Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: The Mysterious 21 Landlords 【Seeking Flower Evaluation】

After winning the second game on the 200th floor, Lan Fei did not go back to his room, but chose to go to the top restaurant on the 200th floor.

Because he is hungry.

It has to be said that the Sky Arena takes great care of the daily life of the contestants. Like the contestants on the 200th floor, the food and accommodation are quite luxurious.

And the chefs in the top restaurants are almost as skilled as the gourmet hunters.

“There are still eight wins to challenge the landlord, but the identity of the 21 landlords has always been a mystery.”

Lan Fei simply ordered some dishes that he liked, and then found a seat by the window and sat down.

Indeed, although Lan Fei is a traverser, in his impression, he did not mention the identities of the 21 landlords in the original book. Moreover, even after Hisoka won 10 consecutive victories, he was not interested in challenging the landlord.

Lan Fei also guessed the reason, either because he is not interested, or because the landlords are utterly powerful monsters, and Hisoka will be cowardly.

However, this is a bit out of Hisoka’s character.

There is another possibility, or it is not strong at all, Hisoka is not interested. Or there are flaws, like those three crippled, like Hua Shi Doulang, who have combat power but are easy to crack, or under the rules, the fighting style will always be affected by the rules, Hisoka wants to die without rules. fight.

Of course, Lan Fei has also seen some theatrical versions. The theatrical version said that Netero was the first in the world to be the 250th floor master.

Therefore, Lan Fei also felt that the landlord on the top floor should be one of the top five, otherwise it would be difficult to sit on the 250th floor.

If it is only a ring type, only a little better than Huashi Doulang, then Lan Fei, like Hisoka, has no interest in challenging the landlord at all.

People like Huashi Doulang can get 9 wins and 1 loss, and if they win one more game, they can challenge the landlord. Presumably the landlord is not very strong.

“Forget it, don’t care about that, first win the ten wins, and then get the qualification to challenge the landlord.”

Lan Fei shook his head and began to feast on the delicacies in front of him.

“Lan Fei!!!”

Just as Lan Fei was eating gourmet dishes with relish, a voice came over. Lan Fei looked up, his face stunned, it turned out to be the little Zhengtai Zooci, and his acting master Wing.

“Why are you here?”

“This is the restaurant on the 200th floor…”

Lan Fei was surprised. Logically, Zooci was not qualified to go up to the 200th floor.

“The restaurant is open to the public. There is no limit to the level of players on the floor. Of course, if you want to live on the 200th floor, you must register.”

Wing explained.

“I see.”

Lan Fei nodded.

“Lan Fei, you are amazing!!!”

“Winning streak from the 1st floor to the 200th floor. In the first battle on the 200th floor, I could even get 2 consecutive victories. It’s ridiculously strong!”

“Lan Fei, you are my idol now.”

Zooci looked at Lan Fei with excitement, his eyes were blazing, full of admiration.

“Zooci, with your talent, I believe it won’t take long for you to go up to the 200th floor.”

Lan Fei also felt helpless for Zooci, a young lady.

“By the way, Wing, I have a question for you.”

At this time, Lan Fei wiped the corner of his mouth and looked up at Wing.

“Please speak.”

Wing nodded.

“Do you know the identities and strengths of the 21 landlords?”

Lan Fei said seriously.

“The identity and strength of the 21 landlords?”

“I don’t know much about their identities, but as for their strength, I’m sure that each of them is of the top level. As for how strong they are, few people know.”

“Because, you are qualified to challenge the landlord if you can get ten consecutive victories, and it is very difficult to get ten consecutive victories!”

“Of course, a pervert like you should easily get ten consecutive victories.”

“Originally, Huashi Doulang was the most promising candidate to challenge the landlord. After all, he has 9 wins and 1 loss, but he was defeated by you in the end.”

“If you want to know the identity and strength of the landlords, you can only reveal it if you win ten consecutive victories yourself.”

Wing adjusted the frame of his glasses and thought for a moment before speaking.

“So secretive?”

Lan Fei shook his head with a wry smile.

“Okay Zooci, you saw Lan Fei too, it’s time to go back.”

“Now you are only the strength of the 50th floor. When you become stronger, there may be hope to reach the 200th floor.”

“By that time, Lan Fei should be the owner of a certain floor. When you get ten consecutive victories on the 200th floor, you can challenge Lan Fei again.”

Wing touched Zooci’s little head.


Zooci pouted, and then looked at Lan Fei with a smile, his eyes were full of war: “Lan Fei, you must become the landlord, and I will definitely become stronger. When the time comes, I will challenge you again.”

“You little lady…”

Lan Fei didn’t know what to say, so he could only watch Zooci and Wing leave.


Wang Wang~~~

Not long after Zooci and Wing left, a pet dog walked into the restaurant, ran directly to Lan Fei’s feet, and barked a few times around him.

“Er fool!”

At this moment, Skuvara’s voice came over, and I saw him walking towards Lan Fei step by step, glaring at the pet dog.

Seeing this, the pet dog could only lower its head, like a child who did something wrong, walked up to Skuvara’s side, and rubbed around his heels affectionately.

“I’m sorry, this is my pet dog, it surprised you.”

Skowara politely greeted Lan Fei.

“Hello, my name is Skuvara!”

“Lan Fei, nice to meet you. I watched your challenge on the 200th floor. You are really strong.”

“You’re the youngest player I’ve ever seen, with the best record of all time.”

Skuvara smiled slightly.


Lan Fei was startled, full of doubts.

He looked at Skuvara, then at the pet dog at his feet, and recognized it at once.

Isn’t this a member of the bodyguard of the Nosla family in Youkexin City?

The bodyguard responsible for protecting the daughter of the Nosra family, Nion.

What is he here for?

As a bodyguard, shouldn’t he be with Nion at all times? *

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