hunt hollywood

Page 49

Inferred from this, the "Flight of the Bumble Bee" played by Simon Westeros should only be learned in a hurry recently, just to deal with the current situation.Of course, the boy may have some talent on the guitar, but still can't prove anything.

However, doubts in this regard were slapped in the face every minute.

The local media in Los Angeles conducted a survey directly on Venice Beach. The original tourists naturally disappeared, but many vendors and shop owners around were impressed by the small miracle that Simon made last year.

Later, the old Spanish man who ran the hotel appeared on a talk show on a local TV station in Los Angeles holding his acoustic guitar, narrating in detail what had happened at the time, and patted his chest firmly as a guarantee for Simon.

On the new Monday, in the anticipation of many people, Simon officially appeared on the "Tonight Show" program.

Due to the change of the media trend, Simon showed a series of handwritten scripts, shot sketches and even Simon's own work notes during the production of "Run Lola Run" on the ace talk show of NBC TV station. It is also basically settled.

Originally, Simon thought that as long as he could successfully get out of this public opinion storm, he would be fine.

But everyone did not expect that, perhaps the ABC videotape once again inspired a lot of popularity. Except for the rumor that the sales of guitars in all musical instrument stores in North America increased significantly during this period, the box office of "Run Lola Run" appeared again in the following week. An unexpected turn of events.

Since "Run Lola Run" has been rolled out on a large scale last week, according to the usual box office curve of most movies, the box office of the film should have a certain decline in the fifth week.Affected by the turmoil of doubts, Orion even predicted that the drop of "Run Lola Run" this week is likely to reach more than 30%.

However, the reality is that from March 3th to March 13th, the three-day weekend, compared to the same period last week, the box office of "Run Lola Run" not only did not fall, but rebounded by about 3%, and it received another 15 million Dollar.

This is not finished.


Therefore, within five weeks of its release, the total box office of "Run Lola Run" reached 8587 million US dollars.

Followed by.

Everyone's unexpected, obviously expected.

Entering the sixth week, "Run Lola Run" earned $1635 million at the box office in another weekend and three days, and the cumulative box office officially broke through the $1 million mark, reaching $1 million.

Due to the limitations of the market size and distribution model, throughout the 80s, at least before 1987, there were only a handful of films that could achieve a box office of over [-] million in six weeks.

According to Orion's original prediction, even in the best case, "Run Lola Run" will take a full week of the sixth week to reach the [-] million mark, and it is most likely to enter the [-] million club in the seventh week.

But the fact is, "Run Lola Run" only took five and a half weeks to successfully achieve this goal.

Moreover, "Run Lola Run" achieved a box office of over [-] million ahead of schedule, which is not the most important thing.Since its release, it's been clear to anyone that the film will easily achieve that goal at the box office.


Hollywood originally expected the total North American box office of "Run Lola Run" to be only between 1.5 million and 2 million US dollars.

But now, after a public opinion turmoil, the popularity of "Run Lola Run" that had already begun to dissipate has gathered again, and the decline in box office has also slowed down significantly.

In the fifth week, the box office curve that was supposed to fall suddenly changed its trend, and there was an abnormal reversal, but the result was an overall upward adjustment of the subsequent box office curve.

So, after re-estimating, many people were surprised to find out.After breaking through 2 million in five and a half weeks, the final box office potential of "Run Lola Run" has clearly exceeded the [-] million US dollar threshold.

As for how much it can reach in the end, too many people are no longer willing to predict.

However, some people want to escape the reality, and many good media directly compared the box office trend of "Run Lola Run" in the past few years. This movie is the 1985 North American box office champion "Back to future".

The hit sci-fi flick directed by Robert Zemeckis also grossed over 1 million in its sixth week of release.However, "Back to the Future" only got a box office of 92 million US dollars after the sixth full week, barely breaking through the [-] million US dollar threshold.

But just like that, the final North American box office of "Back to the Future" has reached 2 million US dollars.


Look at "Run Lola Run", how many can there be? !

Reminiscent of the film's box office potential, some people in some offices deep in Hollywood, who just made small moves to curb the film's box office, even gave birth to a strong regret.

Originally, I wanted to suppress the box office of "Run Lola Run", but I didn't expect this movie to cross a more miraculous threshold.

