hunt hollywood

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In the script of "Blood Corpse Night", the hero and heroine turned back into human beings through transfusion of human blood. This setting is indeed very far-fetched.

However, Simon shook his head and said: "You should have revised the script many times, right? If I could change it, I would definitely not see this kind of plot now. There is really no way to change it, otherwise the second half of the whole script Parts need to be overturned, and that must be another story."

Catherine nodded, understanding that what Simon said was true, but her expression was still somewhat disappointed.

Simon looked at the woman's expression and said, "Actually, there is one more thing that can be adjusted."

Catherine looked over again: "Huh?"

"The name of the leading actor," Simon said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Did you know that the name Kalebo comes from Hebrew, and it actually means 'ferocious hunting dog'. another."

Catherine knew from Simon's smile that he was joking, so she also smiled and said jokingly, "You still know Hebrew."

"Yeah, I'm fluent. So, I'm sure I'll do really well in Hollywood."

Hebrew is the national language of the Jews. As we all know, Hollywood is dominated by Jews.Being able to speak fluent Hebrew will definitely endow Simon with the favor of many Jews in Hollywood.

In fact, because he inherited the memories of twelve other people, not only Hebrew, but also more proficient in English and Chinese, Simon can also speak German, French and Spanish at this time, which has almost covered the most mainstream languages ​​in the world. Several major languages.Therefore, even if he is going to be an interpreter now, he must be the top one.

Listening to Simon's tone, Catherine had a slight urge to roll her eyes, and felt that the young man was changing the subject and didn't want to comment too much on her script.Perhaps, compared with his "Butterfly Effect", "Blood Corpse Night" really has nothing to say.

It's not that Simon is unwilling to give Catherine more advice. He knows the strengths and weaknesses of Catherine's series of works well.

The point is, the two are still in a state of "meeting each other by chance". Could it be that she should be advised to curb the violent atmosphere of deliberately obscuring gender consciousness in her works, and encourage her to show the delicate side that women should have?

How did I know that such a beautiful woman like her would not have enough delicate film works?

Guess what?

If I talk too much, I will reveal my stuff.

However, Catherine is not a forceful person, so she followed Simon's topic just now and said with a bit of chatter: "Then what do you think should be changed to Kalebo's name to make it sound better?"

"How's it going, Simon?"

Catherine was a little puzzled: "Simon, is there anything special about this name?"

Simon stretched out a hand towards the woman and said with a smile: "Simon Westeros, ma'am, may I know your name?"

Catherine immediately understood that this was his name.

"My name is Catherine Bigelow." After gently shaking hands with him, Catherine also introduced herself with a smile, and said curiously: "Westeros, a very rare surname, you can speak Hebrew, so , is that a Jewish surname?"

"No," Simon shook his head and said, "This is my last name."

Westeros is an original word coined by George R. R. R. R. R. Martin, a word that was supposed to appear a decade later.Therefore, Simon is now undoubtedly the only 'Westero' in this world.

Catherine could feel a slight sense of superiority hidden in Simon's words, but she didn't feel any resentment in her heart.

He can create scripts like "The Butterfly Effect", can casually talk about the theory of a certain professor at MIT, and can also master Hebrew, a very small language. Such an outstanding young man is proud. Some are taken for granted.

Chapter 003 Katherine's Recommendation

After more than seven hours of travel, the bus finally arrived at the end of the trip in the evening.

After getting off the car, Simon stood on the side of the street and looked around. Although he had never been here before, based on the information in his mind, he quickly determined that this place should be in the downtown area of ​​Burbank in the San Fernando Valley in the northwest of Los Angeles County. The ideal destination also needs to climb over the Santa Monica Mountains to the south.

The other side of the mountain is Hollywood, the real geographical Hollywood.

In the 80s, although many Hollywood film studios had begun to migrate to the surrounding areas, more film industry-related production companies, distribution companies, brokerage companies, etc., still gathered on the few world-famous streets in downtown Hollywood .

Catherine got out of the car behind Simon, and also stood on the side of the road looking around. The friend who had agreed to pick her up had not yet arrived, so she looked at Simon next to her.

