hunt hollywood

Page 39

Reluctantly pricked up his ears and listened, oh, it's Sandra Bullock.

Call at this time.

Hum hum.

I don't know if I should suddenly pick up the microphone to embarrass her.

Think about it or forget it.

Hearing the girl talk about the full theater of "Run Lola Run" on the phone, I was quite proud, but unfortunately I don't like to go to the cinema to watch movies, and I am more used to watching movies in private screening halls.

Sandra also mentioned the rating of "Run Lola Run".

Also a little angry.

Simon left, and she has been in touch with Orion as a representative of the producer for the past few days, so she knows the details.

It is obvious that the Seventh National Congress is playing tricks.

"Run Lola Run" originally got a PG 13 rating, which is definitely no problem, but it was rated R in the end.Moreover, due to the tight release schedule, there is not even time to appeal, so it can only be released with an R rating in a hurry.

Thinking of this, when Sandra hung up the phone, she was so annoyed that she couldn't sleep.


What a good reason, little boy, you have to comfort me quickly, or you will suffer from insomnia.

Just as he was about to pick up the phone when he got to the bed, he remembered his recent phone call saying that the crew was filming at night and had to work until two o'clock every day, so they would definitely not be in the hotel now.

Had to give up.

Turning around and burying his face in his pillow, he sniffled. He had just washed the bedding diligently recently, but he still felt his breath.

Immediately not very angry again.


When I woke up again, it was already bright.

After breakfast, he changed into a burgundy OL professional suit, and drove his burgundy Ford sedan to Orion.

The focus of Orion Pictures' recent operations has been Oliver Stone's Platoon.

This politically charged Vietnam War reflection film has won several important awards such as best picture and best director at last month's Golden Globe Awards, and has also received multiple nominations at the upcoming Oscars, which belongs to this season's favorite.

Moreover, the box office of "Platoon" is also very good. From the initial screening to the present, the cumulative box office of this film with a production cost of only 600 million US dollars has exceeded 4000 million US dollars.

Although the main focus is on "Platoon", Orion Pictures did not relax the promotion of "Run Lola Run", and even set up a special office.

Janet rushed to the headquarters of Orion Films, and after a busy morning with several staff members, she roughly sorted out the feedback information from various aspects after the release of "Run Lola Run" yesterday, mainly film reviews from major newspapers and audience surveys. .

As for the box office, this one needs to wait until next Monday to get the box office data results for the first three days of the weekend.

The initial feedback of the film was better than everyone expected. The film reviews of major newspapers were almost overwhelmingly praised, and the audience research information also showed the popularity of the film.

Some directors of theaters even called, hoping to increase the scale of screenings next week.

So busy until noon, Janet personally faxed the sorted out materials to Arizona.


During this period of time, although the crew finished work at two o'clock in the morning, it was basically three or four o'clock when they stopped. Some staff members resigned because they couldn't stand staying up late repeatedly. Simon was in good health, but he didn't feel too much discomfort .

"Run Lola Run" was officially released yesterday, but Simon couldn't see it.

Although Arizona is considered to be adjacent to California, only Phoenix, the state capital, has a small number of "Run Lola Run" theaters here, and everyone stays in the small town of Coolidge, so naturally they can't see it.

As his first film after returning to this era, although Simon is full of confidence, he is still a little apprehensive.

Last night I fell asleep at three o'clock in the morning, and woke up before nine o'clock in the morning.

I wanted to call Los Angeles as soon as possible, but thought that there was an hour later than here, and I hadn't gone to work yet, so I had to give up.I simply drove to the city of Phoenix, more than 50 kilometers away to the north, and bought a lot of newspapers in a hurry.

Returning to Coolidge, it was past eleven o'clock.

The crew members have already woken up one after another, rushing to the crew's designated restaurant for dinner in twos and threes.Simon parked the car on the side of the road, just in time to see Catherine walking out of the hotel with a few other people talking and laughing.

Seeing Simon who just got out of the car, Catherine greeted him with a smile, and said, "Simon, how is the release of "Run Lola Run" going? Well, and, everyone is going to have lunch, let's go together, Come talk."

Simon nodded, took a stack of newspapers in his hand, and greeted Jenny Wright, Adrian Pasdar and others beside Catherine.

Jenny Wright is holding a handsome young man on her arm. This is her boyfriend. He just came to visit the class in the past few days. To Simon's surprise, the young man's name is Nicolas Cage.

So, Hollywood is really small.

During this time, they have become very familiar with each other, and everyone knows that Simon's movie was released yesterday.

After rushing to the restaurant to sit down, Catherine and the others looked at the newspaper in Simon's hand.

Simon simply distributed the newspaper to everyone.

