet 1.0 era.As for e-commerce, due to the immature timing in all aspects, Amazon has not yet launched business in China.

Speaking of which, China Telecom received US$30 billion in funding last month, and reached a technical cooperation with America Online. With the rollout of the broadband network construction plan, related out-of-pocket expenses will drop sharply again. Next year, Chinese Internet users will usher in an explosion .

So now is the time to do more business.

Of course Chen Qing knows about e-commerce: "Boss, Eaglet China Branch is already discussing this matter with the US headquarters, I mean, is there anything else?"

"It's still e-commerce," Simon said with a smile, "but you can innovate, and you don't need to keep an eye on Amazon. For example, open an online electrical shopping mall just like the electrical appliance hypermarkets that have been very popular in China these years. Imagine, the Internet Electronic shopping malls do not require physical stores or a large number of employees. How much labor and store expenses can be saved? The saved expenses can be returned to users in the form of promotional discounts and other promotional discounts to promote online consumption. During the process, Yifubao can also carry out its own business.”

Chen Qing's mind is very sharp, Simon made a little point, and immediately understood, and quickly wrote down again, looked at her notes a few times, raised her head and said: "Boss, this seems to involve logistics issues?"

Simon nodded: "E-commerce will become an important industry in the information age. And online shopping must not avoid logistics. Therefore, express logistics is also a good investment direction. You can find and invest in some related companies now, or, Directly develop your own logistics network around relevant stores in the same city. In short, blue oceans everywhere are opportunities.”

Chen Qing's eyes sparkled, she nodded her head, remembered something, and continued: "Boss, there is another question, how does Ypay make a profit? We found that Ypay's charging rates in the United States are getting lower and lower, and now even Is it already free for ordinary users?"

Simon shook his head slightly: "This is a long-term investment. Don't think about making any profit in the short term. You can treat Yifubao as an Internet infrastructure project. It is unlikely to make money in 50 to [-] years. However, when it develops to a certain scale, it will become China's The largest payment tool on the Internet platform, you can’t make a profit if you want to.”

"Boss, the problem is, what about the short term," Chen Qing explained quickly, "I don't lack long-term vision, but ICBC, they need performance?"

"What is lost within the embankment is compensated outside the embankment, have you heard of this saying?"


"Do you need me to remind you more?"

Chen Qing thought for a while, and said, "The boss means to invite Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to invest in projects together, um, like an online electrical appliance store?"

"That's right, there is also express logistics, which can allow them to come in and get a share of the pie," Simon said: "Compared to basic tools like Yifubao, online electrical appliance stores and the like, as long as they can do well, IPO operations can be carried out in the future." , Once listed, the return will be there immediately. This is the performance they want. In addition, there are online games I just mentioned. Make a binding investment."

As Simon talked, he felt that China's future Internet industry map deviates more and more from the past.

But what about him.

As long as the deserved share of the Westeros system cannot escape, cooperation with Chinese officials is more secure in many ways.

Immediately thinking of one thing, Simon reminded: "By the way, remember to be careful, that is, we must be responsible for the operation of related investment projects. ICBC can just concentrate on being its own shareholder and don't meddle indiscriminately."


Of course Chen Qing understood why her boss would say that.

After all, it is a state-owned enterprise, and things like efficiency... In short, you can come in to share the profits, but you can't hold back.

"So, finally, with regards to the console ban, how long do you think it will take?"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "It will take at least half a year, boss, you have to understand that if you really want to introduce this ban, it will involve many domestic departments, such as the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Electronics Industry and even the Customs. In short, it is impossible in a short time."

"Actually, I'm not in a hurry," Simon said with a smile: "Anyway, after you finish this, "Counter-Strike OL" will enter China as the first online game."

Chen Qing could only nod her head.

It's no use rushing.

But think about it, as long as the joints are smoothed out, and then the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, as well as the contacts I have compiled in the past few years, it will not be too difficult to promote.

The problem is actually time.

Similar important decisions, if China has not been brewing for a year or so, it will be difficult to implement them.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Qing thought that she might be able to find someone to write some detailed industry analysis articles, and try to post them to the internal reference.It is definitely easier to push a policy from the top down if the top level speaks out.

Write down a few notes in her memo again, and this topic ends here, Chen Qing raised her head: "Boss, is there anything else?"

"Yes," Simon said with a smile, "it's still a small matter. In Korea, after the agreement with SK is finalized, you can use a sum of money to build a chain of Internet cafes in Korea. A large-scale chain of Internet cafes will spread to The kind in Korea."

