hunt hollywood

Page 47

Hearing this, Simon also turned sideways, looked at Amy seriously for a moment, and suddenly stretched out a hand to her: "Come."

Amy was a little confused, but involuntarily stretched out her right hand to meet her, and was immediately held by a warm and strong hand.

"Look, you've already made a decision, haven't you?" Simon smiled, held Amy's hand slightly harder, and then let go of Amy's surprised eyes, saying: "It was a little girl in psychology just now. Test, since you have made a catering response, it means that your heart has actually agreed."

Amy looked at her slightly raised arm in confusion, then looked at Simon again, her eyes gradually brightened, a smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Simon, is there really such a psychological test?"

Simon was stared at by Amy, and he only persisted for a second, then shrugged and said, "Well, I made this up."

Amy laughed immediately, and the more she thought about it, the more amusing she became, and finally she even lay down on the railing, buried her face in her arms, and laughed loudly.

After more than a minute like this, Amy raised her head again, with a little flush on her face after a big laugh, looked at the big boy beside her, and asked a little suddenly: "Simon, besides the basic salary, what do you want? What reward terms are you going to give me?"

Simon replied without hesitation: "5% of the net profit of all projects you handle in the next two years."

Amy's eyes flashed, and she asked, "What about two years later?"

Simon gave another plan in a blink of an eye, saying: "Or, 5% of Daenerys Pictures' annual net profit will remain the same after two years."

Amy seemed to be chasing after her, and said, "Is there any difference between the two?"

Simon shook his head and said, "I don't know about this, because there must be a lot of details involved. In the end, there may be more of the former, and perhaps more of the latter."

In fact, both parties are well aware of the distribution results of the two plans.

These are two compensation packages that are common in Hollywood.

However, the former is more suitable for ordinary executives of film companies. They can get as much commission as they are responsible for as many projects as possible. Even if they leave the company, they can still get a share from the operation of related projects.The latter is more suitable for the head of a film company, who is in charge of the overall situation and naturally benefits from the overall situation.Of course, once leaving the job, the two parties will have no interest relationship.

Amy stopped asking questions this time, her eyes regained her shrewdness, she thought for a moment, and said, "Simon, two years is too short, I don't think it can accomplish much. So, I can sign with you for four years, with a basic salary of 25 yuan USD, 5% of the annual net profit of Daenerys Films. At the same time, after four years, no matter whether I leave or not, I will receive an equity reward equivalent to the amount of net profit shared in the previous four years. In addition, in this During the four years, if something happens that makes me unable to continue this job, I have the right to choose to leave the job after one month's notice in advance. As compensation for breach of contract, I will give up the salary and bonus of the year, as well as the final equity award clause. But if you take the initiative to terminate the contract with me during these four years, I need to receive a one-time cash compensation of 100 million US dollars, as well as the corresponding equity reward after the original four-year contract period that I have obtained before the termination of the contract.

Simon listened attentively to Amy's words, and reached out without hesitation: "Deal."

Amy didn't expect Simon to agree so simply, but she also quickly reached out and said with a smile, "May we have a happy cooperation, boss."

After shaking hands, Simon said again: "If Fox needs liquidated damages, I can also help you pay."

"No," Amy shook her head and said, "However, it will take a month for me to join the job. Of course, if Mr. Goldberg's understanding can be obtained, it may not take a month."

Simon thought of the terms of resignation that Amy had just proposed, understood, and said, "No problem."

"Also," Amy said again: "Simon, after I join the job, you must pay me a year's basic salary in advance."

Simon nodded again: "It's natural."

Everyone in the villa is still busy dealing with this crisis of public opinion.After the matter was settled, Simon wanted to go back. Seeing that Amy did not return, he continued to accompany him and leaned against the railing again.

After thinking about it, Simon took the initiative to find a topic again, and said, "Amy, I'm curious, why did you suddenly agree?"

Amy looked at the distant sea view with great enjoyment again, and said, "Simon, in the past few days, do you know what the biggest feeling you gave me?"


