Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 36 10.1 - First Dungeon

Chapter 36 Chapter 10.1 - First Dungeon

The sun had yet to rise as I woke up early in the dawn. The cold breeze of the accumulated night welcomed me as I made my preparations for the dungeon. It was not my first time going into the dungeon, but it was my first time going there alone.

After getting ready and packing my belongings, including the spatial bracelet, I made my way to the black market once again.

The city of Ariopolis was a slight corner city, but at the very least, the developed technology was still there, and the society adapted to it too. Even though the sun had yet to rise, I could see people walking to their jobs, driving their cars to their jobs on the way.

Anyway, since yesterday, I grabbed myself the Black Market identification card, I did not repeat the same process, just showing the card was alone enough. Just like that, I entered the black market once more.

The bustling alleys were already alive with activity as merchants set up their stalls and customers browsed through the various goods.

Navigating through the crowd, I made my way to the headquarters of [Wildcatter]. The organization's headquarters stood out amidst the chaotic landscape of the black market. Its building was adorned with holographic projections that showcased its various services and achievements. Bright neon lights illuminated the facade, displaying the organization's name in bold letters that could be seen from afar.

As I approached the entrance, I noticed a mix of seasoned hunters, mercenaries, and traders coming and going. Some wore elaborate armor and carried formidable weapons, while others donned more discreet attire, blending in with the crowd. It was evident that [Wildcatter] catered to a diverse clientele, all seeking the expertise and support that the organization provided.

The guards stationed at the entrance were no ordinary personnel. They were skilled individuals, their aura giving off an air of experience and power. Each one scanned incoming visitors carefully, ensuring the safety and security of the premises.

I approached the entrance with confidence, showing my Black Market identification card to one of the guards. He glanced at it briefly before nodding and allowing me to pass.

Once inside, I was greeted by a bustling atmosphere. The lobby was spacious, with holographic screens displaying real-time dungeon data, mission requests, and ongoing transactions. The walls were adorned with images of renowned hunters who had completed exceptional feats, their names etched below each picture as a testament to their achievements. Even though almost all of them were aliases, that was their real identity in this place.

It was a place that was very different from the guilds you would see out there. The luxurious entrances, the mighty feeling of guilds, none of them was there. After all, this place was the black market. People didn't come here because they liked the atmosphere….I mean, there were probably some that liked it, but the main idea here was not attracting customers. They would come on their own.

A central desk stood at the heart of the lobby, where a receptionist attended to incoming clients. She wore a sleek black suit, exuding an air of professionalism. Her eyes glanced up at me, and she offered a warm smile.

"Welcome to [Wildcatter]. How can we assist you today?" she asked politely, but I could see her squinting gaze narrowing down on me. She clearly was looking down on me but, at the same time, trying to sound polite.

That was something I got pretty familiar with over this last week, so I didn't care.

"I am looking for a dungeon to explore," I answered.

"Sure." The woman immediately snapped out of her squinting gaze and turned her attention to the computer. "What type of dungeon do you wish to explore, and what rank should it be?"

"Type doesn't matter much, but its strength must be in the range of low-intermediate rank-2," I answered.

Just as the way monsters were graded, the dungeon's grading system was the same. The monsters inside the intermediate rank-2 dungeon would have the strength of 2.5 stats average.

As the woman typed away on her computer, I looked around the bustling lobby, taking in the various displays and holographic screens showcasing available dungeon exploration opportunities.

"Here, these are the available dungeons right now." Then, the woman spoke as a holographic screen appeared before me, listing all the dungeons. "Keep in mind that these dungeons are subject to availability, so it's best if you make your decisions quickly."

Looking at the dungeons listed before me, I started reading the names. I studied the information and settled on one that seemed promising.

"I'll take the Verdant Forest," I said, pointing to the holographic image. It was a dungeon that was in a forest environment where the weather was warm and the conditions were not that extreme. And the conditions for entering were also not bad."

The receptionist nodded, seeming satisfied with my choice. "A wise decision. The Verdant Forest is a mid-tier dungeon known for its diverse ecosystem and formidable beasts. Will this be a solo expedition, or are you planning to join a party?"

"I prefer to go solo," I reiterated.

"Very well," she replied, jotting down my preference. "Please pay the entrance fee, and sign the contract here." As the woman explained, the way [Wildcatter]'s worked was the same as rental cars, etc. You would explore the dungeon, but first, you would pay a fee, and then you would be paying a portion of the monsters you have hunted inside the gate.

After I scanned and paid with crypto money, the woman nodded her head. "Your dungeon pass and expedition details will be prepared shortly. Please wait here for a moment."

