Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 545 122.3 - Fame

Chapter 545 122.3 - Fame

As the dust settled from the final clash, the team members began to catch their breath. The sound of clanking armor from the shattered constructs still echoed faintly through the massive stone hall. Before anyone had a chance to fully recover, the sharp hum of a hovering drone cut through the silence, followed by the quick tap of footsteps against the stone floor.

A woman with an air of excitement surged forward, her professional appearance and sharp eyes gleaming as she positioned herself in front of the team. She had a notepad in one hand, though

it seemed more for the show, as her attention was locked onto the drone, which was now recording the entire scene. Her face broke into an enthusiastic smile, and her voice rang out, clear and energized, as if she had just uncovered a major scoop.

"Good evening, viewers!" she announced, her voice brimming with energy. "I'm Shira Fenn, reporting live from the depths of the Ironclad Bastion, where Vanguard Haven's elite team is rumored to be here."

The drone zoomed in on her face and then panned dramatically over the battle-worn but still-standing team, capturing each of their puzzled expressions as they tried to process the sudden intrusion. The shift from the intense battle to this unexpected media ambush left most of them caught off guard, though they maintained their composure.


Shira's excitement visibly faltered at the sound of Liana's polite cough. She turned her head, her sharp eyes meeting Liana's amused but knowing gaze. For a split second, the hovering drone seemed to pause, its lens shifting between Shira and the team as if trying to capture the unfolding tension.

"Ah…" Shira's smile wavered, and she gave a slight, embarrassed chuckle. "It seems I may have gotten a bit overexcited."

She quickly straightened up, smoothing down her jacket, and the eager brightness in her eyes softened. The enthusiasm remained, but there was now a more controlled professionalism in her demeanor. She took a step back, clearing her throat softly before addressing the team directly.

"My apologies," she said, her voice calmer, more measured. "I realize I barged in without much explanation. Allow me to properly introduce myself. I'm Shira Fenn, a reporter for Rong Shin Media." She gestured toward the hovering drone as it zoomed out to encompass the whole team again. "We've been covering the latest developments in the Hunter community, and recently, there's been a lot of buzz surrounding your team. Rumors have been circulating about your impressive performance in recent dungeons."

The team exchanged puzzled glances. Dorian raised an eyebrow, while Kurt shifted his weight, still holding his shield, clearly unsure how to react. Elena looked slightly uncomfortable, while Gareth maintained his usual stoic expression, though a flicker of curiosity crossed his face.

Shira noticed their hesitation but pressed on with an encouraging smile. "I wanted to get the story from the source, directly from the people who made it happen. I'm here to understand your process, your teamwork—what makes Vanguard Haven's elite team so effective. Rumors can only tell so much, after all."

Dorian let out a small, awkward chuckle, clearly not used to being thrust into the media spotlight like this. "Uh, yeah, rumors can be a bit much," he said, scratching the back of his head.

Kurt glanced at Astron, his brow furrowed as if waiting for him to take charge of the situation. Astron, who had been watching silently from the back, finally stepped forward, his calm gaze locking onto Shira. His posture was relaxed, but there was a clear weight to his presence.

Shira's eyes brightened slightly as Astron moved toward her. It was clear she recognized him as the team's leader, the one who would give her the answers she needed.

"You wanted to hear directly from us," Astron began, his voice cool and composed. "We're just doing our job, but if you're asking about today specifically…" He paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to sink in, then continued, "We've cleared five dungeons."

Shira blinked, her eyes widening in genuine surprise. "Five dungeons?" she repeated, her voice raising slightly. She hadn't expected that, and her enthusiasm flared up again, though she tried to keep it in check. "That's… incredible! I knew there was talk about your success, but I had no idea it was on this scale."

The rest of the team stood silently, their expressions varying from awkwardness to subtle pride, but none of them spoke up. Shira's attention, however, was focused solely on Astron, who remained unruffled by her reaction.

"How did you manage it?" she asked, taking a step closer. "What's the secret to moving through so many dungeons so quickly?"

Astron's expression didn't change. "Preparation. Planning. Trust in the team. We all know our roles and execute them without hesitation."

Shira nodded, her eyes gleaming as she scribbled something on her notepad, even though it was clear the drone had captured everything. "It sounds like a well-oiled machine," she said, glancing around at the rest of the team. "And from what I've heard, that's exactly what the Hunter community has been buzzing about—your efficiency, your coordination."

She turned back to Astron, clearly wanting to delve deeper. "Clearing five dungeons in a day is no small feat. It must have taken a lot of preparation, mentally and physically. How do you handle the pressure?"

Astron's gaze remained steady. "We handle it because it's what we're trained for. Pressure is just part of the job."

Astron's eyes remained steady, his posture unchanged as he continued, "The equipment provided by the guild, as well as the attention to detail each member receives, is why we can prepare this well. Vanguard Haven ensures that we have everything we need to succeed."

Shira nodded, her eyes gleaming with interest. "That makes a lot of sense. Equipment and preparation are key, after all." She paused for a moment before tilting her head, her smile widening slightly as she asked, "But as a student of the prestigious Arcadia Hunter Academy, why did you decide to join Vanguard Haven? What can you say about your experience with the guild?"

Astron's gaze didn't waver, though there was a brief moment of consideration before he spoke. "I haven't been with Vanguard Haven for very long. This is just a short internship as part of my academy training." He glanced at the rest of his team before continuing. "But during my time here, I've gained a lot of insight. The Guild Master and the structure of the guild have shown me how different the Hunter Industry is compared to the Academy."