Amy said directly: "A workaholic, and a robot-like workaholic. Since last Wednesday, we have been talking about work for three whole days, arguing for the various contract details of "Death Comes". Saturday You tried to recruit me at the party, you didn't talk about ideals, you only talked about pros and cons, still in a business-like, workaholic tone. Until this morning, when we met again, we were still talking about work. Seriously, Simon, Saturday night I've been thinking about your offer since then, and it's getting more and more tempting. But at the same time, I can't help but wonder, is it really the right choice to work for someone like you? Simon, I don't hate workaholics , I worked really hard myself, otherwise I wouldn't be where I am now. But I don't like working for a cold machine."

"I understand that there will definitely be a 'then' in this kind of thing," Simon nodded solemnly before continuing: "And then?"

Amy laughed again, squinted at Simon, and said: "Then, you just coaxed me with that inexplicable psychological test as if you had nothing to do, and I realized that you are just a big boy after all, maybe, you should still be a very big boy." Interesting person."

"It's not supposed to be, the fact is like this, you will understand after getting along for a long time," Simon answered without humility, hesitated for a while, and then said cautiously: "Amy, although you don't like to talk about work, but don't you feel Do you feel that if you can release the news that you are about to join Daenerys Films as soon as possible, it will definitely help this incident?"

Amy rolled her eyes when she saw Simon pretending to be cautious, let go of the railing and said, "Let's go over there, I'll call Mr. Goldberg first. Now that a decision has been made, Fox's I will definitely not be responsible for the rest of the work on "Death Comes"."

Chapter 081 Public Opinion Storm

Although preparations had been made, the subsequent storm of public opinion was more violent than everyone had imagined.

After the article in the "New York Times" splashed a spark, it seemed that suddenly, many media's original surprise and admiration for "Run Lola Run" turned into doubts.

In fact, this kind of doubt has always existed since the release of "Run Lola Run".

In any case, it seems a bit bizarre that someone who was only 18 years old and had no chance of going to a proper film school suddenly made a film as good as "Run Lola Run".

However, before the New York Times article, everyone was surrounded by an atmosphere of admiration and admiration for the genius boy.Even when someone disagrees, it is often interpreted as jealousy.

Now, authoritative newspapers such as the "New York Times" that have a strong influence around the world are the first to issue doubts, coupled with the secret promotion of people with good intentions, all the speeches that were suppressed by the mainstream trend are all noisy.

"Puppet or genius? The difficulty of executing core positions in "Run Lola Run" is revealed."

"Analysis of the film soundtrack process, on why it is impossible for Simon Westeros to complete the soundtrack of "Run Lola Run" himself."

"Stunning shots, fake behind the scenes."

"The swindle that defrauded the entire Commonwealth of film marketing at one time."

"Simon Westeros high school classmate: He worked hard but couldn't possibly be a film director."

"The real 'capital' and 'technology' of "Run Lola Run", Janet Johnston, the daughter of a tycoon, and Catherine Bigelow, a top student at Columbia Film School."

"Ex-lightman on 'Run Lola Run' accuses Simon Westeros of being a showman."



All of a sudden, not only newspapers, but even the major North American radio stations and TV stations have participated in this discussion, and began to be keen to find all kinds of evidence that Simon Westeros could not have the ability to shoot "Run Lola Run" , San Jose, where Simon grew up, welcomed many reporters from all over the country in a short period of time, and the scale of reporters around Simon's mansion also expanded again.

On the other hand, Simon's team quickly fought back.However, this side did not rush to clarify the facts, but pointed the finger at Mark Hollington who published the questioning article in the "New York Times".

Early the next morning, Daenerys Films issued an official statement through the "Los Angeles Times", rebuking Mark Hollington for making it impossible for him to shoot "Lola" based on Simon's upbringing. The conclusion of "Run" is a kind of arrogance and prejudice derived from its own incompetence, and even a kind of discrimination against the people at the bottom of the Federation with the superficial sense of superiority of its own wealthy middle class.

In the United States, the big hat of "discrimination" is too lethal.

Mark Hollington responded immediately, publicly stating that he just asked Simon Westero to stand up and prove that he had the professional ability to film "Run Lola Run", and he did not have any discriminatory intentions.

This time, Simon did not respond.

However, the "New York Post" owned by News Corporation soon appeared an article criticizing Mark Hollington's request for a person to "prove his innocence" as a very bad and rogue move.Since Mark Hollington believes that "Run Lola Run" was not filmed by Simon Westeros, he should personally produce solid evidence, otherwise, raising questions hastily is a serious violation of the reputation of others.Simon Westero has every reason to initiate a defamation lawsuit against him.

