hunt hollywood

Page 54

After "The Road to Prosperity", although the box office fell again under the influence of the two new films, the box office of "Run Lola Run", which entered its ninth week of release, still reached 719 million over the weekend, and the cumulative box office officially exceeded 1.5 million US dollars.

Looking at the unstoppable and crazy statistics of this phenomenon-level 'event film', many people also instantly understood why the box office of "Butterfly Effect" was able to double the box office of No.2 in the first weekend.

A "Run Lola Run", from the plot to the props, from the dialogue to the camera, countless details are tirelessly instilling the concept of "butterfly effect" to the audience, even the director Simon Westero in the original NBC "Late Night Show" " personally admitted that his purpose of filming "Run Lola Run" was to annotate and pave the way for "Butterfly Effect".

"Run Lola Run" has achieved unexpected great success. Tens of millions of viewers who have watched this film are naturally more curious about "Butterfly Effect".Therefore, the first weekend box office of "Butterfly Effect" is obviously still a shrinking figure after being affected by strong negative reviews.

But even so, according to the three-day box office trend in the first weekend, Fox still only needs one week to recover all the production costs.The question now is where The Butterfly Effect's subsequent box office curve will go.

You know, with a box office of 1431 million US dollars in the first weekend, in this era, it is definitely a seed movie with a box office of over [-] million in North America.

If this goal can be achieved, Fox, whose performance has been sluggish for several years, will finally be able to get another movie with a North American box office of over 1 million.But under the current media reputation, if the subsequent box office trend drops sharply, and it wants to break through [-] million US dollars, naturally there will be no possibility.

Therefore, Ronald Goldberg, president of Fox Films, who was originally worried that "Butterfly Effect" would fail at the box office due to strong negative reviews, saw the three-day box office data of the first weekend, not only did not relax, but became more concerned about gains and losses.

the other side.

In the new week, the news of the breakup between the talented Hollywood director Simon Westeros and Janet Johnston, the daughter of the Australian mining tycoon, also quickly entered the important pages of major media.

Although Simon's public relations manager Pat Kingsley issued a statement at the first time, saying that the two were separated for a period of time because of some emotional confusion, but the media obviously dismissed this "official rhetoric".

In just a few days, various speculations flooded the newspapers.

"According to insiders, Simon Westeros and Janet Johnston broke up due to the uneven distribution of interests in "Run Lola Run". According to rough statistics, "Run Lola Run" is expected to bring $1.1 million to the producer. Janet Johnston owns 61.5% of the net income, which is about $6700 million, far exceeding Simon Westeros' share."

"Simon Westeros moved out of the Palisades mansion Monday morning."

"It is rumored that Simon Westero transferred the proceeds of "Run Lola Run" to Westeros, or started a lawsuit with his ex-girlfriend."

"Janet Johnston is not affected by the breakup and has an appointment with a well-known art dealer in Los Angeles."

"Westero's untitled new film is officially approved, and Amy Pascal, president of Daenerys Films, refused to comment on the breakup."

"'Sibling' lover, Simon Westero dating 'Blade Runner' heroine Sean Young with a nine-year age difference."

"John Travolta Confirmed To Join New Westeros Movie."

"Janet Johnston had lunch with Catherine Bigelow, and the two women had a close relationship, dispelling rumors that Catherine's meddling led to a romantic relationship."



Compared with those Hollywood couples who made news every day, Simon and Janet were too low-key before.

Therefore, when the rumor of the two breaking up was confirmed, and it may involve a dispute of interests worth hundreds of millions of dollars, the entire North American media instantly cheered up.For a while, the two were once again surrounded by a lot of paparazzi when they went in and out, and their every move would be subject to all kinds of messy interpretations.

Simon had anticipated this situation in advance, and left the rather private cliff mansion in Palisades to Janet, and he himself later moved to the Century Building next to Fox Studios.

The Century Building located in Century City is two side-by-side 28-story high-end apartments with closed management. Many celebrities, including Michael Douglas, live here, so they can also isolate themselves from media harassment.