Chapter 085 Money

"Run Lola Run" was a blessing in disguise, and in the eyes of many people, it was almost the North American box office champion in 1987.


However, Simon found that he was now more and more inclined to be a poor ghost.

During this period, renting a mansion, hiring Pat Kingsley, signing Amy Pascal, maintaining Daenerys Films, and even dealing with public opinion turmoil all cost a lot of money .

Now, not to mention Simon's own pocket, even Janet's small purse has been wiped out.The more than 5 US dollars saved in the filming of "Run Lola Run" had already been exhausted in various expenses.

On the other hand, although it is expected to have tens of millions of dollars in revenue, the North American box office share of "Run Lola Run" cannot be settled until the film is released, and the distribution rights of other channels still in hand do not know when they will be realized. .


Simon still has a lot of bills on him now.

The rent of the mansion is owed, Kingsley’s commission is owed, Amy’s basic salary is also owed, and even the money that Amy wants to hire an assistant for herself after she joins the job is temporarily paid out of her own pocket, and the woman complains fiercely about this Simon.

Now, it is imminent for Simon to get a sum of money as soon as possible.

In fact, Simon had ordered Janet to take Daenerys Films and Orion's "Run Lola Run" distribution contract to the bank for mortgage evaluation last month.

However, compared to the $10 loan he borrowed from Wells Fargo Bank relying on the "Butterfly Effect" script contract, this time Simon applied for tens of millions of dollars, so it is naturally impossible to complete it overnight.

It only took a full month to review all aspects of materials in the early stage, and then Simon encountered this public opinion storm again. Considering the risks involved, several banks simply rejected Simon's loan application.

In the end, it was Wells Fargo that remained.

Los Angeles.

Inside the cliff mansion in Palisades.

After evaluation, Wells Fargo finally only gave a loan amount of 2000 million US dollars, which was 1000 million US dollars lower than Simon's expected contract share.

However, 2000 million US dollars is obviously definitely not a small amount.

Due to the huge loan amount, Wells Fargo specially dispatched a senior vice president named Paul Olson to personally conduct the most critical customer visit process in the loan review with Simon and Janet.

Paul Olsen is about 40 years old, with brown hair, a square face, and a gentle appearance. Although he is a very talkative person in private, when he officially starts working, he immediately becomes meticulous and even a bit rigid.

at this time.

In the study room of the mansion, three people were sitting on the sofa in the reception area.

Holding a folder in his hand, Paul Olsen asked all the questions in the routine list word by word, changed the subject, stared at Simon and Janet, and said again: "Mr. Westeros, Johns Miss Dun, I have to ask the two of you to confirm again that the loan you are applying for is limited to personal consumption, and will definitely not be used for illegal operations such as film investment, right?"

the third time.

Simon murmured something in his heart, but nodded without hesitation, and said, "Yes."

Janet also echoed the answer sternly.

"Then, I need to reiterate again, Mr. Westeros, Ms. Johnston, we will regularly track the loan flow of the two of you. Once it is discovered that the two of you have used the loan to invest in movies and other irregularities, Wells Fargo has the right to do so. The right to call back the loan in advance. Moreover, the credit history of the two will also be seriously affected."

Both Simon and Janet had stiff smiles on their faces and nodded mechanically together.

"In that case," Paul Olsen finally closed the folder in his hand, smiled, stood up and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you two, and I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Simon and Janet finally relaxed, got up quickly, and shook hands with Paul Olsen respectively.

After seeing off Paul Olsen, Simon returned to the living room of the villa and lay down on the sofa somewhat tiredly. Janet also leaned over with an exhausted appearance, and her limp body lay on Simon's body.

Simon put his arms around the woman's slender waist, looked at the ceiling, and sighed, "I finally got the money."

Janet replied weakly: "Yes."

Simon withdrew the money in advance, and the ultimate goal was to invest in stock index futures in the second half of the year, but this kind of thing must not be said.

Anyone with a little common sense knows that banks will never provide loans to borrowers with such intentions, even with collateral.

However, for loan applications up to $2000 million, there is always a legitimate need for the loan.

After some consultation, the two filled in the column of "personal consumption" in the column of loan requirements in the original application, and the repayment period was one year.