After such a confrontation, Mark Hollington, who was unable to parry, suddenly fell silent.

However, since the public opinion turmoil has already started, it is impossible to eliminate it easily.In the next few days, through the digging of more details of Simon's growth past, through the analysis of the content of the "Run Lola Run" film, and even through the messy information provided by "Hollywood insiders", all kinds of doubts still came.

With the help of WMA, Fox Pictures, Orion Pictures, etc., Simon also came and went to see each other.

At the same time, Brian De Palma, David Giller, Robert Redford and other Hollywood insiders who have a good relationship with Simon also began to speak out for Simon.

In addition, after two days of urgent consultations, Fox Film President Ronald Goldberg approved Amy Pascal's resignation application in advance.

Daenerys Films held a press conference immediately, announcing that Ms. Amy Pascal, the former Vice President of Production of Fox Films, would join Daenerys Films as the company's president.

The announcement of this news has undoubtedly reaffirmed the confidence of many people who have begun to waver under the influence of various bombarding questioning news in Simon.After all, if Simon is just a young man with a flashy appearance, it is absolutely impossible to recruit a vice president of a major film company to work for him.

However, some newspapers soon took the initiative to expose the 'truth', claiming that Amy Pascal jumped to Daenerys Films just to be personally responsible for the upcoming investment by Fox Films and Simon Westero as the 'producer' The "Death Comes", which just shows that Fox Films has doubts about Simon Westero's ability.

And so on and on until Friday, March 3.

Many things have also come to a critical point.

Because of this day, the box office data of the tenth movie week in 1987 was officially released.

The media turmoil on weekdays inevitably caused many ordinary people to have doubts about the truth behind the scenes of "Run Lola Run", but in just a few days, the box office of the film was not greatly affected.

In the new week, the box office figure of "Run Lola Run" finally reached 2562 million U.S. dollars, with a cumulative box office of 5771 million U.S. dollars.

Apparently, just the large-scale nationwide release in the first week almost doubled the North American box office of "Run Lola Run".In the next two to three weeks, as long as there is no major decline, the total box office of "Run Lola Run" will smoothly break through the $1 million mark.

Following "Run Lola Run" is still "Lethal Weapon".

The $1500 million blockbuster opened to $882 million in its opening weekend.

Although the screen size is more than 100 yuan more than "Run Lola Run", and the word-of-mouth is not bad, the box office appeal of "Lethal Weapon" is obviously far from being comparable to "event movies" like "Run Lola Run". Compared with the box office, the size of the box office is naturally only one-third of its size.

Even, including the subsequent "Platoon", "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3" and "Angel Heart", the total weekly box office of the last four films in the top five box office this week is only 2763 million US dollars, which is only comparable to that of "Lola Fast". The box office data of a movie "Run" is comparable.


Inside the cliffside mansion in Los Angeles Palisades.

Catherine Bigelow took the coffee handed over by Janet, saw Janet sitting down next to her like a little girl, smiled and hid aside, not letting her stick to her body, and then turned to Simon on the other side of the sofa. Said: "Didn't you go out these few days?"

Simon looked at Catherine, who had just returned from Arizona, and was very moved.During this time, although there was a lot of trouble in the media, many people I have known in the past six months, Brian De Palma, David Giller, Sandra Bullock, Jonathan Friedman And so on, are providing him with enough concern and support.

Hearing the woman's question, Simon nodded and said: "Yeah, anyway, I can't do much when I go out, so I just stay at home."

In recent days, the number of reporters guarding Simon's mansion has not decreased at all. In order to avoid these troubles, Simon either contacted the outside world by phone, or Mike Medova, Pat Kingsley and others rushed over in person. , he himself did not take a step out at all.

Doing so really calmed me down a lot.However, many of Simon's jobs have basically stopped.

Although Ronald Goldberg approved Amy's resignation application in advance out of self-interest considerations, Fox procrastinated and refused to sign the "Reaper" contract as soon as possible.

For the "Butterfly Effect" a month later, although Fox will not secretly do the same tricks as those other people, and even offered to help, but now he is obviously watching the follow-up development of the situation.