The paparazzi in Los Angeles may not be as crazy as those in London, but they are definitely the most numerous.With much anticipation of Simon and Janet's 'lawsuit battle', the ensuing week was filled with excitement around them.

Simon has a completely indifferent attitude towards the paparazzi, and the work of media response and image maintenance has always been handed over to Pat Kingsley with confidence.Therefore, no matter how many paparazzi are around, this incident has not caused him any trouble.

In contrast, it was the sudden separation from Janet that made Simon's life a little messy.

For more than half a year, perhaps since the first time she helped Simon rent a villa in the Montana area, Janet has taken over Simon's daily life without knowing it.From the electrical furniture in the residence to Simon's towel and toothbrush, the woman will help him take care of it unconsciously.

Now, suddenly returning to being single, Simon suddenly found that his ability to live had deteriorated a lot.


It must have been intentional.

When Simon called Janet to ask what brand of coffee he was used to for more than half a year, he "questioned" by the way, and then the woman admitted it very proudly, looking like a little witch who succeeded in plotting.

Except for these small details, Simon's work has not been affected in the slightest.

The new headquarters of Daenerys Films is located on 4th Street, not far from the beach in downtown Santa Monica.

Compared with the three simple offices at the beginning, the company has completely rented a two-story white building at this time.Everyone's office, screening room, audition room and even the film's post-production studio are all available.

The schedule of "Reaper is Coming" is set on October 10, and the company is making every effort to promote casting work recently.

As a teen horror film, "Death Comes" does not have high requirements for the role. In order to save the budget, Simon does not intend to use too well-known young actors.Plus there are so many characters in the film.Therefore, in recent days, the headquarters of Daenerys Films is definitely full of handsome men and beautiful women.

It's the penultimate round of auditions now.

Although Simon prefers to make the decision in the last round, in order to prevent Fox from doubting whether the reward he paid is worthwhile, he still participates in the casting process as much as possible.

"Thank you for coming here today, Miss Clark, we will inform you of the audition results as soon as possible."

Audition room.

Another tall girl with short blond hair finished her performance. The casting director Linda Vargas, whom Simon had worked with last time in "Run Lola Run", sent her away formulaically and was about to call the next one. When the company hired Susan Landis, the secretary of Simon's office, pushed the door in and whispered something in Simon's ear.

"I'm going over here."

After hearing this, Simon nodded, greeted Wes Craven and Ron McMillan, and got up to leave the audition room.

Wes Craven and others know that Simon is more focused on his own "Pulp Fiction", and has also been looking for roles for this movie in recent days, so they are not surprised by Simon's temporary departure.

Simon left the audition room, and the outer lounge stretched all the way to the corridor. At this time, more than a dozen beautiful girls with absolutely first-class figures and appearances were waiting.

Seeing Simon's appearance, the eyes of all the girls lit up instantly, and they stood up and greeted warmly like 'Simon' and 'Mr. Westeros', and some girls boldly came over and secretly stuffed the note into Simon's pocket inside.

The girls obviously know that Simon has just entered a single state recently, and this audition is even directed at Simon.

If you can catch such a boyfriend, even if you don't talk about the help that the other party can bring to your acting career, but Simon Westero's current net worth is already the dream of many girls.

You know, Steven Spielberg, the hottest director in Hollywood, has actually only accumulated a net worth of more than 2 million US dollars over the years.Simon Westeros earned more than $4000 million from just one movie, "Run Lola Run."

Multi-millionaires under the age of 20 are very rare in the world.

Simon just smiled and walked through the crowd in silence. It would be a lie to say that he didn't enjoy the feeling of being chased by a group of beautiful women.However, Simon didn't feel in his bones that he had broken up with Janet.He has been a human being for two lives, and he does not lack the disposition to resist this simple temptation.

Throwing a few cards in his pocket into the trash can in the corridor, Simon came outside his office, waiting for a man and a woman in the secretary's room to get up at the same time.

"Mr. Lieberman, Miss Ryan, hello," Simon smiled and shook hands with the two respectively, and said, "Come with me."