Many big stars in Hollywood often apply for huge loans from banks for the purpose of consumption.

Since personal consumption usually involves buying real objects such as luxury houses and famous cars, even if the borrower cannot repay the loan for some reason, the bank can recover this part of the assets to make up for the loss.So that's a very legitimate reason to borrow.

However, the application of the two Simons still caused Wells Fargo to question.

The main reason is that the amount is too large.

Even if Simon and Janet can spend a lot, a huge sum of $2000 million is definitely not a small amount of money that can be easily spent.

The two even made up an excuse for wanting to buy a private jet, but they still failed to convince Wells Fargo.

Private jets can be paid for in installments. The rich usually choose to buy private jets in installments, which also don’t cost so much money.

Considering Simon's status, Wells Fargo can easily imagine that he is more likely to want to use the money to invest in movies.

The risk of film investment is no less than that of stocks and futures.

Typically, banks will not approve this type of loan either.

Of course, this cannot be said to be absolute. After the establishment of Orion, Mike Medova and others directly obtained a credit line of 2 million US dollars from a bank in New York.

However, although "Run Lola Run" was a big hit at the box office, because there was only one movie that was successful at the box office, Simon obviously couldn't enjoy the treatment that Orion had at the beginning.

So there was a process in which Paul Olson repeatedly reminded or warned Simon just now.

If Wells Fargo knew of Simon's true intentions, maybe even today's conversation would not have happened.

Moreover, it will be a big trouble if it is accidentally discovered during the operation in the future.


I can't manage that much for the time being.

In fact, this is the case with loans, and it is the ability to borrow.There are not many people who are completely honest after getting the money.

Otherwise, the bank would not have so many bad debts.

He took a deep breath in relief, thinking that the money would not be available until next week at the earliest, Simon was still a little worried, he hugged Janet's arm tightly, and said: "Baby, there is still no money now, how about we How about saving a little and only eating two meals a day?"

Janet rubbed her face against Simon's chest, and said, "I'm afraid I'm hungry. I'll eat three meals. You'll be fine with one meal."

Simon nodded: "Well, I understand."


"You also count as one meal, so there will be two meals."

"Hmm, how about I call Kate too."


"She also counts as one meal, so it's three meals again."

"My dear girlfriend, come here, let me kiss you."


After a few laughs, the two fell silent again.

Simon began to sort out all the recent things again. What he was most curious about was the source of the ABC video tape.

Thinking back on the situation that day carefully, Simon still can't remember who recorded that video.

Moreover, I made several phone calls and went to the ABC headquarters to inquire specifically during my stay in New York, but I also didn’t get an answer. ABC’s response was that the video provider asked to keep the source confidential, and I don’t know why.

Today is July 3th, Tuesday.

The storm dissipated.

Yesterday, Simon finally officially signed a contract with Fox Films about "Death Comes".

The budget funds provided by Fox for the film will also arrive next week, and it is not a one-time payment. With a total budget of 800 million US dollars, the first tranche is only 50 US dollars, which is used for casting, scene scouting and other work in the early stage of the project.

In addition, Orion Pictures has already started talking about Simon's next movie, and it needs to start working on it recently.

Both projects are settled,

The last film in Simon's plans, Nora Ephron's "When Harry Met Sally," is still up in the air.

In fact, Simon hasn't quite nailed the script yet.

Although due to the failure of the previous "Heartfire" and the rather alternative story structure of "When Harry Met Sally", no film company is interested in this script for the time being.But during the initial contact process, Nora Ephron said that if Daenerys Pictures wants to buy the script, it must come up with a feasible production plan.

Obviously, Nora Ephron is worried that Daenerys Films is just an empty shell, with no production ability at all but wants to hoard her own script.

It is actually very common for Hollywood to hoard scripts, and film companies often even buy the exclusive rights of some scripts for several years.If the production is put into production during the contract period, the screenwriter will be paid for the follow-up remuneration. If the project is still not started after the expiration, the copyright of the script will automatically return to the screenwriter.

The box office of "When Harry Met Sally" is even the most guaranteed box office among the three films in Simon's initial plan. His original consideration was that if he really couldn't find an investor, he might as well do it himself Invest in this movie.

but now.

If the film is to be released next summer, the project must also start immediately.

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