He paused, his voice carrying a note of unexpected sincerity. "At the Academy, it's all about honing individual talent, focusing on personal progress. But here… being with professionals, working together toward common goals, it is more than just training. It feels like we're a family. I wasn't expecting that."

Shira's eyes lit up, clearly pleased with his response. "A family, you say? That's high praise for a guild. It sounds like Vanguard Haven has made quite the impression on you."

Astron gave a slight nod. "They have. It's been an eye-opening experience, and I've learned a lot from being here."

Shira smiled warmly, clearly satisfied with the interview's direction. "Thank you for sharing that, Astron. It's not every day that we hear such genuine praise from someone coming from a place like Arcadia Hunter Academy."

The drone hovered nearby, capturing Astron's calm demeanor as Shira turned slightly toward the rest of the team, giving them a brief nod of acknowledgment. "It seems like you're all in good hands here. I think it's safe to say Vanguard Haven is making waves, not just with its results but with how it brings people together."

Kurt, always the solid presence of the group, cleared his throat first, though his large frame seemed almost too imposing for the camera's lens. "Uh, well… It's been good. Really good, actually," he began, his voice rough but genuine. "The training here is top-notch. I've learned a lot, and it's been great working with professionals who know their stuff. It's… it's different from what I expected, but in a good way. Everyone here pushes each other to be better."

Shira nodded encouragingly. "Sounds like the team dynamic really strengthens your progress."

Kurt gave a slow nod. "Yeah. It's like Astron said. It feels like a family. We've got each other's backs."

As Kurt finished, he glanced toward Dorian, clearly indicating it was his turn. Dorian, ever the one to maintain a confident front, twirled one of his swords absentmindedly before shrugging with a grin.

"Well, what can I say? It's been great. Vanguard Haven's got everything you need to succeed—equipment, support, you name it. But honestly, it's the people. You work alongside some of the best, and it pushes you to keep up. I've grown more here than I thought I would. When I started as a Hunter, I was just a freelancer who was not affiliated with any guild. At that time, I was just joining parties and clearing dungeons. My life was stagnant, and I had always thought that I would never be able to rise as an Awakened, yet Vanguard Heaven proved me wrong."

Elena stepped forward next, still looking slightly hesitant but finding her voice as she heard Dorian's words. Her fingers gripped her staff a little tighter as she began to speak, her voice soft but filled with conviction.

"I… I feel the same," she said, glancing at Dorian and Kurt. "Before Vanguard Haven, I wasn't sure if I was really making progress. I knew my spells, but it felt like I was just going through the motions, you know? But here… the training, the teamwork, it's pushed me to a place I didn't think I could reach." She paused, gathering her thoughts. "I've learned to trust not just in my abilities but in the people around me. And that's changed everything."

Shira smiled, nodding as she absorbed Elena's words. "It sounds like this guild has helped unlock something in all of you. Finding that kind of support must be rare."

Gareth also finally stepped forward. His tall frame loomed over the group, but his voice was calm and measured. "I wasn't sure about joining a guild at first," he admitted. "I've always preferred to keep to myself, relying on my own skills. But Vanguard Haven showed me that working with others doesn't mean giving up your independence. If anything, it's helped me discover more of my potential."

He looked at Astron briefly before continuing. "I never would've thought I'd be able to clear five dungeons in a single day or that I'd be part of a team like this. The guild's structure, the resources, the training—it's all designed to push you further than you ever thought possible."

Shira's eyes gleamed as she looked at the team, her excitement palpable. "It seems like Vanguard Haven has not only given you the tools to succeed but has also helped you realize your own potential."

Elena, feeling more confident, nodded in agreement. "Exactly. I've learned things here that I could never have figured out on my own."

Kurt crossed his arms, nodding along. "Yeah. I've been in other groups before, but nothing like this. It's the kind of place where you grow—because you have to, but also because you want to."

Dorian grinned, a glint of pride in his eyes. "Yeah, when you're surrounded by people who push themselves every day, you can't help but level up yourself. Before this, I didn't think I could compete with the top-tier Hunters. Now, I know I can."

Shira's gaze swept over the team once more, clearly impressed by the unity and confidence they exuded. She was about to press further, to ask more about the specific challenges they'd faced, but as her eyes caught Astron's in the background, she saw him give a subtle shake of his head—just enough for the team to notice.

It was a quiet signal, one that told them to keep things in check. They had spoken their truths, but there was no need to inflate their accomplishments or let the spotlight linger too long. The team, in their own ways, picked up on his cue.

"I'm sure you all have plenty more to share," Shira said, her voice warm but understanding the subtle shift in tone. "But I think we've covered a lot already. It's clear that Vanguard Haven is a place where talent grows, where potential is realized, and where teamwork truly makes a difference."

She gave one last smile, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction at the story she'd gathered. "Thank you all for your time. I know the Hunter community is going to be eager to hear more about what you're accomplishing here."

With that, the interview began to wind down, the hovering drone slowly retracting its camera as it captured a final wide shot of the team standing together, unified yet composed.

As Shira prepared to leave, the team exhaled collectively, the weight of the interview finally lifting. The praise they had shared about the guild, about themselves, and about one another lingered in the air, but none of them had stepped out of line.

"You handled that well."

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