Saying so, he ordered Susan to make some coffee, and Simon pushed the door open and walked into his office.Turning to the reception area, the three of them sat down together before Simon seriously looked at the girl on the other side of the sofa.

Meg Ryan.

One of the most famous American sweethearts, the original heroine of "When Harry Met Sally".

Now Meg Ryan is just an unknown actress who has appeared in several movies, and her most famous role is only a small role of a pilot's wife in last year's "Top Gun".

Simon originally thought that Meg Ryan's appearance in "Top Gun" was probably the result of offending the makeup artist.But at this time, seeing the real person, he couldn't help but feel even more disappointed.

Chapter 093

Although carefully dressed, Simon can still easily find Meg Ryan's obvious bags under the eyes and deep nasolabial folds, and her skin does not have the luster that a 26-year-old woman should have. She even looks like an overworked woman in her 30s housewife.

Having been in a similar circle for two lifetimes, Simon naturally knew what Meg Ryan's state at this time meant.

CAA agent Josh Lieberman, who was sitting next to Meg Ryan, noticed Simon's expression, and quickly interrupted the silence in front of him, saying: "Mr. Westeros, Meg and I are very serious. Having studied the script of "When Harry Met Sally", Meg is very happy to play the role of Sally. However, as far as we know, the film has not yet confirmed the investor. What is Daenerys Pictures planning to do? "

"The film will start shooting in September at the latest," Simon said, looking back at Meg Ryan, looking at Josh Lieberman, "If no collaborator can be found, Daenerys Pictures will personally Invest in this project."

Hollywood filmmakers have a very common mantra: Never invest your own money in a film.

Hearing Simon's answer, Josh Lieberman couldn't help labeling Simon as a "stupid young man" in his heart, but nodded on the surface, saying: "In this case, we have no problem."

"So, now let's talk about my question." Simon turned to Meg Ryan again, and said bluntly: "Miss Ryan, do you have a drug addiction?"

Meg Ryan felt a little uneasy after being sized up by Simon just now.

Originally thought it would be a very relaxed meeting, but this young man who is said to be less than 20 years old unknowingly brought her even greater pressure than those studio executives.

Hearing this, Meg Ryan immediately shook her head: "Of course not."

"In this case, let's take a drug test," Simon said lightly: "As long as you can pass, there is no need to audition again, this role is yours."

Meg Ryan suddenly glanced at the agent next to her with a guilty conscience.

Josh Lieberman coughed lightly in embarrassment, and took the initiative to defend his client: "Mr. Westeros, I can assure you that this problem will definitely not affect the filming."

Simon shook his head and said, "Sorry, Mr. Lieberman, your guarantee is not worth 1500 million dollars."

After last year's "Top Gun", although she only played a small role in it, it is not so difficult for Meg Ryan to get another film contract.Most of this, though, is just supporting roles.

A big-budget heroine with a budget of 1500 million US dollars is still a bit far away from her.Therefore, both Josh Lieberman and Meg Ryan take this opportunity very seriously.

At this moment, Josh Lieberman felt Simon's strength, hesitated a little, and suddenly said: "How about, Mr. Westeros, you can talk to Meg alone."

After saying this, before Simon could answer, Josh Lieberman got up quickly, gave Meg Ryan a not-so-secret look, and walked out of the office.

Simon watched Josh Lieberman leave, just smiled, looked at Meg Ryan on the opposite side again, and asked mercilessly, "What do you use on weekdays, injections?"

"Of course not." Meg Ryan squinted at the closed office door, then glanced at the young man who looked like a villain opposite, paused, then raised her hand and made a smoking gesture, and said: " Only, only occasionally, Mr Westeros, I'm not addicted."

Simon looked at the woman across from him, still hesitating.

The production budget of "When Harry Met Sally" was as high as 1500 million US dollars, and he may have to personally invest in it. Simon would never take such a huge sum of money to risk.

In memory, although Meg Ryan was not affected by this aspect, she became popular two years later, but Simon couldn't guarantee whether the appearance of his own butterfly would change things.

Meg Ryan noticed Simon's hesitation, remembered the look in the manager's eyes when he left, then looked at the young man opposite, thought for a while, and quickly said: "Mr. Westeros, maybe we can eat together later. Dinner, we will discuss this matter in detail then."

