Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Chapter 116: The Eight Doors and the Dead Doors Open! Lan FeiVS Leiza 【Subscription】


Hearing the referee’s voice, Lan Fei and others were dumbfounded.

Bizki is eliminated?

Didn’t Leizha take the serve this time? And he didn’t fall out of the court, how did he get eliminated?

“Referee, Biscie has taken the serve….

Gon stared at the referee outside the court with a surprised look on his face.

“That’s right, isn’t it your referee’s intention? 99

Killua said coldly.

“Hey, hey, are you talking nonsense with your eyes open?

“Be careful I kill you.”

Hisoka’s eyes glowed like electricity, staring at the referee coldly.

“Clothes that go beyond the inside line are considered eliminated.

At this point, the referee explained.

“Does the clothes go beyond the inside line??”

Hearing this, Lan Fei was stunned for a moment.

Is this too pitiful?

Bisji happened to be wearing a skirt. The skirt was too wide, causing one corner to go beyond the inside line, but her entire body did not exceed the inside line. Unexpectedly, she was sentenced to be eliminated.

“Then, please leave those who were eliminated from the arena.

Not paying attention to Lan Fei and others’ gazes, the referee turned to look at Bisji.

“You three, come on.”

Bisji took a deep look at Lan Fei before turning around and walking outside the arena.

“Gon, Killua, watch out, he’s targeting us now. 55

Lan Fei took a deep breath and turned to look at Leizha.

“So, who’s next?”

Leizha said with a smile, and slowly weighed the volleyball in his hand.


In an instant, Leiza served again, he still jumped high, the volleyball in his hand was also thrown into the air, and there was another smashing ball with great lethality.

I saw the volleyball shot out of Leiza’s hands, streaked a purple light in the air, and swept away directly at Killua.

“Killua, his target is you!!

Gon shouted loudly.

“Every serve is so perverted, this guy is a freak. 55

Lan Fei didn’t plan to intercept Leiza’s serve, he wanted to see how Gon and Killua improved with Kurapika.

Also, with the characters of Gon and Killua, I’m afraid I don’t want to get involved.

“What a fast delivery!!”

“What should I do? No, I can’t take it at all. If I take it head on, I’m afraid I’ll be smashed into flesh by this thought ball. 35

“The only option is to avoid it.

Killua was taken aback and wanted to avoid the deadly ball, but he found that the ball made a 90-degree turn when it was about to hit his body and blasted towards Hisoka.


Hisoka frowned, he also chose to dodge, his body bent down suddenly, the chanting ball passed over him, and there was a crackling sound in the air.


Just when Hisoka thought he was safe, the ball was caught by Leiza’s off-court number 1, and then smashed into Hisoka’s face.

No. 1 to No. 7 are all condensed by Leizha’s thoughts, so naturally they can easily catch their own thoughts.


Gon shouted loudly.

“It turned out to be a pass?”

Faced with this sudden attack, Hisoka was also a little caught off guard, “It’s not good to hit me in the face, and my handsome face is going to be used to fight Chrollo.”

“Stretching Love!!!””

Hisoka suddenly activated his Nen, put his hands in front of his face, stuck to the serve with sticky force, and turned around the court like a spinning top for several times before releasing the terrifying power on the ball. Dropped, and took the fatal ball firmly.

The wooden board on the sole of his feet shattered directly under the powerful force of the chanting ball, and smoke was faintly rising from his heels.

Obviously, Hisoka took a lot of effort to take the ball.

Moreover, when Hisoka retracted his hands from his face, he could see blood flowing from the corners of his mouth and eyes.


Hisoka licked the corner of his mouth and stared at Leiza with disdain.

“Well, this guy is quite strong.”

Leiza nodded in satisfaction.

“That guy actually came up with such a despicable method, pretending to attack me, but to knock down Hisoka standing beside him, although it seems very unreasonable, but if I dodge in Hisoka’s direction, I am afraid that I have already become a corpse.

Killua gritted his teeth.

“Finally got his serve.”

“The opportunity to counterattack has come, you must seize it, and never let him serve again. 99

…for flowers ·

Outside the arena, Juez Jue La reminded loudly with excitement.

“You guys, even if you die, you have to defeat him!!!

Bishke shouted loudly from the sidelines.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me next. 39

Lan Fei nodded.

“As long as the ball passes off the court, the destructive power will be greatly reduced, otherwise, my hands will be useless.

“Little devil, are you sure?”

Hisoka slowly threw the ball in his hand to Lan Fei, and upon closer inspection, the two fingers of his right hand were twisted, apparently broken.

In order to catch the ball and get the right to serve, Hisoka also fought hard.

“As long as we can successfully avoid Leiza’s straight serve, we will not be seriously injured.”

Killua glanced at Hisoka’s severed finger, and his face became ugly.

“As long as we can stand on the court, we will not lose. 35

Gon’s face was as solemn as ever.

“Gon, Killua, you two need to guard this ball.

“I’ll serve!”

“Remember, you must use the entanglement to protect your hands, otherwise my serve will probably ruin your hands.”

Lan Fei reminded.


“Eight Gates Dunjia, start to open the door!!!””

In an instant, the Qi in Lan Fei’s body rose again, and the steam in the whole body changed from green to blue.

“This kid…95

“This qi is far from his limit?”

Seeing Lan Fei’s soaring air, Leiza showed a surprised look for the first time.

Especially Lan Fei’s steam changed from green to blue, which made Leiza even more incredible.

“Eight-door Dunjia, the door to death is open!!!”

Lan Fei exclaimed.

After Chrollo Lucilfer, Leiza is the second Lan Fei to seriously fight.

Of course, when playing games with President Netero before, Lan Fei also opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia, but it was just a game, and there was no fatal danger.

But, facing Chrollo, facing Leiza, it’s different.

These two people, every move revealed killing intent.

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