What was thought to be a very boring journey became very fulfilling because of the appearance of this big boy. After exchanging and reading the scripts, the two talked about many topics with relish during the rest of the itinerary.

Although she was much younger than herself, Catherine even felt at some moments that she was just a fledgling little girl in front of him.

It's really hard to imagine how this big boy has accumulated such a wealth of knowledge. Whether it's movies, music, or even her professional painting, or many other topics, he can talk freely and freely. In just a few hours Getting along even gave her a feeling of benefiting a lot.

When they were about to part, Catherine suddenly realized that she knew almost nothing about Simon except his name and that he probably wanted to become a screenwriter when he came to Los Angeles this time. The guide confided a lot of things, such as she grew up in San Francisco, this time she went back to visit her parents, her life in Manhattan's SoHo, why she was interested in movies and wanted to be a director, and so on.

If he did it on purpose, it would be abominable.

However, when she thought about it carefully, she didn't seem to ask these questions, as many of his topics had already overwhelmed her.

After Simon looked around, he turned his head to look at Catherine. Seeing that the woman was looking at him, he nodded and smiled at her.

Along the way, Simon discovered that there was a very strong contrast between Catherine's own character and her film style.The characters in the women's images often murder, set fire, swear, and live unscrupulously, but Catherine in real life has a very quiet personality, speaks softly to people, and even looks very shy.

Of course, Simon did not find it too strange. This kind of strong personality conflict between real life and personal works, which is almost schizophrenic, is very common among various types of artist groups.

Thinking of this, Simon asked the woman, "Catherine, is there no one here to pick you up?"

"Yes, but I haven't come here yet," Catherine hadn't conceived the words she wanted to say just now, but when Simon spoke first, she shook her head and asked, "What about you?"

Simon shrugged: "I thought we could share a car, and AA will pay the fare."

"I live in Malibu." Catherine raised her hand and pointed to the west, and said, "Where are you going? If you drop by, I can take you there later."

"Malibu, that's a nice city," Simon said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Why don't you consider taking me in, cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, I can do all of these, just take care of food and housing."

Catherine gave Simon a slight look, which was considered to be contempt for his behavior of wanting to eat soft food, but then she explained seriously: "I am also staying with a friend, but I have no right to take you in."

Simon smiled, of course he was only joking, even if Catherine really agreed, he would decline.

It's not because he can't eat Catherine's "soft food", but because he has a deep-rooted resistance to living in someone else's house, and he is more used to living in his own house.

Of course, this kind of thing may not be realized for a long time in the future.

However, when Catherine said that she was staying at a friend's house, Simon suddenly remembered.


Could it be James Cameron?

In the original time and space, Catherine and Cameron used to be husband and wife. This matter was very hot in the year when "The Hurt Locker" won the Oscar. "The Hurt Locker" VS "Avatar", ex-wife VS ex-husband .

After searching the information in his mind, Simon quickly rejected this guess.

Cameron's current wife is Gail Anne Hurd, the producer of "Terminator", who is also Cameron's Bole.The two just got married last year. Although Cameron is not a stable man, they should not divorce until three or four years later.

Catherine naturally didn't know what Simon was thinking. After explaining, she said, "Simon, since you don't know anyone in Los Angeles and plan to become a screenwriter, you should need an agent, right? Maybe I can help."

Although Simon had some plans of his own, when he heard Catherine's words, he became serious and said, "Is it okay, I mean, if it's not troublesome?"

"Of course it's not troublesome." Catherine shook her head and said, "However, I can only introduce you. Whether you can persuade the other party to become your agent depends on your own efforts. WMA, you know? Good agency."

WMA (William Morris Agency), William Morris Agency, Simon naturally knows that this talent agency company established at the end of the [-]th century is still the largest agency company in Hollywood.

Of course, according to the information that Simon knows, the current situation of WMA is definitely not good, but a lean camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention that an elephant in WMA, which is still far away from being thin and dead, can crush a large number of camels without any problem. If he could enter such a brokerage company, Simon would definitely be able to avoid a lot of detours.