Although Jenny Wright looks innocent, she has a wild temper and likes rock and roll.The girl got a copy of "Arizona Daily Star", searched it quickly, and immediately read aloud with great interest: "I found it, "Run Lola Run". From the beginning to the end, the author did not believe that an 18-year-old boy What a great movie to make. However, yesterday I went into the theater full of doubts, but I was shocked by a gorgeous audition feast. Great shots, great soundtrack, great editing, and even more rare is a great movie concept. Run Lola Run already has enough to go down in movie history, and Simon Westeros will undoubtedly be one of the best filmmakers in Hollywood. Whoa, is that an exaggeration? Simon, look Come on, I need to watch this movie as soon as possible, and the heroine of your next movie should also consider me."

In the restaurant, after listening to Jenny Wright's narration, everyone became interested in the other newspapers that Simon had distributed. They grabbed a copy in twos and threes and read it together.

In the end, to everyone’s surprise, among the dozen or so newspapers that Simon brought back, all of them gave positive comments, except for one questioning whether the movie was shot by Simon himself.

Jenny Wright even joked that Simon must have thrown away all the newspapers with bad reviews on the way.

Since it was Saturday, everyone quickly agreed to go to Phoenix to watch "Run Lola Run" together tonight.

After some fun, after lunch, when he saw the official documents of Orion faxed from Los Angeles, Simon was finally completely relieved of the box office prospects of "Run Lola Run".

Chapter 066 Opening

Amid the media's praise of "Run Lola Run", the weekend passed quickly.

However, since February 2 is the third Monday in February, President's Day is one of the federal statutory holidays.According to the usual practice, the weekend box office of the new week is calculated for the four days from February 16 to February 2. This is actually an important reason why Orion chose to set the schedule on February 2.

Tuesday, October 2th.

Due to the recent very busy period, Orion Films President Mike Meadova has not had much rest in the past three days of vacation.However, he still rushed to the company early today.

Sitting in the office, thinking back to Orion Films' ups and downs over the past year, Mike Medova even felt a little bit of the rest of his life in his heart.

In 1985, Orion produced and released 12 films, but the best one, "Looking for Susan", only got $2700 million in the North American box office, and 9 of them faced losses.

Due to a series of movie box office failures, Orion, which was in a serious financial crisis at the beginning of 1986, was facing the fate of being taken over by the well-known Wall Street investment group Warburg Pincus.

At a critical moment, the company CEO Arthur Kerim persuaded his friend, media tycoon John Kruger, to buy 6.5% of Orion’s shares, which brought the company the most needed working capital, which made everyone’s jobs be preserved.

Immediately afterwards, everything seemed to start to go smoothly.

"Back to School" released by Orion in the summer, with a North American box office of more than 9000 million US dollars, completely freed the company from financial crisis.At the end of last year, the company's key release "Platoon" had a cumulative box office of more than 4000 million US dollars as of last week.According to the current box office curve, the film's North American box office can easily hit the $[-] million mark.

In addition, in terms of awards, Orion has also gained a lot this year.Relying on the excellent word-of-mouth of the three films "Platoon", "Sister Hannah" and "Ambition on the Stadium", Orion has received a total of 59 nominations in the upcoming 18th Oscar, more than any of the seven majors.

Now, in the blink of an eye, it is already 1987, and Orion seems to have fully inherited the good luck of last year.

At the beginning of the new year, the company picked up a small box office 'dark horse' from the top seven.

"Run Lola Run".

Although I haven't seen the box office data of the first weekend, but based on various information feedbacks in the past few days, Mike Medova has no doubt that this movie will give Orion a good start in 1987.

Flipping through a document, thinking about these things, the secretary knocked on the door: "Mr. Meadow, Miss Johnston is here."

"Let her in," Mike Medova responded, thought for a while, stood up again, and asked, "By the way, have the box office data for last weekend been delivered?"

The secretary shook his head: "Do you need me to remind you?"

"No, just send it to my office later, and make two cups of coffee," said Mike Meadow, who had already turned his desk and reached out to Janet who had already walked in: "Johnston Miss, it's still so early today."

Janet smiled and shook hands with Mike Medova, and said, "Aren't you too?"

"This is my job, of course I have to work harder," Mike Medova said, motioning for Janet to sit down in the reception area at will, and himself sitting opposite the coffee table, saying: "Usually it is delivered at 09:30 Yes, it's about time."

Janet also heard Mike Medova's conversation with the secretary just now, and just nodded slightly.

The two sat down, and Mike Medova was about to ask a few questions about Simon's recent situation, but the office door was pushed open again. The secretary raised a fax in his hand and said: "Mr. Medova, box office, Delivered."

Mike Medova felt that the secretary's tone was stuttering, his face was puzzled, and he even had some bad premonitions in his heart, so he simply stood up and went forward to take the box office report.