In all fairness, this matter has continued until now, no matter what the result is, it will be difficult for Simon to completely get rid of doubts for a long time to come.Some things, even if they are false, are said ten thousand times, and it is difficult to clear them up.

Catherine was holding the coffee cup. Seeing Simon looking at herself, she turned her eyes slightly and said, "Then, what are you going to do next?"

"This matter should be settled," Simon replied: "I will go to New York tomorrow, and I have already contacted NBC's "Tonight Show". It will be scheduled for next Monday, and I will make some explanations and statements on the show."

Although Catherine had never encountered the current situation, she also felt that this kind of matter could not be settled so easily, and asked, "Is that all right?"

"There will definitely be follow-up media actions." Simon gave Catherine a reassuring look, and then asked about the woman's own affairs: "What about you, I remember that the schedule just happened to be closed this week. ?”

Catherine nodded, and said again: "However, next week, I will go to Oklahoma to pick up some locations. Then I will return to Los Angeles for post-production."

The story of "Blood Corpse Night" took place in Oklahoma, but due to the climate and tax rebates, the filming location was in Arizona. In order not to appear too shabby, some supplementary locations were indeed needed.

Simon said: "I will help you then."

Catherine smiled shyly, and said, "In the future, there will definitely be people who will say that my movies were not shot by Catherine Bigelow."

Simon smiled and said, "That's just right, I happen to have this kind of trouble too."

After chatting like this for a while, Jonathan Friedman, Mike Medova, Pat Kingsley, Amy Pascal and others came to Simon's residence again one after another.We are going to New York tomorrow, and it is impossible for everyone to go. This afternoon, we just have to sort out the next coping strategy again.

Chapter 082 Tomorrow

When Simon was busy discussing the follow-up coping strategies with everyone, the time was approaching evening on the east coast.

After finishing the last class of the week in the afternoon, Jennifer Raybould drove back to New York in a hurry.

New Haven, Connecticut, where Yale is located, is only more than 100 kilometers away from New York, and Jennifer's home is also in New York.However, the girl did not rush back to her home on the Upper East Side, but drove to an apartment on the Upper West Side on the other side of Central Park.

Here lived a friend of my father's, named Robert Iger, who was currently serving as vice president of production for the ABC network.

Parking the car on the side of the street, Jennifer held the steering wheel and rearranged her thoughts. Various things that happened in the past week still appeared in her mind.

How could those hateful newspapers judge him like that.

Although she did not personally experience the filming of "Run Lola Run", she could feel how professionally he had prepared for his film in advance from the first glimpse when he visited his residence in Montana.

Also, from the first meeting to the last Sundance Film Festival, too many details in the few times we got along are enough to prove his talent.

"Run Lola Run" is definitely done by him himself.

However, those people are unwilling to explore the real truth, but only speculate and accuse him out of thin air.

What a bunch of incompetent people.

On Wednesday, she mustered up the courage to call him to express her support and trust.

It's just that the whole thing has continued until now, but it doesn't mean to cool down at all. Naturally, she also sensed the conspiracy element in it, so she wanted to help him even more.

Mom and Dad, like Uncle, are well-known barristers in New York, and if he wants to sue those who slandered him, she can help.However, she also understood that he didn't need her own help in this regard.

As for the others, she can't help him either. What can such an ordinary girl like herself do?

Then, this morning, she saw an article questioning that he could not compose the soundtrack of "Run Lola Run" by himself because he had not studied systematically, and she suddenly thought of the video tape she recorded when they first met in Venice Beach.

So I quickly found it out, and I quickly made up my mind.

Taking another deep breath, she picked up the backpack on the co-pilot, opened the door and got out of the car.In two or three steps, he climbed up the steps of a roadside apartment and rang the doorbell.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman in her 30s. Seeing her standing at the door, she let her in with a surprised smile and said, "Jenny, why did you come here suddenly?"

"I'm really sorry, Susan, to bother you at this time," Jennifer hugged the woman named Susan in front of her, and said, "However, I only need a while to talk with Bob on the phone."

Susan Iger shook her head not minding, took Jennifer into the living room, and called her two daughters, Catherine and Amanda, who were watching TV, to greet her, and explained: "Bob just came back and is changing clothes , wait a moment. By the way, I just made coffee, let's have a taste together."

"Thank you, Susan."

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