After all, although many Hollywood stars always claim that they suddenly met an agent while shopping, eating and walking, it seems that they have flourished since then.

But don't doubt, these gossips are 90.00% deceptive.If you don’t believe me, just open the IMDB page of a certain star at random, and see how many years the other party has experienced from the first time they participated in a work to their popular masterpiece, and you will know how tortuous their road to fame is.

Although he has opportunities and resources that are unmatched by others, Simon has already planned to stay in Hollywood for three to five years. He is only 18 years old this year, so he does not lack time.

Of course, Catherine can give him some help within her capacity at this time, and Simon will never be so pretentious as to refuse.

The two walked together to a coin-operated telephone booth nearby. Catherine found a phone book from her luggage and looked through it for a while before dialing the phone.

Simon stood by and waited patiently.

Catherine talked with the opposite party for a while, then turned around and asked softly, covering the microphone: "Simon, how do you spell 'Westero'?"

Simon immediately spelled his last name: "Westeros."

Catherine hummed, turned back, and talked for more than a minute before hanging up the phone.

"Fortunately, Mr. Friedman is still in the office. I even forgot that I'm off work now, but WMA has been a bit messy recently, so it's not surprising to work overtime." Catherine said with some embarrassment, found the pen booth and hurriedly checked it on her phone Write something in the notebook, then tear it off and hand it to Simon, and said: "Tomorrow at four o'clock in the afternoon, the headquarters of William Morris Company, you must not be late. Tell them at the front desk that you have an appointment, and someone will Take you there, if it doesn't work, you can also make this call."

Simon nodded, took the note and glanced at it.

At the top was a name, Jonathan Friedman, apparently the Mr. Friedman Katherine had just spoken of.Then there is 150 Camino Street in Beverly Hills, which should be the address of the WMA headquarters.There is also a string of phone numbers at the end.

Putting the note into the purse, watching the woman pick up her satchel, Simon suddenly remembered again, and said, "Catherine, what about you, I mean, if I don't do well, I'm going to starve to death on the street. Want to know how to ask for your help?"

When Catherine heard Simon say this, she rolled her eyes at him, took out the phone book again and began to write, but joked: "If you can starve to death on the street with your hands and feet, I won't care about it."

While the two were talking, a few loud car horns sounded on the side of the road, and a wine-red Ford sedan stopped. The woman in the driver's seat obviously poked her head out of the car window eagerly, and said to the two: "Kate, I caught you. Hey, little boy, get in the car, don't talk to the big sister on the side of the road, or you will be dragged into the alley and eaten."

Catherine handed the written contact information to Simon, and said helplessly to the woman in the car: "Jenny, you're late again."

"Maybe I shouldn't have come, I must have disturbed you, right?" A woman named Jenny pushed open the car door, walked over with a smile, and stretched out her hand to Simon: "Janet Johnston, little boy, you What is your name?"

Simon looked at the woman in front of him, wearing a pink tight-fitting T-shirt with a string of cursive English letters and high-waisted jeans, fluffy blond hair with a shawl, although not as beautiful as Catherine, but her figure looked quite tall after wearing high heels, The well-maintained appearance also makes people unable to see her age.

However, Simon clearly felt that there was a bit of madness in this woman's character.

What's more, is it really good to wear high heels while driving?

With that in mind, Simon shook hands with the other party politely, and introduced himself, "Simon Westeros."

"Strange surname," Janet Johnston muttered, looked Simon up and down again, with a very satisfied expression, then turned to Catherine, and said: "Then, Kate, let's bring him back go home!"

Catherine put her luggage on the back seat of the car on the side of the road, walked over and said, "Jenny, stop joking, let's go."

Janet obviously didn't intend to let the two of them go easily, she reached out and took Catherine's arm to prevent her from walking away, but stared at Simon, curiously said: "Little boy, it seems that you have just arrived in Los Angeles, and you came with Kate? , I guess, your family is also in San Francisco, right, which city, I asked for Kate?"

Seeing Catherine, Simon looked over curiously, thought for a while, and said, "Probably, San Jose."