Just glanced at it, and Mike Medova's expression also became strange, and he turned to ask the secretary, "Are you sure?"

The secretary seemed to have not calmed down, and said, "I, Mr. Medowar, why don't I call and ask?"

Although he felt that the data in his hand was unlikely to go wrong, Mike Medova nodded.

Janet also got up and walked over at this time, stretched out her hand and said, "Mr. Meadow, can I have a look?"

"Oh, of course," Mike Medova handed the box office report to Janet, and said, "The data should be fine, but this is really incredible, much higher than I imagined."

Janet didn't answer, but her eyes fell on the box office report in her hand, and she saw the name and box office figures of "Run Lola Run" at a glance.

551 million US dollars.

not bad.

That was the first thought that came to Janet's mind.Then I began to calculate mentally, 551 million US dollars, according to the 15% fixed box office share negotiated between Simon and Orion, only the box office of the past four days, I can get back more than 80 US dollars, even if I count the copies that I have to pay in the future The cost is already paid back.

Mike Medova noticed that Janet just raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was a satisfied smile on the corner of her mouth. Although she knew that she was new to this industry and it was difficult to understand what the box office data of "Run Lola Run" meant, she still wanted to He woke up the woman in front of him loudly and said, "Is this your reaction?"

At the same time, Ronald Goldberg waved the box office report in his hand at Fox Studios, which is also in Century City, Beverly Hills, less than a kilometer away from the headquarters of Orion Films. Loudly questioned: "551 million US dollars! How is this possible? Did the theater make a mistake?"

Holding the folder in his hand, the assistant was not as flustered as Secretary Mike Medova, and replied with certainty: "Mr. Goldberg, I have already called to confirm, that's right."

Listening to the assistant's calm tone, Ronald Goldberg took a deep breath and waved to her.

The assistant left, and Ronald Goldberg, who sat down again, opened the drawer beside the desk, glanced at the cigar box inside, but closed it casually, picked up the box office report again, and scanned it line by line .

North American box office figures for the seventh weekend of 1987.

No.1: "Field Platoon"; $1287 million; Orion.

No.2, "Cruel Fate"; $631 million; Bo Wei.

No.3, "Spirit"; $599 million; Fox.

No.4, "Run Lola"; $551 million; Orion.

No.5, "Leap to the Top"; $515 million; Warner.

In the top five list, except for No.1's hit "Platoon", which broke through tens of millions of dollars at the box office, the box office of the other four movies does not seem to be much different.However, if you continue to compare the number of screening screens of several movies, you will find how big the gap is.

Among the five films, apart from "Run Lola Run", even Fox's "Spirit" has screened 932 screens.For the other three films, the number of screens is more than 1000 yuan, and the opening screen size of Stallone's new work "Leap to the Peak" this time has reached 1758 yuan.

In comparison, the number of screening screens of "Run Lola Run" is only 207, which is not even a quarter of that of "Spirited" and one-eighth of that of "Leap to the Top".

However, with such an insignificant 207 screens, "Run Lola Run" has crazily harvested a box office of 551 million US dollars, and abruptly squeezed into the top five of the weekend box office list in North America.

How can this not be surprising.

Moreover, after getting such an excellent box office at the beginning, what's next?

You should know that Orion is currently only distributed in a few west coast states and counties, including California, even if this second-tier independent film company cannot reach overseas markets.However, "Run Lola Run" has not yet been released in Canada in the central, eastern, and northern parts of the Federation.

So, according to this box office momentum continues.

Ronald Goldberg suddenly shivered slightly, and almost didn't dare to think about it.He couldn't help but think of many things in the past few months.

Simon Westero completed "Run Lola Run", and the first contact was Fox Pictures.After the film was well received at the Sundance Film Festival, Westeros still tended to hand over the distribution rights to Fox. Until the final film won the Sundance Film Festival, Fox still had a chance to win the film.


All these opportunities were missed.

just now.

Oh, God.

What did you miss?

Leaning back in the chair and thinking for a moment, Ronald Goldberg pressed the call button on the landline on the desk, and his assistant came in again soon.

"Say hello to David Giller and the others. I'm going to watch the rough cut of "The Butterfly Effect" in the afternoon. Also, another script by Simon Westeros, um, what's it called?"

The assistant skillfully reminded: "The God of Death is Coming."

"That's right, it's "Death Comes". You can contact WMA and send over the script. Besides, Simon Westeros..."

Ronald Goldberg pondered for a moment, before making a decision, the assistant said: "Mr. Goldberg, Simon Westeros is currently in Arizona, participating in the filming of De Laurentiis Entertainment Investment A movie called "Night of the Blood Corpse."

Ronald Goldberg was a little puzzled: "Is there anything special about this movie?"

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