Hearing this, Simon raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Sorry, Miss Ryan, I already have an appointment."

Now that she said it, Meg Ryan stopped coddling and said, "Tomorrow night is fine."

A smile appeared on the corner of Simon's mouth, and said, "Unfortunately, I also have a date tomorrow night."

Meg Ryan felt that the young man on the other side was staring at her brightly, and felt a little more embarrassment in her heart, but this embarrassment quickly turned into some kind of inexplicable rebellion.

Making up her mind, Meg Ryan got up and turned the coffee table, then knelt down on the carpet at the man's feet and reached out to grab Simon's belt.

Feeling the pleasant scent of a woman in front of him, Simon raised his hand to stop the other party's movement, and said, "Okay, sit back."

Meg Ryan did not give up and insisted on reaching out, so Simon had no choice but to grab the woman's arm and push it gently.


Meg Ryan fell limply to the ground, curled up, and looked at Simon resentfully with her face turned sideways.


Reluctantly muttering something in his heart, Simon leaned on the sofa, raised his legs, didn't bother to help the woman on the ground, and said, "I wanted to talk to you about the script this time. But now, two things: Number one, do a drug test and I'll make sure you haven't touched something. Number two, once that's confirmed, I'll set up an audition for you. Just pass, and you'll have to come to Daenerys every day until the movie starts shooting Working in the film industry, from nine to five, you are not allowed to stay up late, you are not allowed to go to nightclubs, you are not allowed to touch those things, and you have to do regular maintenance. Sally is a very delicate woman, you can only rely on a regular living environment and regular maintenance. Get where I need to be."

After Simon finished speaking, seeing the woman still lying on the carpet, he simply got up and said, "Think about it, come back tomorrow."

It wasn't until Simon walked to the door that a voice came from behind him: "Tomorrow is Saturday."

Simon opened the door without looking back, "Or, you don't have to come."

Back in the audition room, Simon continued to work until the evening, then left Daenerys Films headquarters and rushed directly to a mansion on the hillside of Beverly Hills.

Simon did have a date tonight, a party at Robert Redford's house, but for another Pulp Fiction character, the boxer Butch Coolidge.

The original Butch Coolidge was played by Bruce Willis, and Simon really didn't have much feeling for Bruce Willis.This time, he was looking at another guy who used to play boxer.

of course.

Not Sylvester Stallone.

With a budget of 800 million US dollars, Stallone can't be afforded anyway.

What Simon wants to invite is Robert De Niro, who has participated in "The Godfather", "Taxi Driver", "Raging Bull" and other films.Robert Redford happened to have a good relationship with Robert De Niro, so he agreed to help introduce him at tonight's party.

Chapter 094 They Are There

There are countless parties in Hollywood every day, especially on the weekends.

Some time ago, "Run Lola Run" became more and more successful at the box office. In addition to Orion's official celebration banquet, Janet also suggested that Simon hold a party or two in the Palisades mansion to reward everyone, and Simon agreed.

It's just that it hasn't had time to implement it, so there is no future for the time being.

The purpose of tonight's party at Robert Redford's house is to celebrate the official launch of several independent films funded by the Sundance Institute.

The black Chevrolet SUV stopped outside a mansion on the hillside of Beverly Hills. Simon ordered Neil Bennett, who was acting as the driver, to pick him up at ten o'clock, and pushed the door to get off.

Just as twilight fell.

When Simon entered Radford's mansion, the courtyard was already full of people, and groups of men and women were chatting together.Robert De Niro hadn't arrived yet, so Simon was naturally not in a hurry, and quickly blended into the crowd under the introduction of Robert Redford.

"This is a film that explores the gap between ideals and reality, called "Land of Dreams". Dany has been a nerd since she was a child, and she has always been eager to prove herself. When she grew up, she decided to wander the world. This is his cowardly nature. The most daring decision. Dani met Bev during her wanderings, a girl who was unrestrained and daring. He seemed to see his other half, so one day he suddenly proposed to her..."

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