After a brief moment, the receptionist returned with a small data card. "Here is your dungeon pass and all the necessary information for your expedition to Verdant Forest. You'll be using the teleportation gate number eight hundred sixty-four for your destination. Please proceed to the gate, and the system will recognize your dungeon pass," she explained.

Making my way toward the hall behind me, I looked around and observed the atmosphere.

The teleportation gates were a marvel of modern technology, allowing quick and efficient access to distant dungeons. Of course, most of the time, dungeons would appear randomly, and they even called gates from time to time. Therefore, these types of organizations would use teleportation gates to have access to dungeons, linking them to their entrances.

"Please step up here. This gate will take you to the gate hall."

The woman signaled the gate, and following her instructions, I entered.


And following that, a sound of a vortex entered my ears, and a feeling of nausea came not long after. Because, in that brief moment, I felt my world turned upside down, downside up, and once again upside down.

But I held my nausea in and endured the feeling. It just had been a while since I entered a gate.

"Welcome to the Gate Hall."

The moment I stepped up to the gate hall, a crowded place welcomed me and the voice of another woman. This one also had a black suit and a professional aura surrounding her.

'So this is the gate hall of [Wildcatters].' I thought. The Wildcatters was not an organization that only operated in Ariopolis City, after all. They had access to dungeons everywhere. Therefore, the place I was in was overwhelming in many shapes normally.

A lot of gates were scattered all around the wide hall. At the same time, a swarm of people were walking. Hunters, businessmen, people who wished to travel secretly….A lot of types of people and deals could be seen in this place.

"Your destination is the eight hundred sixty-fourth gate. Please follow my friend here; he will show you the way." But before I could look around any further, the voice of the woman welcomed me.

Hearing her, I turned my attention to see a masked fellow waiting.


With that, I started following the man. He didn't speak, and neither did I. But while we walked, people around all gave greeted him first. It seemed this guy was pretty famous around here as he greeted everyone with a curt nod without talking. After walking almost for five minutes, we reached the gate with the number <864> on it. There weren't many people around here no more, most probably because this gate was on the weaker side of the spectrum.

An average rank for a hunter would be rank-5 and rank-6.

"You can scan your pass on the sensor here; then you may enter." The masked man spoke as he signaled the gate. I could see the small signs of footprints, and from the traces alone, I could infer that the last time this gate was used was 6 hours ago.


The gate before me was whirling violently at the same time a bunch of individuals were waiting and guarding the door, probably from those that wanted to brute force their way. They were also probably the ones that would enter whenever the person inside said a signal of distress.

<Gate 864>

"Hey there. Marcus"

Standing in front of the gate, a scruffy-looking man with messy black hair and a mischievous grin waved toward the person escorting me with a mask. I learned his name was Marcus.

Giving a nonchalant shrug to his greeting, not different from others, the man named Marcus turned around and prepared to leave.

"As quiet as ever, huh?"

With no response from Marcus, the gatekeeper turned his attention to me.

"So, you're the one heading into the dungeon?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Ugh, just when I thought I had some free time." The man spoke as he smashed the cigarette in his hands. He looked pretty relaxed and chill, different from all those people I had seen here.

"All right, come on. Follow me."

Walking with his hands in his pockets, the gatekeeper grumbled as he led the way toward the gate.

"Tom, Jerry, I've got a guest here, so open the gate."

The two white-clad guards blocking the gate didn't respond.

'They are his subordinates, huh? It doesn't seem like they respect him too much.' From their small body gestures, I could see they were uncomfortable looking at him.

"Ah, whatever."

Marcus handed a card to one of the guards, and after a brief swipe, the gate opened.

"Bye, Tom, Jerry. Don't mess with the girls when I am gone," The man joked, waving at the guards before stepping into the gate.

With a hint of amusement, he beckoned me to follow.

Entering the gate, the gatekeeper pulled out another cigarette from his pocket and lit it up. The smoke of the cigarette hit my face, and it was a strong one for those with strong bodies.

The urge to cough came, but I held it in and raised an eyebrow. The way this guy treated the customers was not professional at all. Filing a complaint was probably the best course of action.

Though, he only grinned in response as if he knew my thoughts.

"Don't worry; they're always like this. Just a bit introverted." I take it back; he didn't know at all.

I didn't reply, nor did I need to. Though I couldn't help but think they were simply ignoring him.

"Tch! You are one of those serious types, aren't you?" He grumbled and activated the warp gate. "Let's see what you can do inside the gate." He spoke as he threw an annoyed gaze at me.

As the warp gate activated, I felt my body slowly lift from the ground. I watched as my surroundings blurred, and soon, the same whirlwind enveloped me, and the same feeling of nausea threatened me to come out.

Though I held it in.


Hope you liked the chapter. We can now enter the action once more.

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