Janet gave Simon a dissatisfied look, and dragged her voice: "It's really interesting, maybe."

Simon shrugged and wrote lightly: "I don't have a home, I just grew up in San Jose."

"How could someone have no home?" Janet didn't react for a while, ignoring Catherine's little movement of pulling her arm, and asked, "Then where did you live before you came to Los Angeles?"

Simon curled his mouth, showing a harmless smile, and said, "Watsonville Mental Hospital."

Chapter 004 Unstable William Morris

Unknowingly, it was already dusk around, and the lights on both sides of the street were turned on.

Simon looked at the stunned and hesitant two women in front of him, and could only remind them in a relaxed tone that they really should go back. Malibu, which is far away in the western suburbs of Los Angeles, is still far away from Burbank.In the end, it was suggested that Catherine should drive, because Janet Johnston was too dangerous to drive in high heels.

Seeing that Simon was normal and showing no signs of illness, Catherine was relieved, but she was inexplicably unwilling to explore Simon's past.

Glancing at her friend beside her who was still rolling her eyes but finally calmed down, Catherine felt a little funny again.

Let you be dishonest all day, and finally be cured.

The female hooligan who pretended to be crazy met the real lunatic who came out of the mental hospital, tsk tsk.

After stuffing her friend into the co-pilot, Catherine also got into the car. After some hesitation, the woman told Simon, who was standing outside the car window, to contact her if he had any difficulties before starting the car.

Turning the front of the car at the intersection not far away, Catherine finally nodded to the big boy on the side of the road, and slowly stepped on the accelerator, and the wine-red Ford sedan gradually merged into the urban traffic in the twilight.

Watching the two women's cars go away, Simon lifted the backpack on his shoulder and turned to leave.

Bought a map of downtown Los Angeles from a nearby store, Simon sat down on the open-air seat of a street fast food restaurant, ordered the cheapest dinner, and began to look at the map.

Because he inherited the memories of twelve other people, Simon discovered that not only those professional skills, but also about Hollywood, or the whole of Los Angeles, from human geography to entertainment gossip, and all kinds of information from decades before and after, Simon simply It's all clear.

It seems that I still have the potential to be a paparazzi.

Thinking of this for self-entertainment, Simon easily found the location of the WMA headquarters on the map.

Camino Street is just not far from the intersection of Wilshire Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard, the most prosperous place in Beverly Hills. Nearby is Century City Park where media companies gather, and the [-]th Century Fox Studio is located there , WMA rival CAA headquarters is also not far away.

After marking the location of the WMA headquarters, Simon found the headquarters address of the Writers Guild of America, and circled it as well.

The waiter brought the dinner, Simon filled his stomach, and walked out of the restaurant after paying the bill.

Then I started worrying about how to get out of Burbank.

In the 80s, there were neither buses nor subways in Los Angeles, and taxis were also very few, and they needed to be booked by phone.

Wandering the streets for more than half an hour with a fluke mentality, he failed to meet a taxi willing to pick him up. Simon realized that he still underestimated the lack of public transportation in Los Angeles, and regretted not having the cheek to let Catherine give him a ride .

I had no choice but to stay in a hotel in Burbank.

Early the next morning, with the help of the hotel owner, Simon booked a taxi by phone.After haggling with the driver who arrived, he finally paid $15 with a tip, and the driver sent him to West Hollywood on the other side of the Santa Monica Mountains.

Standing on the street of Melrose Avenue, although there is still a lot of distance to the destination, in order to save money, the next step is to walk. Fortunately, Simon has a whole day.Following the guidance of the map, walk south along the nearby north-south Fairfax Avenue that intersects with Melrose Avenue for more than 20 minutes, and you will come to the Screenwriters Guild of America (WGA) building.

Naturally, Simon didn't rush here to join the Screenwriters Union. He doesn't have such qualifications yet, but mainly to register the copyright of the script in his backpack.

Under federal copyright law, in theory, a creator automatically acquires copyright after completing a work.But in reality, once a legal dispute occurs, whether to register the copyright becomes a very critical evidence.

In the United States, there are many ways to register copyright, and there are even some private registration agencies.

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