With SK's accumulation in the field of Korean telecommunications, it is easy to start a business like an Internet cafe chain by the way.

Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "Boss, Internet cafes are not a good investment. The initial investment is too large, and the payback cycle is too long?"

"I remember that there was a pacifier project document attached to the cultural nation-building plan for South Korea that I handed over to you, have you read it?"

"of course."

"This large Internet cafe chain is just a pacifier. Don't think too much about the return. It's a strategic investment. You know, the next few years will be very difficult for Koreans, so we have to give them enough money." The consumption channels are used to relieve stress and paralyze the self. I have checked that the Internet penetration rate in South Korea is only 26%, which is higher than China, but far lower than North America. Therefore, large Internet cafe chains can be used as a supplement. Have enough I will push games such as "Counter-Strike OL" to South Korea as content."

Chen Qing understood, nodded, and suggested: "Boss, since this is the case, we can also invest in Internet cafe chains in China. There are people above us, and can we cooperate with China Telecom?"

"This has no strategic significance for China. The disadvantages you just mentioned are highlighted. If you want to do it, you can attract investment yourself."

Chen Qing stuck out her tongue, but said: "Boss, I remember that in the United States, in order to speed up the promotion of the Internet, you set up a chain of Internet cafes in the early days to allow more people to access the Internet. I think this is also a strategy for China. Meaning?"

"It's not the same," Simon said: "People in China and the United States have different attitudes towards Internet cafes. In China, Internet cafes and game halls have a similar status. I don’t even want to install broadband at home, so it doesn’t have the strategic significance you mentioned.”

"Well, Boss, you see it so clearly, I admire you more and more."

"Hmm, Earthlings, you have no secrets from me."

"Hehe..." Chen Qing straightened her waist with a smile, moved closer to the camera, and said softly, "Boss, I have a secret, do you want to see it?"

When Nizi on the opposite side mentioned a certain word, she obviously changed her tone, and the pronunciation of the two words was a bit flat.

Simon shook his head resolutely: "Stop quickly, you will be 404."

Chen Qing blinked suspiciously.


My boss started to say strange things that I didn't understand again.

Chapter 1272 JY Entertainment

Seoul, Korea.

Chen Qing has a vigorous personality.

After finishing the call with her boss, while eating breakfast, Chen Qing had already started to plan the few things that Simon had just explained.

After the breakfast was over, Chen Qing first got through to her core assistant Ran Yue in China, and talked about promoting the game console ban, and told Ran Yue to come up with a plan first, such as how to operate at the level of public opinion , which departments should be lobbied at the government level, and so on, as well as contacts with the top leaders of ICBC, and so on.

After explaining this matter, Chen Qing assigned a task to the South Korean team to investigate the Internet cafe industry in South Korea.

I just talked about more details, and my boss hopes that next year, the Internet cafe chain cooperating with SK will roll out at least 10 computers.

Even if the average number of Internet cafes is 100, it means 1000. This is a very large project, and it is necessary to understand the market first.

Moreover, Chen Qing has already thought about the order of 10 computers.

Fertilizer water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

The excellent computer brand that was working in China at the beginning is developing well, and this time it can enter South Korea by the way.

If it was before the IMF agreement, there were still some thresholds for this matter. After the signing of the agreement, South Korea's trade barriers will be completely broken, so there is no need to worry about similar problems.

Chen Qing also didn't have the idea of ​​eating from her own boss's big family. The computers in the Internet cafes must be low-end customization, and they are made in China. Even if the inevitable tariffs are included, the cost must be cheaper than that in South Korea.

In addition, it is still domestic.

Chen Qing feels that even if there is no so-called strategic significance as mentioned by her boss, considering that after the ban on game consoles, a large number of game halls will be banned, the status of Internet cafes will inevitably rise.

This is also an opportunity.

Chen Qing then contacted the person in charge of excellent technology in China and asked them to consider developing several low-end computers specially for Internet cafes. The price must be lower than that of the assembled machine. In the next few years, a special team can be organized. develop related businesses.

Because it is conceivable that if the ban on game consoles can be implemented in the future, and China Telecom will increase the deployment of broadband network construction, the country will definitely usher in a good season for Internet cafes to bloom everywhere.

Leaving aside whether you invest in Internet cafes or not, selling computers is definitely right.

Joyo's current goal is to increase shipments at all costs and seize market share.

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